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-Axel knew his words would dig deep and that was there intent could such a simple thing bring such a power to its knees. He shook his head thinking this is what they feared, such cowards were not to be respected but to be walked upon and forgotten. He would have respected the man if he had hit Axel but no he simply let him walk away. He steered the ship through the sea hoping he could get some breathing room. He listened to what was being said before he spoke” Before my dying day I will stand as one of the four, those who holds these spots stand tall for your what I see as my greatest challenge, Those who hide in the shadows known as the undead, you are the ones who could destroy these four without blinking, you are the ones that make my soul burn as a pirate. I am going to rule this land and make it so those who call themselves the law will stand trial while we pass judgement on there treason to morality,, Mute”. He tucked the snail away and sighed as the storm hit the boat he used his adrenalin fulled anger to pull it strong he almost heard the wood begin to splinter at the waves strength. He hoped to make land before day break but he was unsure so he would rise it out till he reached the shore of the next island there he will make his next decisions.-
-Axel eyes stilted and for the first time since entering the east blue he rose to stand at this full height instead of his normal slunchd over posture. He would reach out to shake the marines hand but if the man was dumb enough he would test the males strength by squeezing with all of his”The king will rise again kin slayer, I honor the king with these words and by this passage I name myself pirate”. If he was not dead by this point he would release the man and turn and walk from the shaking building. He would turn back to the pink haired male”I read the stories of the one who saved you from Alvida”. He would walk farther up the walk before he turned once more” Does Garp still look on you as one of his sons”. He would run and dive into the tremors water till he reached his ship and would set sail even in the forces that they were under he would not risk staying here. He would take his chances and head for the next island having to strong arm the wheel to keep it going strait.-
-Axel laid unaware of the marine so close to him but when the tremors reached him he shot up and out of the ship instantly running below to secure his chests and barrels. He then ran back up planning to head out to sea but he saw building erupting so he felt he would be more help here. He leaped off the boat and started helping people into the marine base at a couple times he was holding up a building for people to pass under which left him weak by the time he made sure everyone that could have been saved was secure. He looked out and saw his ship was undisturbed which he thanked his lucky star for this. he was unsure if it would remain safe but those chests were meant to last and they lasted a war and cannon fuatter they will survive this. He went inside seeing all the marines around him made him feel uneasy. He then realized while he was helping people to safety his shirt war ripped revealing his brand. He instantly began to walk backwards finding a wall between him and freedom and with the tremors would they notice a pirate among them.-
-Axel listened to her answer even though it was rather useless to him as he didn’t know these people personally enough to know there habits. He then heard the conversation of the man about to take on the big boss so he turned to Heiwa”go now, I can take care of us”. He decided to turn and headed for shells town which he knew would take some time but he could cut it soon enough. He turned and headed soon out of the storm into calm waters this was when the storm no longer filled his senses and he could smell the blood. He tied the wheel to keep going strait while he walked down smelling it the closer he got the more dilated his eyes became. He opened the door to her her room and shook his head. He had promised her death but at the hands of the marines not a fruit which made him wonder if that sand devil had known about the fruit as he had an on edge look about him till he handed the fruit to the girl. He scooped up the body and then grabbed her weaver putting her in it and pushed it away from the boat before he grabbed a match he found in the kitchen and threw it at some parchment he stuffed the ship full of and it went up in flames instantly her flames quickly went up in flames and for a short time she looked like a burning goddess of judgement with her tears of blood passing judgement on his soul. He punched the water and a wave pushed her out further into the sea towards the storm and as she reached it rain a bolt of lightening spiked through the girl and the boat leaving her to begin sinking. He turned away and went back to clean the blood away before he returned to the wheel and silently had the ship flow into shell town. He gathered up his chests all but the flags and the jacket and headed into port with them all stacked up and he stepped off his small boat and into town. He knew this was a marine town so he should catch a good price for all of this. He was finished with his sales by the time the night fell on the island so he want back to his ship and slept under the stars.-
-Axel felt the rain running over his flesh and its sweet smell was smooth and crisp and a smile came to him as he wished for this to be the smell of the surface at all times. Axel walked up and steered the ship carefully through the water knowing what it would mean as they waited to long to change direction so he went in the thunder and lightening chopping up the water and the waves crashing at the ship tried to pull the wheel from his strong grasp but his power would not allow for this. He thought on growing powerful so he would need those who could stand with him which means he needs all parts of a crew only one warrior could he fill the position of. He could be a warrior with his fists but with a weapon he was no good. He would require training if he wanted to go any weapon or just use his fish man abilities. He wondered if she ate the fruit or not down there but this was her time to decide and h wouldn’t invade as it my force her to decide on either way. He also had more to discuss with his fellow fishman” who are the undead Heiwa”?-
-Axel holding the snail spoke” for those who would challenge my claim to these items come and find me, for those who wish me to keep them save I will do so till my dying breath. I one day will return this flag to you Soul king” He would bring his fellow sun pirate down to examine the flags that he newly acquired before they walked back to the deck and he began to search through the chests pulling out all of the ingots and putting them all in one chest He would then sort out the jewelry and rare jewels and sort them into two chests. He looked at the hoof looking disgusted and threw over board not knowing what sick twisted bastard would keep it as a trophy. Axel laid out each of the armors easily seeing none of them were his size not that it really mattered as his skin was probably stronger then most of this. He found the real treasure at the bottom which was white beards jacket and once he saw it he closed the chest and then went and stacked all of the chest in the hold with that one on the bottom making sure that the chest with the giant gauntlet was on top of that chest and then stacked the others with all the jewels on top. He didn’t care if his crew mate found the jacket but he couldn’t let anyone else find it till he reached Marineford. He would not tarnish the name of the hero of the fishmen who once brought peace to there island. He went picked an orange from his tree and slowly ate it while he sat down looking up at the sky and simply let the boat coast along for now as they were in calm waters. He looked to his fellow fishman”what should I do”this was all he could think to ask as he stared at the sky wondering where there venture would go next.-
-Axel once got all of the simple chests to the surface from the ships being going back for supplies this all was going to his ship. He The would give down finding on four ships weapons worth keeping he would sort through these later he placed them all in a barrel and swam them all to the surface placing them in separate based on swords, rifles etc. He would then dive back down to each of the captains cabins finding two chests full of jewels one with a huge gauntlet and two empty chests but they seemed smaller on the inside then they should be. He takes all of this to the surface and takes the them all to his cabin. He would then turn back to the chests he found earlier finally noticing the fruit and realizing what it could be he held it up far enough for the Sank devil shark to see it along with all the marines. He was in all of this items above all others though he could not eat this as he had hopes for another that he once heard the rumor of and this did not fit its example. He would hold it out to his crew member “if you want the power to possibly find your item and fight with me as an equal this is your best chance as I can not risk eating a devil fruit this early into our venture”. He wanted to see the power of this if it was what he thought it to be. He held onto it for now if she did not take it right away” come to me when you decide its worth using”. He would begin to steer the boat out into open water away from the marines “I wish you luck my brother with your crew and your venture. He made sure they sails were correct to catch great speed and left the bird in charge. He would then head down into his cabin and begin to examine the gauntlet being such a big fishman still bothered him that this made him feel like a midget. He expected not even boss Jimbei could have used this maybe the late king. He then began to examine the weird chests opening them finally he screamed at the top of his huge lungs. He couldn’t believe those fucking pirates had these two flags one the flag of red hair shanks and the other the flag of the straw hats. He began to cry seeing them he hadn’t cried since he was a child alone. He laid his head on the table letting the tears then he jerked up finding the snail”Unmute, I Axel new member of the Neo Sun pirates Have found a treasure that is priceless to us all, I have the King and Red Hair shank’s flag, I repeat I have the Kings and Red Hair shank’s flag”. He would sit down and wait for instructions as every sun pirate in the world would have heard that broadcast and there allies.-
-Axel didn’t really care about the human so he didn’t pay him any mind as he dove down and began picking up he chests and swimming them back up one at a time throwing one on his ship and another on the marine ship making sure the one with the weird fruit landed on his boat. He figured his fellow fishman would point this out a potential reward for his human but he doubted the human would take something from him which made him smirk. He finished doing this before he swam back to the bottom and began to search for any weapons that may have been inside the pirate ships that could possibly be worth something. He then turned to his fellow Shark man before he pointed at the two marine ships before pointing at the surface. He would go under the first one and with most of his strength for once he pushed it to the surface and then swam it towards land where it could be repaired as it only had two holes in this one. He then went to the other and checked it over and easily swam through it checking it out but was shocked to find humans still alive so he swam quickly up into the air pocket” take a deep breath ill get you guys to the surface”. Axel would wrap an arm around all four before he spun around and shot out of the boat and back up to the surface leaning each of them over the side so they could be pulled on board by there fellow marines. He would then do the same to the other two pockets luckily finding three men alive in the next pocket and sadly only one in the last making sure no harm fell to any of them. He made sure they would all be fine back on the marine boat. He searched over it once again trying to make sure he didn’t miss anyone before he swam out and went back to the pirate ships and would slay any of them he found alive by breaking the ship where they found air and allowing water to fill it. He searched again for weapons and any supplies in the pirate ships hoping to find something good for his hard work. He would feel the vibrations in the water he spun on the spot and shot down to the surface trying to get to her before the sand devil as he should be able to out swim because of sleek skin cutting the water like a knife. If he could reach her first he would point towards there home “I just freed two slaves one of them was born on the slave ship and doesn’t know the way, go help them and get out of these marine infested waters, there is a captain up there that’s a sand devil”.-
-Axel grew pissed at the fishman who spoke low of a fellow shark before he yanked up his shirt to display the sun pirate crest on his shirt” If you dare to speak ill of a fellow shark again ill slit your throat and leave you here to be eaten by fish, I defend humans as this is only the fault of a few so you should not hate them as a whole”. Axel raised his blade pointing strait at the cat fishes head before swinging it cutting the ropes free of him and swimming off to catch up with his ship which he gave a push to faster move towards the marines. He would jump on the deck ignoring the bird as they coating close enough to the marines to be in shouting distance” Im going to dive if that’s alright captain your welcome to join me as that cat fish should be far gone at this point or one of your crew can dive if you have the gear and ill let them choose any reward they wish from the bottom for there courage”. Axel laid down both swords and walked to the edge of his ship and leaped back out but before he hit the water” leave my bird alone…”. Axel sank strait towards the bottom and began searching through the three ships.-
-Axel sheathed both blades when he saw the sand devil shark and with a smirk he nodded to him before he looked to each of his men showing his long fangs” I don’t plan to hurt your humans just wish to get my payment and be on my way as I dont want to be on the sea in this area if there are pirates about, your leader tends to be a little hot headed when pirates are mentioned”. He saw the blood and his eyes dilated at the smell though when it started towards his boat he wasn’t going to have it. He grabbed a rope that was on the deck of the marine ship and jumped back into the water and swam at top speed after the cat fish not in time to prevent the pirates death but not to long after. He tried to tie up the cat fish to stop its rampage as it didn’t seem to realize who was enemy and friend. If Axel caught it he would drag the fish to the bottom before speaking to it” calm the hell down before the marines think you there enemy because if that happens ill end your life or the sand devil will do the job”.-
-Axel nodded to her once he saw her form thought she might be more reliable then a simple human “if you wish to join my crew just know death is real possibility as we will be targeting the fleet admerial of the marines. I do not know of the sword which you spoke of but if we come across information on it ill help you gain this item”. He saw the storm coming as well as the ships were coming in sight so he sighed going below deck and grabbing his twin swords before returning” don’t go anywhere and don’t do anything stupid” and jumping in the water he shot off like a bullet with such force that his craft would be pulled with him for a few feet but it would stay out of range of cannon fire. Axel got closer before jumping out of the water being not noticed because of the battle he saw there were four ships three of such looked like pirates none of them looked that strong so he ran and jumped into the water holding the blades out in front of himself the points together he spun a horrifying speed and began charging the pirate ships piercing through each of them easily. He would find the two fish man who were chained and easily broke them before swimming up to the surface and climbing onto the deck of the marine ship “your welcome, I ended this conflict for you, I wish for no harm to come to the two fishman I freed and any treasure I can find down there I will split with you marines as payment for the conflict I ended.
-Axel looked the girl up and down after she spoke her piece “I have a ship that can get us to the grand line and back if that’s your wish but once I have fulfilled my part you will have to make a choice to help me gather others for my crew”. He made a motion for her to follow him as he turned on the spot heading towards stalls he would begin picking up barrels of rum and cola stacking them till he had ten barrels held tightly. He had the sail clerk reach into his pocket and fetch the money and the person was younger so they were all for the peace between the races so they didn’t try and rip him off. He lead the girl to his craft before going below deck and stacking the barrels carefully before he tied them up tightly. He came back up”where is your craft so we can take it with us”. He would listen for its location before he went to fetch it with a large rope he would tie it so that it would trail behind his craft. He would then go to the boat and give it a slight push to get it moving before he ran and leaped onto the boat easily. He would let the boat coast till they got out to open sea then opened the sails and the wind caught them and off they went on there first journey hopefully expecting many more.-
-Axel listened through the rest of the conversation thinking that after the first time he shouldn’t speak again so after Heiwa stopped talking to Mako he excused himself and walked out of the bar sticking near the entrance as he stretched knocking over a human when he held out his hand to help but the human simply crawled away before running. Axel sighed and turned making his way around town looking for the woman in red.-
-Axel stood there till the first matter was settled and simply nodded to the woman on her request and grabbing his tail so she wouldn’t close it in the door. He then let it lean against the door with his arms crossed and listened to the dispute between the two and grew on edge as they discussed losing track of the fleet admerial. He could be in fish man island right now destroying the place but long ago they had put in a last resort switch for such an occasion where the entire place would fill with water killing any human damned to be inside without a bubble. He stood silent not sure if he should speak on such serious matters but he spoke” why not make a fake report that one of the four is somewhere that is deserted then you’ll know his location”.-
-Axel followed her in smirking at the mark of the straw hats but what surprised him the most was when he saw the female from earlier sitting with the man she called “Hawk eye”. He stopped for a second turning back to the woman “your not saying this is one of the unspoken”. He lived to meet the great pirates of old but this man was old though he seemed to age well Axel was unsure if he would even be able to swing that massive sword like his legend foretold he could. Axel made sure his massive form hid the door so if anyone were to open it they would get smacked with his tail. Axel wanted to know why they were gathered together in a place the Marines search religiously.-