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-Axel went above deck finding his swordsmen not only singing but dancing and he just stood there for a second hoping for someone to rip his eyes and ears from his body”Hey fucker did I ask for a music number”. He went to the deck reaching for the wheel if the swordsmen got in the way he would push him out of they almost hoping he would fall into the water and be lost forever but he wrote a large check by saying he thought this boy could be greater then zoro. He steered them strait and he could barely make out the edge of what appeared to be land which made him wonder how long he had been discussing things with Mihawk. He wondered how long it would take for the old man to heal on his own as risking interaction with marines could be devastating at the moment. He called down to the swordsmen” hey your going to stay on board when we reach land, If you dare let someone harm are friend you will tied to this ship till we reach the new world because by then you’ll have been eaten by another sea king”.-
-Axel realized this man wasn’t looking at him directly meaning he was either disgusted with Axel or his sight had been limited. He spoke calmly”I respect the king of the Pirates above all others for what he gave to my kin on the day we were saved from Howdy, I know you and those out there in the shadows are the ones that directed luffy that allowed him to become what he is today”. Axel grabbed a chair and placed it down next to the man with enough noise he would know easily where it was” take a seat before you fall over, I’ve figured out your sight is fucked up which we will get fixed on the next island, I figure we will be able to find someone who supports us there, Until then we will not let someone discover you till your back on your feet and causing fear and all those who look into your scary eyes, I am going to position things around that wont fall but if someone comes down you will know there there before they know your here, I need to make sure were still on point to the next island as that idiot might crash us into an island, Ill be back to check up later once land is in sight”.-
Race: Komodo Dragon Artho
DNA:(Here you list the DNA you have bonded with)
- He has claws and fangs that he bathes in his toxins.
- Toxic Proteins:these proteins include inhibition of blood clotting, lowering of blood pressure, muscle paralysis, and the induction of hypothermia, leading to shock and loss of consciousness in envenomed prey.
- Extremely flexible able to flex his body in positions that a human would break from
- scales are reinforced with bone and have sensors covering them making sensitive to his surroundings at all times.
- His tongue can smell and taste things on the wind
- Can see 1 thousand feet away but has trouble seeing things that stand still.
- Can only hear things in a limited range but anything in this range will not go unnoticed.
- Trained as a thief and killer to survive.
- Used mostly hand to hand fighting methods rarely using a knife.
- Has regeneration properties that allow him to regrow parts of his body.
- He is able to sneak quietly being almost undetectable by anything.
- He is a master thief so able to take something from you easily
- He is extremely fast in short bursts
- Trap sense able to detect a trap is coming or is about to step into a trap.
- He is able to disguise himself to hide from people hunting him.
- He is able to scale up walls easily.
-Axel stayed standing as the chair more then likely would have cracked under his weight, listening to her statement only gave him reason to grow rather agitated. He began to walk back and forth in her office before turning to her” Im not sure you realize what your plan unfolds to accomplish, You plan to kill a man who beheaded the king and all those feared by any who called them self marine 22 years ago, He has only been stopped by a fruit user that can possibly split this bloody blue sea, Yet you and those blundering idiots have the slightest expectation to remove him from a seat of power”. He growled turning back to her fragile and small form and pretty much roared in her face “find the one called Crocodile before I do and maybe Ill hold you higher as a Pirate, because right now your just a lawless marine that only belongs at the bottom of the sea with the rest of your dogs above”. He turned and walked from the quarters and then up past those bickering in time for his swordsmen to speak” Shut up perv and get the ship ready were moving on to the next island”. He turned back to the one with the whitebeard crest ” stay with them your going to die, my only warning”. He dove into the water and back to his crew before pulling the lines so the sails would catch wind and they would be off leaving the other crew to pick itself back up. he got everything settled and went below to find hawk eye”you ok old man”.-
-Axel felt the heat on his back as the phoenix appeared but he feared turning around in his beaten state which is what may have saved his eyes. He turned looking to the beast as it flew off with his kill this slightly bothered him that such beast could be carried so easily by this creature. He had heard bits of the argument between her and the neo whitebeard pirate captain but it had been garbled as he was fighting turning most of it. He knew she was the captain of the aviaries and now he understood why they called themselves that. He turned back to the one speaking this small woman was there captain and she was noticeably injured but none of the men seemed to be trying to lift a finger” you may be a captain but this is not a crew if they stand behind an injured fighter who could be killed so easily without even putting up a fight, I might be hurt but I could send this ship to the bottom of the sea if I dreamed it fit.”. He turned back to the woman before him and he gestured for her to lead”if any of you harm my crew or my ship you better hope my kin of the sea have mercy because no fishman ever will”. He followed her down as he clutched his chest he spat up some blood hoping to make this quick as he needed to check on his idiot and hawk-eye”.-
-Axel saw the swordsmen come aboard and gave him a bow that nearly touched his nose to the deck of this” greeting Dracule, this is my swordsmen which I still have yet to address correctly as we never gained a moment to pass names I buried and marked the items then fled from the island. I believe he can become a legend as you and your pupil once were my Lord. But for the moment I need to take care of that fucking fish.” Axel bent low so his rear was almost touching the ground before launching strait up into the air spinning till he was now face first towards the sea and as he fell he brought his hands together and he brought his hands together piercing the sea and mary a ripple was disturbed as he cut through it mirror surface. He knew he needed speed and a lot of it so his legs came together and his tail took over as it began to move left and right faster and faster he made himself small as possible so little resistance would be forced on him by the water. Axel began to flow like that of a dragon piercing the water till he maxed out at speed. He then began to see them the coils of the sea kings body that hid its true size from what could be seen above. Axel began to swim between and around the coils each movement smooth and precise many times he let himself slide across the beasts flesh using its body as a perfect round path to direct him faster to the seas floor. He got closer with each he passed but he saw a problem they were growing more coiled but that meant they were on the sea floor to lay in such a pattern. He slammed into the coil making the beast flex along its entire body and the coils above became open giving him a clear shot this became aware when his perfect vision detected light even at this depth. He then let the air escape his lungs that he held on the surface that he had forgotten he was holding. He was more solid now ready for what needed to be done so he let the water pass through his gills allowing his enhanced liver become buoyant this would push him to the surface faster than normal fish. His kin needed this to forever swim but the shark men had adapted it to allow themselves to reach impossible speeds. He squeezed his body tightly kicking of the sandals. He moved his feet adjusting them ever so lightly so they were fully splayed out repeating the process with his hands. He then began to circle his hands together as he was going to use there technique the ones of his predecessors to allow this ability to be harnessed. He brought in his right arm at the elbow then rolling his shoulder building up all his strength he slammed his fist strait down at the sea kings body but because it was on the sea floor the tremors would flow down then shoot straight back up at Axel firing him straight up which was his plan. He thrashed his tail and threw his arms and legs out using his webbing to rocket to the surface with enough speed to cause heat even in these cold waters. A funnel was formed around him as he moved strait up bumping into parts of the sea kings that his sand paper flesh would rip the flesh from without even a split second wasted. He could see the light growing brighter so he began building up the power once more. He found himself ten feet from the surface and could see the beast above its surface but at this depth it appeared to be worlds away. But when Axel broke the surface he shot strait up with enough forced a large wave followed in his wake causing waves in every direction. He shot up like he was flying but mealy falling with style then he pulled his fist back just as before but this time as he made contact with the beasts head it was a strait punch with nothing solid on the other side to redirect the tremors so the beast would take it solid to its head. Axel would begin to fall looking back he would miss his ship but not a rock landing hard on a bit of coral he got knocked cold for a few seconds. He blinked it away before spitting a bit of blood but it wouldn’t last long was simply his body rejecting the extreme pressure he had placed on it. He rolled over feeling pain this told him he would need to recover over the next few days. He sat up looking to his ship then spotted something beyond it this was when he punched the rock he had landed on causing it to split in half. He screamed to Mihawk” Marines off the port side get out of sight ill handle this”. He dove back into the sea rocketing towards the ship seeing the beast coils flailing out as its face was more than likely in major pain from the ass whooping to just received but it was nothing compared to what he was about to do to these thieves that was his brothers vessel and they would pay all would pay as the marines knew no morality. He was swimming around the coils getting knocked around a few times as his pain was effecting his ability to swim strait but not enough to cause problem ending the lives of a few pointless marines on his kin’s property. He would shoot up out of the water landing kneeled on the boats deck rising up to his full height he roared with all of his rage” How dare you humans take the property of the dead, Dare your captain speak quickly or your next words will be to your judge in the locker”. He looked to each of them seeing the markings of pirates but he didn’t care for any of them till he spotted the kneeled over male with the white beard jolly roger “Newgate’s crest your my Lords son only they may wear that with honor”. He snapped his head looking to each of them looking for someone to step forward to give challenge. He looked over his shoulder at the sea king as it began to fall turning back to the pirates “ I’ve killed a Sea King, I Axel of the Sea Devils will deliver your last rights if you dare take action upon me or my crew”.-
-Axel was enjoying setting sail once again as they headed for the next island he was starting to use the rifle at least to increase his own sight so as to watch for ship as he looked through the scope not seeing anything he would place it down. It had only been a couple hours since setting sail once again so they were less likely to run into anything as that island was not very common for marines it seemed. Axel walked over to his orange tree and picked one peeling it slowly before he plopped it into his mouth as it was. He picked up a jug of fresh water and pored it into the large pot the tree was in. He went to the side of the ship with the large jug filled it full of salt water then went below deck and began distilling the water. He would do this a couple times to different jugs they had. he would give one of these large jugs to the human”don’t need you dying of thirst out here, If you get thirsty let me know i can make more fresh water”. He then went below deck again grabbing the large sword he had purchased and lifted it up, it was slightly heavy even for him which meant he would need to get use to this sword as he battled with it. Axel would climb back up holding the sword before he pulled off his bandanna revealing his black pony tail that fell to the middle of his back. He normally kept it in the bandanna so as to keep it dry but he needed to wash the bandanna as it started to smell from sweat. He dropped it picking up a net before diving into the sea holding the net bunched up. He swam quickly using the net to catch dozens of nice sized fish. This would feed them for weeks with such a large haul and it was all sorts of random fish some of them not common to this area of the sea. He figured they must have caught am underwater current that pushed them all the way here which meant it would have to come up again some where. He was unsure of what would cause the force to push from the grand sea all the way to the east until he saw it. He saw the large eye about one hundred yards away and all he could think was fuck my life. He saw the huge body as its spines circled and created currents and tsunamis on the surface. It was a massive sea king that was only ever found in the grand line but this thing got into the east blue. Axel made sure the net was secure before he shot back up onto the ship turned to the swordsmen” were getting out of here Now”! Axel opened up the sails so they could go full force away from the sea king luckily they were still heading in the direction they wanted to go. He held the wheel strong opening beyond hope they could get away from the massive beast before they became lunch. He had his sword beside himself just in case this beast wanted war which he would be happy to deliver.-
-Axel followed the male from area to area doing the shopping making sure the swordsmen didn’t have to buy anything he was passive about the supplies and the ship until they reached the male’s school. He sat down all of the supplies before he bowed to the sensei not even trying to hide the sun that was on his chest” I shall take care of your swordsmen as Luffy did for Zoro, I know of this islands Champion and I wish to pay my respects to a shrine of him if you have one”. If he was shown to to a shrine of Zoro he would bow to it and whisper a prayer for his spirit to pass peacefully as his legacy shall pass onto the warrior that now served as Axel’s swordsmen. He was kneeling there for maybe an hour before he rose up nodding his head to the seisei” when next you see us, this world will be free of the tyrant that rules over us”. Axel picked up the supplies and followed him to the blacksmith and with a brow raised he looked to basic gear out front but he smirked as he sat down the supplies walking right up to the blacksmith before pulling out five hundred thousand berries and laid them down” this just change compared to whats in my cache of money so show me the real gear in the back and you will be able to eat like a god for months with all I plan to buy”.He followed the man into the back spotting the massive sword first made him almost want to cry as he lifted it up it was a rigid sword made of steel with a blue plated finish that was rigid instead of strait like a normal sword it looked more like a centipede with its many legs flowing out and it ended in two massive points.He looked the blade over and over amazed by its craftsmen ship” I will take this sword,what else do you have to offer me”. He held up the other massive sword and found a nice long range rifle and enough ammo to practice and use effectively. He would brandish his arm to the swordsmen”I understand your sword is all you need, but maybe armor would do you good if there is anything here that fits your style”. He waited for him to search the supplies if he found anything he wanted. he then helped carry everything to the boat and they would head out to sea” you need to work on this predator thing as your starting to scare me a little”.-
-Axel would wave him on to lead where the supplies that was need could be found. He pulled out a sheet of paper he had found and began placing markers of where his treasure could be found. He then stuck this in a hole where three rocked stacked up and looked like a jolly roger skull. He then caught up with the swordsmen as he began to list off things they would need and it was at this point he showed the swordsmen his catch of berries showing he had all the money they would need a for a while. He hoped everything could be found here as he felt like something would soon change this world. Axel sighed and would help carry everything so that the swordsmen could direct them to the next location. He looked to the swordsmen” you wouldn’t happen to have a gun smith on this island would you, as I would like a long range rifle so I can begin becoming accustom to a weapon if not I will try and find a sword since I imagine you have many of them on the island of Zoro”. He let it slip that he knew this islands legend” I would like to visit the school where he learned his craft to pay my respects to the decedents of the first mate of the straw hats”. Axel enjoyed that no one here seemed to look down on him, he guessed it was more common here to show compassion to others compared to his last location. He was hoping to find a weapon that would suit his size and strength. He would learn to adjust it to his fishman karate so that he could fight at a range and up close. He would wait till they had done everything before turning to the swordsmen” this may be the last you see of this place you have called home, remember it for this should be your final thoughts when you pass from this world to the next”. Axel would load up all of the supplies as he let that sink into his new ally as he finally ripped off the remnants of the black shirt he had been wearing and allowed his sun pirates crest to shine brightly. He wasn’t sure how long he waited for the man to pay his final wishes to his home but he would wait however long it took as he had stopped at the gate looking back on fishmen island knowing he would probably never see it again.-
-Axel growled at there warnings of him turning back until he heard the human was trying to follow him so he swam fast back to the man grabbing him by the back of his robes and drug him back to land before throwing onto the beach” do you have a death wish, Mute, I don’t care about killing myself but I cant have your blood on my hand, you sand you seek freedom and peace, these can only be gained by that bastards death and you can’t appreciate these things if your dead. Axel sat down and roared loudly “If your going to be joining me then we will need a ship and you need good equipment to survive In the grand line, if these can be gained here then lets do this as we need to get out of the east blue as fast as possible as these islands will be searched first along with with the other blues”. Axels reached out to help this man up” if you run with me then you will take the name pirate and never hide from this day forward, You will be marked as I have as a member of the Sea devils, this mark will give you passage ever you travel to the lands of the fishmen”. He waited for the man to take his hand to see if he would accept these terms.-
-Axel watched as the neo pirates were shown to the world and the one piece said to still exist, this would be the time when all hell broke loose every man or woman who felt greed in there heart or the fires spark of adventure would be setting out for this reawakened lost item. He heard as the different pirates accepted the challenge and Axel raised his snail “I Axel of the sea devil pirates accept your challenge”. Axel smiled enjoying this moment of passion until the fleet admerial ruined it. He watched as this monster tore at his brother and the anger inside Axel grew stronger and stronger until he snapped at the end picking up the couch he was on and smashing the tv with it. He was breathing heavy when he realized what he had done and he turned to apologize to the swordsman” I can pay to replace both and I will take my leave before anymore of your home is destroyed I need to get to the grandline and build my crew to bring war to that bastard. He fled from the home before he could get an answer. He grabbed his snail and anger filled his senses” I am near the calm belt Im going to rip that bastards head off, kill me if he can but I will take a part of him with me to davey johns locker”. He was running ful force across the island and hit the water hard swimming at full force, He knew where the sand devil had to have made birth and from there knew where he would have crossed into the grandline this gave Axel information on exactly where the fleet admerial would be located.-
-Axel looked to the male who began moving away but this was not one he knew so should he accept the offer of not sleeping in this field. Axel sighed and staying to his full size he walked following the boy he soon noticed as he moved this island like many others was not intact after the any tremors. Axel had to dodge craters and fissures as he moved closer to the center of the island. Axel finding the mans home he thought it simple though it could be beyond riches compared to the others of this island. He stepped under the door frame to enter now having to walk slunched over so as not to punch a hole through its ceiling. He looked around the small home” what is it that you cherish swordsman or is it just this humble island that your are damned to exist upon”.-
-Axel saw the man loosening his grip on his blade so Axel in turn let both hinds fall to his sides” I am hunted by the marines for being what I am, I am a pirate of the sun pirates, a group of fishman who stand up against the oppression that the fleet admiral has forced upon us since the death of the king. I plan to evade the marines and head into the desert country in search of the one known as crocdile so I can begin to learn how to beat his yami yami no me, which is a devil fruit that uses darkness”. He watched as the male got closer but he would stand his ground” I am hunted by a vice admiral for he helped slay the king after the king justly saved him. I hunted because I spoke of this truth and upset his brittle little feelings it seems”. He noticed him get even closer so he bared his teeth” any closer and I will take it as you readying yourself for death as I will all but need to stretch out and break your neck, for I have few allies but many enemies and you have not proved yourself an ally so till this time comes to pass you are but my enemy”.-
-Axel was in the middle of eating a large leg of chicken when he looked over and saw the male so Axel sighed shaking his head at the male wondering why his luck was horrid this evening. He turned and rose to his feet before walking towards him” you will leave here and tell no one of seeing me and by morning I will be gone and nothing will be out of place, I have came to this island for sanctuary while I plan my next step to get past the marines and into the grandline. Axel put his right hand behind his back and decided to use that ability that he had been keeping to himself if this human decided to cause problem. Axel began to move his fingers to his palm and then stretching them out then moving them back in as he pulled the liquid out of the air. He then dipped the tips of his fingers in the water puddle that was pooling into his palm. His sand paper like skin made the water droplets stick to his skin so his attack was prepared and at this distance it would be hard to block unless this male was super fast.-
-Axel heard everything being said and couldn’t bring himself to speak again as he began to feel the weight of his actions. He needed strength and was unsure of where to find it”unmute, I will be making my way to the next island in the line so that I can hide my ships and the flags and whitebeards jacket”. he let that last item slide from the tip of his tongue” I am unaware of it being removed from its resting place of the grave site so this could be a fake but Heiwa so it, I need to hide these items where the marines will not find them so I will be taking them to this island and digging a massive hole and burying them deep till I can return for them, I will be traveling by swimming from now on and I will take my chances with the sea kings then the marines and enter the calm belt where I can swim but there ships can not follow, I will not bring this plague to my home so I will need another place to roam hopefully this will lead to me gaining power”. He was hoping his little boat could get him there soon enough before they caught up. He knew the jacket he had wasn’t fake the damage was to perfect and the blood just seemed to old to be that of a replica. He sailed untill he made land running with the three chests he ran and and he ran hard till he reached an area of the island so thick with threes that even a small human would have trouble entering so he ripped up one of the trees and then began to dig deeper under it till he was sure it was deep enough and buried his treasure opening each to take one last look at before he made sure they were all secure to fight off any erosion as these chests were meant to last generations under worse conditions. He then covered it in dirt and then forced the tree back in position. he made it looked similar to the others but he drew a hat on the tree and under it he scratched M.D.L and ran from the area. He went back to the dock and once he got his fruit and supplies of the ship smashed it to pieces and then began throwing the pieces out to sea. He took his supplies to the other side of the island from where he buried his treasure and found a clearing where he could eat some of his fruit and dry meat. He was starving after all of this stress, he needed rest so after his meal he laid down flat. He made sure if you were coming from that direction that you wouldn’t be able to see him because of the tall grass. He was unsure of the other direction but it seemed mostly forest so he doubted someone coming from there.-