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-Haruso stuck his head out before grabbing the black microfiber jacket over his fishnet shirt and chased after the dog finding it heading for the main hallway. He slowly walked up to the pup when it finnaly slowed down so he could speak to the creature if there was something wrong he would charge his wrist in the same fashion as earlier so that he could alert his new master to the matter at hand before following the wolf to help out however he could”Hey can I help you little one, im not sure if I can find the master in this maze but maybe you can since your a wolf”.-
-Haruso watched him walk away before he turned back to his room and he hung his backpack up and began to open it finding his bed roll that was very expensive that he laid across his bed so that it would be more comfortable. He then began to lay out a box of matches, dehydrated food items 5 pounds worth, A water filter. He pulls out a thermal outfit if he heads to an icy region and micro fiber for if he heads to an overheated region. He started pulling out random things:a flare,a mores code sheet, He then pulled out a rather thick blanket that he threw onto his bed before finally pulling out the scroll he stole and rolled it out till he found the shadow clone jutsu and laid it across his desk and began to read over it. He made the hand seal of the clone ability and wondered if he could get his teacher to do the jutsu again so he could copy it. He knew he couldn’t make more then two as of right now and even then his chakra wouldn’t last longer then five seconds before he burnt out his energy once again.-
-Haruso allowed him to fix his arm before returning to his feet wondering how the man could use such lighting to heal and then master it so easily. He began to flex his arms enjoying the fact that he could move them both at once. He then took in a breath and pushed his hair back so it would settle down before he put out his hand and grabbed the fire with the hand that was earlier numb he felt his skin begin to heat up but the pain only made him want to master the jutsu more because with it this pain wouldn’t even exist”. He bowed to the fire before turning and walking towards his new teacher through the caves not sure what might be hidden down this darkness.-
-Haruso nodded and began the hand seals for the Heiko Horse, Tiger, Ox, Dragon, Snake, Dog, Horse, Dog, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Snake. He felt his eyes began to absorb the energy that was the mans energy so that he could began to master it quicker then even someone using multiple shadow clones at once. He saw the mastery of it but he did not know how to do so which left him with only giving it a shot not wanting to stop his heart he grabbed his wrist once more and began to channel his chakra in the same form as the man had and his arm would burst with a bunch of electric current admitting from its center that would fade just as quickly as it formed and as it faded so did the eyes and he fell back against the wall again and slide down it as he began to flex his fingers on his right hand but couldn’t feel it at all”damn that would destroy someone if I was touching them when I set that off, Great I have a super tazor in my hand that leaves me exhausted and unable to do hand seals with this hand”.-
-Haruso smirked as he grabbed his right wrist and charged his energy around one and another and sparks would be created before he gets a sudden shock that ended with his hair standing on end. He let it it fade”I am a lighting element user but with my eye I can learn anything but at birth I am a lighting user”. He felt the wind blow by and he slowly walked over by the fire”I also feel fire will be the other element I can connect to much like my ancestors”.-
-Haruso smirked at the remarks of the man”so that means Kurama and the Mizukage are apart of your gang and possibly Orochimaru”. He nodded his head”so we are of like mind in the aspect that we need to change the world for the better even if it means the streets flow with the blood of those who wish for it to remain a blasted hell hole for the lazy to remain alive. In the world of the shinobi only those willing to fight to survive should be able to rule in are world. He watched jutsu covering the walls and he smiled wondering how he hide these and how the lightening release made them appear. He pulled out the scroll and unrolled it revealing the jutsu that were pertinently useful for someone using wind but he found the jutsu he had been looking for the yellow flash created by Minato”Oh and I dont have a team, I am alone all but my fiance, there is no one in this world I trust enough to call my ally as of right now”.-
-Haruso was laying on his back when his eyes fluttered open and he looked at the man standing above him”you must have such an easy time making friends when your such a creepy fuck”. He sat up and putting his back to a wall while he took in a deep breath looking around the cave seeing that it was dimly lit would make it hard for him to find his way down here but he pulled out his phone and threw it in the fire along with his other electronics”doubt you want to be tracked by the anbu of the leaf to your hole in the ground”. He got to his feet feeling the burning familiarities of the tailed beast”seems Kurama decided I needed a little extra juice”. He cracked his neck and removed his coat and threw it also in the fire which held the mark of his clan. He tried to get his barrings in his new surroundings before he turned towards his new teacher and gave a light bow”Im sorry for my past remarks, I am not fond of not knowing those who are above me, After the Hokage being such a disaster I have little love for those who are lords over the people,I have no love for this future world and wish us all to return to that of the shinobi”.-
-Haruso was laying there on the ground realizing he didn’t have the strength to open his backpack let alone begin a search for the small vile of his pills. He felt his Heiko shut down saying the last of his strength had left him and in only a few moments he was out cold he had no energy left to keep him conscious. He thought he had opened his eyes but instead he saw a burning black vortex with the Kages of the past standing there condemning him for his crimes against humanity and the shinobi world. He tried to speak to argue his case but his voice came out distorted and a dark chuckle came out”let the world burn in hell for the sins that you have allowed as we become weak they are growing stronger and because of this we are no longer needed and soon we will die off. If this is are future then we all shall burn them and then those that stand with him”. The vortex expanded out developing the kages burning them alive, this was when Haruso could see himself looking into a mirror he was still himself on this side but the man on the other side wore a black uniform of with black armor and an orange mask and the man in the mirror spoke”This is your future if you do not walk a fine line, lead those that will follow but do not let them be caught in your vortex of pain and suffering as we are the ones who shall be held responsible in the future and we can bare this pain, Shall we die for are sin then shall be it and those that once followed us shall take up your mask and fight anonymously for what you feel is right and what you teach your allies is the correct future. We only have a short time so learn and train all you can from this man for he is your first step to cleansing this world so that Shinobi can once again reign as the supreme kind as no future can be had if we fall to the machines of the future”.-
-Haruso was laying on his back looking up into the tree tops unable to move as he was so worn out and then he saw the bastard fox. He heard them speaking as if they were good friends”the fuck are you doing, serving me up as if im dinner for this perverted bastard that likes traumatizing children, He chased me down as if im a damn hunting fox you bastard”. He took in a deep breath and just let it out from between his teeth as he looked to the two of them expecting a slow and painful death at the burning fury of the giant dog who if Haruso every gets the chance will be stuffed and used as a punching bag. He tried to raise his arm just enough to get into his back to reach for his thing of chakra pills once again.-
-Haruso rolled to the left dodging the first using the tails to push him back to his feet right before the second reached him which made things worse as he has about eight of them in front of him with two behind him and his face was covered in anger. He darted to the left and began to climb a tree using his claws but halfway up he ran out enough chakra to keep it going before he fell back down landing on his back luckily he hadn’t been up so high so he didn’t break anything. He felt sore and tired adjusting his bag so his tablet was no longer stabbing him the back. As he pulled it out he saw it was busted which made him sigh”guess you can kill me now or whatever it is you plan to do as im out of the energy to fight back for an hour or so.-
-Haruso stopped short and spoke”that not even fair, what fuck is your deal with using Naruto’s specialty against me”. He would sigh as he did the seals for the Heiko right before he did the transformation jutsu and became the human form of Kurama who had claws which was the only weapon he had. He began to run his nails together and let out a growl wanting the man to think twice about attacking the mighty Nine tailed Beast. He darted to the left towards the forest of death with his larger size he was able to run faster he knew there was no way to survive this but maybe he could kill them both and give the world a better chance to survive with a demon like this man gone.-
-Haruso felt the whistle of the needle pass through his ear so he would reach into his wallet and put in one of his spare black diamond studs in the new hole so that it wouldn’t close. He then walked up to the man who had leaped up into the tree. Haruso couldn’t do such so he ran to keep up till they reached the area where the cloaked figure would speak to him”Who are you and how do you know my clan when your not of the Leaf Village”. He was starting to think this might not have been a good idea so he began to walk away till he was about ten feet from the guy and began to run away as fast as possible. He didn’t know if he would reach the village as this guy was more then likely S-Class ninja. He was starting to think he was going to die so he wanted to reach Kurama.-
-Haruso nodded to the fox when he said that he would be going with him, he picked up his gear as he watched the anbu finally arrive. He turned to Kurama “I will be right back I need to fetch something” he began to run as fast as he could till he reached the office of the anbu not seeing anyone outside he slowly cracked the door open mostly silently. He takes a step out and a creak would rain out and he would hear the wakening of someone in the back so he moved quickly fast enough to reach the safe in the left room grabbing the first thing he found which was a scroll before darting back out and didnt stop he was breathing hand as he reached the North gate and had no plan of stopping though he looked over his shoulder then wanted to scream seeing the Leader of the Anbu catching up damn fast. He saw someone at the gate so he ran up to that person knowing there was no way he was a member of the Leaf based on his clothing.-
-Haruso laughed seeing his form before he released this form and stepped away from the wolf who was sniffing him. He then channeled the fiery chakra into himself with his eye still activated he was able to observe his own aura which was now a dark red almost black. He walked right up to Kurama before he began to do the hand signs for the transformation jutsu and his form instantly became Minato the fourth Hokage. He was looking at Kurama with the Heiko eyes instead of the cobalt eyes of Minato. He removed the hat and sat it on the desk behind him and bowed to his teachers and the Mizukage before it faded away like fire leaving him in his black ninja gear and his fishnet shirt. He then stood at attention “I thank you all for the lesson and this new Jutsu that i will train till it is mastered”. He then walked to his desk pulled on his black jacket with his clan symbol on the shoulder and the Akatsuki cloud on the back taking up most of the back of the coat. He then sat down and relaxed in his chair while he waited for the class to let out the second this security lock let up.-
-Haruso stood up from his desk having done this jutsu a couple of times he smirked as he removed his black jacket leaving him standing in his black pants and a fishnet shirt that showed his muscular body underneath. He had worked many years with his clan to reach what they believed was physical perfection. He had very little in terms of body fat and every time he moved it was easy to see the muscles that moved with his movements. He looked at his partner before bringing his hand flat against he other and the fact that he couldn’t see all of his partner which would be a problem but an easy one to fix as he closed his eyes and did the hands signs that he knew by heart”Horse, Tiger, Ox, Dragon, Snake, Dog, Horse, Dog, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Snake”. He then chuckled to himself as he open his eyes and instead of the Sharingan, or Byakugan he had activated his clans specialty that was just as rare as the final form of the Sharingan the Heiko. He looked to his partner and though he couldn’t copy her jutsu or the hidden ability that was tucked deep inside her bones he could see her entire form on multiple levels first being her chakra but then he forced it to see more giving the chakra form so he could see her body structure. He couldn’t actually see her but the chakra that was around her. He then took in a deep break and began the transformation jutsu Dog, Boar and Ram and a roar of chakra burst around him an added flayer as he was a perfect version of the mystery girl with none of her cloths on.-