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-Axel watched Carina run up which made him wonder what was going on before he thought about the huge thing of fire that had probably looked like an attack to her so he decided to turn and explain things to her but Nix beat him to it”Hello captain im your new crew mate for the first half of the grandline and then I return to the burning pirate crew which your cook took part in to create id say fifteen long years ago.
Axel sighed as he walked below deck not wanting to remember that oath he once took to reform the straw hats and to destroy all those that call themselves Marines. He began to cut up vegetable for a meal that he wasn’t sure would ever be served as he would like Nix to jump off a very high rock. Axel didnt Nix just his lineage, he was a pure fishman but with bad tendencies to see weakness in anyone that wasn’t-
-Daemon who at this point forgot that he was once known as war because unknown to his siblings time moved for war in heaven like it did for Death since his creation. He was standing on the field of the Pandemonium Fortress it was to the point that no demon walked the field.
All of the demons had returned to Hell as they had no chance of victory now with Daemon being claimed as the champion. It was settled when the Demon of Death attacked Daemon in a last ditch effort to kill the immortal but all that equaled out to was being hit was angelic light from Daemons palm a trick he was shown by Gabriel who was Daemons drinking buddy and rarely Raphael joined them but when they drank it was back in Rome while watching people in the Coliseum.
Daemon turned and walked into a portal that brought him into his watch tower where Anael the angel of romance greeted him with a pint and a feast at a long table. There were twelve demons at the table each had the same gold chain that wrapped around Daemon and were slowly becoming his Generals of half angels half demon but with all of there demonic abilities intact. These would not be Nephilim as they were not born this way but rather being corrupted with angelic energy. They kept there normal demonic form but instead of the black and red they were not white and blue. Each demon raised there pint which Daemon shared, He had no idea why he enjoyed sitting with demons but it felt like home to him so he broke away from his angelic brothers to sit with these demons. Each demon was once an enforcer that gave Daemon trouble. They had once looked like beasts and monsters but were now almost humanoid the rest covered in the white armor much like Daemons armor.
He swore he heard something screaming in his ear as if something was calling to him though he couldn’t think of what it could be. He began to eat his large meal waiting on the next attack from hell which would bring him his next warrior so when the Apocalypse does take place he will have the upper hand against the demons and the vile Horsemen. He looked over at Dracson a dragon like demon who now looked like a medevil knight that was scaled”I want you and Raxon to stand guard tonight at the gate as I have a buggy feeling that this silence brings bad things in store for us”. Raxon looked up this demon was known as a Butcher good with knives and a cleaver who tortured his own brothers now to get information. Each demon rose to there feet and went to the gate while Daemon returned to his chamber with Anael.-
Character Name: Necrid Sirrus
Age: 864
Gender: Male
Race: Shinigami or Vizord.
Birthday: November 23, 1149
Blood Type: A+
Height: 6″1
Weight: 189
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: White
Notable Features: many scars all over his body
http://i41.tinypic.com/m97dcl.jpgFamily Members:
Personality: He is a cold and collected man that wishes to see the world burn in black nothingnesshttp://i41.tinypic.com/m97dcl.jpg
BSR: * * * * * * * * * * *{11}
Offense: 90/100
Defense: 80/100
Mobility: 170/100
Reiatsu Control/Stamina: 100/100
Intelligence: 40/100
Physical Strength: 100/100
Physical Stamina: 100/100
Total: -680/700http://i41.tinypic.com/2mnlm3k.png
Affiliations: OnimitsuKido
Place of Birth: Rukon District 91
Classification: Musician, RichEconomic Status: Middle
Occupation: Classified
– Zanpaku-to: Sealed Form-
Necrid is always connected to his paracite
– Zanpaku-to: Ardens Might-
– Zanpaku-to: Shikai Techniques –
Instant Effect: A purple blast of fire burst from the blade to strait ahead for fifteen meters that can drain the energy of the one it touches but it only burns for a few mins.
Cosmetic Change: His blade becomes a pair of black gauntlets that have three blades rangeing at seven inches from the knuckles and the palms are made of a special metal to use as a shild.
Lasting Effect: The black fire is a slime substance that is living and feeds off of reastui so once it touches an object that is also useing reastui it can drain it of its power and grow stronger but it does not return my charcter since the fire is another creature all togeather but while the battle goes it will also slowely drain my own so that it can stay out but after it drains 30% percent of any type of reastui the fire disapates but the three blades stay out till i either run out of energy and its forced to realese or i realese it of my own free will.
1) Fires grasp: His blades get coated in a black fire that allows him to drain away the reastui of those it cuts.
2) Darknness reaver: He cuts the ground catching it ablaze and the living wil hunt for whatever reastui is closest to it.
3) Looming nightmare: He can use the black fire as a shield for short bursts to block and drain an enemy’s attack.http://i41.tinypic.com/m97dcl.jpg
– Zanpaku-to: Ardens redemptionem-
http://i533.photobucket.com/albums/ee339/dragon9393/necridpurpl_zps9cb3fff4.jpgHIs claws explode and form a purple liquid that covers my shinigami from head to toe. It uses Constituent-Matter Manipulationto sprout six spiked tentacles from his back that he can use to grab and lift up the enemy. His fingers and toes become spiked to a point so he can use them to climb or slash at the enemy and while in this form he can heal quicker then his previous forms though he has to drain someone to be able to heal himself. He is a instictive creature only have limited thought process because his mind is divided between him and his zanpakuto whih causes him confusion so he relies on instict.
Enhanced Smelling
Accelerated Healing Factor
Camouflage Capabilities
Constituent-Matter Generation
Constituent-Matter Manipulation1.)]Death’s touch
Information about Bankai’s 1st Technique
The tentacles are able to drain the reastui out of the objects they hold2.) Burning darkness’ devine blast
Information about Bankai’s 2nd Technique
He can change his form every three posts since his body is made of a liquid paracite that can be made into a solid.He can harden his body till its hard as steel and hes covered in pyramid type spikes and his face is covered in a visor that allows him to see while moving quickly.
He can also make his right arm at the elbow into a whip while his fingers become hooked blades.
His final form is meant for speed adopt a more hunched, quadrupedal stance when walking or sprinting. His body becomes shelled like as if he was covered in dark purples bones that make him slipstream. He has a segmented, blade-tipped tail. The sharp tip has a bard feature that he can use to drag his prey back to himself for close combat.
3.) Final Darkness Step
Information about Bankai’s 3rd Technique
For fifteen seconds his speed would double if he has drained someone’s reastui.http://i42.tinypic.com/fp9jlk.png
Reiatsu Abilities
You feel like your life is being drained from your soul, As his reastui enters an area it breaks down reastui around it an devours it
http://i43.tinypic.com/auzap.pngChapter Title – Year
Necrid has a layer of titatium dragon scale armour under his skin that was placed there by dIvision tweleve taichou Okasu.The history of Necrid Sirrush starts when he was reborn in the 25 rukon district. He use to walk around the walls of the gotei every day hoping to one day find a weakness in the wall so he could sneak into the academy. He was found by a LT. Of the seieretei and was chased for a few hours before he accidentally ran into the division 12th Taichou. Okasu ended up taking him to her lab so she could study just how someone goes from a normal soul to becoming a shinigami. Necrid was cut open and things changed to see if they would quicken the process or slow it down. He ended up getting his eyes removed and new one placed in so that he could see farther. Necrid ended up wearing a mask that would limit this new sight and wearing a hood so that they couldn’t see the shine of the red that came from his eyes. Necrid eventually became the newest member of 12 and with reaching this point the dissecting became more advanced and
She cut out different organs that she wanted to test to see if she could make fake organs that would work in the body. Necrid ends up wearing white raps that eventually turn black from blood. Necrid would eventually decide to leave squad 12 for his better health and he ventured forward and took a spot in division 6 where he trained to portal the gotei and the rukon district which was the first time he ever was able to see his home again and they change that had happened in Necrid made it so no one knew who he was till he spoke up and then the people that has known him had walked up to him and were shocked at the thought of someone from there district becoming a shinigami. Necrid would eventually leave six to take on a Lt seat in division two where he fought beside his Taichou for many land decades before his LT was cut down by an Arrancar but not before he broke the Arrancar’s armor and when the arrancar wasn’t looking Necrid struck fast as he awakened the power of Shunko. Necrid watched the arrancar turn to dust as he carried his Taichou back to Seiretei and gave him a proper funeral. He went in front of Sou-taichou and was granted the rank of Taichou of Division two which he watches over from this day forward till someone better finds and defeats him. -
-Death snapped and a bench formed behind him so he could sit down and his cane formed in his before laying it across his lap where it became a desk He then raised his hand and a field went over them before he flicked at Strife as the apocalypse was canceled and there wasn’t eyes needed to see him form a deal with the devil. He began to sign in silver ink that glowed gold as it was formed in Latin” By the law of the Nine we must be equal so as the Heavens own War then Hell shall claim Conquest. Till one falls in battle to be claimed by Death the ring shall be claimed By Lucifer to be done with as they see fit. War has raised the the flag of heaven so shall Conquest for Hell. If War can not be rescued and has chosen Heaven over his kin then he shall be slain and another shall take his place. If one side steps out of line or try to change these rules then they shall perish at Deaths hand. The apocalypse shall end here and the sealed reformed not to be broken till everything is made balanced once again.”. He stood and held out a quill that used the blood of the signer as ink.-
-Death was sitting in his office when the text went through the phone he picked it up read the name and smiled before he walked over and picked up his coat. He put it on then with began to walk but before he was done walking he was behind Conquest and in front of Lucifer”you know if you need to reach me you could simply my name sister since only three know my true name unless you have forgotten it after all these years, Oh and with your anger at war is misplaced the angel of fate found him and brought him before the arch angels and now he has to fight for them as they have claimed his ring and I fear what might come of him when you summon him next, By the laws now that it has begun I can not interrupt and it has always been a law that if a ring is claimed the wearer will become are sibling, So War is training those warriors to keep his ring bound to him.-
-Daemon was leaning back in a strip club he had two Asian twins twins fondling his genitals while a white and black girl put on a show on the stage in front of him. He had a guy bring a revolver over on a spinning table along with another woman bringing over two trays of shots for himself and the man with the gun. He picked up the gun pulled back the hammer and put it to his head and pulled the trigger and all that was heard was a click before he handed it over and the man did the same but when he pulled the trigger there was a bang but no one seemed to notice and kept doing what they wanted. He was within the epicenter of where the sin’s energy had mingled and greed and lust were the strongest here but wrath had his claws through it in some places. He had saved one of the working girls from the hand of a worse man then himself. He was the embodiment of evil but these humans only knew evil it seemed there was good to be known by them but they turned away from such to be this dark only brought anger to him. He finished off with the twins before laying down a brick of hundred dollar bills on the stage. He picked up the gun and saw that there were eight rounds so it had been fully loaded all along so why was it that it hadn’t gone off. Two hands came up from behind war and wrapped themselves around him before they both vanished and no one even noticed him. He was standing in what seemed to be a court room with pure silver shackles on his wrists and ankles. His human clothing was missing instead he was wearing a silver armor that the arch angels wore in times of relaxation. He looked around and seven beings each with a sword stabbed into the grounds of the court seemed to radiate power. He smiled before speaking”Bringing me here was not of sound mind as I no longer walk within man so my limitation is void”. He spoke these words and his ring shot up from the council to the heavens with such force it caused a small earth quake in the Netherlands. His ring was nearly to his hand when a small silver skinned woman caught it which made him smile”The angel of luck, How have you been since you got lucky in my bed”. The silver angel wrapped her arms around his waist before lowering her hand and smacked his junk but through the armor he felt nothing. He saw Michael walk over and grip the ring in his hand before walking back over and sealed it into a pine box with a rosary carved into the box. It sealed away all evil that was contained within in attempt to purify such. He was placed in the prison of Heaven for centuries and there was a good chance that not even death would be able to sense his location.
War walked the halls of the prison he had a gold chains wrapped around his arms and torso making it impossible to be sensed here. His hair had long turned silver and his eyes were now blue has the holy light had an effect on his appearance after being here for so long. His attitude was still the same, he knew his ring was being worked on by the blacksmith of the angels even here he could hear the hammer’s fall. He waited for the day of his summoning when he would be free of this prison but he wasn’t really in a rush as he had as much angel tail as he could stand, some of them actually had a tail. He had twelve joy bringing angels in his bed just that morning and he was glowing with how much joy was within him. The only thing he missed was the liquor of earth because all they had here was sweet tea and coffee, when he heard that coffee made you feel like you were in heaven he had through they ere joking. He had been training the men in the pandemonium they now held the fortress without question and the flags of the angels now showed the crest of a red horse showing the demons the angel’s champion was war.
All of this took place within a few minutes of earths timeline and even smaller scale of time for those of the council so they wouldn’t haven’t even noticed war was missing as he was sometime gone for years before returning to the mansion. When Conquest would arrive at the great wall a demon would run at her and explode and in its blood read a message”War is the champion of heaven he had risen his sword for those of the first kingdom but be it his ring has died or has it been reclaimed by the council for he wears the armor of the Arch Angels”.-
-Virgil walked back to the camp with Dante he saw that a lot of work had been done on the house so he headed back to Dante’s little hide away to prepare for a meal and get some sleep because the coming morning he would be heading out to see to finish his journey to the new land so he could a few recruits that he was suppose to train when he first got there wondering if they may think he was dead but he guessed they would have sent out ships in search of his robes if they did believe it.
He rested for a few hours before taking a boat out and heading to the main land but before he left he stabbed a letter too Dante’s door stating once they were ready to come find him. He had arrived at the main land two days later with many men running out and pulling his ship to land. He had made himself look dirty as if he had been on his own so they quickly fed him and got him water before taking him before the Brotherhood and making sure he is who he says he is. He proved himself in four hours before heading to his room as a college professor and also a grand master assassin.-
-War was standing on the bridge above wrath and he opened his eyes wider and a stone mask covered his face and black hair only his right eye could be seen as the other eye saw into the shadow plain. He was watching the plague of wrath’s influence. His right eye was focused on them and it turned slightly red when she called him boy to the point the bridge under his head cracked but only slightly he was way to limited without his ring to do anything more then watch and observe but his time would soon come. A man was walking by and saw the fine leather that made up wars coat and took a swing at war to try and steal his jacket they didn’t know that his clothing was made of dragon hide the only thing that could touch his burning skin. When the mans fist was three inched from wars face he raised his right finger and touched the mans fist and a black tattoo covered the mans arms and snaked its way till it entered his eye to his brain. The man turned and jumped off the bridge to his death but not before War stole his beer and took a swig from it looking down to see the happenings of the battle. He then turned his left eye to the city and he was starting to see the swirls of the other sins starting to combined which would make this a harder place to clean up. War opened his right hand and a black arrow would fall stabbing next to Conquests foot though if she looked to see who dropped it War would already be gone. No spiritual being not even the other horsemen could sense him when he was his human self this was how he caught the arrow from the angel that was trying to take the opportunity to kill the first horsemen so that the others couldn’t be summoned.
It seemed they were no longer following the laws set down by the three kingdoms and the council and if this was so he needed to speak to the council. Sadly he was the only one of his brothers that could enter there chambers as Death felt himself above them and Conquest had long since been barred as the council could not think strait with her around and famine was to damn lazy to do anything, He and famine were considered the demons of the four and the others following the angel birth but in truth they were all demon birth. War entered the chambers of the council and his ring shot through the wall and onto his finger as one of the council pointed at him to bow. War was now bigger then the council member and the anger he felt from a human daring to touch him left him no mood to allow these elders to speak down on him. He walked up to the eldest of the council the only one he could respect to this one he would kneel and two huge black wings sprouted from his back and his eyes looked onto this one and instead of there normal red eyes were blue along with his black and red armor now being an angelic blue and godly blue. This was his original form from a time when war was peace and the maker saw his children for who they were not what had came of them.
He gave off a pure energy and his rage was gone to the point he actually fell backward laying on his back and screamed at the top of his lungs as he began to laugh as the bliss would force the other council to leave the room in fear of him going mental. He snapped and his armor returned to its natural state and he was war once again. He turned to the Maker”The sins are taking the calm places and prolonging the thousand year wait and angels are trying to murder the one of us that is to move before heaven without conscious anger as if we are ever leaved from duty she will rise while we fall.” He waited for a word or two from the maker but he swayed his hand for War to leave so he turned and exited into the depths of the castle. He was wielding the Armageddon blade knowing this was pointless in his hands he could easily go against the laws of the council but if he dared to walk the earth with this blade he would be ordered to turn himself and his brothers to capture him. He stabbed the blade into a huge stone and punched it so hard it would land on earth before shattering into ten pieces that would be launched into ten locations only see able from the shadow realm.
His right fist was blackened from the impact but it soon healed over leaving his fingers burnt but that would be fixed within the hour. He was soon walking back to his room and something new was sitting on his desk a relic that was long forgotten and there was a note”if you so wish to do justice then betray those you call brother and use this to walk the earth with your ring”. He was staring at a chain that would bind him to a demon that could carry him to the surface and away from the detection of his siblings till they tried to summon him or if his actions got to much detection. He sat down across from the relic and took off his ring while he took a picture of it and sent it to conquest and then he opened his laptop and hacked the number of Lucifer. He used his magic to find it quickly before shooting the same picture to her and then punched in a few buttons and began walking his room waiting for a reply. He was not sure if Lucifer would understand this but he knew Conquest would and he knew she would be pissed for him even to be looking at this chain.-
-Axel was standing on the dock with his arms crossed while two men walked towards him each had a sword on there back and stood only a few inches smaller then Axel. The one on the right was a sword fishman and the one on the left was a great white fishman. He smirked at them both as he had grown up with them the same as Jeht these two were Nix the shark and Lucian the saw. Nix came up and gave Axel a hug around his head while Lucian gave him a nuggy. He pushed them off luckily he was classified as a whale shark fishman/human getting this trait from his grandfather. He was looking them over and then to the ship”where is Jeht and is this the crew of the so called red king”.
A sword was poked into Axel’s back and a voiced spoke calmly”Little brother what are you doing all the way out here at the door of the grand line, I left you back on Dawn island for a reason you were to stay there and never become a pirate. Axel turned seeing the man in the black uniform with his mask pulled aside so that now he could see his brother. Axel smiled”and here I have a gift for you but first tell your men to leave the small female with the big mouth alone along with the chick that will give you the creeps alone, they both fruit users and one is my captain. Jeht made a motion and crows flew to all of the men around the island to leave Carina and Tanakami alone. Jeht then followed Axel over to his ship and sat on the deck eating an orange from the tree while he waited for Axel to return. If either of the females returned he would stay silent. He would not be meaning to insult them just didnt feel conversing with a Yonko would be good for there image but his brother was different.
Axel walked up with the three swords covered in a blanket handing them to his brother who looked skeptical but when he on rolled it slowly his eyes were growing bigger and bigger till the point he jumped to his feet and a burst of fire went strait up into the air like a beacon and his main crew stood outside of the ship wondering what could be happening each of the ten men outside of the ship also owned a logia fruit. When Jeht held up the black blade all of his crew knew what was happening and walked back to the ship to prepare a celebration for there captain. Jeht placed all three of the swords in his obi before shaking Axel’s hand and heading back to his ship before placing down a huge bag of gold, and then laying down a map of the first half of the grand line before Nix walked onto the ship and sat down speaking to Luke. If Carina was back yet he would explain that Nix would be guiding them from now on as there navigator and he was also a logia user of the plume plume fruit.-
-Axel finished defending their ship and after about an hour as people no longer decided to attack and instead hid within there homes. He was walking inside the the town now wearing a hat and glasses to appear different and with people hiding no one took notice. He began to gather up food and decided to soda hearing it would last like rum without having to get you drunk. He lifted up about ten barrels of it and then went and found an ice area and grabbed a huge block taking it back to the ship and smashed it to keep the barrels cold. He kept this supplies separate from the others he then found Luke about to buy some special paint that would make the ship take more assault on the open sea before splitting but the ship would have to be replaced once they reach the halfway point as the bubble effect might not work on this ship.
Axel helped Luke back to the ship setting him up to paint the ship while he walked back into town. He decided to see if he could find anything for himself. He decided to find a fruit though searching for a couple hours ended up with nothing. He saw a man in black robes walking the city and had a katana strapped to his side. He was wearing a mask so Axel didn’t recognize him as his brother though people were running and hiding. He looked towards the dock and there was a huge black ship with black flags. He decided to head back to the ship just in case there was trouble.-