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-Virgil snapped his dart out aimed directly for the woman’s throat and the other between Dante’s legs to pierce her in the knee before he pulled hard which would smash the woman against the large man. He did not blink as she said”I do not pity the weak, but I will not kill your men and they can leave in peace or stay whatever they please, I am only living because of taken the life of many most of them for just being born into a certain family. I kill you because your disgraceful as a captain for not taking the chance to prove yourself to me and become an assassin of the creed, you say we play tricks, you walk among the elite we alone are seeking to remove the corruption that enslaves your people, the man I am hunting is the one who gave the order to begin the slaving of your people, I saved your men and others so they will have a chance to have there revenge.”
Virgil snapped both darts back possibly giving a scratch to Dante face but it would do nothing to him as his blades were pristine and always kept clean as unlike other assassins he did not use poisons. He turned to the men that had stood behind her”go or stay choose”.-
-Virgil stood up from the leaves and in less then a minute he had every round from his guns fired breaking the guns that were held by the warriors behind the woman and the one the pistol the woman carried. He saw Dante standing behind her as he spoke calmly to him”take her life if you must, but know she could be an ally, Woman if any of your mean to strike us they will die before they get the chance as I feel no sympathy for those that wish hard on the innocent, we gave them freedom and you dare fire on this place of peace then it is you who only means to enslave them, We have given them a doctor and the tailor is giving them clothing so either kneel and give sorrow for your misguidance or death is your only shadow of escape from the man that stands before you”.
Virgil let himself fall forward and into a bush of leaves before he rose back to his feet both of his rope darts in hand if her men tried to strike. He was ready to kill anyone that was necessary to ensure the safety of his men.-
-Virgil turned to her “if we let you leave with your tongue the men hunting me would do anything to make you talk to find us, they would not accept that you know nothing. They would cut your fingers off and maybe whole limbs to you talked or lied, and once you spoke they would kill you so that you couldn’t tell anyone to try and warn me, because they would assume your working with me”. He walked back up to the building and removed the sheet so he could go back over the table he carved into and he used a blade to make five marks in the table meaning five Templar were dead. He heard the shot and he made sure all nine of his pistols were loaded along with his rope darts were ready expecting retaliation from another slaver who had hidden on the ship they saved but no it was a group of people demanding they release them. Virgil was taken back at there inference that they were going to make these people slaves again. He pulled his hood over his head as he walked out into the open his armor could protect him from the muskets and pistols these people had as they weren’t top of the line like you found in Europe, the colonies and slave ship weren’t allowed the products that the army of the King had.
Virgil had the dagger end of both his rope darts in his hands at the ready, but the woman he had noticed earlier began to walk forward so he stopped for a second he used his skills as an assassin to blend with the warriors and he went up a tree to get a better angle on them. He was hidden in the huge leaves of the tree but could see them easily. He pulled out two of his pistols waiting to see if the woman would accept the words of the woman if not she would be shot before she could try and shoot her weapon again.-
-Virgil picked up two of the rope darts and wrapped them around his arms before pulling down his sleeves. He didn’t feel the weird chain device would be needed for him. Virgil handed him a ring on his left ring finger”I would like for you to make ten of these for now, they will be owned by are inner circle, we do not allow the men or are new companions about are on goings unless they wear this ring, with this ring they are assassins, once a copy is made you have the owner of wearing one as your my apprentice from here on out, Your failures are shared by me in the eyes of the Assassin Guild. Virgil walked outside and took in a breath of fresh air looking to the people that now joined us, they all seemed happy but one woman seemed to know what was going on and it intrigued him that one of them must speak English to have understood what he had said to Dante. He was also glad to see they had so many but he expected that only about forty would survive the experience of being an assassin that was if any decided to follow that path, many of them might decide to just be pirates which would serve his cause just as well because every vessel with pirates he was going to make sure at least two of his assassins were on it. Virgil remember the female from earlier and hearing her scream gave him notice she needed taken care of now before she causes problem. Virgil walked back towards the training area and let one of his darts to unroll into his hand and he threw it up and into the rock she was sitting on. He caught the end of the rope and he pulled on it hard and it heaved the rock which fell to the side of Virgil. He let go of the rope as the dart stabbed to his other side and he stretched out his arms easily catching the girl”we need to speak, so follow and listen or Ill use you to test my other dart and this is not a threat but a promise of things to come”.
Virgil bent down picking up his dart wrapped it back around his arm if he did not follow he would aim for her and launch his dart if it missed he would wait for her to run away and shoot her in the back of the head with his pistol. If she followed he would wander along the beach speaking”You can either train like Dante is doing and join me in my cause which you’ll learn off later on, or you become a pirate that I will no longer watch over and possibly one of these men will find you when your not protected, If you choose neither I will cut your tongue out as you have seen to much to go free, I wish it wasn’t so and I could trust you to keep quiet but We have to much at stake”. He turned and headed back up the beach waiting for her answer giving her his back gave her the option to attack him or run, He would not hurt her without cause but if she attacked she would die.-
-Virgil was laying on the island when he spotted a ship far off at sea he turned and yelled for a spy glass one of the men brought him it and he used it to examine the ship seeing many men on it and some of them that he didn’t recognize so these must of been the slaves that were being used in the colonies. He stood up and whistled as loud that it would make the ears hurt of many people around him before he yelled at the top of his lungs”time to have a little fun men, grab the captain and I want that ship moving now dammit”. He was moving before he finished speaking and leaped onto the ship starting to do the things he could do on his own without needing the men but he waited for them to gather and for Dante to reach the ship.
Virgil pointed out to see at the ship sailing”we can get back our numbers and another ship”. He smiled as he pulled up his hood and made sure his blades were sharp”when we return your tailor is going to be busy along with you Dante, I need my rope darts back so I can fight at a range without having to refill my pistols”. They were smaller and faster so they are able to catch up to the save ship and he knew that these ships didn’t have cannons because it would take up room to place more slaves. Virgil pulled out his first pistol corrected for the wind and air fired a single shot taking out the captain already.
He turned to his men”I know you men enjoy having your fun, but kill one of the captured men or women and ill skin you and toss you to the sharks”. He ran and jumped from the edge of the ship landing on the other ship he pulled out two silver dagger using both to stop the blade of a large male before he spun around the man so he was now behind him. Virgil drug the daggers into the shoulders of the man and as he fell screaming in agony Virgil threw the two dagger into the throats of two of the men as they came from below deck. He pulled out two pistols and stood with both arms outstretched and shot two men who were running at him. He dropped them rolling on the deck grabbing the blade of one of the men and as his roll ended he came up with the blade going into one of the mans jaws.
He turned seeing the men and Dante finish off the rest before he dusted himself off”men take all the weapons onto are main ship, Dante do you know how to speak to these people, The nobles in England have never seen them”. He did not hold himself higher then these people he just didn’t think they would have been taught to speak as the new world only wanted them for labor. He used a rag to cover his face as he looked under the deck. He used his pistols to shoot the locks binding the slaves before he went back to the top deck hoping Dante was able to speak to them in some way. He planned to use them as warriors or to help fix the island but they would be paid and hopefully taught some skills so they could survive as he didn’t know how to reach the country these people come from so returning them would be impossible.
He waited for them to get back to the island before he went to the tailor and spoke to the doctor”I want all of them to be looked over and washed after fetch the tailor have him make them clothing, if he doesn’t have the materials then ill pay for the men to go to shore to fetch them”. Virgil went to his chest and started to examine his gear wondering if he could find something to make training so many easier but some of this things must have been lost to the storm so he would have to get them repaired or rebuilt in total.-
-Virgil smiled”I have them building a real base for us hidden behind the tree’s so that we can host other assassins in a better fashion”. He watched the apple out of the corner of his eye and caught it in one hand taking a bite from it and began to walk over to check out how far they have come”Yes you have purpose to help this world reach freedom”. He saw that they had many logs laid down and he smiled happy to see it”all you have left to do now is wait till we reach the main land, but your right about that female, we should get her to join us or kill her”.-
-Virgil had fallen asleep but the way he slept would have not been realized as he had a even breathing like he was awake. He sat up at the man spoke and after he realized what he was asking he blinked and yawned laying back down in the sand”there are true enemy they will not stop at any means to keep the apple of eden but knowledge of how its used was long forgotten as the manuscripts were sealed by a master of old by the name Ezio Auditore da Firenze”. He stretched back out and he had tribal tattoos all over his bodies they looked as if they were meant to be all one tattoo but some of them looked older then others they were each for every templar he had ever killed most of them being low class hunters but he had a purple tribal X over his heart from when he killed a high lord five years ago”.
He sat up”this man who was going to raise the taxes, did he wear a red robe and have a gold cross on the back of such, if so he was a duke under a man ive been hunting and most likely we need to make are training faster”.-
-Virgil waited for Dante to return while he listened to the man knock down tree’s to make room for the building that he asked them to construct. He was laying back in the sand on his muscular body could get a tan so that when he returns to the new world he can keep up the image of a well sported noble that no one would expect of his real duties.
Virgil could hear the woman cussing he from out here but he shrugged and closed his eyes listening to the lapping of the waves on his feet and enjoying how this soothed his aching muscles after being tense for so long on the island. He waited for acknowledgement of here he wanted the odds and ends of the building like where the hidden room was to be located that lead to where the assassin meetings would be held of higher members of the order.-
-Virgil finished cleaning up and walked back to his chest and pulled out two more wrist blades that he fitted to his wrists and made sure the blade came out easily while he adjusted uniform and finally placed his jacket back on pulled the hood up to cover his features. He then began to wander out of the cove pointing to two of Dante’s men”follow me and maybe you’ll earn those coins you took”. The men looked at each other and followed after Virgil and he picked up the hammer of there captain feeling its weight made him slow so he handed it to one of the men”your going to need that”. The men looked very scared knowing even with the hammer they were no match for the assassin. They began to drag the hammer behind them as they followed the tall male out of the cave.
Virgil made sure there were no boats at sea as he walked along the island happy to have his hood up blocking out the sun he smirked hearing the hammer be dragged behind them”I bet if you men really learned to swing that hammer like men, your captain would make you high officials in whats to come”. They take turns dragging it to help get stronger until they reached the back of the island inside a well tree jungle”I want you men and any others you can get to help to build a two level home with a basement and once its done you both will begin your training like your captain, this is to get your muscles stronger for things that will test you greatly, You can use any tools you wish so return that hammer to where I found it, yes back in the cave”
Virgil walked around the island enjoying the sight of the sea, this will be a major trading post of the new world if he had his say and he knew he would, this will be much work for now but it will come to bring much fortune to these pirates along with the ability to become true warriors with the responsibility of the world resting on them to carry on everything that I teach them as I myself was taught “Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent, Hide in plain sight, Never compromise the Brotherhood,Nothing is true, Everything is permitted”. One of the men was standing behind Virgil as he spoke this one of the younger crew men”that is your creed sir, its inspirational and I would like to learn it myself”. Virgil nodded”go to work and will talk when your captain returns, if anyone bothers you tell them your under my eyes from now on”.-
-Virgil turned bright red never being spoken to like this before surprised him so he pulled the two daggers that bound her and he walked back up the path”you can join the crew or swim somewhere else, the choice is yours”. He was trying to make the blush fade from his face as he reached the door sitting back down and cleaning the blade once more. He handed his list to Dante of five names”these people are to be killed, one of them is innocent you must decide who the person is and spare them as they could be a potential ally but all of these men are in the same position, they all work in metal working and hold position with the government one of them is a fresh Templar if you let him go you mise well hang yourself and not return, you can take any men you wish to help you reach the city but you are to do this alone take any weapons you see fit”. He unstrapped his wrist blade and handed it to the man”but the templar must be stabbed with this so the enemy know who stuck this blow, killing him with any other weapon is fine but stab him anyway, you are dismissed”.
Virgil walked out the back and climbed down the rock face till he was close to the water and washed himself from the dirt and grime of the day.-
-Virgil flicked the glass over as the men ran to the boat and he didn’t speak to Dante he knew the man would come to understand his ways in time. He stood and used a cloth to clean the table along with the rest of the inside setting things up and throwing out anything unneeded as he began to carve a map into the table from his memory then he drew X’s over area’s he knew were Templar controlled but would not explain this until later as he took a cloth and covered the table so not to be seen by anyone. He turned looking at the chest tempted to take a look but he would not do such as it belonged to the captain.
He found a dagger and a thing of rope and fashioned himself a primal version of his rope dart but later he would be testing the blacksmiths abilities on restoring his lost weapons. Virgil finnaly reached behind himself and pulled out a huge black sword{think hawk eye my hawks sword} and laid it across the table this was the fable blade of his family and was named the Templar slayer by his grandfather. He heard Dante come inside from his work out and he spoke formally as if nothing had happened between them”Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent, Hide in plain sight, this is your next mission”. He ran a rag over the large blade”like your hammers this had been in my family for ages and it my main weapon that I mastered even though I have never used it in real battle”. He heard the men return by there screams and he walked out seeing the woman running and he threw two daggers and pinned her to the wall by shirt and between her metal plating, no flesh would have been stabbed. He then threw a third blade that stabbed right in front of the men chasing her face who gasped in shock. He walked forward motioning Dante to follow as he walked up to the woman still in his robes holding two more daggers”you are to explain yourself now or these will be placed so accurately into your chest that it will take you five days to bleed to death while you scream in agony with every motion”.-
-Virgil sat down at a table and poured himself a shot of rum taking a sip and it burned all the way down”damn thats some strong stuff”. He turned to Dante”have at it”. He poured another glass but didn’t drink it instead he turned it upside down so quickly none of it left the glass when he turned it upside down and placed it upside down on the table and he spoke”he is allowed to do as he wished unless one of you can spill this rum”. He stood up and walked to the door and leaned against it as he watched and observed this mans way of dealing with him men.-
-Virgil looked at the chest knowing it well but the time was not right for him to show the contents of that chest as the crest was known to every assassin and if he was right a very old armor lied inside but till this man came of the rank assassin he did not deserve it or any robes of old”one day I will if you survive”. He watched the man begin to climb as he walked the path seeing how the things were placed and wasn’t sure if this was by mistake or put here by a real assassin because he himself would have picked a better place that was more natural to train the men but since they needed to stay unseen this would do for now. He waited for the man to grow tired and stop knowing he would not be able to finish this course today. He took off his good assassin jacket and hung it on a low hanging board before he ran up the wall catching it with one arm and with that single arms strength flung himself up passing three board the man had to grab. He reached the top in a matter of thirty minutes before he used his hidden blade to write a message in the wall”Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent, this is your next challenge”. He then let himself fall backwards catching a beam doing a back flip and landing on the ground with no problem before he looked to the man with a smile”we will try again tomorrow when you can tell me what is written you will know the first part of our creed”. He grabbed his jacket and walked out and looked to the men seeing this partaking in the haul and drinking of the rum Virgil pooled out on of his pistols laid it on his wrist taking aim and blew one of the bottles apart that was in a mans hand, The man was still holding the neck of the bottle in shock”till you gain the right to party and be mary then you are to drink only for thirst and by god you men will have a thirst to for my blood when we finish, so choose now those who wish to follow the ways of our creed and those who wish to help those of the creed and be pirates for the rest of your lives, none will shun those who choose the pirate life as you chose it because it was better then the life of the kings thumb, I do not wish to see the king in power any more then you men but you will have morals and responsibility under me and your captain now”.-
-Virgil smirked and allowed his hidden blades to appear so they knew what he was thinking and the look in there eyes were amusing. Virgil walked up and stood beside the man and crossed his arms while he watched the area figuring out the area and he smiled when he saw the man sail as accurately “you were born to be at sea it seems, I need to send your men out to collect whats left of my belongings on that ship before anyone finds them because if you want proper training the gear there can not fall into my enemies hands that are probably mentioned in your father book”. He watched the boat pull into doc before he went to fetch the woman and carried her to the doctor and he spoke to the man”she never saw my face so, if you can fix her up and set her to sail to the main land when the men go out next I will pay you happily doctor”.
Virgil left the doctors area and went to find where the captain had wandered off to” so where is this training area you spoke of”.-