The Basics

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Ryuga *Dragon Emperor*



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Name: Ryuga
a/k/a Dragon Emperor Life Destructor
Raised by the Dark Nebula organization
Occupation: Student and Freelance Beyblader

Bio/Background/Basics: At first, Ryuga was a ruthless individual who was brought up by the Dark Nebula to be the “chosen one”; the one who would use L-Drago to reform the world solely with its power. Due to his upbringing, Ryuga became overconfident and power-hungry, looking to crush all his opponents, especially the Hagane family, which included Ryu and Ginga since they held Pegasus. Ryuga has no tolerance for weakness, so he will exploit this by crushing anyone; not even his teammates, are safe from his wrath.

After Ryuga’s defeat by Ginga, he reformed with a new L-Drago to become a much more powerful Beyblade, now looking to simply show everyone his power. Even though he would never admit it, Ryuga gained a deep love for Beyblade, as it was the only way he could prove that he earned his place within the world.

During a major disagreement among beybladers, they were dragged into Skyrieverse from their home planet. This is where their new journey begins.

Alliances: Ally of the GrandSugarClan / Former member of Dark Nebula

Complete Character Info:

***Admin Note: Will rp character with deviations. Ryuga’s journey into Skyrieverse will be roleplayed with his fellow Beybladers. More will be added through our rp journey.
Please no messages or chats. No romance rps.