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-Virgil smirked pulled his hood back before pulling the neck of his shirt to the side showing the symbol of the assassin to the man. He smiled as he spoke silently making sure no one would hear him but this man”if your father was anything like me then he was yes an assassin and you were born to be one as well and I could help you master such and your crew as well if they have the discipline to do so”.
Virgil walked over pulled a couple of apples off the captains table and walks out to find the woman who is surrounded by the men who probably haven’t seen a woman in months and they were pawing at her even though she was hurt they didn’t seem to care. Virgil stepped right between all of them as if they were not there and he held her in his arms and carried her back into the captains quarters” I feel she is safest here since your dogs wont put there tongue away”. Virgil gave her the apple before he walked back out onto the ship and he wanted to see if these men had the balls to test him or if they would fall into line. He walked over to his chest and opened it and while on the deck he changed in sight of the men and he was now wearing his white robes of the assassin”hopefully some of you know what these robes mean and your captain knows them well so you pack of dog fall in on the line or ill see if my blades are still sharp.”
Virgil turn to the captain”you can direct them now, if you want me to train them then they will never act this way again, they will be treated as children as will you but only by me till you earn your blade, so let us begin this journey as the new assassins of the sea”.-
-Virgil made sure the woman was comfortable and taken care of before he turned back to the man who had spoken”I am a noble from england and anything else you learn of me will come if I learn to trust you”. He began to walk through the men of the ship until one decided to take a swing at him out of drunken anger from the rumors the men had started. Virgil caught the mans fist easily and using just his thumb and pointer fingers he snapped the mans wrist before jumping up bringing his knee into the mans jaw and him falling stone cold to the ground before he turned to the others. He straitened his jacket before turned and walked towards the woman making sure she was still safe and he walked up into the captains area.
He never made a noise as he opened the door and slipped inside and the man had his head down as he studied the machines that he knew very well as he has seen these drawings from past assassins but not all of them”I see you have found an assassins log book that contains the weapons and other things of our trade”.-
-Virgil stood up and pointed at the treasure aboard his ship”get us off this island and to the New world and you can have your share of it once we are safe”. Virgil helped carry the girl onto the long boat and waited till they got back to the mans ship before he began to look around the ship scanning the men and the way they carried themselves so he smiled. He pulled his hood up covering the upper half of his face checking the hidden blades under his sleeves happy to see they were not damaged at the slightest but he would need to repair his other blades and his rope darts which were lost in the storm.
He waited to be attacked at any moment as he realized these were pirates just by the way the way they carried themselves so this was not a civil ship because the people would be more fearful of a new man and woman and it wasn’t a naval ship because everyone would be in salute to the captain this way a pirate ship.-
-Virgil was standing at the dock of his new ship a beautiful vessel not of huge portions but a modest size nothing a pirate would attack because it would appear to be simply a fishing boat but it was altered an was well stocked with rum and wine below along with all his treasure below deck and three canons on each side and he was about to head to the new world. He walked onto his boat meeting his crew of fellow other patrons heading to the new world that would pay for there way there by keeping the ship operational and clean. He decided he was going to keep a log book since he was the captain of his vessel and it would need something if the ship crashed at sea.
Log March 19-One month at sea, we have lost four to sickness the crew is now at fifty people and many seem to have lost the spirit of reaching the New world.
April 1-One month and a half, there are only thirty of us left and we are falling like flies and were almost there.
April 9- A storm has started and I fear this is my last night so I shall write of this voyage so that maybe the finder of this book will know I tried to save those still alive. I gave a young girl who was with child my quarters with her sire and her brother while I slept with the men knowing it would be for the best in hope that new life would come to the new world. I gave the men my wine to raise there spirits but that only lead to fighting and death so I had it thrown over board along with the rum but I fear this had made the boat to light as we are being thrown around in this storm very easily…
He ran up on deck to help as the mast began to crack his men screaming as fear filled there hearts and he couldn’t help but to feel the same as he thought his life was coming to an end but he felt it was just for the many lives he had taken even though it was for the greater good of humanity he felt god would punish him.
He saw the mass smash and fall into the sea catching the leg of one of the men and pulling him over board. He was hit by a board that broke off from the ship and he rolled down the stairs so he was under the deck.
He woke the next morning to find himself stranded on the island with the ship smashed and the only body he found was of the young girl who he nursed back to health though he was afraid to tell her she would not give birth as a piece of metal had stabbed through her and had taken the life of her child. He patched her up and used some of the fruits of the island to help bring them to health but much more on this island and they would die so he began to scavage the ship seeing if it could be prepared but it was worse then he thought once he was on the inside. He sat down on a chest and cried fearing for the young girls life as she would die in his company if he did not find a way to save them so he began to rip off parts of the ship to build a fire hoping for a passing ship to see it.-
Name: Virgil
Alias: Jarid
Age: 27
Height: 6′
Weight: 172
Appearance:He is currently wearing a long black jacket with a hood that hides in face in shadows along with a pair of black pants a pair of comfortable shoes and his black hair is in a ponytail.Affiliation:Assassin
Job:Head Assassin,Philosopher and teacher of the Creed
Weapons: Twin blades that come from under my sleeves along with four rope darts, a short blade and a long bastard sword along with a huge black claymore on his back that he can move easily with. He also carries nine pistols each loaded.
Other Items: His ship is filled with gold and assorted jewels, a huge coin purse full of marked gold. extra gun powder and smoke bombs.
History:He was born into the creed as his ancestors were all masters who taught the ways of the creed and brought peace over time. Virgil grew up and trained with the best of all the assassins in England and was taught philosophy by nobles at a local college so that he could be world knowledgeable. He is a master shot with multiple pistols along with being a strong warrior with his blades and has taught himself how to use the rope darts by hunting deers and rabbits. He is a nobleman of class so he is very wealthy having much gold and jewels with him and all of his weapons are top of the line.
Name: Eudyptula Cobblepot
Age: 30
Appearance: She wears a basic black suit over a white blouse shirt with frills on the front. She has only four digits on each hand, her pinky and ring fingers being stuck together. Her hair was brown but is matted enough to look black. She wears gloves she had found that fit nicely over her last finger but smash her middle and pointer fingers together. Despite sharing a defect of her relative, she has a rather cute nose and dark brown eyes. When her gloves are off, her nails are sharp and thick. Her teeth are also filed to be sharp and are very tough. She is about 5’7″ tall and weighs 100 lbs in muscle with 4% body fat (due to malnourishment).
Vocalizations with penguins – She can have conversations with the cute little critters and they will obey her orders.
Intelligence – She is smart and will use this to her advantage, may it be trying to recreate her relatives many umbrella weapons to giving penguins cute little weapons for themselves.
Flexibility – Unlike her rather rigid relative, she is flexible and lithe due to free running around the city.
Penguin army – She found a couple of the cute little guys and keep them as her babies, they follow her everywhere unless she asks them to do something. There is currently only one male and one female, both are rockhopper penguins. The male is named Rocky and the female is Rosey.
Cold tolerance – Despite her small human body, she has a tolerance of the cold until about 20 degrees Fahrenheit. After that, she will shiver within an hour.
where are you located: Gotham
Name: Termena
Age: 28
Appearance: She has platinum blonde hair and a deep blue eye color that looks like it could verge on crossing back to brown. She tends to wear pink strapless halter tops with a blue miniskirt that reveals more that it possibly should. She also wears light tan strapped sandal heels that go up to her mid calf. She wears Barbie pink nail polish and red lipstick with light blue above her eyes. She wears brown eyeliner, making her eyes appear brighter. She also tends to have her hair pulled back with a pink hair scrunchy. When she has her ring on, her eyes glow a bright green and it folds her top holster into a green strip with the lantern symbol on the crevasse of her breasts and a green g-string, both connected by a black string. Her heel sandals turn into black and green hooker boots. She gets a little green mask over her eyes that are swirled and seems to sparkle.
Abilities: Energy Projection, Force Field, Energy Constructs, Phasing, Environmental Playback, Invisibility & Light Refraction, Energy Twin, Energy Absorption, Flight, Wormholes & Spacial Warps (She hasn’t figured it out yet), Time Travel (Hasn’t figured it out yet), Limited Cellular Regeneration, Electromagnetic Scanning, Search Probes, Galactic Encyclopedia, Universal Translator, Material Alteration, Ring Duplication, Emergency Beacon, Homing Beacon, Mind Alteration (She knows this the most), Pocket Dimension (She hasn’t figured this out yet), Thought Relay, Levitation, Hope Symbiosis, Compassion Absorption.
where are you located: Metropolis
Name: Real name unkown. (Goes by many) Current name: Lambert Hughes. His most universal alias is simply. “Doctor” “Doktor” (DOK-TOUR) or “Doc”
Age: 94
Appearance: Looks like he is in his lower 50s. Very few wrinkles though his faces aged yet healthy. His body is that of a young man, fit and in it’s prime. Almost always wears a suit of many different colors with a tie. Balding. Hair on the top of the head is bald, hair to the sides and back remains. It stays like that. Wears glasses. Green eyes. (unless he changes color).
Enhanced physiology- Doktor was the one who developed and gave Nemaz his enhancemen. Doktor has genetically engineered himself and has had surgical enhancements. as such his abilities are similar. However Dokotr has engineered synthetic. However, most of his are simply better. Since Doktor does not have a metagene and he simply has an earthly genome, many power dampening effects will not work on him. The Doktor can control his body’s functions with his mind, able to control things like metabolism.
Superhuman durability- Doktor’s bones, instead of using a titanium foam, uses an extremely durable flexible nanoceramic foam that insulates from heat and electrity to reinforce his already dense bone structure. The joints like Nemaz’s are mostly with an engineered spider silk. Denser then regular spider silk. His joints are stronger then steel. Doktor’s muscle is denser. Making it somewhat like iron. Like Nemaz, most humans cannot harm the Doktor. He has a very high G-Force tolerance, making him more difficult to knock out and primarily to pull off very agile manuevres with aircraft without passing out. He can thrown significant distances, put through several walls, get hit by a train and survive with moderate-severe injury. Some blades like common kitchen knives cannon cut him. His head and other areas with bone are nigh-bulletproof to conventional small arms.
Healing Factor/Diseases/Toxin immunity- Doctor’s body has a potent healing factor due to cutting edge biotechnology and organic nanomachines his own body is capable of producing. He can recover from being cut if someone manages to do so in a few seconds with optimal help. Can recover from ghastly wounds. He can regrow organs, regrow limbs and if he is somehow decapitated, his head can be reattached. Can regenerate many portions of his brain. Even able to have the nanoceramic and spider silk built into it again just as before. Doktor is immune to all terrestrial diseases. Toxins are contained in inert material or soaked with nanosponges before they can reach even his already powerful immune system, which would fend most of it off anyway. Bullets lodged in his flesh can be broken down by his body and removed through…various means.
Superhuman strength: The good Doctor is very strong. His muscles can be compared to that of a Gorilla or Cheetah on a human body, with seemingly indestructible bones. How much he lifts depends on mostly how he lifts it. He can bench press 3 tons and backlift several tons for example. He has high isometric strength, comparable to Nemaz’s, and support/bear weightes. The doctor can tear people’s limbs off, put his fingers into a man’s chest cavity, crush people’s bones with his grip, kill someone with a single strike, send people significant distances away with his strikes, throw grown men around as if they were children, run up walls a significant distance, crack concrete with a punch, break down some walls depending on the material, bend iron and some steels depending on thickness and type of steel, put his fingers through bulletproof glass, jump many feet into the air, etc…If the doctor exerts to much force on his body, he risks hurting himself.
Superhuman speed- Due to his human shape, the Doktor can run at 45 mph steadily. And go faster. If the doctor too fast, he risks harming himself. The doctor also has the ability to if he wishes reach these speeds almost immediately. From close up, he can very easily dissappear from ones sight. The Doctors hands can also move very fast, at speeds the human eye can scarcely process. Often times, he uses this to simply do things very fast.
Superhuman agility: The Doctor is able to pull off various acrobatic manuvres and will do the most practical ones in a fight.
Superhuman senses: The doctor has enhanced overall senses as well as additional senses. Any of these can be turned off.
The Doctor has the best eye human biotechnology could possible give him, beyond perfect. Doctor has optical magnification abilities of up to 10^14 fold a human beings, and is able to see molecules. He has additional visions, and can see UV light and infrared.
Hearing- Extreme hearing, able to a coin hit the ground as far as 20 miles away in a city. Can “tune” hearing to the point he can stand in a crowded and hear the conversation of someone 50 feet away while ignoring/dampening ambient sound of the commerce. Hearing levels tunable. He can turn his hearing off completely for whatever reason necessary. The Doctor can also echolocate, essentially see with his ears or see blind.
Echo/seismolocation- Doctor can feel ambient vibrations. His range is approximately 30 miles in all directions at all times. 67 miles in all directions underwater. 80 when standing on any surface or putting his hand up against something. The doctor can distinguish a BB pellet from a corn kernal 70 meters away. Can map out people’s internal organs and find structural weaknesses in things. This does not work in a vacuum if the doctor does not touch anything.
Electromagnetic sensing- The doctor can locate things by emitting subtle EM waves from his head such as radio waves and he uses this to detect faster than sound objects. He can also detect things using earth’s magnetic field in a way similar to foxes.
Complete nervous system control: The doctor can control his nervous system completely, and is able to control what are normally involuntary muscle such as the heart, stomache and throat. He can adjust his sensitivity. Can adjust and remove pain, or keep pain and remove agony. He can exert himself beyond normal means at the risk of injury.
Superhuman endurance/Stamina: The Doctor can very often go for days without food or water by controlling his metabolism and cannibalizing fat. Normally, the Doctor can operate at his peak for 5 days. He can hold his breath for up to an hour. His oxygenation processes are more efficient then most other organisms. The doctor does not produce lactic acid and does not experience muscle fatigue.
Superhuman cognitive abilities: The Doktor can process data extremely quickly and remembers virtually things very. Very far back with extreme detail. He has a very high intelligence and is a polymath. He can learn
Photographic memory/Reflexes- The doctor can emulate any move or skill he sees. Able to learn entire martial arts in seconds and copy people’s moves. He uses this to also memorize books
Superhuman reflexes- The doctor’s nervous system has an increased conductivity, allowing him to adjust his reflexes at will if he chooses. Reflexes automatically increase in the presence of danger due to adrenaline.
Superhuman accuracy and dexterity- Excellent marksman and good with his hands. Good with many weapons.
Wall crawling: Hands and feet can stick to wall
Stasis: If the Doktor is put in critical condition, damaged to the point that his bother can no longer function properly, or the Doktor will enter stasis. Genetically engineered Pseudomonas syringae Bacteria will freeze water in his body at room temperature as his functions cease mostly. Preserving his body until he receives medical attention. This is a state of being on the brink of death. He will enter this state if he is somehow decapitated.
Immortality/Agelessness: The doctor has never age naturally. As long as he eats, he will live indefinitely and retain his youth. Unless he is killed, he will never die.
The Doktor may add abilities to himself through whatever means.
Many weapons, gadgets and equipment.
The Doctor knows many fields of science due to his cognitive abilities (which he has had since he was 35) and the fact that he has had ample time to learn them. He specializes in Biomedical engineering, Cybernetics/Advanced prosthetic, Biotechnology, Biomimetics, structural engineering, medical nanotechnology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, biochemistry, Virology and pharmaceuticals. He has knowledge of others as well of varying degree depending on the field.
Th Doktor knows many martial arts. However, at his base. He specializes in Boxing, Muay Thai, Brazillian Jujitsu and German Longsword Fencing. He has learned moves from countless martial arts including and not limited to Wing Chun Kung Fu, Eskrima and more…
Aligment: Neutral/Villain
Where are you located: Gotham city