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-War went to his actual room sending the three vehicles through portals they were tireless and windowless so he laid his ring on his deck before he opens his laptop and begins to look into top of the line tires and glass and red paint to remove any chance of lightening or fire or bullets from ripping apart his car. He was only working on the tumbler for now. He used a huge machine happy Conquest had found this online it allowed him copy anything from up above down here which came in handy for the horsemen for staying up to date on things. Each of the horsemen had one but War expects he uses his the most. He summoned down the paint and special tires and glass. He pulled on a pair of welding sun glasses not that he needed them but for the fact he liked playing the part which is why he was using a car from the recent Batman movie. He saw himself as the new age batman as he didn’t have to play by the rules to get his job done. He lifted up the tires and carried them each of these tires weighed five hundred and he didn’t ever notice the weight. He began to install these huge tires each of them was made of steel covered in a four inch thick type of rubber plastic so that he could go over spikes or be shot up. He then installed the glass before pulling out a special marker for gluing graphics so he began to graphic each window with glyphs and sigils so that magic cant enter through the glass and normal human bullets cant break the glass. He then pushed a button and a wench pulled it into place where he put on a white suit and a gas mask and began to paint the car a bright red before edging it in silvers and golds to match his armor.
He then pushed a button and a vehicle came down from a hanger it was a hovercraft but could be sealed and the turbines turned to propel him through depths of water so that he can go underwater at depths of 5000 feet. He added the paint making it so that it couldn’t be caught on fire or shot down by even the strongest gun. He then began to decals the black parts of the craft with more black decals so that they couldn’t be seen by the naked eye so his enemies would know to remove them. He then added twin 50 caliber rifles that could turn and alter there angel so he can snipe creatures from a distance easily.
He then pulled in a slight one person vehicle with four wheels this was the fastest of his items it could reach speeds of 275 if he doesn’t alter its speed so he goes back to his laptop and orders custom wheels for this one as well not needed special glass as this was a bullet proof vehicle from the start. He made a few modifications on the guns each now had a sigil on them so each shot can now seal creatures easily. He then pushed on a button and a huge flat screen tv opened along with every video game console popped out so he grabbed his Ps3 controller and pushed a button to activate there wifi before turning on gta and decided to cause some chaos and shoot some people from far off without them realizing where it came from as his name only came up as war and if they looked the player list they wouldn’t see his name. He was riding around in a blood red muscle car and instead of normal smoke that comes off when you burn rubber fire came off of his car. He turned to a separate screen and watched as the humans in the united nation all became one huge country with North Korea being on of the few countries not apart of the list. They told people they were a huge democracy and they hadn’t decided on the figure head but War knew it had to be Conquest. He turned off the screen and got back to his game while he turned on metal music for background noise.-
-Raphael smiled as she said he made her look like a slave driver so he picked up the dingy and launched it into the water next to the dock before jumping back into water and tieing it up so she wouldn’t need to get wet to take off to the grand line where the adventure will now begin. He had the captain go about getting the compass as he had no clue where to find one while he decided to try and find a fight to get there bounty up a little more but all he found were twerps that were bigger rookies then he was so he pulled his knife and jumped into the water and drug his knife in the bottom of every ship other then his captains and the little dingy. He sank each and every one of them while he waited for his captain he sat on his ship while he beat the hell out of people trying to burn there ship out of revenge for what he had done but he was having fun.-
-Axel ate his meal and drank his wine smirking at the comment Carina made him happy so he grabbed up the plates once everyone was finished and headed back downstairs to wash the place up before he began to strip coming back up with a pair of shorts on only before he dove off the side of the ship with a knife in his hand. He was able to catch about twenty fish using his knife to catch each fish some of them were twenty feet long others were for side dishes. He then climbed back onto the ship shaking the water off hoping not to get any of the water on the girls. He took them down and put them in the freezer so that they could enjoy them for dinner one night. He climbed back up the stairs dressed but his hair was hanging down unlike normal he walked to the edge and wiped the blade off before he looked to the horizon seeing the island in the horizon”I can see it so lets prepare to get everything set up.-
-War touched the paper and it began to rip and tear itself untill the title War was formed.-
Name:Steam powered Motorcycle
What it does:drives at speeds between twenty and seventy miles per hour.
How it works:He uses steam condensed tanks that he uses alchemy to recycle the steam back through the bike into the canisters to make it faster and get better mileage then a normal bike.
How it is Powered: It is powered by steam but he uses his alchemy to give an electric charge to activate the canisters so they release steam to power the pistons and gears that make it move
Size: Its nine feet long and about one thousand one hundred pounds
Name:Set of Pistols
What it does: Each Pistol fires eight pure lead bullets but comes with explosive incendiary rounds.
How it works:With canisters of condensed pressure that are locked in the handle that allow him to get eight rounds out at a time before changing rounds.
How it is Powered:Steam
Size: eleven inches long barrel with a eight inch handle.
Race:Elf{Ice Dark}
Appearance: His skin is as dark as ebony stone with silver lines on his chest and face to frame his eyes and lips. He stands at seven feet tall and only 140 pounds which makes him light on his feet and very flexible. His nails are about three inches long like razors on all but his right index fingers which he shoots with. He has emerald hair that is four feet long and braided down his back to almost his ass. He has jewels in his hair that make it look like its frosted. He wears a black leather sleeveless vest that has brown lining along with a sleeveless leather trench coat. He wears pants made of thick cloth and thick leather boots with steal spikes on the front. He wears a steel mask over his face with one side covered so you can only see his right silver eye. With a tiny pin point of yellow in the center like moon light.
Items:He carries a set of steam powered pistols on either side of his leather pistol holder that he wears under his jacket. He also has a steam powered motorcycle high powered as he can use alchemy to channel the steam through and through the bike to make his bike reach seventy miles per hour easy. He also has an ebony steel glove on his right hand that have pistons that lead to his knuckles which are solid steel spikes that shoot out when he makes a quick fist though he has to let the steam slip out and the pistons cool down before he can do this again.-
Occupation:He is a Private Investigator
History: He was born between two types of elves His father being a Dark elf and his mother being an Angelic Ice elf. At the age of six he was sent away from him home after the warning of his parents being hunted by a group of elf haters. He grew up in an orphanage until he was eighteen but while the many years were horrible it was never worse then having to deal with Nelson a fat slob of a orc that abused him for looking like a girl. His ebony skin always seemed to stay clean no matter how hard he worked out, after a few years he grew just as strong as the other boys but stayed slim and fit. He proved himself when the orphanage was almost robbed and killed the two robbers easily breaking there necks while hiding in the darkness. On his sixteenth birthday there was a man that came through the town he lived in that was offering to teach science for pretty cheap so. The tall elf gave all he had to learn basic alchemy which within two years of practice turned into a good way to gain money as he began to fix things for people using the alchemy which was cheaper then a repair shop.
Eventually he bored of the simple work and decided to move onto doing something with his life so he gathered what few items he had and money to get an apprenticeship with a detective and after five years he works with the same orc that once pissed him off. He has gained the ability to weave elements together fire and water to make steam. Fire and fire to make lightening to power machines water and earth to make quick sand. Water and air depending which temperature is outside he will make frost or ice. He is trying to master fire and earth to create magma but has yet to master this. He has solved five murders in his time including that of a lord and lady where he made a generous amount of coin which is how he paid for his steam powered motorcycle.
Today he is celebrating his 26th birthday where he gets the fun of walking through garbage covered alley as he looked at a naked body of a human teen that had been raped and left in the alley after being chocked to death. He looked at the hand print seeing it was human as it wasn’t thick enough to be an orc or dwarf but to big to be an elf’s hand. Eldrin looked to the sky wondering what today would bring to this dark city where the devil seemed to follow him.-