Toris Sparkleshorts Laurinaitis
The Basics
Display Name | Toris Sparkleshorts Laurinaitis |
Username | russianroulettesnotmygame |
My Information
Gender | Male |
Country | Lithuania |
Interested In | New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming |
Biography | ((BEFORE READING ANY FURTHER, THIS ACCOUNT IS /NOT/ AND NEVER WILL BE A SMUT ACCOUNT. I am quite uncomfortable with smut and would appreciate if this would be noted. ; u ; )) International World Conference Database. … Enter Database? [yes] [no] Entering Database… Conference Members [Latvia] [Liechtenstein] -> [Lithuania] OPEN? [yes] [no]… PROCESSING … NATION: LITHUANIA HUMAN NAME: TORIS LAURINAITIS PHYSICAL AGE (HUMAN) : 19 PHYSICAL AGE: (NATION): 600 *OR OLDER {FURTHER RESEARCH REQUIRED} APPEARANCE EYES: DARK GREEN SKIN: PALE HAIR: LONG, BROWN …INFORMATION [DATA INPUT BY EDUARD VON BOCK] Lithuania is a gentle, timid nation, who, despite his status now, was a former superpower that dominated Eastern Europe for hundreds of years along with his former partner, Poland (see [POLAND] Feliks Lukasiewicz) in a ‘marriage’ under the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Much of his history was spent under Russia ( see [RUSSIA] IVAN BRAGINSKI), which has resulted in the nation’s incredibly submissive and jumpy behavior. He is incredibly difficult to make genuinely angry, and has a very mild, down-to-Earth temperament. This nation has relationships of varying conditions. Toris has been known to try and voice his own opinions and think for himself, but will crumble under enough pressure from Ivan, who often uses scare tactics–especially the unspoken threat of invasion–in order to get what he wants out of the former superpower. Given his former strength, Prussia ( see [EAST GERMANY/PRUSSIA] Gilbert Beilschmidt) and Lithuania have a rocky relationship, and will sometimes antagonize each other like cats and dogs. This nation is not very outspoken and is difficult to make open up, but once he decides to trust you, he will be incredibly loyal, and give help when possible. After many years of various troubles in his life, his tendency to worry has escalated to the point where he experiences near-constant stomach pains from an almost-permanent state of fear, and will also be very wary of being touched in any way if the person/nation in question hasn’t yet gained a large degree of his trust. When experiencing extreme emotions, whether happiness, sadness, fear, or stress, very often, Toris will shake uncontrollably. (Around Russia, this habit is increased greatly.) It is for this reason that he and the other Baltics (see [LATVIA] Raivis Gallante], see [ESTONIA] Eduard von Bock) are referred to as The Trembling Trio. RELATIONSHIPS (WITH OTHER NATIONS AND/OR OTHERS) [POLAND] Feliks Lukasiewicz: This nation happens to be Lithuania’s former partner as well as his closest companion out of all other nations. These two have been close for centuries and enjoy each other’s company. Seeing as Feliks is much more outgoing than Toris, it’s often him that does the talking, so long as it’s not directed at a stranger. His and Toris’s personalities compliment each other well, and it’s often that the ditzy nation is coming up with silly ideas. They are incredibly close, even though their citizens have a deep dislike for the other nation’s people. Often times, they will be going on shopping trips or hanging out. Thusfar, Feliks is one of the only ‘people’, excluding himself and Ivan, that is aware of Toris’s best kept secret. Toris sees him more as a friend than anything. [RUSSIA] Ivan Braginski: Toris has many bad memories associated with this nation. Near the end of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth, Prussia, Russia, and Austria sensed weakness in the Commonwealth, and swooped down, essentially kicking Feliks and Toris’s arses and dividing Feliks up among themselves. Lithuania then came under Russian control and was effectively annexed, becoming Russia’s slave. After spending an incredibly sizable amount of time under Russia’s rule as a live-in servant, Toris has come to be deeply fearful–and a tad resentful–of the large nation. Despite that, he genuinely worries about Ivan’s health and other things, knowing that the other wasn’t exactly in a sane mindset for a very large majority of what happened during that time period. Regardless, if he had to choose between going back to stay with Russia or dying, there is a /very/ large chance that he would rather die. [BELARUS] Natalia Arlovskaya: She makes his kokoro go doki-doki. ‘Nuff said. Even though she breaks his fingers and causes him great bodily harm, he is convinced that she is just lonely and in need of love. Her looks certainly help. Toris will often get incredibly blushy and nervous around her, complimenting her, bringing gifts, and trying to get her to go out with him. He is convinced that one day she’ll come around. [AMERICA] Alfred F. Jones: Toris is extremely close to this nation and briefly worked for him in the twenties. So long as Ivan isn’t in hearing distance, he would probably admit that, compared to working in Ivan’s house, laboring in Alfred’s house was like heaven. He finds it amusing that the blonde nation is so brave and confident, yet is terrified of ghosts and would beg Toris to share a bed with him because he was afraid to sleep alone. The nation has many fond memories of his time with Alfred, and still comes to visit and hang out with him very often. Some of the terms that Toris uses come from his outsourcing period spent in America, and thus, he might come across as old-fashioned sometimes. [PRUSSIA/EAST GERMANY] Gilbert Beilschmidt: Toris’s half brother by their mother, Baltia. These two really don’t have the best relation and often fought as children. The fact that, during the Battle of Grunwald, Gilbert got beaten by the other nation only served to fuel his dislike of the other. However, after being forced to live with each other during the Soviet Era, they get along somewhat better. …. From time to time, they’ll spend time together, but, for the most part, these two don’t interact often. [LATVIA] Raivis Gallante: Toris’s younger brother, and the shakiest of the Trembling Trio. He is forever trying to clean up the youngest Baltic’s messes and scolds Raivis for being so incredibly blunt. For being such a young nation physically, his heavy drinking serves as a never-ending source of worry for the elder nation. He and Eduard have tried numerous attempts at getting him to kick his drinking habit. By this point, Toris and Eduard take turns keeping an eye on him and ensuring that he doesn’t get completely drunk. Raivis enjoys romance novels and often plays pretend to them with Peter, sometimes making Toris and Eduard join in. The youngest Baltic listens to him for the most part, and although it isn’t often, the two share brotherly moments. (He will NEVER be romantically inclined towards Eduard or Raivis, however.) [ESTONIA] Eduard von Bock: The second eldest Baltic, and his younger brother. For the most part, Eduard can take care of himself and very rarely will rely on Toris for anything. In reality, it is Toris who often depends on him, especially for tech support. Eduard’s biting sarcasm gets on his nerves from time to time, but, seeing as that is just how Eduard is, Toris doesn’t stop him. They enjoy sharing a drink and lazing about the house when they can, and they rotate the job of keeping an eye on Raivis. Eduard and he, in a sense, serve as Raivis’s parent figures. In a serious jam, he and Toris will work together, but for the most part, they try to resolve any major conflicts by themselves. PAIRINGS SECOND PLAYER This Toris is apparently a version of the timid nation from a parallel world. Unlike his counterpart, this 2P is very optimistic, charismatic, and outgoing. He enjoys painting and artistic activities, as well as anything with bright colors. The nation despises dull colors and white because they remind him of his time with Russia. Always cheerful, even while slaughtering someone like a pig, it is immensly difficult to get him visibly angry. He is also easily distracted by shiny, bright things, and will pull sometimes-lethal pranks on other nations. He adores 2p!Belarus to bits, despite wishing that she would open up and not be so timid. ((2P Liet is credited with his design and basic personality to this awesome person. http://kyraedenrayne.tumblr.com |