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-Raphael turned the ship slowly to keep it in line with the wind so that they could reach loguetown quickly. He then handed the wheel over to his captain before heading down into the kitchen to make a meal for all of them. He walked back up and reached his arm into a cage where there were chickens and grabbing one by the neck carried it downstairs with the crew looking at him like he was crazy. They would all hear a squawk and then slam as the hatchet takes off the head of the creature. He then feathers it then empties it of the unneeded entrails throwing them out the window, he had green beans and seasoned rice to go with it. He had it finished within a couple hours and as he came up he noticed a door he hadn’t checked before so he opened it and it seemed empty until he bent down and found a bottle of wine so this was a winery ship which was interesting and gave him some idea’s for future meals. He brought up the trays with four meals for the crew along with having a bottle of wine in his hand which he poured four glasses of”well we have finally got a shipwright and hopefully a future ally so lets celebrate as tomorrow we will be in loguetown hopefully.- He sat down to eat while he sipped at the wine knowing it may effect these humans but was no where near strong enough to hurt him.-
-Axel smirked at her question”hes not my real brother just someone I was close to growing up, Though all of you know him as the Red King of the east, He was a young man heading to become a marine captain as his father did not want him living the life of a pirate like he had. Jeht decided to follow his fathers orders and become a noble warrior of the sea. Though at the death of the straw hat pirates in the same location as Gol D Rogers, He swore to become the most powerful pirate to ever sail, He stole the thousand sunny before it could be destroyed and one of his crew are a modieded pacifito that now powers the ship. It was damaged returning to the grandline which is why it has the red dragon head and black paiting instead of the yellow lion.”.
Axel sighed and kept walking on board the ship till he spotted a male walk up to the ship”You must be luke jump aboard and lets shove off and heading to either loguetown or the next adventure”.-
-Axel listened to her comment of physical contact and he smirked so he placed the barrel he was holding on the ship before grabbing her dingy and resting it on the deck for now planning to take it down stairs in the hold later on. He turned to the new crew mate”you can follow or stay here but I did say id give her a view of birth place but this place will never be my home, That is Dawn Island where I grew up with Jeht”. He had much respect for the Yonko that currently held rule over the east blue. He was hunted by three of the seven Shichibukai.
Axel wade his way to the Mayors office pushing the huge double doors open and the two women sat there naked with a chain around there necks fanning the mayor. It wasn’t noticeable to his his crew but both women were mermaids they didn’t have the tails though. These were powerful creatures even to his kind as they some times could see the future so why were they being used as slaves. His anger was back in waves though he was hiding it as the mayor walked in a speedo and a unbuttoned flowery shirt he was making sexual motions to his twin slaves until he spotted the huge male and his team. He covered himself.
Axel reached down and picked up the mans wine glass and took a sip”Of course orange wine very rare to any other in the sea but here its more abundant then water, so explain why Lara and Karina are chained and fanning you”. The man turned red as he finally realized who he was”so the bastard son comes back to take over with his bitches, seems your following in your fathers foot steps”. Axel smiled as he stepped on the locks and they snapped the second they did so both women jumped in the water and swam away there tails appearing instantly which brought a smirk to Axel”See now I don’t have to be like my father as they will tell the new Neptune and the red king will be visiting you once again, now I can calm my brother if you tell me where to find a navigator and a shipwright”.
The man spun and stared in horror as the women swam away he knew they could easily enter the grand line as no sea king would attack a mermaid. “you can find one at the dock by the name of Luke, and I have no idea for a navigator as after Nami people felt studying the charts would only bring pirates here more often”-
Axel smiled and walked away”good luck with jeht, I haven’t spoken to him in five years”. He was heading to his ship keeping himself dark to his crew before he spoke as they stepped on the deck”if you wish to know what just went on, I grew up with the man named Jeht until he left to become a pirate and I decided to join his crew, but ran into the marines and then met Carina, ive decided to beat him once we meet again, he is also the son of Zoro the master swordsman so dont take him lightly when we meet”.-
-Axel looked at the shadow and sighed looking at it”I doubt she is a shipwright but maybe a navigator but even if she is not, I think id rather have her as an ally then an enemy”. He looked at the shadow as he stepped out in the sun”If she turns me to dust I hope you turn her purple before she cooks you also”. He did not like the idea of being around a fruit user that could kill him so easily. He made his way over to the owner of the flirting shadow picking up the barrel and placing it on his shoulder before he threw used a single finger to tap the mans trading stall and it broke in half. He looked to the woman”Ill take this to your ship or you can jump onto are brig there is more then enough room to fit us all comfortably”.
He was heading back to the docks planning to head back to the mayors office after they make a decision hopefully this woman would join them but if she doesn’t hopefully showing her some respect would make her an ally in the future if they ever met again.-
-Axel heard the word bounty and his spine went rigid and he grew even more uncomfortable the way she was looking him up and down. He heard her call him the captain and he smirked as he pointed to the young woman next to himself that seemed to be growing agitated”this is my captain and it would be best to speak to her with respect or else, and the outfit your wearing interesting”. He pulled his journal from his back pocket and found thriller bark which made him smirk”didn’t know Gecko was into making babies, and since your so stand fast im guessing you fall from the same tree having the Kage Kage no Mi”.
Axel stepped back into the shadow of a tree so his shadow could no longer be seen hoping his captain would do the same since her fruit worked better at range incase this woman decided to attack”your fruit can steal the shadows and turn the victims to dust in the sun, thanks to Nico Robin I know how to defend against it, in two hours the sun sets and you will be powerless, so if you speak the truth and only want supplies then head north there is a trader for pirates up that way”. His eyes are narrow as he wants to attack this person as it would be easy for her to kill him or his captain if they weren’t on guard from now on.-
-Axel sighed as they walked knowing it needed to come out sooner or later”I am Axel by birth but off this island I am Raphael, I started going by that name after my imprisonment five years ago”. He stopped and looked around before sighing deeply and continued”A man was shot by a marine for insulting them after his son was murdered, I saw this and tackled the man and beat him almost to death before ten marines pulled me off and they chained me planning to execute me that day but when the sword nor gun could pierce my skin they threatened to imprison me for the rest of my life unless they knew what kind of freak I was, I told them of my lineage and the fear in there eyes broke as they threw me into a cell planning to keep me there for the rest of my demonic life”.
Axel’s head was bowed as he finished”They feared I used a fruit so they used sea stone chains on me but after three and a half years of working at it they began to break using the drips in my cell from the constant rain on the island I was kept in until the chain snapped though I did not run as I knew it would only be worse one day though the warden of the prison passed away leaving room for a new one who took pity on me giving me my freedom though it was not without his reasons he had hopped to follow me back here but after jumping ships many many times before I lost him and he gave up”.
He began to hear a noise up the road”I took the name Raphael from a boat I saw passing by though I know he is always going to hunt me one day they will find me and by that time I must be stronger to defeat those that hunt me, This is why I became a pirate”.
He saw the group of people yelling at the woman so he walked forward before he roared not yelled but roared like a beast and everyone jumped back and fear yelling his real name before running back to there homes. He walked to the last villager that was standing right in front of him this woman had always been crude to him and had demonized him from birth” Deala leave now before you see my new strength and not even a whale of a fishman can stop me so run little fishy or this hungry shark shall rip your flesh from bone”. The woman only came up to his shoulders but her yellow eyes gave proof that she was not human, she hissed at Axel before walking away. His anger had gotten the better of him though he let it pass as he walked up to the woman that was foriegn to these lands”Don’t expect them to accept you here as new comers haven’t been allowed in a long time as they fear a repeat of what happened with Arlong”.-
-Raphael looked to her as he took his own apple from a tree and as he went to take a small bite nearly bit it in two when she mentioned his home town. Old scars came back to the surface”no I feel your correct saying we should head to Cocoyashi village as were more lucky to find one there compared to anywhere else before entering the grand line.” He spun the wheel and they began to head to his home town as he thought on it he began to speak from history more then his view”After the fall of my father and the crooked Marines that were working with him they turned Arlong park into the Mayors home who now is the son of the man who protected Nami and her family all those years ago. Fish man from the grand line led by Jinbe came and fixed the town and its surroundings and some even call this place home so don’t be surprised if you see any humans my size as were common there but as a shark fish man were about a foot bigger then are brethren”.
He saw the wreckage of ships that still lay at the bottom of the sea reminders of what took place on this island. As he pulled the ship into dock and walked onto the island the entire dock went quiet as they saw that Raphael had returned but that wasn’t the name that was called out”Axel what are you doing back on this island, you were banished by the elder one”. Axel sighed as the jig was up and hoping he would be able to check the sites before some recognized him so he turned to the female who had an evil smile”You know sis you could be nicer to your older brother, as I wasn’t banished as much as thrown off because I was hated and the elder feared they would try and kill me well I have returned stronger then any Human or Fish man that calls Cocoyashi there home”. The young human woman smiled she was a younger version of there mother standing at five foot nine long red hair much like Axel’s but she wasn’t muscular like him just small and petite like a dancer but when she run and tackles him giving him a hug she knocks him over and onto his back before helping him up.
She looked at the woman behind her brother and gave her a raised brow”Since when does my brother hang out with humans, you either have made a real first appearance or your some charity case he feels bad for but since your with him welcome to our home and we hope you enjoy your stay as short as it may be if Axel is found out to be here”. His sister walked away and he sighed turning to Carina”Well you have met Alexis she is also a shark type fish man hybrid but she looks more human so she fits it better but we share equal strength which makes no since to even me but its all genetics and I don’t try and understand really but come on ill give you a tore around town then will head to the mayors home to pop in and speak to the mayor who would be the one to speak to about finding a shipwright as he runs the local ship building company which is what the rest of the Arlong park”. He had his hands in pockets as people stared at him he was getting waves and glares which each was shared with his companion”I think we keep the pirate word quiet for now, they will think im the next Arlong if they find out”.-
-Raphael looked at the men kicking one into the water that seemed younger so he would drown to death instead of dieing slowly of the poison. He felt it was only right before he turned to look around the area”nah these guys are broke they would have ran for there lives if they had the money to get to there next meal instead of fighting us”.
He handed her his new swords before he jumped in the water and stirred the boat back to dock so she could climb aboard without having to touch the water. He threw out a bridge for her to climb across”Im not sure what to call ourselves as we need something to strike fear in more then thugs but the warlords and kings of the sea along with the wet dog that call themselves marines”.
He turned the ship back to open water as people began to look over the bodies as he shouted out”do not touch those bodies, or you’ll end up like them”. He took his swords back and looked at them sighing knowing if he used them they would end up broken or stolen so he took them down to a locker in the kitchen and stashed them there a place no one would look. He then walked back up stairs whipping his hands on his pants before pulling off the wardrobe he had put on earlier. He looked to her”well when you think of a name will make a flag and then paints the sails but first I think we need to get a few new people to work with us before we leave Lougetown.”-
-Raphael had stopped running and attacking as he watched her move the bubbles seemingly effortlessly to chase the man with the red bandanna but once he was down Raphael returned to fight spinning the white blade in his hand to slice the limbs from the men dumb enough to stand in his way. He”Im fine just a few scratches here or these from passing bullets”. His skin could stop a bullet easy but a passing bullet passed with enough speed that if it only touched a small enough surface it could cut him. He turned to her and turned his head”you go ahead and take your shot, the captain should try and get a bigger bounty then her first mate”.-
-Raphael looked around himself to see all the thugs and sighed as he the men with the torches and knew instantly they coated his ship”I knew you guys didn’t have brains but now your selling your heads to us on a platter, your fighting the most dangerous fruit user that has sailed the sea and a fishman with the power of the lost lord Arlong”. The men around them shivered hearing the name Arlong, even though he was long dead the warriors of the fishman pirates were still at large and the Marines never gave chase to find them. The men on the roof seemed to begin coughing and one rolled off the roof when he tried to wipe his eyes. The other men looked to him and yelled to see if he was ok but it was enough time for him to run and jump past the men with the and kicking there ship out to water and out of the reach of the fire. He bounced back from his kick right between all of the men who had been waiting for them.
He smiled as he drew the white sword”did any of you know the Zoro had no devil fruit but could easily cut a brig in half imagine what a fishman that’s ten times the strength of a human can do with such a blade as this”. He swung the blade cutting off the arm of one of the men who had threatened to burn there ship as he smiled. He then used his free hand to pick up another of the thugs by the throat and throw him in the water. He made his way back to his captain not wanting to leave her in the open to get shot. He smiled as he had a thought”time for you to get target practice with those bubbles of yours”. He stood behind her planning to block any sword or bullets that they tried to send at them.-
-Raphael smiled as she found a seat and he sat down across from her opening up the menu and finding a rack of ribs which he ordered. He smiled as she noticed the blades and his smile only got bigger when she realized what they were”no im not a swordsman as it is but maybe in time ill learn but for now lets say these blades are under lock and key until we find the man I call brother and the rest of the world call the Red King, These are in fact the swords of the master and If you haven’t realized we have someone tailing us already”.
He waited for there food while he scoped out the men that was watching them and he turned his gaze right to the man with the scar and he smiled showing his pointed fanged teeth he had adopted from his father. The mans eyes opened in shock knowing he had been seen. Raphael then turned back and ate his food knowing he was being watched made him smile. He loved the taste of this sauce wondering what went into it and as he finished it he waited for the male to return and laid down the check so he threw up a couple of coins as they walked by the man that was watching them he spoke openly”follow me if you dare and die by the blades of the master”. He turned to his captain with a smile as they made there way towards the ship.-
-Raphael took the small box that housed the twin pistols as he walked past the stall that she was selling the gems. He reached it before her so he bent down to speak to the man who she was about to sell to”try and cheap her out on her money and ill break you”. He left the man wide eyed and bright red as Carina came up to sell her bag of jewelry. He looked around until he spotted a rifle and sword cross armed like a jolly roger. He walked over to it and pushed the door open having to duck way down to get inside luckily the roof of the room was higher. He walked over to the man seeing all the fire wares the man had “He ran his hand along a few fine swords and rifles and he saw something that caught his eye it was the three swords of Zoro in a case. How could this man have them why didn’t his son have his swords, Raphael knew about Jeht as they had both grown up on dawn island just like King Luffy. He placed the pistols down and the man opened the box to be shocked by the find. He opened up a book and showed they were worth 50,000 berries together as they belonged to Admiral.
Raphael pointed at the blades”ill take half of that and those swords, It in your best interest to accept the deal because those blades will be mine”. The man saw the look of truth in his eyes so he pulled down the three blades opening the case and then looking up to him the man spoke”These blades have name Shuusui,Kitetsu III, Ichimonji they are suppose to sell for four hundred berry each but something tells me you will take them for free if I tell you no so I will give to you but you must promise if you ever meet the true owner of these blades to give them to the demon of the New world”. Raphael took them and placed the three blades on his hip and walked back to Carina knowing she probably would know what they were but he had no plan of telling her as he handed her the 25,000 berries”time for something to eat”.
They walked past a group of men that did know the blades and planned to stalk them back to there ship to kill and steal the three blades no matter how big he was.-
-Raphael smiled as she returned with the bag and he could hear the clang of metal on metal “I guess your not fully useless if you were able to fetch all of that.” He then fell backwards into the water as he searched the wreck himself but not the ships captain chambers. He looker around the ships haul where he found about fifty cannon balls there he put into a bag and carried them back putting the bag on the deck where the balls ripped free and began to roll around the deck but with the boat docked they would be no harm. He then fall back again and went to try and find what use to be the kitchen. He found odds and ends of knives forks spoons and some cans of sealed spices but most of the foot was ruined by the water. He found a bag of what seemed to be potatoes so he took them with him.
He came up from below and swam to the top where he climbed the ship and took this take to the kitchen before he came back loaded there eight canons with eight of the balls he found before stacking the rest in a bolted down crate. He walked up to the wheel and spun it hard to get them away from the ship that was now fully swallowed up by Davey Johns. He then looked to her” I think now would be a good time to find some land so we can get rid of what you found and turn it into money that no one will be the smarter for.-
He waited for her to give him direction before they were on the way towards the next island in the east blue where he hopped to try some cuisine from the next island and test how he could make it better. He could see land not far off but he also saw four ships pass by all navy ships luckily they were not flying pirate colors so the navy never looked at Raphael or Carina. He stirred the boat into dock and found a bandanna to tie over his hair and he found a jacket to cover his normal clothing as he didn’t want to be noticed. Carina had already changed earlier so he wasn’t worried about them noticing her. He walked past a poster of himself that had a six thousand berries bounty “well its low but I guess its a start”.-
-Raphael finished his meal before setting it back down and laid back against the wall yawning as he turned himself back inside as he washed the dishes not worried about the captain. He hadn’t grown attached to her yet so he didn’t care if she fell into the sea. He could survive without her but finding another devil fruit user this early into the adventure so he decided to keep her around for time. He wondered if she had found anything so he walked back outside ducking under the lower door frame thinking the next ship is going to be made taller so that he dosent have to feel to tall. She will feel to small.-
-Raphael climbed back up onto the ship to catch his breath before he walked over to where the cannons were located and grabbed one of the canon balls. He threw it up a few times gauging its weight before he pulled his arm back and threw it hard enough to reach the dingy the captain of the other pirates was in bashing a hole right through it leaving the captain to sink and clamber onto one of the other tiny ships for safety”Remember us next time you try that bullshit your an insult to call yourselves pirates when a couple of rookies ended you so quickly”. He turns back to his meal and begins to enjoy himself once again sitting there shirtless letting the night air dry himself before he puts his shirt back on so that it doesn’t get soaked like the rest of him which made him think he needed to get some under clothes that were water proof. He then grabbed a bottle of rum and drank half the bottle not even having any effect on him as his metabolism was through the roof. He ended up walking over and pulling the anchor up before she tried to turn the ship remembering that he had dropped it before hand. He then sat on the edge of the ship while eating to see if he found anything of interest.-