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-Haruso took in a deep breath and the lightning began to fade and his arm was now numb so he slowly turned around and looked at his master”so now what”. He was hoping to go and hurt someone soon enough as he needed to realese this anger on another human being. He was use to beating on his fellow clan members as they tested there strength. This only made him think of the Hokage which made him angry once again, his eyes were flaring with rage though he took in another deep breath and waited for information on what he was to do next.-
-Haruso was slowly growing iritated and his eyes had a crimson tint to it as he walked past them all the poked the one with the mullet and blue eyes before he walked past with his anger finally taking its full grasp he was now heading towards Orochimaru and his eyes were now the full Sharingan and his right arm was starting to glow normally it was just his wrist but he was channeling enough rage to cause his power to grow primal and if the snake bastard didnt get the hell out of his way he was planning to hit him as hard as he could with the lightning realese that was now sparking off in every direction”He couldn’t stand to be wrong so choosing wrong twice pissed him off especially with this dick laughing at him”. He was starting to think he would have been better off on his own so he walked past everything and headed back for the ramp that lead to the surface to get air.-
-Haruso took in a deep breath slightly irritated that he was wrong though he began to walk back and forth trying to decide on the next. Then he would turn back towards the fifth and since he had four more chances poked him in the forhead hoping this was the one before turning to look back at Orochimaru”shut the fuck up you snake bastard”. He was waiting for the clone to burst though he was really hoping he wasn’t wrong again, he had chosen this one after seeing the lighter hair and the fact that a JentoKasai could easily copy the rasengan ability.-
-Haruso sighed looking at each of them rubbing his chin wondering which one seeing the beatiful hinata in front of him he would lean forward and kiss her on the lips before he walked past her to the man with the blond hair that came down to his shoulders. This was the second clone and he would lean forward and using his right index finger and middle finger to pock it in the forhead after looking at all of them”you have light hair under the fake black, you can use the rasengan and you used Hinata as the first clone so you must think much like Naruto that she is beatiful and deserves to be number one so I choose the one closest to her that will always be right beside her to protect the girl”. He waited to see if he had choosen the right one if not he would feel put off for his words.-
-Haruso pulled off his mask and hood so his master could see he was not using its ability to cheat though seeing the nineteen clones he gave his master a doubtful look before he took in a deep breath trying to calm himself. He began with the one directly in front of himself before slowly moving around the group taking off the oni mask and pulling down the cloth hoods so he could observe the faces underneth and judge which he thought was the real face.-
-Haruso nodded and put the firearms on a rack which he would never carry unless one of his targets were in a public place that he couldn’t reach. He then placed the twin saber claws on either side of his jacket before he decided to answer”I trust you all with my life and I would give it to make are dream come to fruitation if you wish for me to test this in some way I will do so”. He was prepared to do any task that might be asked of him so that he could gain the trust of those he was allied with and He hoped it would be gained soon.-
-Haruso woke up early and slide out of bed he had a slight headache still but he decided to get in a little workout first. He stretched his arm behind his head where he heard his shoulder pop which made him smile. He held it there for two minutes before switching to the other arm and doing the same. Haruso then went to the end of his bed and shoved his feet under the end of the bed before bending his legs so that the heels of his feet were touching his rear. He then laced his hands behind his head so that his both his elbows were bent out directly. He began to bend his core bringing his right elbow to his left knee before doing the opposite bringing his left elbow to his right knee. Haruso did this for twenty minutes until he freed his feet and did a roll backwards over his right shoulder so that he could now do one hundred fifty pushups. He went over to the wall and began a horse stance which he held for five minutes not slipping at all and while he did so he began to channel chakra into his right hand and it began to glow before before he did the same with his left and bolts of lighting were jumping from one hand to the other. He then further began to charge his energy causing a solid arc of lighting that never ceased to pass back and forth until he no longer had enough energy to sustain it. He then went to a beam hanging from ceiling and began to do pull ups first with both arms luckily he didn’t do the lighting release long enough to numb himself again. He bent both legs and crossed his ankles using only his arm strength to pull himself up twenty times before gripping his right wrist with his left and lifted himself up and down with only one arm. He then switched to using two arms once again twenty times up and down before he gripped his left wrist with his right and after twenty times he was breathing deeply. He went over and picked up some tea and drank it deeply before he popped his head out the door and headed for the training room. He got to the large room where he saw many different targets though he walked over to a simple looking dummy that had red dots where the main chakra network points were located. He turned so his left side was towards the dummy with his left foot pointed towards the dummy and his knee slightly bent with his right foot towards pointing towards the wall that he was looking at. He turned his head to the left so he was now looking at the dummy. He bent his right arm while keeping his arm bent and tucked in so that he would be protected. He began to dart his hand out at forty miles per hour using only his index finger and middle finger to began to strike twenty of the points starting at the left arm and working across the chest from shoulder to should and down the other arm before he strikes the center of the heart with chakra enforced energy that would cause the heart to explode. He then walked over and found a sword and wondered how he could use this for his fighting style. He slashed it from his left shoulder down to his right hip enjoying the feeling of the speed the blade was created. He then walked over and began to swing numb chucks around until the left one caught him between his legs and he hit the ground. He knelled there breathing deeply as he rolled onto his back looking at the ceiling. He pulled his mask from his pocket making sure it was not cracked holding it above himself he was looking at it. He liked it but it would tell anbu who he was instantly as not all of them were dumb asses like those of the leaf and even if the kages were apart of there cult there warriors were not which could lead to the kages not able to come to the aid of himself and his team as war could begin within a village or between the different lands. He would head out of the training arena and head down to grab a bath he stripped off his gear and and went down and sat on a seat before filling up a bucket and began to pour the bucket over himself and bathed happily before headed to the tub where he slowly waded his before sitting down and the water came up to his chin. He relaxed feeling the heat of the water working at the muscles that were sore from his workout. He dipped his head back into the water and his raven hair flowed with it and then he tilted his head farther back so that his body was fully submerged. He then sat forward coming out of the water before he felt the cold air hit his body so he rushed over to a rack of clothes so that he could change. He found a cloth shirt that went all the way down his arms and a leather vest that would hang down and laid across his thighs. He put on a pair of cloth pants before placing on leather plates that cover parts of his legs but allowed him to move easily. He then put on a leather jacket and leather gloves before ending with leather boots that protect his feet. He then looked into the mirror and saw he was in full black outfit with the darkest parts being the black stained leather. He pulled up the hood of the leather jacket before placing on his mask and looking through it into the mirror and he smiled behind the mask. He has headed to breakfast sitting down before taking off the mask and pulling back the hood as he began to eat the eggs and bacon. He was looking at his master seeing he was white so now that was another added digit he could add this to this mystery. He looked to his master”so I have the ten point tailed beast seal under my belt now, I have a lot of work before I can further the lighting release so I would like you to teach me the shadow clone ability so that I can work on multiple things from here on out while I physically work out my body so that I can learn how to combined the lightning release and the hyuga style of gentle fist together”. He decided now to take a walk to get some air placing back on his mask he washed off the plate and left the area. He began to walk up the tunnel finding one the broke off and before to spiraled upwards. He headed towards the first town he saw removing his mask and slipping it into his new jacket. He walked around with a goth group far enough back they wouldnt feel he was stalking them but close enough everyone else thought he was with them. He saw the iron mart and headed inside while he found a thing of thick notebooks that he threw into the cart before getting some pens. He then found weighted clothes which he once read rock lee wore. He threw an entire outfit of the weighted clothes in the cart. He then walked over and grabbed a backpack large enough to hold all of them before grabbed an entire thing of sweets and beef jerky and a thirty six can case of monster energy drinks. These were things he thought he would need and some junk when he was relaxing around the base between missions. He payed for the things with the money in his wallet and once he was outside he filled the backpack with his things before looking around town and seeing a store where weapons were sold. He used transformation jutsu to become an adult before he walked in and picked up two saber claws and a 9mm pistol with a silencer. He then grabbed a R11 RSASS sniper rifle and enough rounds to take out every anbu of the leaf village. He then picked up a vest holster and a rifle case for his rifle. He then bought a large waterproof pack for his ammo before placing down his credit card and paid for everything and signed for it all and left enjoying his day. He then headed back to his base where he unloaded everything and then headed to the training area hoping to find his master where he could show him the saber claws and then the rifle and pistol both with silencers”If you have a problem with these I will accept as such and remove them from my arsenal”.-
-Haruso let his eyes close as he nodded to Ryu before he looked down at jane and shook his head able to see the chaos inside her chest where the creature was trying to balance itself out. He then looked to his master seeing the shape of him and tilting his head to the side before looking back to the other kages seeing there exhaustion make him smirk thinking one day he will be powerful enough that even this great force will not be enough to hold him back. He would then bend down and place the microfiber jacket over her chest before he turned and entered the tunnel once again”You both have One month then I will come for our mission be ready my team”. He let his eyes fade and then he slowly slide down the wall breathing heavily from exhaustion looking back up at the light that came from the end of the tunnel he had reached far enough that when the snake bastard and bug girl head back to there training area they wont take this path. He noticed his arm was numb again which made him chuckle. He took in a deep breath and raised himself back to his feet and slowly walked down the tunnel. He was hoping his master would catch up soon so he can explain everything or knock him out for opening his mouth.-
-Haruso looked to his master before letting the lighting finally fade from his hand before he reached up and the mask clipped free showing his face and the twin Heiko looking back at them. He decided that he should set things for the future “So its the anti-social girl and miss buggy that are going to be my team well then, I can see that miss anti-social has something hidden within her the same with miss buggy”. He cringed seeing the bugs tunneling through her wanting to get sick a little bit. He looked over to orochimaru and the other kages seeing the large bastard”so I was right Orochimaru you have returned to the world of the living”. He bowed to the kages and then turned back to the beast who is about to die so how is she suppose to save them”. He made sure his eyes were focused on what would happen next.-
-Haruso walked out seeing the huge beast before doing the hand seals of his Heiko activating it as he walked up to the beast so he could observe the jutsu that he was meant to master. He remained quiet and the sparks remained active he could channel the energy so that he never stops training what is possible. He looks to the one tail beast then to Kurama and bows to both before falling back in a position to observe but not to be in the way of those who appeared to be elders of this cult.-
-Haruso turned to look at the two who were catching up and he rolled his eyes to see the girl was on his back. He was about to comment but his master beat him to the punch telling the snake bastard to put his student down. He kept running looking back at them as they ran along made him sigh wishing he was faster to leave these idiots along about that moment he heard the bastard say she was apart of his team”Say what?”. He decided to start running once again not wanting to piss of his master by falling back. He ran beside them once more while he worked on the hand signs for his different jutsu starting with his Heiko multiple times and then making sure he knows the perfect way to do the separate doujutsu seals as well. He started to channel the lighting release in his right hand seeing sparks and jolts of lighting coming from his hand wondering if he could knock the snake bastard off his feet with a jolt.-
-Haruso understood that they would need to master this jutsu though he wondered what could he so powerful to save such a large creature. He puled off the mask and his sunglasses before popping out the lenses and placing them in the eyes of the mask making it so that no one could see his eyes no longer. He knew with his hood he would not get questions from people if they recognized the unique color that came with being in his clan. He then turned to his master “I would like in time to master the shadow clone jutsu so that I can work on multiple things at once”. He decided it might be best to pick up the speed so he began to run not wanting the creature to die before they could reach it. He knew his master would keep up with him if not running faster. He wondered who they could run into that they would need to hide from not wanting to doubt his master or anything but he hated wearing a mask as he felt hiding was shameful but if his master thought it was right he would follow his instructions.-
-Haruso turned around and ran to catch back up and decided to take the mask placing it over his face and would begin to follow. He sighed at the knowledge”he could beat me around for a little while that might help him or is there another way to heal such a creature quick enough”. He then pulled the hood up that would now hide his hair and everything from the sight of people and since his fingers were not painted currently so they would not give him away.-
-Haruso turned to his master”whats going to happen from here, and how is a Tailed beast dying, I thought they were ancient creatures that fed of chakra to sustain themselves”. He would start to walk towards the direction the pup went figuring his master would follow him. If his master were to run he would try and keep up but he wasn’t sure it would be possible but he would do his best. He was also waiting to see if he used a jutsu so that he could copy it as he was prepared to activate his eyes at any moment now to capture anything and everything he can.-