The Basics

Display Name

Kai Hiwatari



My Information





Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming


Name: Kai Hiwatari
Birthday: August 1st
Occupation: Beyblader / World-Class Blader
Grandfather: Voltaire Hiwatari
Parents: Susumu Hiwatari and Misaki Hiwatari
Son: Goh

Basics: Kai became a Beyblader out of rage. His father was so focused on Beyblading over his own family that it caused Kai to declare war on Bayblade.
Kai is a proud and a very confident blader who is willing to sacrifice everything to get what he wants. He doesn’t mind crushing people on the way up though he would much prefer earning things through hard work. He doesn’t like to lose and feels frustrated and upset whenever he does. However, when he returns to his old self, he does so with an even stronger determination to win.
He’s quiet and mysterious. He’s was more cruel at one point but later proves to have a soft-side.

Affiliations: former leader of Blade Sharks / former member of Blitzkrieg Boys/
/ leader of G Revolutions / Ally of GrandSugarClan

Character Info:

++Admin Note: Will deviate from character canon once in a while. Here for fun! No chats/messages and no romance! Thank you!