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-Raphael sighed as he turned to look at the ship and sighed as he spoke”I would have liked to enjoy the first meal after shipping off but it seems that this crew has seen are bounty posters already and are trying to take us out early”. He leaned on the rail turning to her with a smile”guard the ship from projectiles im going to give them problems underneath”. He pulled his shirt over his head before falling backwards into the water before he opened his eyes which even with the sea water never had trouble seeing or rather sensing the movement of things under water. He was hoping his captain didn’t get harmed but he needed to wreck this ship before it could bring ours down as it would be bad if she touched the sea water. He found there rudder and broke it off before he grabbed the ship so that anything that was on board and not holding on would fall overboard or fall over onto there faces on the ship. Once he got this ship stopped so it wouldn’t collide with there ship he used the rest of his strength to punch a hole up through the bottom. He then swam up back to there ship and checked to make sure his captain was safe.-
-Virgil was sitting on edge of the hole waiting on his to come out of the pit as he unattached his hidden blade and began to skin one of the apple’s he had so that he could have something to snack on. He wondered how someone was to get back out of this thing. He saw the huge root and rubbed his chin not sure why he would even use something like this to train his men since more likely it would be one in a hundred chance of grabbing something in the first place. He placed his hidden knife back in his gauntlet before he began to eat seeing the man to start coming back up. He stepped back taking off his coat and walked back about twenty feet before running at top speed and flew like a bird over the first half of the hole before he catches himself on the other side slicing himself only lightly as he didn’t fall far before he climbed up looking down”I think this may work but we need to figure out something else for those starting, we need warriors not a bloody mess”.-
-Raphael smiled before he turned the ship to the southwest and looked at her as he felt the boat began to tug and he strong armed the wheel to keep it in direction”I’m gad to know we have a doctor on the ship though i’m unsure how you can tend to someone with a Paramecia fruit power, since last i checked those aren’t turned off easily”. He turned to her”make sure to eat one of those fruits everyday, I can always steal more on are next stop, Don’t need our doctor getting Scurvy this early in the adventure.” He guessed they had traveled about thirty miles so he yelled down”why don’t you take the wheel and ill make sure that the kitchen works by making us a celebratory dinner. If anything happens ring the bell and ill come running up. He waited for her to come up and take the wheel before he let go and headed down the stairs and into the kitchen when he rolled up his sleeves so that he wouldn’t get it burnt before he pulled out some of the knives he bought from the store. He pulled out some fish and vegetables he sliced up the veggies first until they were finely shredded and ready so he started that on the first stove top heater having it slow so they wouldn’t get finished before the rest of the meal. He filled up a bowl of water and began letting it boil before he filled it full of rice and watching it begin to cook nicely though it might be done to soon but doesn’t want it to be undercooked.
He laid the fish down flat taking a long sharp blade and cut it length wise and easily removed the bones and head before slicing up the rest and fried them up with a few spices and a sauce he heard was a new invention so he placed the lemon juice as it cooked quickly. He then smiled as all the food finished with five minutes of each other so nothing would be cold. He finished up another fish this one he fried without cutting up other then removing the bones and removing the head which he placed on his plate and brought them up to the deck. He placed them down on a table that edges that stuck up two inches so that nothing would slide off. Before He walked over and picked up the anchor showing her it so she knew to hold on before throwing it over board to stop them in the middle of the sea. He went over and sat down and picked up his fork and knife before digging into the stir fry enjoying the sweet taste of of the lemon with spice. He watched her dig in and waited to see her reaction”Hope you enjoy it, And on your comment of heading to Louguetown, I think we should hit some of these other islands maybe get are bounty up before heading into the Grand Line we need to get a name for ourselves.” He was trying to think of where to head first but since she was the Captain then maybe he should leave it up to her.-
-Raphael looked to the woman and smiled before he turned and saw the village was starting to chase after them so he dove into the water and began to push the boat so that it would leave the dock before he got back to the ship and began to steer the wheel”well I didn’t plan to captain a ship so you lead the way since you have the damn map, Captain short shit”. He got them about twenty paces out to sea so cannons wouldn’t hit them so they now had time to plan”I guess I should say a few things about myself since were a crew, I was learning to be a chef before I started my adventure and I have books on the grand line enemies and the island that The King went through after Nico Robin Published her Journal so that’s some help but will rely on those maps till we reach Loguetown at the start of the grand line.” He saw that the winds were picking up so he decided to steer the boat with the wind and take off hoping one day to make it to the grand line.-
-Raphael took the time watching her walk away and tilting his head to the side before sighing”not enough meat on that girls bones to make her any fun for a guy my size, and she’s made of poison I have no luck with women. I need to reach the grand line and live with the mermaids so that maybe ill find some kind of luck. He went under the deck to find they had alot of fish but it wasn’t in the best of quality which made him sigh. He walked back up on top of the ship seeing some people coming so he ducked back under seeing five women walk on board saying:I still can’t believe we got away with stealing this ship from the group of rookies, it was so easy we didnt even need a devil fruit”. Raphael had heard enough so he ducked back down below and found a rope. He walked back up not being noticed which wasn’t hard since they all seemed drunk. He tied them up in about five minutes only getting scratched by there untrimmed nails and getting a few kicks to his jewels. He lifted them all up found a navy ship and dropped them on it when no one was looking and ran back to his ship to wait.
He was waiting up in the crows next when she finnaly returned so he yelled down”whats with women and taking forever”. He climbed down taking the coin purse and walking off the ship before turning to her”if this ship is not here when I return you better hope your a long ways off or ill catch up and use you for bait to see how many sea kings I can poison to make for dinner. And your little Bunny is cute, ill enjoy that for a snack”.
He made his way through the shops he was lucky that she hadn’t spent it all because he was mistaken when thinking there would be food on it. He found a shop and got fish a few living chickens in cages so they could get what was needed. He then used the rest of there funds on vegetable’s as he had a plan for fruit so they wouldn’t get other diseases. He had gathered many things so he had a huge sack over is shoulder so that they would be good for a few months unless there was others that joined us. He went out into the forest seeing an apple tree and an orange tree. He pulled them right up out of the roots and placed the bag in his mouth to carry while he carried the trees over his shoulders. He came back through town with people running around trying to understand how man could even carry that much so easily. He reached the ship letting the bag drop easily to the ground so that he can lay down the trees before walking back out and finding two barrels that he filled with dirt before planting the tree’s in them once again and strapping them to the boat so that they wouldn’t fall over. He once again jumped off the boat and grabbed two barrels and ran through the town collecting bottles of rum and fresh water before people could protect to the theft he was back to the ship and ready to set sail” Welp Im Raphael are you ready to set sail or are you going to bore me by making me wait for something”.-
The Shichibukai
1.Funeral King Jack
He is a master swordsman that can easily cut a man in two with his long Katana
He uses the spikes on his cape to strike at multiple targets.
He has started master Haki.
Bounty 120,000,000 berries
Evil2.Cyborg DethMetal
He is created by the Marines after one of there men found a burnt up pirate captain that crashed escaping from the grand line.
Abilities:He has super human strength and durability and other then destroying the entire armor his only weakness is he has cool down every four hours where his crew come in with plugs that come out of his WarShip
0 Berries
has no alignment as he follows any order3.Eagle Saint Desira
Abilities:She is a master marksman along with all of her crew being sniper and only one person on her crew is a close range fighter and that is a Octopus Merman. Her crew are in a Galleon that is fully covered in cannons that have modified sight systems on them
85,000,000 berries4. The Sea Devil Grawl
Abilities;Mizu Mizu no Mi
He uses a sword to attack his enemies when hes not near water but near water he uses his logai abilities to drawn his opponents. He has a crew of ten men but there ship in a brig that has no sails as the captain uses his fruit to make the water push the ship forward. He grows Devil fruit on his ship of Paramecia and Zoan so expect his crew to be fruit users.
Law full
99,000,000 berries5. Porn Star Dison
Abilities: His entire crew is made of people that love his films and would take a bullet for him to be apart of one. He feels he is a god to women and his cockiness has become a form of Haki that can make people fall in love with him.
69,000,0006.Amazon Zxhen
She is a master sword fighter and assassin and is known as the most desired woman of the sea She has reached the half way point of the Grand Line before being offer her position.
Her fleet of twenty ships have fifty amazonian women on each that can cause fear in any pirate crew. She is also known as the Bringer of Death.
389,000,000 berries
Evil7.Valkyrie Delphine
Abilities:Ishi Ishi no Mi
Her crew of ten men all follow her into battle feeling they will go to warrior heaven if they die in battle.
76,000,000 berries
Good -
The Yonko
Name:Red King JehtAge: 39
Devil Fruit:Mera Mera no Mi
Abilities:Worlds Greatest swordsman was trained by Roronoa Zoro, His devil Fruit is Gear two
Ship:The burning demon
Crew:500 men each of them have been trained by the Captain
Crews abilities: Each use twin sword style, The top ten that are on his ship use three sword style of poisonous blades.
Lineage:Father Roronoa Zoro and Tashigi
History:He was born after Luffy Became the King Of the Pirate so Zoro took time to settle down and train his son who after His fathers Execution Bound to Kill ever Marine in the world.
Is the ruler Of east blue
Lawfully Evil
Name:The Dark King Razor
Age: 21
Devil Fruit:Mythical Zoan type, The Dark Phoenix,
Abilities:He uses pistols to fire his Dark fire at his enemies that can never be extinqused unless he himself stomps them out. He can also fly in his Zona form along with doing a half Zona form as his fruit has awakened so he has reached it final level.
Ship:Striker{ace’s solo ship}
Crews abilities: None
Lineage:Son of Marco
History:He was raised on the reformed white beard pirates till he was 11 and the ship was destroyed killing everyone on board but luckily he washed up on shore and after starving for days he found a black fruit that seemed to have blue feathers around it. Not caring he chomped down on the fruit and after learning it was a devil fruit by accidentally stepping into the sea water. He quickly mastered his fruit maybe through some genetic memory passed on by his father. He found an abandoned ship on the island that he later belong to Portgas D. Ace.
Chaotic Neutral
west blue
Name:.The Dragon Queen, Rosa
Devil Fruit:Unknown
Abilities:She can tame any beast she sets her gaze on to do her bidding and can make humans without the devil fruits fall asleep. She is able to get around easy as her ship flies. She uses mirriors to snare many in her gaze maxium in five. If she is able to break your will while in her gaze even when she looks away you will forever follow her.
Ship:The Roaring Beast.
Crew: Fifty fifty foot dragon
Crews abilities:All the dragons are Artifical Zoan users
Marine Rank:Vice Admerial
History:Classified All that is known she was born with her haki ability and the secound she could open her eyes the world revolved around her every whim. She has to have direct eye contact to make you do her bidding but she uses mirrors to multiply how many she can stair at. She is known to fly around the calm belt and destroy those stuck within it as mercy killing
North Blue
Chaotically good
Name:Pop star Diva
Devil fruit:UnKnown Logia/Zoan
Abilities: She is a master tactican allowing her to cordinate back and forth with all of her men along with through her guitar she uses her haki which slows down the movements of men
Ship:The purring Lion
Crew: She has fifty fleet of men and half of them are paramecia users the other half are zoan users and the five that guard her are logia users.
Crews abilities:Assorted Devil Fruits
History:She was born in the south blue and was raised in a rather happy family listening to the song of Brook she got into music and realized she could capture boys attention with the sounds of her music and after so long she turned her ability into a weapon. She quickly gained the power of everyone she ever meet. Only using the best of the best. She is the richest and most feared of the yonko and she guards the island where the One Piece is said to exist. She does not claim it herself as she dosent want this era of pirates to end.
Lawfully good
South Blue
-Raphael had been rowing the boat for about an hour without answering her question before he finally decided to speak. He had been going over what his speaking could result in but she had decided to trust him and join him on this voyage. He sighed”I’m half Fish man as my father was Arlong and my mother was a human that was taken advantage of by him. Arlong left my mother to give birth to me as he set out to try and hunt the King but what he didn’t know was that Luffy had already passed away”.
He begin to row the boat bit faster as he saw an island which made him happy as he saw many different ships of multiple sizes. He rowed the boat right up into the sand before jumping out and adjusting himself so he could walk up onto the dock and began to examine each of the boats before he found one that was seemingly perfect in the middle of the grouping and the crew seemed to be gone. He looked around and leaped onto the deck of the brig and turned back to the girl as he began to pull on the ropes trying to test how much strength it would take to get the sails to catch the air and after about ten minutes he had the sails able to be moved. He turned to her and threw a small sack of coins that he had”use these to get any supplies you need ill be here waiting and guarding are new ship.-
-Raphael came up the back steps missing the commotion but he heard a man run by telling one of the men they were looking for the girl. Raphael sighed and guessed it was time to go so he walked over and kicked the anchor which feel down into the depths catching on coral and anchoring them to the sea. He turned and threw the man that tried to stop him over board before jumping down the stairs to the lower deck luckily missing the mess and headed past her where he grabbed his black shirt pulling it on and buttoning up before he ran back to her room and began tapping his foot”lets go lets go lets go, do you really need that stuff, if the captain finds you your dead and my time waiting on you was wasted”.
He waited for her to finish and as he ducked out of the room a sword took off one of his spikes of hair that fell to his floor which made Raphael turn to the man and punch him in the skull causing his brain to bounce around and detach from the brain stem leaving the men a vegetable for the few seconds till his heart no longer was told to pump and his lungs stopped taking in air. He pulled back his air and tied it in a not before running back up the stairs leaping over the mess she had caused and once he reached the deck he heard a shot go off and he was hit in the chest which bounced off”hey that might not kill me but that still stings damn it”. The captain and men were in horror that the man was still standing as they began to scream “devil devil devil”. He smirked running past them crashing through the men opening up a path for the girl to follow him as he leaped into a life boat grabbing the oars and screamed up to her”jump in or swim your choice devil user”.-
-Raphael strapped on the cutlass and one of the older men decided to test him by thrusting his own blade towards Raphael’s mid section. He jumped back to dodge the attack while he drew out his own weapon and prepared to fight. The man tried to thrust the blade once more so he spun the blade down to parry the blade so that his arm was out to the side leaving him open so Raphael finished through with the strike using his blade to cut the mans hat in half but none of the skin. The mans hat fell to the ground and the mean was sweating bullets before falling down and crawled backwards away from Raphael.
He placed the blade back into its sheath before he turned to the captain who told him to get out of his sight. He didn’t think that this life was going to fit him for long as he was getting tired of this guys attitude. He decided to get some food so he went and got lunch deciding to button up the jacket but can only get the bottom three done as the jacket was under size. He looked down at the slop on his plate and he sighed knowing this could not last. He flopped down on the other side of the table of a woman with a weird shield and purple hair. He looks at her with a raised brow”I have been reading up on the history of the kings enemies and I swear you remind me of someone but I can’t put my finger on it”. He begins to pick at the food eating the biscuit and salted meat but leaving the rest that he gave to a guy next to him that must have no taste buds because he dug in quickly. He looked to the woman again and whispered to her when the man leaves the table”Hey would you like to join a pirate crew instead of this crappy crew of misfits”.
He didn’t wait for an answer as he saw one of the captains men walk into the room and seemed to be trying to keep an eye on Raphael. So he walked past the man and headed for the engine room finding it empty so he started to screw with the ships rudder so that they would have to dock at the closest Marine base to get repairs. He then walked back on deck as he felt the ship begin to ship way so one of the men go and check and they sea there is a crack in the rudder so they think they may have hit an under water rock to cause it. The man let the captain know and he told them to make way for the 16th branch base to get the boat repaired and to hopefully get some able men that may actually get him promoted in the future.-
-Raphael black shirt off and his rippling muscles made the other men ashamed to be standing next to him which brought a smile to his face. He had the ship going so fast by controlling all five lines by himself that the boat was mostly skipping on the water more then floating in it. Raphael tied up the lines so they could slow down for a time. He went to the ship doctor as he wanted to know how I could do what it is a I do so he took a needle and stabbed my skin but the needle bent and broke. He decided to tell the man”I’m part fishman that’s how im able to move the ship so easy I share there strength but luckily I got my mothers looks. The doctor looked shocked to see a halfbreed on there ship but the man seemed to be a good hearted soul.
Raphael saw another ship coming up and he realized they were all wearing marine uniforms so the moment the two boats lined up he ran from where he was standing grabbing his black shirt throwing it over his shoulders leaving it unbuttoned and his chest bare as he stepped on the edge of the boat and dove into the sea and swam at fifty miles per hour reaching the other ship in seconds. He yelled up to the Marines hey id like to join your squad mind if I come aboard. The captain of the ship was a bit shocked but the to the captain the man seemed a bit more reliable then most of these recruits so threw a line out to help him up onto the boat.
Raphael climbed aboard and after being checked out he was given a Marine jacket which he took but when they handed him the hat”I’m not sure that is going to fit me”. The captain sighed and walked away mumbling something about uniform and protocol. They handed him a rifle and had him fire at there target he raise it up to his shoulder and aimed down the site and when he pulled the trigger the bullet missed completely”sorry im better with hand to hand or with a sword arm the a rifle”. The captain beat his head on the wall wondering if he will ever find a good crew.
Raphael began to walk around talking to the different members before helping the men pull up the anchor most of them falling over when he gave it a tug making them all look at him in shock”yeah yeah super strong, ive heard it before can we skip this and move please”. The men turned red face and went about there work as he went to his bunk and placed down is black shirt. He planned to wear the Marine jacket open for now. He had no plans of staying a marine just a means of getting closer to the grand line and to the one piece.
-Raphael walked onto an island in the east blue that once housed the legend Luffy who was once the King of the pirates. The island was Dawn island which was now highly guarded by the marines hoping to prevent people from flocking to the grave of the King that was suppose to be hidden but Raphael found out about it in Prison. He went into the woods that had been planet and found an unmarked grave that had a straw hat placed on it that somehow never blew away even though storm in this area of the sea was strong. Raphael spoke”ill be the next king and prove even someone with my Lineage can reach the same greatest of Monkey D. Luffy and Gol D. Rogers. He tunred and headed back to town when he saw a robber trying to steal from a local bar that was famous because it was the last place on the island Luffy stood before he left to become the king.
Raphael ran over and closed line leaving the man on his back and he smirked down at the man”Please I dare you to move so that I can pound you back into the dirt”. A marine force ran over took the stolen items and took them back to the bar before thanking Raphael. Raphael walked into the bar and ordered a beer before he sat around hearing people speaking about the legends of the king of when he and ace were children.
Raphael was given a bed to sleep in and when he wakes the next morning and see’s a man getting ready to head out on a month trip to another island so Raphael decided to tag along as a strong arm to pull the lines and sail the ship if a storm begins. He is looking at the island of the King and he smiles as he pulls a rope with his fellow workers and the sails catch the wind and the journey of another rookie pirate begins.-
-Virgil wrapped his ropes tightly around his arms as he pulled his hood back and turned to Dante. He placed back on his assassins ring as he listened to the man speak about the danger of where they were going”im interested in what could bring horror to such a strong man such as yourself”. He followed the man through the island till they came to the hole in the ground that was refereed to as the pit”Well this looks like death gate for anyone thats not of assassin level”.-