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  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:50 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -John leaned against the hover craft as he watched the woman”I really don’t care what you burn as it doesn’t bother me, but it pisses off my partner, out here I can watch you and watch for people following us”. John took off his armor and reached into the jet throwing her a pair of pants that would follow her”those are fire proof so unless you become fully lava they wont burn of your body, and on this planet no matter how hot your body is there are sickos that will take advantage of a naked woman”. He waited for her to dress before he finished speaking handing her a ear piece”try and keep this safe so that you can contact me anywhere in the world, or you can destroy and return to destroying everything, I am not of this planet either, My race comes from Krypton and its now destroyed so I am along on this planet just like you as my other race members have left the planet leaving me behind to try and protect this place I call home”.

    He jumped up into his jet after the meeting and headed for the Bat Cave landing easily seeing Sandra talking to a woman he never saw so he placed on his helmet before exiting the jet. He walked up to Sandra and waited.-

    •.She listened to John’s explanation about not caring what she did, however, his partner did. ‘Huh…his partner must have been the irritated woman from a little while ago.’ Ari took the pants and pulled them on, not bothering to point out the fact that her ignited form WAS made of lava and instead focusing on the idea she could be targeted by some strange creature apparently known as the Sicko. “But…wouldn’t they melt? Or do you think there are some that can handle the temperature of superheated, molten rock?” He then handed her an ear piece that she immediately clipped onto her right ear. She’d seen things like this before on Kaa. His final words made no sense to Arishav; he said he was here to protect the planet, then essentially gave her permission to continue destroying things. As she turned to speak again, he got back in his metal…thing, and left. “Wait!” But he was gone. This was….almost a total waste of time. Ari had learned nothing.

    “Ugggghhhh….” She spun on her heel and started walking back towards Gotham city limits, remembering that she hasn’t been provided with another shirt. Sighing, Ari’s body began heat and morph, bronze skin turning red and bones cracking as they shifted. Among the changes were these: Ari’s chest expanded and flattened, shoulders and cheekbones broadening, chin becoming more pronounced as Arishav shifted its gender to male and developed a greater muscle mass. Cooling back down and skin returning to its bronzed hue, Arishav stepped out onto a road back into the city.

    Back in Gotham, Arishav stared at his reflection in the window of a building. ‘Ick…hate the male form…’ He shook his head and kept walking, pulling the clip from his ear and examining it for a moment. That dope hadn’t even bothered to show Arishav how to use the damn thing! Oh well… He pocketed the device and started looking for a new shirt or jacket as he wandered back off into the alleys. Glancing up, he noticed a strange creature sitting on the roof of a nearby building and wandered closer to get a look at its white feathers and seemingly humanoid female form. “This town is just full of freaks…but this one looks interesting.” Arishav couldn’t help but wonder how it would burn…•

    She remained atop the building until something caught her eye. It seemed a human was approaching from below, her wishing to escape possible contact with the being. She stood and began moving away from the edge, taking to the other side of the building to hide from the human. She had to stay out of sight and maybe they would rub it off as just seeing things. She even ran fast enough to leap to the next building and take refuge on the middle of its roof. She nearly fell so her claws helped her correct herself as she scrambled from sight.

    As GCPD and emergency services handle the scene at the bank. “As usual. Now, we’re just a glorified clean up crew. Dammit.” Firefly “And this is why Gotham is such a shithole. Better hop to your job Frank.” Firefly jumps to another rooftop.

    There is a crosshair over a bird-like being. From about 2000 feet from where she is. A man is looking at her from about 2000 feet away with the scope of his rifle. “This is Overwatch-Four. I have a metahuman in sight. She is not in our database. Already sending a picture. He took a picture, with his contact lenses. He hears a female voice in his head. “Do not engage. Do not allow her visual contact. You will be recieving support shortly.”

    Nemaz returned to Gotham. Flying in his jet. Wearing a coat. Nemaz gets off the phone with some of his men from Santa Prisca. Everything as he planned is in order. He has a guest with him. A middle aged man older then Nemaz, at about 51 years old. He is German. “Here we are. Doctor. Gotham city.” Nemaz says to the man. “Hmm. My my, it is so dark!…I like it. have you grown to like this city, Mr. Enson?” “…It’s an easy city.” The jet descends and flies over Gotham at about 12,000 feet and growing slower. A virtual dot in the night sky. “The jet will take you to where I need to you to go.” The jet tilts until it is upside down.

    “I have business to attend to.” “Always such a busy man. Have you not done enough tonight?” “Personal. Business.” “Ah. Have a nice fall.” Nemaz is ejected out of the cockpit from his seat. He is propelled up and with a parashoot jumps out his seat and sky dives down to Gotham. He diving, looking straight down. As he gets within 5,000 feet he ejects his parashoot. And looks among all of Gotham’s lights.

    “Kind of a nice looking city. People here have it pretty good compared to some other countries…”
    Nemaz lands on a rooftop outside of most people’s notice. “Good to be back…” Nemaz pulls his phone out and swipes through Gotham’s cameras. He texts on his off the network phone that cannot be used to call people not on his network to his team named “Overwatch.” Indeed. He is sent a location on his phone. Nemaz runs, towards a wall scaling a building in a few seconds as he heads towards the location.

    The Golden Dragon’s gang is driving up to their base, a warehouse in chinatown. They are in a parking lot in a warehouse district. Not many cameras. Most in this place are Vandalized. However, that does not avert Nemaz’s eyes. He has eyes. Everywhere on the cities streets. His ears are to the pavement and walls of people’s houses. They could not hide from him. Nemaz knows exactly what they have been doing in the shadows. Even while he was gone…

    Nemaz was right in front of their car waiting for them. In civillian clothes. Grey jeans, a black shirt, a thick blue jacket opened to see the shirt and some sneakers. All Nemaz had on him was his phone, a light and a pack of cigarettes. “What do you want Hakgwei?” I know what you’ve been doing. And I’m not going to tolerate it.”

    They get out there “Look. I don’t know what your talking about. But you should leave. Before we beat you senseless.” Nemaz sighes and smirks. He does a bring a it gesture. “Your kind never learns. Not without violence. Not without fear. Not without loss. I don’t like your kind specifically. That’s a part of the reason why I had no problem killing your boss by poisoning him.” Nemaz assumes a stance with elements of both Muay Thai and Boxing. Fists raised and close in front of the face. His legs ready to be whipped for kicks.

    One thug rushes Nemaz and throws a Haymaker. Nemaz cross counters leaning his head to the side as he punches the thug forward in the face sending him back with a fractured skull. “What was that?” Nemaz drops his stance completely. “I remember you.” A thug punches Nemaz. His head hardly flinched at all and the man hurts his own fist. “What the fuck?” He pulls his fist back in pain. He whips out a pistol. “I wouldn’t.” Nemaz says.

    “Yeah and what are you going to do. Dodge the bullet? Puk Kai!” *BANG* He shoots Nemaz with the pistol and he takes two steps back his hand on his forhead. Nemaz then looks at the man with the bullet flattened and lodged against his forhead and pulls it out. “Your gonna pay for that….” Nemaz sees him beginning to pull the trigger and leans to the side as he fires, dodging the bullet, Nemaz wth adrenaline rushing seeing the supersonic projectile whizz by briefly. It made Nemaz feel slow…

    And then in quarter pf a second Nemaz is in front of the thug holding his wrist as he aims his gun to the sky. He crushes the man’s wrist. “You spat on me the other day…” Nemaz grabs his other arm at the forarm and rips it off. The others stop charging and back away in horror. Then retreat to the car.

    Nemaz front kicks the man away as he bleeds from where is arms once were. Then Nemaz spits on the man. “i’ll let you just lay there for a while.” The man bleeds out rapidly. Nemaz turns to the car and starts walking to it. “Start the car start the car START THE CAR!!” The car starts “I’m running his ass over” The driver says. He presses the throttle as he drives right at Nemaz from a few feet away.

    Nemaz braces himself and slams his fingers on the cars sides and putting his feet out behind him as he leans into the car while it rams him. *SKRRRRRR* With the car in his arms stops it. The tires screeching loudly in place as the driver attempts to go, Nemaz not budging. “SHIT!” They all pull out guns and Nemaz rips the hood as they shoot. They shoot blindly through the window. Nemaz looks in their engine and starts tearing it apart with his bear hands. The heated parts boiling his skin. Causing them to sear and burn. However. The car begins to stop as Nemaz rips spark plugs out the engine. Nemaz then rips the engine up and then walks over to the driver holding the engine over his head. “Holy shi-” Nemaz slams to 500 lb engine on the driver through the car window. Crushing the driver.

    Nemaz puts his hands under the cars and lifts. He picks it up off the ground and then flips it over. He rips off a car door and then pulls a thug out holding him by the throat into the air. *Crack* He crushes his neck with his grip and drops him like a doll. Nemaz sees the 3 remaining thugs run to the wearhouse. He picks up a rock and throws it at 106 MPH and it pierces a man’s skull and fractures it, killing him instantly as he falls to the ground dragging. The last two make it into the warehouse and lock the door. Nemaz kicks the door down as he walks in.

    Sandra looked over to John and smiled. “Welcome home Please have a seat if you want you can have the rest of my food” she said pushing it towards him. She thought about yelling at him but decided that was not the best idea and turned off the tablet. Leaning back in her chair she opened her eyes and looked at him. “I’m sure you have questions and I will answer them all, but first things first. We need to control collateral damage as best we can sometimes its unavoidable but contain and control it as best you can. You did good at putting the fires out. Thank you but freezing them was probably not the best option our breath is strong enough we could of probably blown them out without causing possible structural damage from quick cooling and quick heating. Muse Industries is going to take a hit because I’m going to pull a publicity stunt to try get our stocks back up. By offering to refurbish the whole city for free.” She then feel silent and closed her eyes folding her hands in her lap and waited to hear what he had to say she took an estimate of what the damage would do but the possible growth outweighed it she pondered how to recover quickly from the damage.

    -John nodded agreeing on the damages and he spoke”ill be more careful from now on”. He headed back upstairs and began to make himself something to eat not speaking to the older woman. He removed his helmet and the older woman nearly fell over when she saw his face but his look of not knowing who she was made her look at him again seeing the huge difference in age from the last time she saw Bruce. John could be the teenage version of Bruce Wayne so he decided to use this to his advantage on fixing a few things around town that had been left unchanged since Bruce left. He drove the car down to the center of town where the police force was currently holding a press conference to speak on this new batman and what they were going to do to fix him.

    John walked up in a suit and tie and everyone looked at the billion dollar playboy as he walked right up to the current police commissioner shaking his hand before he turned and looked to the people from Gotham”as my daughter helps to rebuild are fair city I am now going to put my foot down to make sure this fair city reaches the point that its always been meant to reach”. He looked up and smirked as he saw a car racing off in the direction of down town and he wondered what that could be. He turned back to the chief”you will see in my history that I have many years of working with the police force in Japan so I would like to join your team as the new leader of the swat team which ill be bringing new tech and an armory of weapons”.

    The people all stood there with there mouth on the ground not expecting that out of the the playboy. The commissioner pulled out a badge and placed a hat on his head handing him the badge as people clapped and congratulated the new Leader of the police special weapons and tactics.

    John walked back to his car telling the commissioner he would report to duty once he spoke to the R&d team on gathering the new gear for his team. He took off down the road only a mile down the road from when Nemaz kicked the car over. John now had on his gear as he walked down the road and into the building following Nemaz. He yelled out using his sonic voice to echo through the entire building”Anyone who doesn’t want broken bones better give up now”. He wanted everyone in the building to hear him.-

    Inside the warehouse Nemaz gets rushed with a crowbar which he blocks at the forearm. It bounces off his head. The man backs up Nemaz is about to literally rip his heart from his chest. “Hey wait man! WAIT WAIT! I got one request man one request!” Nemaz pauses his hand mid thrust “Let him go! He’s just a kid. He’s only like 16 years old man. Come on please!” Nemaz is standing there looking through the man. Not at him. Through him. Nemaz is having a flashback. This wouldn’t be the first time Nemaz has killed a child. Though, the last time Nemaz had killed a child it had been “for his country.”

    Nemaz stands there for 30 seconds straight before his eye snap to the two standing terrified before him. Nemaz hears police outside. Thankfully for him, the bodies of all the criminals were already gone. He didn’t want some passerby seeing them. Evidence was very easy to get rid of when you knew the right people.The men are terrified of the loud voice echoing through the building “You know.” Nemaz begins. “You really shouldn’t be in this business, so young. But I guess it’s all you know, isn’t it? Well irregardless. Go. Follow him.” They turn around and jump back as they see a man in unaffiliated military gear pop up behind them from seemingly nowhere. He gestures them to come where they are gone without a trace. Nemaz takes out his cellphone and makes a call. After about 2 minutes he ends the call. Then clicks a button on his phone. “Enter pin” Nemaz types in a code. “Are you sure? Yes or no” Nemaz clicks yes. THere is a beeping from Nemaz phone and drops it. He walks off as it self destructs.

    Nemaz then walks forward towards the man in bat gear. The other two gone. “Can I…help you?” Nemaz says to the man in a very casual fashion with his rather deep voice.

    Sandra sat at the table awhile longer getting up taking her tablet with her and moving to the mainframe. she clicked the tracker on Bruce’s craft and nodded seeing the time hadn’t changed but by a day or two. She then took and brought mind-reader up and looked at its compiled data it had on the man the image of the mans face brought up his service records and aliases that where known and possibly a few that where unknown to most. Tapping her finger on the touch pad as she scanned through the information. “My whole life is a mistake from my death tell now.” She said not realizing Julia was behind her. Her eyes scanning over the data as it got referenced cross-referenced and then compiled. Sandra smiled the system was working faster then she had thought it could. “So you have some shell companies and organizational accounts…” she thought a moment and noted the information there for later use.

    Julia walked up beside her and set down a tray with tea on it. “Is it a mistake to want to live and protect a city that cant even protect itself?” she turned and leaned against the console. “And why did I just see Bruce?” she asked and looked over with a hard look at her almost as if angry she hadn’t been told or warned her former lover was back.

    Sandra stopped and leaned back and pinched the bridge of her nose rubbing it. Shifting her gaze to the older woman she had come to see almost like an older sister. “That’s not Bruce, It’s Dur-El the one I told you about I helped him find a way to take human form. and that is what happened when he finally was able to take on a human appearance. He is playing the roll of my father and I am pretending to be his daughter so that questions are not asked.” She had explained this once but the shock must have gotten to her and she turned her head looking to the tv seeing the press conference. “Well I hope you know what your doing I don’t have that limiter made yet. Haven’t even started on it.”

    Julia crossed her arms and bowed her head. “Could of told me what he looked like Ms. Muse and by the way If your life is a mistake at this point then everything going on right now is a mistake. So think about the city before you think about yourself Bruce always did.” She then placed a hand on Sandra’s shoulder and squeezed it softly, feeling the hard coating she had and sighed wondering if maybe her young master was right but she didn’t let the doubt show on her face and walked away heading back up into the house.

    Sandra just sat there thinking about what her care taker had said. It made sense and she left out a sigh and went back to work going over the information mind-reader had managed to dig up. Knowing she would have to make an adjustment. She had a screen pop up and showed what was going on at the building John had gone to and she just closed it not caring. They where both dealing with this problem in their own ways. “So tell me Nemaz why my city of all placed?” she then read a report of strange shipment entering Gotham Harbor. She read over its manifest and saw it was a bio-hazard shipment, finding this odd she checked the last shipments of hazardous material in and out of Gotham in the past month. Tracking all of them and noting the ones that where for her company to check what was going on. She then stopped on one that she didn’t recognize at all that was listed as coming on under Wayne Tech not Muse Industries. Though this mistake had happened and still happens from time to time she always made it a point to check these shipments. It was also coming in at an odd time.

    “What are you carrying it doesn’t list what the material is just that it is a hazardous material.” She thought a moment and checked the date and shipment manifests. Even the names and such for who shipped it and everything had been erased mind-reader couldn’t even recover the data someone had done a good job of cleaning the information out. “Alright well Time for some old school detective work.” Standing up she heard a crack and looked at her arm and saw micro fractures in the coating she had gained and blinked. “This isn’t good” The area that was damaged had a slight blue tint to it and it almost seemed to glow. “Hummm that’s interesting.” She thought it was he shoulder where Julia had touched.

    She Walked over and picked up her cellphone and held it softly dialed a number and started to talk with the person on the other line asking various questions about the shipment that was coming in for Wayne Tech and why she was not notified and why there is no shipping information for it or what it is. She thought about calling the police to raid the shipment. While Sandra thought about this she decided it was best that she go and find out just what it was that was being shipped in. She then heard a chirp on the tablet and hit the home button and swiped seeing an air shipment that was very similar but it was under a different name for a different company the correlation’s are what caught mind-readers attention and brought it to hers. She couldn’t be in two places at once. So she would hit the airport and contact the police about the docks. Hanging up with the dock master she then called the commissionaire and placed an anonymous tip about the docks and the odd shipment that was coming in. “looks like it is going to be a busy night.” She then set her phone down and walked upstairs to to a shower she had the time.

    Stepping out of the shower she smiled seeing cloths had been laid out for her. She ran the towel over her slender frame and walked over getting dressed and sighed. “Hopefully it will be a quite night.” She then turned and headed down to the armory and started to look over the suits of armor from the various periods of time.

    She stayed atop the building she was on, not noticing a single thing. She did take to turning back into owl form and trying to fly up to a taller building before settling down again. She was severely tired physically from trying to keep either a human or owl form. She found a nice satellite dish to curl up on.

    -John cracked his neck as he slowly walked up to the male he had been hunting for for about a week. John clicked a button on his head set as he began to talk”I got him ready for shipment, he is either going to come peacefully or im going to rip him in half for the hell he put this city through”. He removed his gloves and he cracked his finger as he slowly walked towards Nemaz making sure there was only about five feet between them”your going to come peacefully or that open window is how your going to exit and you wont land until you reach Metro, you hear me”. He was letting on how strong he was but he didn’t care he wanted to break this man for causing the chaos he had to clean up.

    He didn’t run he didn’t even throw a punch he walked up so that they were face to each other he spoke”sit down or die, those are your options, and if you submit this world will never see you again, the prison Ive picked is perfect for you, and you’ll never see a visitor”.

    John was gone in a flash as he pushed a chair gently but with his anger building it flew past Nemaz’s head like a bullet”oppose I guess I don’t know my own strength anymore, as you have guessed, im not batman nor have I ever wanted to be, I am me, I have no name and that’s how its going to stay”.-

    “Interesting.” Nemaz had a neutral face through the whole thing. He knew the chair wasn’t gonna hit him and already not to react. “It wouldn’t surprise me if you weren’t bluffing. I thought someone like you was going to come along eventually….” Nemaz’s hands go behind his back.

    “I was wondering when some like you would come around. Someone with that much power and no restraint. I wanted to see what people would do if someone like you existed. Who was so indistinguishable from a god that eventually if you so chose, you would fancy yourself one. And there would be little stopping you. But oh…”

    You can hear the sarcasm in his voice as he then says “But you’ll be the god of the people” sarcasm ends “People are already waiting for you to fuck up to turn people on you. People are scared of you. Not me. I don’t fear anything you’d do to me. What I’m more afraid is you’ll have that much power after following your own lone perspective you’ll fuck everything up. You’ll end up like me.” Nemaz tilts head a bit. “Before you, there wasn’t anyone to oppose or who posed any kind of threat. And I following my own path I don’t know or holly believe is right, I’ve already done so much. I learned a little bit about power, when you have power over people, it changes you. The mere existence of your power changes things. And I see it in what you do. Already, what you say is absolute. All people can plead and appeal but ultimately it seems like your already going to try to make your way to becoming the king one way you see or another. You might not set foot in the whitehouse all…”

    Nemaz shook his head. “But yes. I can see. You’ll see the world for what is. And you might not like everything you’ll see. When that strikes. Your word will be law. What I wonder is what you think humanity is going to do, when that happens….”

    Nemaz wanted John to remember his words. Because if this was ever going to go down this road, he wanted him to remember his words.

    Sandra heard her tablet click on and the message come through and sighed and started to unbutton her blouse. “Well there goes the relaxing night.” she stripped down the patch on her shoulder was a much brighter blue now and she sighed wondering what was happening the color was starting to wash through the clear formation against her skin and she rushed and got in her suit and shot out like a bullet ripping through the air. flying towards the building John was in and came crashing in from the window behind him and crossed her arms. “So we found you finally good now you can be brought to justice true Justice.” she said staring at him through her mask though her eyes where now blue in the mask as the color had spread further. “I Hope he hasn’t filled your head with lies?” she said speaking to John and clamped her hands against his shoulders and squeezed hard enough that it felt like his muscle augmentations where tearing and she was tearing his muscle not crushing the bone if she where able to get a hold of him.

    The lonely little owl lady remained on her hiding spot and thought to preen herself again, combing her fingers through her hair. She saw a sudden blue streak out of no where and jumped. She moved her arms over her head and then just sighed when she saw it was gone. She then feld her legs and concentrated, levitating a little as she chanted to herself, hoping to gain better control of her abilities. Her levitation was not entirely stable but she knew that she could work on it right now.

    -John sighed as he back away from muse as he stood next to the door with his arms crossed as he smiled behind his mask”no he wasn’t bothering me, he is pretty amusing that a creature such as myself could be corrupted by such simple powers that are gathered on this planet compared to the others”. He was mostly talking about the lanterns and how they grow with knowledge.

    He waited for something to happen or for them to escort this man to his chains to wait his sentence that is deemed correct by Muse and himself. This mortal was no normal human so he shouldn’t be governed by the same rules of the world. He saw the force muse was attempting to use and this could cause alot of problems for the man if the full force was used on the man.-

    Nemaz watches her break in through the window and land. Nemaz looks her up and down for a few seconds almost the whole time while she’s talking to John. Then as she mentions. “true justice.” “Riiiiiight.” Nemaz says sarcastically. “You’d be surprised at how many lives I’ve saved and averted tragedy to. Jason Todd had my idea. He just didn’t go about it correctly…”

    “Well” Nemaz shrugs not moving at all. “If there’s nothing more you have to say, then, it has been nice seeing you. Words of advice Try not to fuck this city up too much. Collateral damage gets payed for with taxes. And people tend to live in these buildings. I heard about what you did to the streets that day. Not a good look. Keep things orderly. Their better that way. Have a nice night.”

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:44 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    With each passing day, Cody invested more funds, time and energy into his super-villain persona, “Kraken” and less and less into his civilian alter-ego. The boy began to become overshadowed by the monster as each petty crime and penny ‘earned’ went to improving his gear and the dank corner of the metro tunnels which Kraken called ‘home’. His clothing was still black and electric-blue, but instead of being made of spandex it was woven with several layers of carbon nanotubes. This made the outfit light, very conductive bullet resistant, and incredibly strong and durable. Even his metallic tentacles contained strands of the ultra-hard nanotubes within them. The magnetic appendages also sported a layer of sharp barb-like needles comprised of inky black ferrofluid along the underside of each tentacle.

    He still used a backpack, now also reinforced carbon nanotubes, to hold his supplies but also frequently used a small utility belt around his middle containing more vials of home-made black ferrofluid, some packets of salty peanuts, a small can of WD-40 and a multi-purpose pocket knife. His backpack had more conventional super-villain supplies and plenty of electrolyte containing snacks.

    Currently, the villain was inspecting the mysterious invitation for what must have been the thousandth time. It seemed to be but one of many invitations sent out to all of the big and small-time criminals in the city, gathering them all in notoriously dodgy Iceburg Lounge. It was near the designated meeting time, and lowlifes of all kinds began to crawl out of the woodwork.

    “Yo, Kraken. You comin’ or what?” A hoodlum asked as he noticed the super-villain lurking in a nearby alleyway and turning Nemaz’ note over in his hands. Although Kraken never worked for any particular gang, he was excellent at carjacking and often sold his gang newly stolen vehicles. The squid-themed villain blinked and then pocketed the note, turning to the source of the voice. “Hahah, nope! I don’t think I will…”

    The thug frowned. Word on the street was that Kraken had more than a few screws loose, most likely having to do with his electric powers. The person who had explained it to him used some big words to describe the problem, but the explanation had gone in one ear and out the other. But this was the opportunity of a lifetime! “What…are you scared or something??”

    Kraken flashed a toothy smile pulling his hands out of his pockets and quickly draped an arm around the thug’s back whispering conspiratorially. “That’s exactly it! You do know they serve calamari in the Iceberg Lounge right? I never trust any place that serves fried squid! Have fun though, okay?”

    Just like that he released the thug who gave him a strange look before meeting up with fellow gang members to head to the designated meeting point. Kraken promptly used his barbed tentacles to climb up the side of the alleyway onto the rooftops. From there, he found a nice roof with a bit of a vantage point and settled down. He casually snaked his tentacles around the building’s satellite and television cables and began draining electricity while he pulled a pair of binoculars and a small ear-piece out of his bag.

    Truth be told, he WAS afraid to enter the Iceberg Lounge. Invitations had been sent throughout the town gathering all criminals to that one place. An up and coming crime lord would try to recruit members discretely. This 1 AM meeting in a location known to be a criminal hang-out had the distinct odor of a trap. One tip off or observant cop and the entire building could be surrounded by the police aided by the military, superheroes and who know who else. So many people all crowded into one place: escape would be tricky even if the fuzz didn’t try to flood the building with chemical weapons or what-not.

    No, Kraken was much more content to remain a safe distance away and listen to the bug he planted on the thug. It only took a few minutes to fiddle with the earpiece until he began picking up the sounds of footsteps and friendly bravado among the gang. Kraken chuckled at some of the bawdy jokes and had just begun to settle in for the night when he heard the sounds of a fight through his ear-piece.

    “Well that’s an interesting development!” He pulled out the binoculars and began trying to get a look at what was going on when he spotted Batman’s crest in a bold color of red on the GCPD building. Batman was back. It didn’t take long to tune into a news station reporting on the capture of several thugs around the outside of Iceberg Lounge and the reappearance of Batman.

    Clapping his hands excitedly, Kraken pulled out a small carton of sea salt and began munching on the kernels like popcorn. “This is gonna be fun! But crap, I guess I lost my bug.” He retuned into the frequency of his planted surveillance device. There was a faint, gritty noise filled with static and … piano music? Hopefully, the now unconscious thug was hung up somewhere close enough to listen in on the meeting. He eagerly refocused the binoculars on the Iceberg Lounge to see if and when there would be any response to Batman.

    Nemaz played on the piano as the men murmured amongst himself. About this man on the piano. A woman walks onto the stage. Very pretty, with red hair tied in a bun and a red dress. Nemaz scoots over and she takes over for him as her hands touch the keys and Nemaz gets up and faces the crowd.

    They get a very good look at Nemaz’s middle aged face. His dark skin, his short neatly tied dreads. His green eyeds. A long scar along the side of his right cheek from being grazed by e bullet and evading it a few years back pre-enhancement. Firefly stands idly in front of the stage his gun lowered.

    Nemaz lights a cigarette. “Good evening gentleman…and gentlewomen.” There are a very small number of females in the crowd. But they are there. “Thank you for joining me so promptly on this late night in our fair gotham. Nemaz lights a cigarette and smokes it. “You have all been called here because you in some way have demonstrated skills and or qualities that put you ahead of most of Gotham’s criminals. Your the one’s who I know of, whom excel in what you do. Whether it be as a hired gun, a fighter, hacker, dealer, repoman, I feel you could be making more under my new wing.” Nemaz inhales smoke and he looks among st the crowd.

    Exhale. “Let’s get to the point. I am the one who has incited this war. Many gangs are already aware of this. I’ve run out the Odessa crime mob. Mostly. They work for me. Any firearm of any kind that comes into Gotham, now comes through me.” People start to murmur against themselves “This guys bluffin’” One says “Dis nigga can’t be serious” “he ain’t forreal is he?” A person in the crowd his up and pulls out a gun which Nemaz shoots out his hand with a pistol he drew with superhuman speed. “GAH” The man’s hand bleeds and there is smoke coming from Nemaz’s M1911 “Sit. Down.” “Did you see him draw?” “Brah, all I saw was the gunshot.”

    The man sits clenching his hand angry. “I am well aware some of you have affiliations. Now. I won’t force you to join me. In fact. For those who are affiliated. I’d like you to send out my message. Get down. Or lay down. Once my expansion is complete, I won’t guarantee everything will be the same. It won’t be. But much of it will. I am giving the chance to be a part of that. However, it won’t be easy. I’m sure you all know there is not enough money to go around. The more experienced of you are aware that there is always a catch.”

    Nemaz inhales smoke as he picks up his Barret XM107. He loads it with 25 mm grenades. “Others have as I planned found out about my escapades. Many of the gangs have gathered and are all coming. Here.” The room gets louder as Nemaz continues, smoke exhaling from his breath. “What you do from here is your choose. You can run, leave. Fight your way through. And go back to wherever you call home. I know all of your names. In your accounts and in cash at your homes. Check both. You will find $75,000. Survive the night and make it through. And its yours complimentary. Those left will who are interested will be contacted. And if you are still interested told where to assemble. Inhale. Exhale “Have a good night.”

    People shoot up from there seats pulling out guns and weapons. “Wooh finally!” Firefly exclaims “Just like we planned right?” He says to Nemaz. “Yes.” He replies. Nemaz exchanges a glowing jar with him. Firefly gives Nemaz a special knife. “Just what the doctor ordered” Fire fly says as Nemaz takes the knife. A few guys start lugging a large gun. An M2 Browning .50 cal. Compared to the average assault rifle’s 9 lbs. And the Barret’s 25 lbs. This gun weighed 125 lbs + loaded.

    They asssemble the gun and Nemaz goes to the front lugging the gun with him along with his XM107 on his back. He walks forward as cars approach from all sides. Some people exit through the sewers and alley ways, others are trapped and forced to stay with the fight. Nemaz has the front of the longue and walked 100 feet away from it. They let him rent the place out for the night. Was only polite he he kept the fight away from there. A car speeds forward right at Nemaz. “Fuck this. I’m not stopping to confront this man. I’m just gonna run him over.” Nemaz throws down a mine small mine about the size of a throwing star. It arms a few moments after

    There is a bright flash as it explodes. The car seems to be gone. However it is seen a few seconds later landing from a 50 feet in the air in a flaming heap behind Nemaz. The rest of the cars stop thinking there may be more mines layed out.. Nemaz looked all the way at about 125 on the front. People aim their guns at him, guns they bought from him. Some of them are even wearing kevlar armor with ceramic inserts. As Nemaz picked his targets he noticed they tended to stand out the most. They must have felt very invincible. Able to take hundreds of pistol bullets. People shouted at Nemaz as he acquired targets his visor revealing everyone. Nemaz’s boots stuck him to the ground, like a spider. “Your dead now fuck!” “Little man with a big gun!” “Let’s just kill his ass already.” “Well?” Nemaz says “I’m right here….” He says. Someone shoots Nemaz. *Clank* The bullet bounces off helmet…

    Gotham a lot of people woke up that night. It was so hard to sleep with the sound of a few hundred guns being fired at once. GCPD was going to arrive in about two minutes. Some were already there. But it would not be wise for 20 or so cops to try and take on what on all sides amounts to about 350 people, not counting the people left in firefights. On Nemaz it was difficult for him to see. What with everyone firing on him. Nemaz stood there and wondered as bullets richotted about how in the hell superman saw through this crap as he shielded his face. Nemaz waited for a second and there were a lot of bullet holes all about the ground and walls as many men stopped to reload. They all fired at once. There were countless spent cartridges next to crooks with flatted bullets laying next to Nemaz. Nemaz decided since it has quieted down more on his side and it’s easier to see. He remembered when he first came into the city, how he remembered batman’s philosophy of fear. A news copter was there surprisingly quick. Having received a tip off. Just moments ago. Nemaz would like most of this caught on Camera

    “My turn….” Nemaz says raising his Browning machine gun. This being a .50 caliber full automatic machine gun, one can imagine these criminals were not prepared to see what a gun like this did to a human being. The scene was pure carnage. None of them have ever seen so much blood. Any round that came into contact with a person killed them. The lucky one’s simply had their heads explode as the rounds shredded through whatever they could thought could cover them. People shot in their arm or leg, lost that limb and they were bleeding out. Some unconcious, others wide awake. The punks felt demoralized as they saw comrades missing limbs, some with large holes. Missing chunks. Some blown completely in half. Nemaz was not spraying or firing from the hip. 8 or so thugs went down every second. Nothing provided them with protection. Not their armor. Not cars. Not hiding in an alley. Because at this range they didn’t have anything that could stop the rounds. On the battlefield this would go through most armored vehicles, APCs, helicopters, parked jets, anything short of a heavily armored tank. Nemaz deliberately let a few people live.

    It was quiet as Nemaz fired off all 250 of his rounds. There were but 15 thugs left over the course of those 15 or second spree. He dropped his the browning simply for one of his men to pick up as he advanced forward pulling out his sniper. Nemaz wondered to himself I wonder how firefky is doing . He looked back and saw fire blazing.

    “HO yeah!” Firefly was having a good time. Blowing away 20 or so thugs with a single grenade super explosive grenade as he flew through the air out of reach. It shattered windows. Near by. It’s a good thing most people in this area were long gone or hiding in basements. He made sure to use fires that water was actually capable of putting out. He didn’t want to burn Gotham down, or more so. Nemaz did not want firefly to burn Gotham down. Any of Nemaz’s men who were helping soon understood their role. It was to support firefly. Scarred corpses.

    A venomed thug from a rooftop jumped at firefly and firefly drew his vibration knife rather quickly and flew at him, cutting him as he flew past.

    “This is taking too long.” Nemaz said. They have about a minute before GCPD shows up. With about a hundred men left. Nemaz aimed the XM107 rifle. He shot a grenade. Fins ejected from the round as it homed into it’s target of 50 or so thugs. The round explodes midair killing 50 men at once. Liquifying a venomed thug near the blast. And another is thrown back from the blast. *CRASH* He goes through 6 walls before he ends up in a woman’s apartment knocked out by the blast. The rest of the thugs are smashed against the wall and killed instantly, or sent a 20-70 feet away. Depending on how close they were to nanothermite superexplosive blast.

    Nemaz saw a GCPD helicopter approaching. At this point with a few hundred dead, the rest of the thugs retreated. “Firefly.” Nemaz said from atop a rooftop. “We’re done here.” “Aw man.” Firefly hovers over to Nemaz. “Fine. Don’t get caught by the cops. See ya around.”

    Firefly flew away at high speeds. Nemaz’s helmet flashed with data. He watched the Golden dragons run away. Nemaz specified they not be killed. 3 GCPD helicopters surrounded Nemaz. “Drop the weapon!” Nemaz his wrist mounted grappling device at a copter. It sticks to the tail of one chopper. Then yanked it hard enough to send it spinning around and out of the way. Other copters backed away as the pilot tried to gain control and eventually he did. Guns were a lot more efficient then punching people, unless you were the flash. Nemaz didn’t showcase his strength often, so that it would come as a surprise to his aggressors.

    There a disortion in the air as Nemaz’s jet uncloaks. The two passenger jet was a modified 6th generation F-38. More advanced then conventional jets. Distinguishing features. Are it’s VTOL like configuration allowing it to hover steady in the air. The fact that it is able to cloak itself from any frequency of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light rendering it invisible, X-Rays, radio waves and infrared. What seemed strange about the jet is that it has synthetic muscle in the wings, made of metal rubber. This makes the jet much more maneuverable and flexible as it could flap it’s wings, like a bird.

    Nemaz runs and jumps at least 10 feet into the air as GCPD fire at the jet and hi. Nemaz lands in the cockpit. Their bullets doing nothing as they had nothing strong enough to pierce it on their person. Pistols, shotguns, assault rifles and SMGs.

    Nemaz flies off and the jet, being well, a jet, is too fast for a police helicopter to catch. The jet quickly accelerates and after it some distance away, cloaks. Nemaz is gone as quickly as he came. Others blend themselves seemlessly into the crowd panic by the aftermath. There were crater from explosions in the street. Bullet holes. And most vaingloriously fire. Fire that could be put out by water, but fire all the same. Firefighters arrived and quickly began to put them out. In the seven or so minutes that event took place, it looked like there was war there. The opposition had survivors. Criminals or not. Paramedics stilled aided them. They were still human beings and most of the ones who were injured were in critical condition. Bones shattered. Gun shot wounds. Missing limbs. A few missing portions of their head. Internal organs ruptured by blast waves. Deafness from explosives. The list went on as emergency services all swarmed the area. Overall there were civilians wounded. However, not many. Word on the street traveled fast and the people of Gotham were wise of what to do in during something like this. Hide. A basement was the safest place. Nemaz did not want civilian casualties. And had his small group of men dress up as emergency personnel and make most people leave. However, there was one woman trapped in her basement. And about 3 people shot. One dead.

    Nemaz, wherever he was. Did not look back.

    -John was riding through town when he saw the new alert warning him that more chaos was taking place around the town”fuck it”. He didn’t care that the area was full of GCPD as he walked in picking up people and carrying them out of harms ways from the area as bullets bounced off his armor as nothing was a strong enough caliber. He whistled at a point it was like a sonic grenade went off but because of its pitch no one would be able to detect where it came from. He watched as all the lights around him went out and his armor began to glow and vents opened up as he took control of all the radios and coms in the area”I have a message for everyone that got away from this fight with there tail between there legs, Its open season on you bastards and because of the guys you left behind I now have your face because he decided to take a picture so good luck going out in public as im now hunting you and your pyromaniac and there is no where in the universe you can hide from Batman and if you look at my history you’ll know that’s true”.

    He watched as the cops stopped shooting him and everyone turned to look at him seeing the design on his chest they all started to scream and run from him as they realized he was not only batman but superman as well”that’s right im bulletproof bitches”. He knew that sooner or later they would figure out he wasent from around here but he didn’t show any of superman’s abilities as the armor was never broken so that they didn’t know his skin was perfect or that he looked like Bruce Wayne.

    He cracked his neck as he looked around and saw a boy hiding behind a garbage can shaking in fear, he walked over and the kid asked him” are you really Batman or are you a fake that wants to slander his name”. He placed his hand on the kids head as he leaned down and whispered in the boys ear”I promise you I am the real deal just made a bit better this time so that criminals can hurt me so easy so that your town will be safe”. He watched the kid smile and run off towards home hopefully and not into any more trouble. John left a tracked on the kid so that he could help the kids family which he planned to do for all people living in Gotham.-

    -.The nurse had Arishav moved to a couch and laid on her back, while she sat down her bag of supplies and pulled out a pair of scissors, starting at the hem of Ari’s shirt and slowly cutting the fabric all the way up to the neck, then peeling the material away. She poured water on Ari’s back, just enough to wash away some of the blood and get a good look at the gunshot wound before carefully moving Arishav’s arm away from her body enough to gingerly reach around and feel for an exit wound, in vain. The bullet had gotten lodged somewhere in Ari’s chest cavity. She sighed and pulled out some gauze, instructing a lady to her left to hold it over the seeping wound while she pulled out a box of gloves and led her husband (who picked up the rest of her tools) out of the room, down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, she began washing her hands and then held them tips-up so the excess water could run down and drip from her elbows (forming an L-shape with her arms) and waited while her husband stretched a pair of gloves onto her hands from fingertip to elbow. After that she told him to set aside some disinfectant alcohol and some more gauze before having him open the door for her so she could return to Ari. Kneeling beside the girl, she ordered the bloodied gauze be removed from the gunshot wound and then carefully slid a finger into the wound, trying to determine how far in the bullet was to see if she could find it herself or if she was going to absolutely have to try to transport her to a hospital. After a moment of carefully feeling for the bullet, she sighed and shook her head.

    “Call the hospital and tell them we need an ambulance. This woman needs to go to the trauma center, stat.” She then stuffed some gauze into the wound before covering it with a patch and getting up. The lady really was just a nurse, after all. She didn’t deal with circulation issues, broken bones, respiratory issues, etc. And if Arishav went into cardiac arrest, she didn’t have the knowledge or the equipment to save her. Everyone filtered out of the room, leaving Ari alone while the lady’s husband called the hospital and requested assistance. Ten minutes later, as the vehicle arrives close to the back, Ari groggily wakes up and shudders at how…cold, everything was. She pulled herself to her feet and then yelped at a pain in her back before growling and igniting herself, turning from human to lava creature in mere seconds. Flames exploded throughout the room as she ripped a hole in the wall and stormed out. The bullet, that had somehow made it into her gut, was immediately dissolved and used to patch the injury it had inflicted. Just as she was about to leave, she heard a scream and turned to see the nurse standing in the doorway, seemingly unharmed. Apparently her flames hadn’t left the room that time…lucky for the doctor.

    Arishav turned and ran back out towards where the fighting had started, lighting up anyone in the vicinity she spotted as she made her way out to the main roads, looking for a new area to explore. She spotted one of the mobile metal…things, just sitting on the side of the road. No lights, no people inside…she leaned over and peered inside, wondering if they were just hiding or really gone. …Empty. Well, then. She straightened and walked around it. This thing was short, with four doors, a strange…round panel doodad thingy on the left side, and more light-lookin’ things on the back. Four wheels that appeared to be a universal feature, and a few mirrors. Nice. Those seemed universal too, including one that was inside wayyy in the front. ‘What is it?’ She thought, touching it and remembering a moment too late that it couldn’t handle her body temperature very well. She pulled away in irritation and ran off down the road, stopping in front of a…weird building, that was really big and had these…four large letters on the front (B A N K). The front had steps leading up to a landing, with more steps that led up to the actual building. From there, four pillars held up a roof that stretched out to cover the second landing after the stairs. Arishav’s interest was captivated by the metal frames into which hundreds of panels of that clear solid seemed to be fitted. As she walked closer, she saw that the panes were an inch thick, as tall as she was and three times as wide, and even the door was made of them. On the opposite side, metal slats ran the length of the wall, as well as the height…and upon closer inspection appeared movable. Interesting. She tapped her finger on the clear stuff (glass) and jerking away when it began to melt, then tried the door only to have the handle try to come back with her hand, though the actual door didn’t really budge much. However, now she heard a high pitched keening from the building that quickly got on her nerves.

    With an annoyed howl, she slammed against the door, melting it easily as she continued through and the beeping got louder. She ran until she found a circular…thing, with lots of tiny holes poked in it, from which the noise was iterated, and punched into the damn thing, silencing it instantly. Then she spun when she realized she heard another one, and soon was caught up running around the building, attacking every abnormal sight and sound. It wasn’t long before the police showed up and she was after their guns and flashy, noisy cars as well.-

    Sandra looked to his phone and nodded. “I will make a show that the Dark Muse is not gone.” she hit a panel and it rolled open she grabbed her Treble cliff’s and slipped them in and slipped her mask on and smirked. “Lets go do some clean up.” she said and walked over to the old batmobil and hopped into it and pushed the button to start it as it closed around her with a smile. She floored it and took off into the streets. She knew she could get there faster but she needed to do this right she needed to prove she could still do this on her own with out the new advancements to herself.

    Pulling up and stopping seeing the woman that was burning everything and destroying vehicles. She took a breath and the top slid back and she brought her arms up and launched herself into the air a good 20 feet and flipped through the air. As she came down and landed on the top of a cop car she had yet to destroy and stared at her trying to decide the best way to stop her with the few gadgets she had with her. Breathing evenly she thought about just trying to freeze the woman with her breath.

    -John watched her take off into town so he decided to try out his new toy so he grabbed his helmet and through it into the seat before he jumped in beside it. He placed his thumbs on the handles and the top slid shut before the halls slid apart and he shot through the hole following after the bat mobile. He hovered above for a few minutes watching this creatures actions smashing through cars like they were made of butter made him decide not to play this one safe like the humans he had been dealing with. He landed on the other side of the road from the Dark Muse, he made a motion pointing to his face. He took in a huge breath and his end of the road and the buildings were all frozen solid so that this woman wouldn’t be able to exit this side of the road and he hoped Muse had this ability also. He placed on his helmet as he began to walk towards this monster wondering if it was an alien like him or just a human with corrupted DNA. He was right out of this creatures reach as he spoke with an edge”if you dont want to look like this road youll turn off the fire effects and follow us for testing and possibly getting answers you may need or want”. He decided to show her he was not of earth either. He changed his skin back to the rocky look of doomsday before taking of the helmet so she could see the demon under the mask.-

    From a rooftop a man with a heavily scarred face looks down from a short rooftop at the fire. His scar are that a burned face. His face is tanned from flames with pale patches of white discolored pigment scattered throughout it. He is bald and has no eyebrows. He has on heavy boots and is looking down with high tech binoculars. Camoed pants, a skull cap. He communicates in a manner almost like telepathy, with technology. Sound is beamed directly to the person, and it vibrates their skulls, letting them hear it in their heads. Firefly says mentally to an officer. “Hows it look down there?” “Not good.” An officer replies.

    “Who’s doing the robbery?” Firefly asks. “It isn’t a robbery. We’ve managed tap into the footage. Its some kind of humanoid lava creature trying to destroy all the alarms.” “Not a fellow arsoniste?” Firefly says with an e, in a way the indicates what he does is an art. He likes to watch things “heat up” so to speak.

    “Ah, nothing like someone cause rampant fiery destruction. Makes my heart warm.” Firefly sees the bat mobile. “Is that the bat mobile and batwing. “Yeah the new batman showed up with this girl.” “I wanna see the girl. Looks like batsy did a number on the street.” “Yeah. At least the real batman cared about collateral damage. It’s real good to see our hard earned tax payer dollars get to be spent cleaning up after this shit. He hasn’t even fought yet and already he’s broken the place up. All the money in that bank probably couldn’t even cover the damage he just caused.” “You think thats really batman under there?” “I dunno. I don’t think so. The batman was legendary. This guy….seems kinda new to this.” “Have anything on him?” “Not much. We do have some footage. Apparently he has superhuman speed. We had to slow the cameras down a lot to see him. Those insignias just started popping on the film.” “Interesting…” Firefly says.

    Firefly then says “So what are you guys gonna do? Sit back and watch.” “Pretty much. What else can we do? Shoot him? Everyone seems to be immune to bullets these days.” Firefly laughes. “A lot of people are scared of him.” Firefly comments. “Yeah. All everyone saw was him threatening us. Nobody knew why he was going off on us. People are making conspiracy theories. Some guys think he might be behind all this. Other people saw him beating up criminals the other day. He just took em all out in a few seconds. Whole shootout just done. Then he just said if he could get this done in a few seconds then why can’t we? Or something like that. I can’t remember. Well. I’m goddamn sorry we don’t have your high tech bat gear and super speed.”

    “Careful. He might hear you” Firefly chuckles. “Aren’t there a lot of crooked cops in GCPD?” “Some shit goes on. But not everyone is crooked. He’s taken it out on all of us.” “Heh.” “It kinda worked though, a lot of people knew and a lot of people went straight.” “Right.” Firefly says.

    “Well..” Firefly begins. “Let’s watch the show.”

    •.The flaming woman had just slowed for the moment, trying to understand how no matter how many of those noisy…things she destroyed, it never got quiet. As the blaring sound of yet another mobile metal machine approached, Ari snapped to attention. A large, long red creation with spiraling lights swung around the corner, louder and more irritating than its tinier cousins. She was about to go after it when she noticed what it illuminated; a dark vehicle, with a design much stranger than the others. One that stood out. A woman stood in front of it, clearly fixated on Arishav. The different appearance of the woman placed her destruction on a higher mental priority than anything else.

    Before she could further determine how to proceed, however, another person painted a target on his back; behind her, from where she sensed a building coldness, came a man’s voice. That she understood his words was immediately alarming. ‘This one speaks Basic…could that mean he’s here to bury me on Pluto? Could those worthless old fools on the council of Kaa’s eighteenth division have realized they failed that quickly?’ Arishav spun, expecting to see a Kaa military uniform…instead she saw some weird creature in black armor, with a red symbol on his chest.

    Ari could have died of laughter then, but she held it in. Of course those idiots hadn’t noticed! They may never realize their grievous error. At least, not yet… She returned her attention first to the woman a ways back from her, then switched it to the largest (and closest) threat: Sir Icicles.

    “Why should I do anything you say?” Ari frowned, thinking for a moment. Make an enemy of someone I can talk to and continue running around with no understanding of this place, or comply at least for the time being to see if he has anything useful to say…after all, no one here presumed to be her superior…yet. At least, not that she knew of. Perhaps antagonizing these people was not in her best interests, even if there was only one perceived (possibly befriendable) threat.

    “Hmmm…I’ll humor you…for now.” Though she herself remained ignited, Ari turned and looked at all of her flames, mentally extinguishing them and watching as they died down in front of her.•

    A young lady, not too tall as she was only thirteen years of age, sulked around within the alleys of Gotham, her true form fully present as she kept to the darkness. The soft lights seemed to make her white feathers glow and the hair turned blue shimmer against the darkness. Her clothing was that of a standard private school girl, her tired from needing to hold a human form all day. She knew there was chaos amuck, but she tended towards the edges of Gotham. She attempted to stay to the darkness, though that not being her ally. She instead allowed her form to crackle and shift, taking the form of a snow white owl that soared into the air and set itself on a street lamp. She began to preen her feathers, unknowing of what laid several blocks of city streets ahead of her.

    Sandra sat there on the car and watched as the city block was frozen and narrowed her eyes behind herror mask she would have to talk to him about this. Wayne tech would take a hit from this but look like the saving grace of the city she wasn’t about to make the city pay for his actions. Seeing the woman stop and the fires go out. Standing and watching the woman she stepped off onto the ground and watched. ‘Ifor you stop and help fix the damage you have done I will insure you a warm place to stay.” The fight was over quickly but she worried about the people and through the eye holes of her mask came two red beams and she started to melt the I expect but was careful to not do any more damage then was done allowing the rescue workers to enter the buildings.

    “And as for you.”She pointed to John. “We will talk later” she stalked closer to the flaming woman she held her hand out and was glaring behind the mask. She then dropped her hand and walked past them both. “take care of this I have other matters to finish and deal with you have things under control here.” She had to pre pair for someone’s homecoming and she knew it was not going to be pleasent.

    -John was irritated that she thought he had screwed up so he took in a deep breath and instead of cold air hot air came out and everything was unfrozen leaving no damage behind. He turned back to muse”your fucking welcome”, he turned to the creature and told her to follow him. He pushed a button and his ride lowered to the ground”fire off or your not getting in”. He jumped into his ride waiting for her to do the same.

    If she got in he would shoot off towards the outside of town so they could have a chat. If she does not get in the hovercraft he plans to force her to walk there by clapping his hands at a frequency that would annoy the fuck out of her because since he would have to walk and hated going slow would be much fun for him as payback.

    Once they arrived outside there were open flat rock for about five miles so if anyone tried to listen to there conversation from this distance they would have to be in his sight. He turned to her”ok which planet are you from and why have you come to earth and more importantly why are you in Gotham.-

    “Aww.” Firefly is disappointed as her flames die down. He then hears Dur-El’s comment. Firefly smirks and snickers. “Ooooh. Fiesty.” He says mentally to the officer. “Yeah. No kidding. Definitely not batman. He never swore. Not the way everyone else talked about him. Right?” “That was years ago. Before my time.” Firefly replies. “Place doesn’t looked to damaged at least.” “Ooooooh contraire, my friend. The rapid heating of a cool substance like that will cause it to undergo thermal shock. Now the concrete is gonna be a lot weaker. I doubt its gonna safe for anything reasonable heavy, like a truck to drive on. It might sink right in. You can’t just thaw something that quickly like that. If the road wasn’t damaged from him snap freezing the road before, it is now.” Firefly comments.

    “Huh…” The officer says “Would real sad and kinda funny if he did that to a person.” Firefly smirks. “Person would fall apart like clay in front of his very eyes. Clearly he isn’t as smart a batman was. Guy was a genius. But this guy is clearly new. An Amateur.” “You seem to know a lot about the cold too.” The cop says.

    “Cold is nothing more than the absence of heat my friend. Nothing more. I payed attention in physics and chemistry.” “Maniac with a degree. I’m not sure whether to be scared your that smart. Why do this? Be a criminal? Why not use your intelligence to do something like be a chemist. A lot of people got thrust into this life.” “More money. More fun. This was my calling. I would have gone crazier as a chemist. Just reading scientific journals all day? That isn’t the life for me. Just be glad we have a sense of order. Gotham’s gonna be a lot quieter. All those criminals that got taken out. And now we run things. And we like to make our money in quieter ways.” The officer doesn’t say anything. Firefly continues to watch from a distance to see how this will transpire.

    •.Arishav turned towards Muse, who spoke, but…she didn’t understand what the woman said. With a frown and a shrug, she watched the irritated lady leave while John thawed the surroundings. He then repeated the no-fire request that left her frowning. While she had clothing earlier, she couldn’t help noticing most things on…Earth, he called it, couldn’t handle her temperature. And…Gotham? Is that what this mucktown is called? O-kay, then. Ari decided to comply, returning to human form again with a shrug. No clothes, as she expected…Ari snapped up a quick fire on a tire (partly out of spite for the bossy man…creature…thing) and surrounded herself with the smoke from it before killing the flame, leaving an abandoned cop car’s rear left side blackened. “There, no flames, and I have clothes…more or less…” She muttered before stepping into what looked more like a metal death trap than anything else. Looking outside as John operated the vehicle made her nervous. ‘How ridiculous…even if this guy crashes like a moron, it wouldn’t kill me…’ She didn’t consider her less durable human disguise as she had yet to see what happens when humans get crushed. Or, at least, she didn’t recall. Arishav closed her eyes until they came to a stop, but when she saw her surroundings she laughed.

    “Afraid I’ll burn something else?” The landscape was barren and very open. Ari knew they hadn’t gone far considering how little time had been spent traveling. She pretended not to have heard his questions, trying to decide if she should answer. Then again, why not? “It’s all coincidence, really. I was on a ship and it crashed… went wandering and noticed a bunch of blacked-out buildings…the power was out or whatever. Nothing special about…Goth…whateveryoucalledit. Just curiosity.” She purposely failed to answer which planet she was from. Instead she tried to think of a question for him. Or at least get him to teach her an Earthen language…after all, it wasn’t like Arishav could go back to Kaa.•

    The owl form remained perched on the post until she could no longer hold that form anymore, reverting in her tired state back to her natural form. Luckily she’d already preened all the feathers. But now there was a feathered white and slightly blue owl human hybrid up on the post. She balanced herself with her feet claws and since she could not fly in this form, she began focusing and muttering to herself silently. She began to levitate and she cautiously placed herself on top of a building. Something shiny caught her eye in the distance and found there seemed to be something but it promptly disappeared. She looked down upon her being then and sat herself down on the building top in an attempt to remain hidden.

    Sandra had started on the way home blowing through the city watching as it passed by wondering what would happen to the city now. Dur-El had gotten out of hand there was a code they followed she hadn’t had time to explain it to him. Watching him work today had left her wondering if he needed more training. He was good he got results but at what costs. She would keep an eye on the news and papers to watch for casualty reports and injury accounts. This weighed heavily on her and she wondered if she had made the right choice in training him and having him work for everyone. There was so much going on right now and she had to fix it before he got back and that left very little time to do this.

    As the road dropped once she got closer and she descended into the ground and into the bat cave she took a breath as the lights zipped by and allowed her to focus and calm herself. She would deal with the other matter when he got back until then there were other things that needed to be deal with at this juncture in time. Parking on the lift she felt the car twist as the platform lowered and left her now in her home. The top of the Batmobile opened and she got out taking her mask off and sliding it into her coat securing it inside.

    Stalking down the path her boots clicking against the stone and metal paths that made up this cave where she had been living for far too long before the incident and she came back out as someone else altogether to better serve the city. She looked at her inventions her late husband had left her and almost wanted to rip them apart.

    Taking a breath she turned from them and headed over to the mainframe and sat down at it. Tapping the keys and running her fingers against the touch pad that acted for the mouse as she started to run facial recognition software from an image she managed to get of Nemaz. It wasn’t the best photo so she figured it would take a while to get any hits from the system and sighed and looked at a program she had developed for the military and scrapped before giving it to them because she realized the dangers it had if it feel into the wrong hands.

    “Why did I keep you? I should of destroyed you when I realized your power.” Realizing what she could do with it though she ran her finger across the touch pad with great dexterity stopping right on the program. She hesitated a moment before she double clicked the Mindreader program. It was the most advanced hacking program every developed it left no footprint when it infiltrated a system and sent up no warning flags it slipped in like it wasn’t even there and monitored the information and files without touching the systems resources. It watched for patterns, words, phrases and even actions. She watched it boot up and the question it asked she stared at for several minutes with her finger hovering over the touch pad. “Would you like to connect?” her finger dropped and tapped the connect button and watched mind reader do its job. The program then brought up its parameter fields. Entering a few general terms: Organized Crime, Mafia, and Arms Dealings. She then set it up to monitor for various bank activities large sums of money being transferred from privet or corporate accounts that seemed out of the norm for the account. She also added it to watch for micro transactions from accounts and also to monitor for any funds use that was out of the normal.

    Sitting back she stared at the screen and task bared the program and stood up looking at the mainframe. “I hope I’m doing the right thing.” She said and closed her eyes. A woman’s voice came from the top of the steps leading down to the came “Mistress Muse I have returned from my trip. Is there anything I can do for you?”

    Sandra looked behind her to see the shadow of the woman and hearing the voice she had not heard in many months. “No Julia I’m just going to get something to eat.” She said as she turned and walked towards the woman.

    Julia stood there in shock as she watched her and realized how young the woman looked. “Let me get dinner prepared Ms. Muse.” She had taken up her father’s mantel just as Sandra had taken up Bruce’s. Smiling at the woman she knew it had been hard for her but she was glad her and her father patched things up. Julia turned and headed back up and into the mansion and straight to the kitchen where she started to prepare a male for the young woman.

    Sandra was on her tablet working on her case combing over the information that had been returned working on tracking this man and the crime families in Gotham. She was surprised at how much information she was getting. Granted what she was going through was raw data. The program would soon filter and organize it into a more readable document that showed connections and so forth but for now she was just taking an overview of what was found. “Well I made it work right.” She told herself as she walked up to the table in the dining room and continued to look over the files. “It will filter some of this out as unneeded I will look over the anomalous file after I read over the main report it makes.” She was talking to herself as Julia came in.

    “Ms. Muse is there something maybe I can help you with?” Julia asked as she set the tray down in front of the young woman. Then glanced at the tablet and walked away slowly. “You dig to deep and you may find something you won’t be proud of.” Julia said and stopped at the door looking back over her shoulder. “I don’t know what happened while I was gone but I’m worried about you” She said with a concerned look.

    Sandra looked up and sighed. “There is a lot that happened while you were gone. Have a seat.” Once Julia sat she explained about Dur-El and how she had died and the trip to Metropolis and how things are currently going and why she had activated the program and what was currently going on in the city. “If you want you can work with us but you will have to do it from home like your father did I understand you used to be a field agent over in Japan.” She went on to explain what was happening and what she was planning. She was going to let the crime go in the city track it and then destroy it at the head like Bruce had once done with the Joker. She explained she knew that he battled the joker at every turn and she would do that just as he had but she needed to let it go so she could find the head and chop it off to take it out she would clean up the remnants after that.

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:41 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -.She was just starting to look for what might have been some form of shelter when this strange…creature, slammed down in front of her speaking in some foreign tongue. Ari gave a shout of alarm and watched as he started to put out some of her fires before jumping up and taking off running back into the alley she just came from. She darted beside a dumpster and then worked her way in behind it to huddle between the wall and the back wall of said dumpster. Her heart was racing and her chest was heaving as she gasped, and she covered her mouth with her hands in an attempt to muffle the sound. Her already feverish body temperature skyrocketed, but she maintained her human appearance even though the humanoid body was quickly beginning to feel quite sick (which was god-awful to a creature that had never experienced the feeling of “sickness” before).

    “Okay…so…what do I do now?” Would that thing find her? Maybe Ari should keep moving before anyone realized she was unnatural. She shifted her weight and felt something scratch at the back of her neck, making it itch. She snapped a hand up and yanked it loose to hold a weird…thin sheet of stuff with writing on it in her hand with a white semi-transparent…thing looped through it. (A tag.) She threw it away and felt something sharp dig into her hip, yanking that out and finding another one. Annoyed, she started scratching at her clothes and tearing off strange plastic strips that stuck to her pants legs and the side of her shirt and ripping out more tags until she stopped finding things hooked into her clothes, leaving a small pile of garbage behind the dumpster as she slowly started to crawl back out. Hopefully, that…water-shark-guy-talking-creeper-thing had moved on. Surely…-

    Kraken let out a soft hiss of relief as the shark monstrosity released him after offering a threat. The delinquent waited until Dur-El was already dashing through the hall before muttering resentfully to himself, “Next time you see me, huh? Maybe I should just blind you then.” That shark guy was going to be bad news, and he was quite sure they would meet again, eventually. The high-pitched shattering of glass signaled Dur-El’s departure from the hospital. “Ha!” Kraken exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air, “I’m getting away with it, heck yeah!” It rankled just a little bit to be deemed as less important than some fire, but if that meant he didn’t have to get arrested or fry up some humanoid shark then who was he to complain?

    Speaking of the warehouse fire, the ambulances of the hospital were really becoming active as they tore out of the parking lots towards all of the fires caused by Arishav, their sirens squealing and blaring much too loudly for Kraken’s sensitive ears. Patients and corpses were starting to arrive as well, hosting everything from burns to gunshots. “Hey,” the electricity manipulator turned to the concerned brawler woman in the room. It seemed she had finished grieving just before Dur-El left “So…you still want this Venom? Or should I just sell it on e-Bay or something?” The Venom junkie claimed to be going straight, but he wanted to make sure before he pocketed the drug canisters and left the hospital. The lights of the city were back on, and with all of the emergencies going on about the hospital, it was becoming an uncomfortably loud place to hang out with too many sirens and too many people. He’d come back for delicious power flow of the generator a little later, once things had quieted down.

    Sandra sat there reviewing what was going on in the town and sighed. “alright the town is going to hell and I’m stuck here in this damn chair tell my back calms down…” she slammed her hands down on the console. Several files started to pop up on the screen and one popped up asking for a identification code. She stared at it. “I was left with access to everything in the bat cave why is this file….” She leaned back in the chair and groaned. Staring at the screen for awhile she then typed in Talia access was denied then she tried Salena it was denied then tried catwoman once again denied. “Bruce what are you hiding Your son is dead I’m alone and dieing and your hiding shit from me.” She then tried Al Ghul because he was angry at him. The file then popped open and a signal was silently sent out into space and across the planet. What she saw and the information she got made her eyes go wide. She reached up and pulled her mask off and set it down as she went over the file. “Holy shit…” She then copied the file off onto a closed circuit system.

    Continuing through the file she came across a name several times and then cross referenced it across the system and another file came up that was also locked. She forced opened it with the cryptic system and her jaw dropped. “You son of a bitch… I don’t have to..” she then started cross referencing the two files and soon was looking at the information. “Oh my god.. no wonder you locked these away and didn’t tell me…” she kept searching through the files. “Bruce I’m sorry but I want to live into old age or die defending this city not sitting here wasting away.” She then set to work on working with the compound information she had and started to learn how to modify what she had found.

    -Banna just kept a solemn glance, hearing the words of Kraken but needing a moment to register it. She looked at him and said, “keep it… Get rid of it… I don’t care…”

    She then walked down the hall and found a locked room where some of the nurses were hiding with Nicholas. She knocked and when a nurse came out Banna spoke to her, “Put the boy in the Wayne Organization… Please…”

    The Nurse nodded and then closed the door again. Banna went to the stairs and walked up them and ended up out on the roof after pushing the door open through some dead plant matter. She stood on the top edge of the hospital and took off her heels. She left them there so that they wouldn’t hurt anyone. She made sure the coast was clear before she stepped off the top of the hospital and went tumbling down. She enjoyed the wind on her way down and her last breath was taken before her matter crashed into the pavement, her speed allowing her corpse to bounce as the trauma had her awake and choking on blood but the second hit on the ground snapped the vertibrea in her neck. Her body did one final tiny bounce then layed in peace, the blood pouring out of the carapace.

    -Dur-EL finished putting out the fires around the city using his extreme speed to hurricane up the fire so that no oxygen could reach it before he used his mass strength to begin to rebuild all of what had been destroyed. He finnaly reached the hospital finding banna and he sighed and shook his head as he picked up the bloody mess and ran at top speed into the artic where he found a flat area of pure white ice. He places down the woman and reaches down and breaks off all the spikes comming out of his body and threw them into the ice and he could hear them shatter as the House of El dna took hold and out of the ice came a huge crystal platform and around behind it a huge crystal.

    He knew this would take time to finish but for now he only needed one crystal, he stepped onto the platform and instantly heard an elder voice in his head of an ancestor long past” Hello Child of my blood, you have come to begin your journey and reach the point where you become a man in the eyes of EL”. Dur-EL felt odd but did not reply as he finished his work cracking the huge crystal and placing the womans body inside which fixed all wounds but did not give her life just made her look perfect one more to be frozed in time.

    He turned and walked back on to the platform”it is time we speek elder, i know not of my lineage other then Kal-El my cousin, maybe you can shine some light on my past”. The voice scanned him to see if what he says is true as it expected someone of Kal-EL to find the fortress and not one of Kara. It took a moment before it spoke”I see your words speak true and your also part of the creature but as are blood we can not slate you for that but we must train you in are ways”.

    Dur-El nodded not to anything really as a beam of light went through him and he learned of his home planet and the things that had happened through Kal-EL life that lead up to Dur-EL’s birth. With this new knowledge he stepped off the platform at more crystals grew and with his calculations within three months time the fortress would be finished so he ran once again at top speed landing back in gotham before he looked down at his chest to see that the mark of Hope was now burnt into his chest where the light had showed him his past. He felt diffrent also looking to himself his skin didnt exactly have the fish feel to it as much as before but the shark features were still there so he leaped into the water still able to breath in such and could smell his mentor so he swam in that direction coming up out of the water in the dimly lit cave but it only took him a few moment of scanning the room before he found her. He walked up behind the Muse placing his hands on the desk on either side of her so he could lean down and read what she was working on as he doughted she would mind since he wasnt social with anyone else, who could he tell now that the wrestler was dead which actually made a tear of salt water fall from his eye and crystallize into a pearl of the condenced pressure that dur-el mode places on it as it fell.

    He turns to another computed and looks up a word that he couldent understand on the computer before he turned back to her”this is dangerous to be playing with, I hope you understand what your doing”. He didnt want to lose another person that he was close to as he was starting to understand what it meant to lose someone, even if he hadent spoken to Banna more then once, she was the first one to help him and now she was gone.-

    Several hours later. During the day. Nemaz is outside, walking through the streets. He is now in simple civilian clothes. Grey Cargo pants. A thick blue jacket. An orange fiery designed shirt. Nemaz has dark skin, brown eyes and dreads, tied into a pony tail neatly. With a cap on his head. Nemaz no longer goes by his code name. Not under this identity. While Dur-El ran to the North pole at amazing speeds, Garret had decided after some rest to go grocery shopping.

    Genetically and Surgically enhanced super soldier or not. Garret needed food eventually. He walked through the city with a rather straight calm facial expression. He walked with his hands in his pockets. “Spare some change man?” A homeless man said laying on the side to Garret. Garret stopped and looked at the man. He took out a bill and let it float to the bottom of the man’s hat he had laying in front of his feet. “Thank ya sir. Bless your soul.” He says. Garret walks away. To the man’s astonishment it is a $100 dollar bill.

    Garret walks through the supermarket doors. He gets a cart and rolls by. Scooping up cans mostly non perishable foods. And more luxurious things. A cake and milk. He rolls up to the line as soon as he has all of his food. He waits in line. And looks forward. THere is a little girl sitting in the cart in front of him. As her mom unpacks her things. The girl smiles at Garret. Who looks at her blankly. She frowns and sticks her tongue out at Garret. Who again, returns a blank stare. She looks angrily at Garret. And he smirks. She at him weirdly. “Come Lucy time to go.” The woman says wheeling the cart off with the girl who looks at Garret, as he loads his things into the carting line.

    The cashier looks away for a moment and Garret silently and swiftly loads his things onto the belt for her to scan his hands a blur. Everything is there after a few moments.Around 20 or so cans. The woman looks at the belt with disbelief and stares at Garret. Garret looks at her neutrally. He raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong?” “…..Oh! What? Oh. Um. No.” She starts scanning her things. Nemaz looks away for a second smirking as he looks on his phone.

    As everything is bagged Garret carries it all in a two large grocery bags. “Do you…need some help sir?” “No. I am fine.” Garret says leaving the market his bag full of food. He walks through Gotham’s streets like any other person.

    “Alright then. Catch you later,” Kraken responded, flinging himself out of the window as Banna left the room and began to walk down the hallway. The woman was nice, even if she did send him out on a seemingly pointless errand. The ground was rapidly approaching, so he flailed out each tentacle to catch himself before falling. The radios were filled with police and ambulance chatter about the various crimes, arrests and emergencies going on throughout the city. Everything was so noisy, and by now power had been fully restored to the city.

    The alerts for the few muggings and thefts Kraken had performed were put on hold as police officers dealt with the warehouse incident and looked for survivors as well as any sign of the responsible arsonist. It seemed that for the moment, he would be allowed to get away with his crime. The young man quickly recovered the stash of credit cards and jewelry he obtained from behind the hospital, and was just about to leave when that blasted shark man reappeared. Kraken promptly flattened himself against one side of the hospital to avoid being seen.

    It would be way too soon for another encounter, especially after Dur-El had essentially told him to get lost. Kraken’s eyes widened as Dur-El left again at top speed with what looked like a mangled, bloody body in his arms. The body vaugely resembled the wrestler chick and wasn’t moving. She looked dead, and he wasn’t sure whether the woman had been killed by Dur-El or something/someone else. Either way, he had lost what might have been his first super-powered friend. The young man wasn’t prepared for this much death, especially on his first day as a super-villain and was beginning to feel a bit of a damper on his usual manic energy and enthusiasm.

    Kraken decided to take this opportunity to disguise himself back into civilian garb, before he got into any more trouble for today. Sneaking back throug the back-alleys of Gotham, the metahuman eventually reached the dumpster where he had dumped his civilian clothes. The green woolen sweater and jeans fit easily over his villain clothes. His new backpack proved an excellent way to both carry the fistfuls of hundred dollar bills he stole from the ravaged ATM machine. Once all of the bills were safely stuffed into one of the outside pockets, he shouldered the backpack. Each tentacle stabbed a hole into the main compartment of the backpack and hid inside, concealing the metallic appendages from any prying eyes. Lastly, Kraken took off the blue mask and shoved it into a different backpack pocket. His transformation to average young adult was complete. Strolling along down the street, Kraken decided to head over to Monarch Theater and buy a movie ticket to kill some time until night-fall.

    Garret walks in the street and wonders. “Why am I carrying these things?” Garret pulls out his phone for his map app. He searches for the nearest car dealership.

    An hour later. *VROOM* Garret comes to stop at a red light. He is driving a Jaguar C-X16. He gets a call on his phone and picks up. The light turns green and he continues to drive. He listens to the call. “Alright.” Garret drives over to china town.

    Garret is standing on a street corner. Near the iceberg lounge. He is seemingly consumed by his phone as he walks around a street corner and bumps past a large man and into the leader of the Gotham branch of the golden dragon street gang in chinatown. He is an old man. as Garret puts his hands up defensively upon seeing him, making a slight flicking of his wrist gesture when he bumps into him. A slight click being heard. A tatooed Asian man shuns Garret back, causing him to take a few steps back. The man punches Garret, and then a man tackles him and gets off him. “This guy needs to lern some respect eh boys?” A person says stomping on Garret’s chest as he struggles. Gritting his teeth. “Get. Off…me” Garret says struggling. “Nah man” He says “You learn respect. This is Wui-Jang.” He cracks his knuckles.

    “You respect.” He stomps on Garret’s face. Pinning his face to the concrete. The rest start kicking and stomping Garret violently as he grunts and struggles. After about 10 seconds the man holds up his hand. “I think he has had enough.” He says as he walks by. Leaving Garret as he staggers to his feet and one guy kicks him over again.

    Garret is helped up by a random middle aged passerby, who saw the entire scene of the men jumping Garret. “I’m fine.” “You sure pal, they were goin’ on you pretty hard…” “It’s alright.” “You have to watch out. You can’t be on your phone all day…you sure your alright man?” “Yeah…Yeah.” Garret replies. He dusts himself off. Then gets in his car. He takes out his phone. And looks at his phone. He smirks a bit to himself as he drives off.

    Inside the lounge the current golden dragons leader is walking with a young woman laughing, a drink in his hand. He takes a sip. He is followed by his entourage. Suddenly he clenches his chest. And falls on his knees. The woman gasps and looks fearfully on him. The man’s eyes roll into his head and he falls to floor paralyzed. He twitches his eyes darting about as he drools from the mouth having a seizure. The woman screams and runs. His men surrounds him shaking him others looking back in fear., as his eyes go still “Boss?! BOSS!!!” He loses control of his bowels as he relieves himself on the ground..

    Garret looks at a small needle gn. A very small wound. Hidden up his sleeve. Mounted on his wrist. Loaded with tiny ice needles.Each filled with 200 nanograms of botulinum poison. Launched when he bumped into the man. His target. He pulls out his phone and calls someone. “It’s done.” After about 10 seconds he hangs up. And continues to drive. “Pretty soon, I’ll be able to able to finish that jet. At this rate. All it took was to roll with a few punches…” He thinks. “This power vacuum can prove very profitable.” Garret thinks as he continues to cruise through Gotham’s streets.

    Amelia had set to wondering around the Wayne manor since she felt oddly safe as compared to where she had previously been. She found a bathroom and slid out her make up kit. She gave a sigh, reviewing what happened in the last couple minutes. She couldn’t believe where she was and the fact that she was not home anymore. She mindlessly combed through her hair with her fingers, ridding it of the knots that had been formed from the wind that fought against the trio as Dur-El ran them here. She splashed her face with some water and wiped it dry with her sleeves. Opening the make-up kit she looked at her face. How long, she wondered, had it been since she actually wore her make-up? Would she remember how to do it? Surely enough her body remembered the motions necessary for this action. She watched her face transform into what she was used to as she painted her face. She let a smile leave her lips. She felt like herself again, not an animal trying to hide and survive. Now since she was away from Brainiac, she could thrive and grow stronger.

    The movie theater Kraken chose to enter featured a re-done version of some incredibly cheesy romantic comedy. The villain took a seat in the back corner where he would be well-hidden by dim shadows and remain undisturbed by any other movie-goers. Once the feature film started and people stopped entering the theater, he cautiously pulled out the money and began to count it carefully. The total amount was quite a lot, but it would have to be allocated carefully.

    First thing on his list was to get better protection from cops, any so-called heroes and possibly fire. Kraken flipped out his phone and began typing notes for his future spending. A bullet and stab-resistant vest, gas mask and some sort of fire-retardant clothing would rank high on his list for supplies. As after-thought, the villain made sure to remind himself to obtain some blue-prints of the city’s inner workings and sewer tunnels for easier transportation. Now all that was left to do was fence some of his stolen jewelry and then find some supplies in the black market.

    Kraken carefully tucked the last fat wad of dollar bills into his backpack and then leaned against the back of his cheaply cushioned chair to watch out the rest of the movie. Eventually, some ridiculous orchestrated music sprung up and predictably the main character finally managed to have a happy romantic ending with a hot “Prince Charming” type after learning some vaguely moral Aesop about selfishness and ambition vs. the merits of self-sacrifices and generosity. “Someone please gag me,” Kraken muttered to himself as he left the movie theater along with the other occupants. Were people really so satisfied by such a revolting ending? Was it too much to simply want it all? He wanted money, respect and happiness and he’d snatch it away with force if he had to.

    On the sidewalk outside of Monarch Theater, Kraken decided to head over to some of the notably more dodgy parts of the city in hopes of finding a fence and a way into Gotham’s underground black market. Hands in his pant pockets, the villain in disguise trudged several blocks and down a few suspiciously twisted and unkempt alleyways, eyes peeled for trouble.

    Nemaz is out and about days later. Gang violence has been on the rise. Just like Nemaz thought. The war needed fuel, so Nemaz got into the arms trade. After “convincing” the others to leave the business, Nemaz monopolized it. He was making a huge profit from marketing his arms. With some 3D printers he himself and some raw materials. He can make the products cheaply and sell them to the market.

    Nemaz takes his scope and aims it at his target. Of course….Nemaz did not sell them the high end weapons. Not equipment like his. He sold snipers. But nothing as large as .50 caliber. Just enough to put neat little holes in people. Nemaz sees GCPD is having a hostage situation right in the middle of the street. A man is holding a woman at gunpoint. The man backs into an alley and Nemaz looks at him through the wall. There is a boom as fires. The bullet cuts through the wall and goes through the man’s head, it exploding. His grip loosens and he falls and hits the floor. The woman painted with blood and a little brainmatter is frozen as she stares at the heaadless man bleeding to the floor. She is too frozen to scream as police rush in.

    “A cleanup crew.” Nemaz thinks “Is that all GCPD is? I remember there was a time when emergency services were effective. At least moderately.” Nemaz takes out his phone. Watching crime among-st the street. “And these people. Punks. Huh. Mostly. A few of them seem capable.” Nemaz has narrowed down a list.

    Nemaz now would like to take Gotham’s underworld. For himself. Money was power, and who was he taking it from? Criminals? Killing or busting a common crook is like destroying a cell of a body. Killing a common crook when unnecessary wasn’t going to make the city better.

    Nemaz begin to ramble to himself about philosophy. The people are still going to rely on heros to come and save. To solve all their problems. To answer their cry for help. Nemaz couldn’t understand why no one. No one at all. Decided to kill all the big time criminals. Like the joker. How many lives was he worth? Did batman just put him in jail so that he could free him again? Deliberately. Nemaz paused as he saw something on the screen. “It all makes sense now.”

    Nemaz was beginning to connect everything….the affiliations. What Nemaz sees on Cameras, is a cop being paid off to look the other way. This cop just walked away from a meth lab. Nemaz goes to a search engine and finds through all the years, since Gotham’s beginning, most of GCPD has been corrupt. He searches…and searches. At this point sitting on the roof connecting his phone with helmet as he goes through web page after web page.

    The most who seemed to get anything done at all, was long dead. Commissioner Gordon…it all makes sense. Batman worked only with Gordon. This was known enough. Why? Because Gordon was not corrupt. He was noble. Straight. That is why batman worked with him. He must not have liked the rest of GCPD. Is that GCPD’s legacy? Years and years of corruption? It’s like if a crook was a cell, and Gotham was the body.

    That gotham had cancer. Nemaz got up. These revelations enforced a feeling of there being absolutely no hope for this city. If GCPD. People who could operate in ways that heros are not trained to. To track. To watch over where one man could not be. Then what was the point of being a hero? This seemed like Gotham was a body too sick to repair. Nemaz decides, he may as well, become a necessary evil of this city.

    He had a plan. He was going to become a murderer, an arms dealer, a drug lord and a gang boss. And what he will do may perhaps save more lives then most people have saved in years. It will also make him more rich, more powerful then he has ever been. Because there is no criminal at all in this city to challenge him.

    Nemaz walks away from the rooftop. He watches the 4 total gang shootouts going on at once. Bloods vs Crips. Dimitrov Crime Family vs Maroni crime family. The Hanoi ten vs both the Golden Dragons and Ghost Dragons. Penitente Cartel vs The Street Demonz biker gang.

    The games have begun and now it is time for Nemaz to pick his team, he wanted only the most elite, competent thugs. He knew of one mercenary on the market he sought to hire. He could use his intimidation. Nemaz began to hack into Arkham’s security system remotely.

    Later. Arkham asylum is on fire. Nemaz on a rooftop sees someone hovering down. The new firefly. Donning a higher tech armor and helmet. In high tech body armor. It is immune to conventional fire. Lined with a miracle substance dubbed starlite, it is capable of survive temperatures akin to the surface temperature of the sun, where as most conventional fires reach temperatures to only 500 F, or 1000F. Then sun being 10,000 F. Enough to melt any normal existing substance on earth. Padding is inside to dampen blows. A nanopolymered exterior in his mercenary like outfit worn over his flame proof suit capable of hardening on impact to protect from physical blows. Hi. His “triple threat” wrist mounted weapon, featuring a flamethrower, a Gamma ray Laser and plasma torch channeled along a ceramic blade with a coil in it, making it function like essentially a lightsaber, able to cut through most materials, all powered by nanobatteries stored in his textile within the padding of his lightweight suit.

    In his hands were an assault rifle with a mounted flamethrower, with a heat shield. His mask was bug eyed, and very high tech. It granted him 360 degree vision. On his back was a jetpack, much like the previous fireflies. His feet and hands are capable of sticking to walls. He had a parade of other deadly weapons. Explosives. A high frequency serrated knife capable of cutting anything…. The man who stood before Nemaz could destroy a city in as little as a hour. Maybe less. But there was money and that.

    This firefly was sadistic in a sense, he loved money, and to watch things burn. There is a phrase that goes “If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life.” If this is true, then this firefly does not grasp the meaning of the word, “work.” “I have a job for you…” Nemaz began.

    Discreet messages were sent about. He decided to invite any metahuman interested whom Nemaz knew of. He had found out the woman by the name of “Banna” was dead. Oh well. She might have gotten in the way anyway. That electric kid already had shown his face. Nemaz remembered it perfectly.

    (The music fades.)

    One by one they came. brawlers, hit men, hackers, ex special forces mercenaries, even a few small time crooks and metahumans. Nemaz sent the message. By note or phone. “You have been choosen. Come to the Iceberg lounge. And you’ll never have to stick up a bank or smash an ATM again.” And they were given a free pass for the longue. A meeting. At 1:00 am at night…as the rest of everyone else warred on this night.

    Nemaz was sitting at the Piano with his Barret XM109 rifle resint against the piano, while Nemaz plays Moonlight Sonata, by Beethoven. Enhanced Cognitive abilities had their benefits.

    He wanted to set a calm mood. Different people with different accents “…Why is this nigga wearin’ full fuckin’ body armor?” a thug says “I unno G.” he replies. Some people walk and simply stare not saying anything. “…Who the hell is this guy?” A thug comments. “I unno. But he packing some heat.” Another thug comments. “Is that an….anti tank rifle?” “I think so….” A thug confusingly replies.

    The club is filling up. More and more people taking a seat. People chatting among themselves. “You no who this guy is?” “Not a clue….” Some sit alone at their own table.

    -Johnathon walked down to the bat cave and put on his armor as he geared up before he got on the old robins bike. He pushed a button and a door opened up so that he could drive out. He reached the center of gotham and people with guns and drugs were running around like mad until there eyes fell onto him and there jaws dropped which made him smirk under his mask.He picked up five grenades that contained high impact paintball that would drop anyone hit to there knees in need of hospitalization for the bruises. He threw them about fifty yards from himself in each direction and they could cover a hundred yard area each. He smirked as he looked at his wrist and pushed a button and all five went off taking out about seventy five people in seconds. He used his speed now that no one awake enough to notice as he hung them up painting a red batman crest on there chest using a stencil so that it was perfect. He then ran at top speed cleaning up every street thug around including the gang outside of the ice lounge without ever going inside or caring to. He made sure they were all hung up with his new crest. He then painted a huge batman symbol on GCPD building making sure there was no one who could miss this.

    He then found camera that was taping things for the news and he walked up to it so that he was sure they would see him”clean this shit up or im going to break this city and then rebuild it, it took me one hour, you have five days”. He then went back to the batcave and placed his helmet on the desk waiting to see the news bulletion and instalty it was aired that batman was back and overly pissed.-

    She was upstairs and pulled out an old box and started to go through it and wondered if any of this stuff was even still current. She pulled on a pair of black leather pants that had ovals cut out of the inside and on the outside of her legs showing off her legs then started to look for a top to go with it. She found a black top she had but wondered how Bruce even let her out of the house in it. Slipping it on one shoulder and sleeve was missing there where diagonal slashes across the front thick enough to cover but barely she then pulled on her high heeled boots and zipped them up then came down stairs… “I am Sandra Muse. Named after my Aunt.” She stuck her tongue out. She still had her mind but her body had defiantly gotten younger. Noticing the news she shook her head and sighed. “Well at least being a pack rat paid off I have some cloths that fit.” She took a step then jolted up right lifting off the ground as a blue aura formed around her and she let out a soft moan and the aura shot off her in a 360 causing a calming effect to everyone it touched. She then lowered to her feet and crumbled to the ground leaning on her hip holding herself up with her arms her head bowed and her legs curled in. “What the hell just happened.” She felt drained and weak and disoriented.

    Amelia exited the bathroom feeling more like herself that he had in years. She walked towards the main entrants way to find Sandra on the floor. She rushed over and knelt down to her side, afraid to touch her at first. “What happened?” the shock in her own voiced frightened herself. This is what happens, she thought to herself, when I decide to pamper myself. She offered a hand to Sandra, for this is all she knew she could be of use for. Assistance.

    -.Arishav was in hiding. Or at least, she was trying to be. For the moment. After all, the city was clearly crazy enough without her influence, filled with fires, explosions, drugs, and fights. Between loud bangs, shattering glass, people yelling, children crying, doors being busted down, screams, and dogs barking wildly at groups of brawling men, there was plenty of noise. Ari had accidentally wandered into the crosshairs of two different gangs, and though she didn’t understand a word out of anyones’ mouths, she fuly understood that shit was about to hit the fan. She ran into an alley as men shouted after her, the stone walls of the buildings on either side suddenly seeming to explode with small holes. Then a shocking force against her back knocked her forward and she tumbled onto the filthy floor as pain filled her chest. Arishav used one of the dumpsters to pull herself to her feet and started running again, slipping her left hand under her right arm and around behind her back to feel a small wet hole just below her clavicle. Pulling her hand back in front of her, she found it covered in a warm red substance that ran down to her wrist and dripped onto the floor. The wet feeling began to slowly spread down her back as she continued through the alley, causing the material of her shirt to cling to her skin. Ari was in the middle of thinking that it was a most uncomfortable sensation as she slowed down, out of breath, when a door to her right suddenly came swinging open and the alley was flooded with a bright, harsh light. A worried female’s chattering filled her ears as she was suddenly grabbed and tugged up the stairs and into the building, where she had to blink her eyes as they adjusted to the change.

    She was sat down on the floor in a room while more humans (not unlike the ones she had burned shortly after waking up, or been attacked by mere moments ago) rushed about, chattering at one another. Arishav slowly began to grow irritated by the fact that she didn’t understand a word they were saying. She only spoke Basic, which was the only language she was really required (or allowed) to learn. Just enough to understand whatever low-caste task was laid before her back on her Homeworld. At least…until she torched the people who presumed to be above her and tried to destroy said planet. “And look how that worked out for me…” Ari muttered, glancing at the white-washed walls, the grey cloth couch against the wall to her left and the bookshelf that was being pushed over to cover what she presumed was a window. It was funny, the things she recognized…and, the things she didn’t. For instance, in the adjacent room there was a little white bed, currently empty. It was raised off the ground, standing on four long legs, and had white bars all the way around that made it almost resemble a cage. She rose to her feet and went into the room, seeing that it had a little mattress pad in it, covered by a pale pink blanket. A small, puffy rectangular pad-thingy (pillow) with a frilly little lace border sat on one side. Ari frowned and poked it, and her finger sank into the material. Weird stuff.

    She turned to wander out, and saw a lady standing behind her. She had a white coat, underneath being a green shirt with a white undershirt and matching green pants. The green shirt and pants were baggy and made weird noises. After a moment of staring, Ari recognized this person as a doctor. Horrified, she jumped to the farthest wall and shrieked, watching as the woman entered the room and approached her with a level of…caution? The alien woman backed further away, sliding along the wall to the corner of the room where she slowly slid down to the floor, shaking her head. The only time Ari had ever seen a doctor, it was either when someone was dying and needed help to ease their pain or when someone had angered the wrong person in the hierarchy and been written a shot. Doctors were bad news. At least, for people in her caste. And this one was now merely a yard away, pretending that she’s more distressed than Ari. The nerve of the woman! She took a step closer, and with a shriek of terror and rage Arishav kicked her left foot out, hitting the bitch square in the stomach. She doubled over, and Ari hopped to her feet, sidling around the Doctor like she was diseased before running for the door. A choked shout rang out from behind her, and Arishav was grabbed trying to run out the door into the other room. Of course.

    For a moment, she considered igniting these people. How dare they interfere with her? “Release me, you miserable worm!!!” She shouted, slowly beginning to heat up in anger (though maintaining her human form). She was released, more because whoever grabbed her wasn’t expecting the heat than anything else. She stumbled forward and spun to see the doctor again, stabbing her in the neck with something long and pointy. Coolness flooded her from that point, and when she pulled her hand away, Ari saw the syringe held in the doctor’s hand. “Damn it…” She turned and tried to make her way to the next door, but became nauseated and then blacked out after ten steps. What kind of doctor goes around carrying tranquilizers that powerful?-

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:37 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -Dur-El was jumping building to building seeing a few police heading to the shore line because the force launch that landed them at the Wayne home has created a tidal wave that flooded the docks. He decided to avoid that area for now so he went to the west landing outside of the medic labs and the main Gotham medical seemed to be overran with plants so he decided to let himself in landing on a balcony using his new claws to rip through the weeds taking him about fifty minutes to scratch away at it before it gave way and he landing on his ass before looking up and seeing the hole fill in. He wandered in seeing the fight going on”what the hell is going on he said with his large mouth hanging wide open showing the razor sharp rows of fangs coming from his mouth.-

    I sit in the newly refurbished and guarded Arkham Asylum in a small cell built especially for me. I laugh and bounce around like a maniac because its one of those padded cells. My straight jacket was restricting me from moving my arms at all but it wouldn’t be for much longer. i could easily get out of the jacket but the cell was a different problem with three doors and a camera i have mooned on multiple occasions. i get out of the straight jacket sitting on the floor below the camera as i climb up and unplug it. i sit in the corner thinking about what my father the joker would do in this situation.

    There is a lone figure standing on the rooftops on one rainy night in Gotham city. His Barret M82 .50 cal Anti-Material in hand as he sits calmly aiming about. His crosshairs move about as he plays a song in his helmet “Sun is shining” by Bob Marley. ♫ Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah♫ ♫ Make you wanna move your dancing feet now♫ Lightning flashes. ♫ To the rescue, here I am
    Want you to know, y’all, can you understand?♫ The tetrahertz scanner on his scope allowing him to peer through walls. Water dripping off his rifle’s muzzle ♫When the mornin’ gather the rainbow, yeah, yeah♫ Want you to know, I’m a rainbow too now There is no place anyone could take cover, no material strong enough to withstand this .50 caliber bullet within a thousand feet. However, Nemaz was not going to kill anyone. Not here at least. No use in spilling innocent blood. No money in it.

    He picks up on radio chatter from G.C.P.D. Staic “Currently investigating activity at Gotham city doc. Stand by for further instruction. We suspect it may be another shipment of venom being smuggled in from Santa Prisca” An officer says “10-4″ The officer replies. Nemaz was out to prove himself capable. Where there were drugs. There was money and opportunity. He jumps he jumps roof to roof. Nemaz thought to himself “Fear as a weapon.” He remembers watching news as a young man of a man in a bat costume and mask patrolling Gotham. Who was able to even be of use to gods. To flash, to superman… “Must have been a very interesting man.” Nemaz says on his way to Gotham’s docks. “I like his philosophy.”

    Nemaz arrives at Gotham’s docs. And there is already shooting. Men confronting the police in a surrounded warehouse. On a rooftop. He takes aims. His crosshair goes over the officer. Then towards the warehouse where people are shooting. Looking through a solid concrete wall there is a thunderous noise as the rifle fires. A thug in front of a wall has a giant hole nearly 1 ft in diameter in his chest. He falls to the floor. First of many to come. There is another boom. A man’s head disappears into red mist as he falls to the ground. Men fall back in the building taking cover. Nemaz pears through the walls with his tetrahertz scope. He then decides to jump down. Landing on a car and crushing it.

    The police turn around as Nemaz takes aim and fires. An officer hears the supersonic crack of the bullet whir by his ear. As the bullet hits the poor thug in the spine, and blows him clean in half. Much to the horror of the other thugs. The 8 officers aim at him and fire immediately. The bullets clank against Nemaz’s helmet. His head swaying a bit. They thud against his chest and fragment with no avail. They all fire until their guns empty.

    Nemaz steps off the cars and says openly to the police. He puts the rifle away. “Really, with all the freaks running around here. The metahumans. I’d at LEAST expect you to be packing some carbines at the very least. But pistols? Really now? You would be surprised how easily some of these metas can go down with a bit of firepower and some competence….” The officers reload as Nemaz runs past them at 35 charging through the war house stepping in blood. He grapples. The flat device sticking to the ceiling as he rapples up. He pulls out an M4 and sees two thugs below him.

    He lands on one thug. The other turns and gets a buckshot surprise to the face, as blood splatters. He scans through the walls and crates. -Thug- “He’s picking us all off one by one!” “Who is it? Is it the bat? I thought he was gone.” “Everyone get together. He can’t take us all at the same time!” “To hell with this.” A thug takes a syringe filled with venom and he injects it. His muscles buldge grotesquely as cracking bone his heard. He clenches his stomache as he grows bigger. And bigger…and bigger.

    Nemaz comes from nowhere on the 8 landing on one and rifle butting him in the face and breaking into his temple. Killing him as he sent sliding. The thugs fire to no avail. Nemaz tilts his head and aims the shotgun at them. Firing 4 shots the guards falling in a bloody heap with many small holes in them. Nemaz reloads as they fire haplessly at him, bullets bouncing off his armor. He stops to reload as if nothing happened. They drop their guns and run. Nemaz fires at each of them consecutively and they drop like rocks. He leaves one alive.

    “I feel like I’m forgetting something…” Nemaz hears heavy breathing behind him. He turns around and a giant hand grabs him around his neck. And lifts him off the ground. THe Venomed thug holds him in the air and says. “I’m gonna rip you out the armor little man!” Nemaz aims the shotgun at him and the thug grabs it as nemaz shoots him in the stomach.

    The thug grunts out of pain and simply throws the gun away ripping it from his hand. Nemaz grabs a thumb and finger. “Not much without your guns are you?” Nemaz pries off his thumb and finger, put them in a finger lock. There is a snap heard as he easily breaks them. The thug drops him and yells out. “Why you little.” Nemaz runs at him and kicks him hard enough to send the 490 pound behemoth of his feet and with an enormous thud against the ground. Nemaz reloads a HEAP FRAG-12 round in his shotgun. He aims at him. “No. I just prefer more efficient means.” He fires and the round blows a hole clean through his chest. He falls with a thud to the ground. Rasping for air for a moment before he dies.

    He goes up to one thug crawling away and drags him back by his feet. His fingers clawing. “If you want a chance at medical attention. You’ll tell me where all of that money you got stacked up is. Or you’ll wish I used this, instead of tearing your arm off you body and smacking you with it until you bleed to death.”

    Police begin to move in. Minutes later. Nemaz is gone and the thug is wounded with a shot to the leg. The police picks him up and take him away. The thug tells them to hurry. As I have planted a bomb in the warehouse and on the cargo ship. The police exchange looks and run. Hurrying away.

    He walks away on a rooftop with a detonator in one hand. And case full of money in the other. He presses the detonator. *BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!* The warehouse explodes behind me as does the ship. Blast winds traveling near by. People shielding themselves as the city shakes for approximately 3 blocks briefly. Most of the rest of gotham just feeling the ground tremble from the explosion.

    Nemaz gets a phone call and pulls out his cellphone. “Mhmmm…..yes… have my interest….who?” He asks “…..where…….Arkham asylum……?” Nemaz pauses to listen further. “….Understood.” Nemaz hangs up and puts his phone away.

    He walks along to the the rooftops and hops to another. He sings a bit to himself. “Sun is shining, the weather is sweet yeah….make you wanna move your dancing feet now…To the rescue, want you to know ya’ll, can you understand?” His cloak turns on and he disappears from plain sight. Police and fire department rushing to the scene as the ship at the dock that carried venom, on fire, tips over and begins to sink.

    Kraken huffed as he dug around in the drain for the venom capsules. Eventually, his tentacles latched around a belt of glass vials containing some viscous looking green liquid. The meta-human dangled the canisters in front of him critically: the green goopy stuff certainly looked like venom. Apparently the drug was supposed to be transform the user into a ridiculously strong, nigh unstoppable beast. Surely the wrestler chick wouldn’t mind if he used just one of the many canisters she had…

    Sticking out an impudent tongue, Kraken smirks, “Nah!” He promptly folds the belt of canisters around a lower tentacle and rises to his feet, attempting to brush off the dirt and damp leaves stuck to his outfit. No way was he going to start on a drug like Venom: not only was it addictive but it would ruin his figure. From the brief appearances broadcasted over television, Venom users all looked like complete freaks. It’d probably rip his suit too. Kraken headed back the way he came towards the hospital when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye.

    With a wide grin, the electricity manipulator dashed over towards the food truck, “Weiner on Wheels” leering across the counter at the civilian running the snack vendor. The man, middle-aged and sporting a large beer gut took a step back in alarm at the way the four tentacles snatched two bottles of sports drink off of the store racks and slammed the plastic containers onto the counter. “Three pretzels, if you would, ” he demanded to the terrified man who shakily handed over his desired snacks. Kraken then paid using some of his stolen money, much to the vendor owner’s surprise. He stowed a pretzel and sports drink into the backpack along with the venom canister and then happily continued onwards to the hospital.

    The first pretzel was gone in minutes, and Kraken busily guzzled down electrolytes and salt in his sugary, abnormally colored sports drink as well. Tuning into the police radio, it seemed like something big was going on down by the docks. On the one hand this would mean that the police might not bother the hospital for a while, but eventually people (both thugs and police) would be rushed to the hospital.

    Eventually, Kraken reached the Gotham City Hospital and using the same method as before, clambered his way back into the room using two tentacles while the other fished out the venom canisters. “Hey! I got you the Venom and a pretzel, are you still fighting this dude and WOAH!” The empty-clawed tentacles instinctively arched into a ready stance akin to a scorpion’s tail, at the appearance of a grey-skinned, clearly malevolent creature. “Who the hell are you and can’t this room get any privacy?”

    -.Arishav wandered the darkened streets, hearing screaming, dogs barking, strange artificial screeching (sirens), and then some. “What a hectic place…” A strange…thing, pulled out onto the street she was walking down. It was low to the ground and growling, kind of squarish or rectangular…she couldn’t really tell. But there were these weird…red, blue and white lights that danced on its head. The screeching noise was coming from this thing that was suddenly barreling right at her. Something dark extended from the left side of it, and when the light illuminated it she recognized this thing as an arm. Two pops rang out, and then something impacted her chest. Ari looked down just in time to see a small dark mass melting into her super-heated body with a chuckle, then glanced back up at the car that was bearing down on top of her at this point. It hit her and kept going, but the front of the car was dented from where the bumper hit her legs. She fell forward onto the hood, which immediately began to melt, and looked up into…a window? With a snarl, she punched through it and dragged herself into the strange moderately fast-moving…thing. There were a bunch of strange systems that plugged into the front of the interior, and two panicking humans sat in front of them. The one to her immediate left put up her arms, and Arishav grabbed them to try and see the woman’s face. Apparently though, these people were insanely susceptible to high temperatures; she immediately screamed like a pig at the slaughter, and when Ari removed her arm she could see the bones in her arm. Oops.

    The person to her left screamed incoherently at Arishav and punched her in the face (apparently he hadn’t noticed how bad physical contact had been for his counterpart) and he pulled back a frying hand with a scream. The thing they were in jerked hard to the left and smashed into a building, hurling Ari against an interior wall where a little girl huddled in a corner next to her bed, screaming. Arishav looked at her for a moment before jumping up and storming through a door and out into a hall, where a man and woman were rushing out just in time to see her turn and bust through the door adjacent to the little girl’s. Everywhere she went, everything she touched burned. These people…Arishav noticed they had very distinct features. Hair, skin, eyes…she couldn’t mimic it all, but if she needed to she was fairly certain she could imitate enough to pass for one of these creatures.

    She stormed through several more rooms until she reached the other side of the building and walked out into a back area that seemed to lead between a cluster of buildings until she found herself standing on a normal street again and looking up at a rather large building. Yelling from high up had her looking to see some…thing, climbing in an apparently busted window and going into some form of defensive stance. At least, that’s what she thought was going on; it was still fairly dark and she wasn’t sure what she saw. Arishav took off in a run across the street before jumping up and barreling through a second-story window and landing on a patient’s bed. The child instantly jerked upright and screamed in agony, and his cries trailed after her as she busted out of the room and took off down the hall. “That…was not okay.” She chided herself, before a giggle escaped her. A man in a white shirt and pants yelled in alarm when she darted by him, and she couldn’t help grinning. ‘Do something…’ She taunted mentally. Losing patience, she jumped straight up through the ceiling and just kept going until she went through the roof. She then turned to the hole she had made, standing on the edge of it and watching things burn before glaring at the few things that blackened but didn’t catch. She gathered heat in her mouth and let it build for a moment before she dropped back down to the bottom floor and collapsed, exhaling the heat straight up through all the floors to see if any poor fool would get caught looking down and end up with a face full of flames.-

    Watching the fist he went to move but her fist barreled into her collar bone and when it hit and shattered it sending bone fragments shooting into his body. Two such pieces shot and pierced his upper and lower ventricle. His eyes shot open with pain then became suddenly peaceful. A smile crossed his face and he dropped to his knees pulling her fist which had actually crushed into his already weakened body. He looked down and thought and plants receded slowly. No major systems where damage the hospital still had power he breathed as his chest cavity was filling with blood. “Please do me one favor and protect the plants of this city… and its p….” he didn’t finish the word and feel over to the side.

    Sandra held onto Dur-El and snuggled in close she knew about this ride and was just keeping herself safe. Though when they hit the water she was a bit shocked. The force he had hit at though had allowed an air bubble to form around them. This made her smile as she watched. Then the exit. She watched the docks get flooded as they soared through the air over Gotham. When he landed and set them down she looked to him and smiled nodding at what he said. “Be careful.” Without thinking of who was also their she took and started to walk around the grounds heading actually further from them to a cave and squatted in front of it with a groan. “Alright well this is going to hurt…” Sandra stood and tapped something on her belt and a mesh formed between her legs and her arms and she moved towards the water fall.

    -Banna turned to see Dur-El come in but she didn’t recognize him until she took a double look at his face. She recognized him but turned her attention to the plant, she was visibly upset and was assured that this was not supposed to happen. She knelt to the body and heard his final words and said, “Protect what else? No no no… Don’t die.” Her voice was shaken as that was not at all what she meant to do. She looked back to Dur-El and saw Kraken freaking out at him, with her Venom and… A pretzel? That was irrelevant. The nice boy she had met wanted an answer so she gave one, “I thought he attacked the hospital…” She had nothing else to say on it. She was distraught and picked up the body. She hated this. The only reason she had to live by this point was just taking care of Nicholas and she felt like she wouldn’t even be able to do that right.-

    -Dur-El watched as the plant user was murdered by the punch of the large woman at the same time the creature entered in a defence position. He walked over to where the squid creature was and gave it a smirk before Dur-el grabbed both ends of the room with his arms outstretched and pulled them togeather to form a wall between them so now DUr-El was now alone with the woman and any other entrance to this room was blocked by the massive plants that were hard for even him to breath through. He turned to the woman “last we spoke you helped me so I will give you a chance to surronder, so stand down and I will take you somewhere to get a grasp on yourself but if you ever kill or go against me ill remove you from existence.” He then turned put his fist through the wall reforming them to where they belong so he was now looking down on the squid like creature”now for you, you do not look like something I can just let run around so ill be taking you to arkam asylum”. He reached out to pickup the creature by its shirt before he jumped and began to run towards the small island. If He tried to attack him though he would not hold back from striking him hard enough to send him towards the docks but not enough to kill him.

    Nemaz is in his warehouse. On his radio, he is playing Opera music. Ave Maria by Franz Schuebert. The news is on the background. Sitting at a desk with his laptop in front of him. He has his helmet off in the darkness and is sipping coffee. A .600 Nitro express magnum laying next his laptop, right next to the mouse. A lot of modems and equipment strewn about around the desk. As he robs a bank. He types one handed on the keyboard thinking “Robbing a bank in person?” Nemaz shakes his head.

    “I can’t believe people still do that. In America, the average bank robbery nets you only $4,330. Not even that, in an easy town like this, it is crawling with capes ready to bust you.” Nemaz thinks mockingly as he sips his coffee. “This city needs more….professionals…” Nemaz taps enter. And drains over $1,000,000 from the Cobble-pot family bank account. Nemaz listens to the news. As people talk about an attack from an unknown “Woman made of magma.” With several deathes and casualties. Including children.

    Nemaz pulls up another tab. Where he begins ordering new equipment and a replacement for his armor. Insulated aerogel CNT synthetic muscles to resist heat and increase Nemaz’s considerable strength already, to allow some agility even with heavy equipment. A built in faraday cage to counter electricity and any harmful EM radiation. A new “M50″ mask to protect against chemical and biological weapons. He begins to order specialized ammo. Raufosss MK 211 HEIAP (High-Explosive-Incendiary-Armor-Piercing) .50 caliber rounds. Polyurethane expanding foam slugs. “Hm. Green arrow used this substance. Useful arrow. I cannot believe the same man who came up with the idea to use this, also came up with the idea of a boxing glove arrow…” Click click. He orders everything to be sent to a discreet location. Adding to his already expansive armory.

    Nemaz listens to the news further. Hearing about flooding of one of gotham’s docks. And activity there. Concerning flooding, and being overrun with plants. “No use on wasting moonlight.” He loads a CZ 805. And carries 3 “9 bang” flashbangs. “Best to take advantage of this chaos.” He loads his M4 shotgun. He takes a spiked brass knuckled trench knife made of CP-154 steel and takes a sharpness test. He effortlessly cuts fine hairs of his chin with it, without so much as nicking a scratch on his skin. Then sheathes it. “Arkham awaits.” He takes a sniper like camouflage blanket over himself. Nemaz fully armored walks outside as he cloaks and disappears. The door shut and locked behind him. He presses a button on his phone. He goes outside, and cloaks. Dissappearing as he makes his way to Arkham.

    On a rooftop in the asylum this night. Nemaz looks down as guards walk about the yard. Nemaz jumps down and lands with a roll. Nemaz walks right past people cloaked. Difficult to see or notice at all in darkness. As he walks straight into the facility through a side entrance and is soon walking through the halls. Distant laughter of insane inmates heard within.

    Kraken was too distracted by the weird-shark like creature distorting the walls to dodge out of the way when said creature reached out an arm and grabbed him by the collar of his clothes. The meta-human yelped in surprise and outrage as he got hoisted up by the creature and Dur-El’s words began to register in his head.”Arkham ASYLUM!? What the hell, I didn’t even do anything wrong!” The electricity user began to squirm and fidget in an attempt to loosen the beast’s grip while two tentacles bent over in a non-violent attempt to pry the sandpapery fingers away from his neck. The remaining two held on tightly to the Venom belt and the remains of a pretzel, and flicked about agitatedly. The wriggling about increased as Kraken’s protests became faster, more desperate and a noticeably higher volume.

    “Are you actually taking me there just because I look like a squid? That’s pretty hypocritical, Sharky! And I swear I paid for the pretzels and the window was all the plant guy’s fault, ‘cuz he just came in like nobody’s business and oh hey, this Venom? It totally isn’t mine, I was just holding it for someone. Seriously, do I even look like I use Venom? Well I don’t it was that woman’s stuff, I don’t even know where to buy Venom from. Okay, fine I’ll PAY for the window, okay? Just let me go! I need a trial! I need a lawyer! I need a psychiatrist! You can’t force me to live with all of those weirdoes in the asylum!”

    At this point, Kraken had crossed the threshold into complete hysteria and started thrashing about wildly and screeched repeatedly, “Let me go!” The chant of “let me go” grew louder, faster and more slurred as his tentacles sparked dangerously, signaling an attack if he remained restrained for any moment longer.

    -.Arishav had begun systematically lighting the whole building on fire or at least making it too hot for the humans to get through (this was for areas she was able to melt but not actually burn). She started with the bottom floor, sending a fire stretching along the outer walls and reaching slowly up the building. The cries of the child from his hospital-esque apartment room had long since died down. People were rushing in every direction in an attempt to escape, but she was also rushing to get rid of all the exits. Not bothering with the weird door thing with its irritating dinging noise, she wandered until she found a stairway. From a corner that had been dark before she came in lunged a security guard with a blunt metal stick of some kind, which he knocked her upside the head with. Ari snarled in irritation with him even though the blow had hurt the weapon more than it hurt her and whirled around, backhanding him and knocking him back against the wall. She then turned and took the stairs without even seriously looking to see what kind of damage she’d done to the man (merely assumed it was severe enough to stop him in his tracks).

    The stairs quickly began to melt under her feet, so she had to run to the second floor to start burning what hadn’t already gone up there, and then the third, and the fourth, and the fifth, steadily working her way up and refusing to pick up the pace even when the building occasionally quaked like it was about to collapse. When she reached the roof, practically every last person in the building had either burned to death or was well on his or her way. On the lower floors she had occasionally knocked open a wall and used a piece of furniture to get any other kids she happened to notice out, but by the third or fourth floor she figured she’d be doing them a favor by just snapping their necks or crushing their skulls in passing. By the time she stood on the roof she’d spared about 13 kids, plus one mother and her infant. But she’d also killed 29 other children and anyone else who appeared over the age of 15 (which was a ‘legal adult’ on her planet).

    She walked to the edge of the roof, where she stared down at approximately eleven policemen, two teams of EMTs, and three fire trucks, illuminated by moonlight and their vehicles’ lights. She glanced at the roof of a nearby building and took off running, jumping to it and then running to the next, abandoning the building she’d destroyed to go see if she could find a spot to work on her human disguise and possibly find some clothes. She ended up busting into the back door of a shopping center and extinguishing the magma that composed her body to the best of her ability. Then she checked through the things her body had absorbed during her spree but found there was no salvageable DNA for her to use during a morph in order to better mimic the human form. Arishav sighed and walked into the building anyway, moving down the hall and pausing at an open area with a windowed ceiling. Moonlight shone down to reveal the room was expansive, with two floors, strange abstract statues, empty stands, and many side-room areas that had metal bars pulled down over them. She could see past them just a little and realized there were rows of clothes and accessories behind them. But there were also strange, motionless people wearing outfits, and not all of them had heads! It was the queerest, most alarming thing she’d ever seen, and she almost walked back out of the center. Headless people…more than one. What kind of insane underworld had her people accidentally dropped her on? Maybe this was worse than being exiled to Pluto…

    Wait. Humans were weak…so why would these hideous monstrosities be any different? Arishav grabbed the strange cage-like cover standing between herself and the room and began tearing it right off, when she heard yelling and footsteps, then saw the lights of small concentrated beams dancing down a hall to her right. She let go of the door and slid over to a tree that was for whatever reason growing inside, only realizing when she was next to it that the tree wasn’t real. If it was, it would have begun to burn instead of melting when she accidentally touched it. Ari then realized she’d forgotten to extinguish the flames on her head, doing so immediately but realizing she’d already been spotted by two women with the same uniform and equipment but different hair, skin and eyes. They froze when they realized she wasn’t exactly human, and she smirked. One girl reached for her hip, but Ari quickly lunged across the ten feet between then and backhanded her so hard that her neck broke and she fell like a ragdoll to the floor. The next girl screamed and backed away, and Ari stood staring at her, watching her stumble back and into the corner where she huddled in the fetal position.

    Ari shrugged and grabbed the first one she killed by the left ankle, dragging her off and back towards the side room she’d been breaking into. Dragging the woman behind the counter, Ari snapped her arm and used the bones to break skin, then brushed her hand over the open wound and licked the blood off her hand, closing her eyes. A moment later, her body got shorter, more compact; the magma condensed and hardened into bones, her eyes became the same as a human’s only the irises were golden. Tendons and ligaments formed, muscle appeared and attached to the bone, and chocolate colored skin stretched across those muscles to cover it. Organs formed, as well as nerves. The only thing that didn’t form was hair, and of course, clothes. She got up and picked out a plain white t-shirt, a pair of pants, a black pair of shoes, and a black hoodie jacket, then walked into the back room, put the clothes on and walked out the back exit into the alley. After that, she wandered down the alley a ways until it emptied out into a street, and she stood looking around to try and decide what to do from this point forward. “…well…I guess I should start by finding a home…” Maybe she’d try a homeless center; every halfway decent society ends up with at least a few. Of course…they also end up becoming a welfare state and failing because the number of working people get outnumbered by the people they pay to support 10 to 1 (and so on until there simply is no way to support anyone and everything falls apart).-

    It was to late the man was already dead in her arms he was heavy and limp like a dead tree. His words and the few vines that still went up the walls of the hospital all that remained aside from the corpse in her arms. The hospitals main enterance was free as was the ER. But the rest had vines going up the walls at various heights as he died before he could fully free the building. The back up generator was covered but still functioning other than the vine that came up through the hospital no damage was done to it.

    Sandra saw the woman as not coming and took a deep breath. “No guts no glory.” She then leapt through the water fall and started into a free fall into the cave behind. Soon spreading her legs and arms out going into a base jump. She spun and shifted around rock formations tell she landed in a clumsy roll on the floor of the bat cave. She skidded to a stop and laid there for several moments while staring up into the moist stone. “Well at least I’m home…” she rolled over with a groan and started to stand and her back cracked and she stifled a scream and soon was on her feet but barely. Slamming a hand against a wall a stone gave way and slid revealing a biometric scanner. The whole thing had been set to her bio signature or so she thought and placed her hand against the keypad as it scanned the clove recognizing the wayne tech manufacturing she heard a whistle and a door opened inside she saw something she could not describe and then pushed the only other button on the keypad and it closed confused by what she had found she covered the scanner back up. “Okay seems the cave has a few more surprises for me I wonder what that is.” She then continued along the wall tell she made it to the massive computer and sat down in front of it. “Alright time to get to work you guys.” She plugged the data card into the computer and she watched the data come up and the system analyzed it finding more useful applications for what she had created and started to type through things. Soon she found a smile and started to set up various projects for bio implants to be created from the dna she had made at lexcorps abandoned labs. “Well I’m not much for a crime fighter anymore but I can at least train a new generation. Also I’m returning everything to its original umbrella Wayne enterprises.” She then leaned back and then signed the document to do so. Muse industries would be no more. As far as anyone needed to know she was dead and gone. She left the company in the hands of the son one luscious fox jr.

    -Banna let the corpse gently on the floor, then crossing the arms of the plant and making sure the eyes were closed before she turned to Dur-El. She bowed her head, not caring for the struggle with Kraken nor the venom as thoughts traveled through her mind. She thought of where Nicholas might end up, plus all she had done both good and bad. She held out her hands with her wrists up as a sign of giving in and spoke in her accent with a peaceful twist, “I surrender.” She knew that she’d have to completely change her lifestyle from good person at day and bad at night to being good all the time. She’d need to go completely clean off the venom even if it will be difficult, even now her body wanted it. She cleared her thoughts of were Nicholas will end up because he will continue to be her adopted child. She then stood herself up to await where they might go, despite all the chaos that seemed to be happening outside as evident from ambulances leaving in drones. She stood up shocked and asked, “Shouldn’t we…. you investigate.”-

    -Dur-El’s eyes narrowed as he growled at Kraken letting him know not to try it. He then looked down towards where the ambulances were running around and with his his vision he could see huge fires farther into the city. He turned back to Kraken”its your lucky day but if I ever see you again Ill take you in or ill kill you”. He turned back to the woman”go home and get your life in shape or Ill return to deal with you as well”. He ran to the end of the hall so he was on the otherside of the hospital then them and then he ran back towards them and past them as he leaped out a window and ripped through the large vines that were slowly dieing so it made it easier for him to break through.

    Dur-El was running at his top speed and he came slamming into the ground in front of what looked like a homeless woman that was bald”have you seen what has been causing this Chaos, it would be easy to see because its defently not human”. He walked across the road pulling the top off a fire hydrent and absorbed the water before he turned and slammed his feet into the ground made two fists as he pumped the water out of his mouth like a dragon to put the fires out in secounds.-

    The fire previously started by Nemaz was mostly towards the warehouse. Which had the smallest explosion. Nemaz did not want to Burn down the city. Where the warehouse was concerned. He simply wanted to tie up loose ends mostly. And send a message. To establish himself. And create fear. The warehouse fire goes out in seconds.

    However, the ships fire continues to strongly burn. No matter how much water you shoot at it. The fire of the ship was caused by a nanothermite fire. And cannot be put out by an conventional means. It continues to Burn. Nemaz set of the explosion with nanothermite. Some of very same many people theorize were used in the event 9/11. The fire eats through the hell easily and quickly. The ship eventually splitting as the nanothermite reaction eats through it. It takes on water quickly and falls to the bottom of the ocean. Where the fire continues to burn underwater. And boils the water around it. Any unwanted loose ends have been tied up. The only man left is being treated for a bullet wound who is taken away back to the ambulance.

    At Arkham Asylum. Nemaz sneaks around rather easily cloaked. Nemaz uncloaks however. As if he struck while the cloak is active. It can be damaged. The material that goes over Nemaz must be given chance to recede.

    Nemaz looks at the inmmate door he stands in front of the door. The man was in a standard reinforced door. People laughing. And reaching out through their cell doors as they looked to Nemaz. The man behind the door asleep.

    *DINK* The man shoots up in his bed at the loud noise and sees a bump in his door. A dent. *DINK DINK DANK DINK* 4 more accompany it. There is a pause for a moment. *BANG* the door is struck near the hinges *BANG* It is struck again *CRASH* The door flies to other side of the room and bans against the wall, cracking it a bit. As Nemaz walks in.

    “Who are you?” The man asks. Nemaz does not respond as he pulls out an M1911 pistol and aims it at his head. The man gets up and lunges Nemaz. Nemaz pistol whips him, causing him to fall back on the floor. Nemaz then says

    “It doesn’t matter, who I am. Nothing much really matters much right now. I suspect.” “You suspect right.” Guards are rushing to the cell. “Nothing personal.” Nemaz says. “I’m just a loose end. Aren’t I?” The man says. “Yes.” Nemaz says simply. The man sighes and closes his eyes. *BANG* THe gunshot goes off. And guards rush into the cell. They see the man with a hole in his head. As his blood leaks to the floor. No sign of anyone else.

    Nemaz was on a very tall skyscraper. Trying out his new equipment He looks at the remains of his first escapade. Have an idea of what is going on. He noticed Dur-El jumping over and putting out the warehouse fire. He notices several more fires. Nemaz thought that was probably where the Magma woman was. He saw no sign of her. If he so desire, he might be able to use thermal to find her. Her heat signature is likely higher then everyone elses, and she would glow brightly in a crowd. However. He had no desire to do this. But there is no money in it of yet. And no sign of anyone paying him to track her down and take her down. He watches Dur-El and the police.

    “Is that doomsday?” Nemaz is rather…curious. He puts the rifle down and pulls out his phone. He looks doomsday up.Then takes the scope and aims at Dur-El. His crosshairs over him. “No.” Nemaz thought to himself. “He’s smaller then doomsday. His features are a bit different. A bit more humanoid…somewhat….like a shark. “Hm….” Nemaz says.

    He looks towards where Doomsday came from. He looks toward the corpse of the plant featured man. Nemaz sees Banna standing over him, he zooms his crosshairs in on her. “She is rather large.” Nemaz thinks to himself. His crosshairs then go over to Kraken. “A kid.” Nemaz thinks simply. Then his crosshairs go over to the corpse. “The plant one is dead it seems” Nemaz thinks to himself after looking over the scene for a bit. “I may have to keep note….of these three.” Nemaz says of Dur El, Banna and Kraken. holds up his rifle and puts it away. He steps off the skyscraper and jumps down. He fires his grappling device and swings up along through the air then releases as he lands on a building and jumps roof to roof.

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:34 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -.Smoke billowed from the side of a volcano, originating not from the summit so much as the site of a crash. A crater was blown through the rock surface near the peak, revealing a slowly rising pool of lava just beneath. Metal was strewn haphazardly about, bits and pieces of a ship engine still sizzling and spinning before slipping over the side and disappearing into the molten rock below. The dark grey metallic hull of a ship was quickly being painted orange by the glow, creaking from the heat exposure as it teetered precariously over the edge. Sparks flew from a hole in the side from where, while passing too close to Earth, the vessel had been blindsided by space debris orbiting at least at bullet speed. Over the course of twenty minutes, the ship was enveloped in lava as the volcano fully erupted; it and its contents dissolved into the debris of the volcano.

    Smoke again rocketed skyward, the mountainous earth formation shook violently, and sparks flew from the summit. Then came the magma, pouring out over the top, punching holes in the sides of walls, or finding old veins that led down to the foot of the volcano. Trees, grass, and plants burned while the animals scattered. The lava slid until it lost most of its momentum, having reached a mostly flat landscape. Then it started moving again; this time, a corner seemed to lurch straight upwards, forming a five-foot-tall column. The top rounded out in the shape of a head, below which it narrowed considerably before again expanding out, forming a neck and shoulders. Arms split off from the remaining yet-to-be-sculpted base, defining the contours of the upper and lower arms as well as elbows, then moving on to form hands. The chest came next but was left mostly flat; then the forming body simply smoothed down the rest until reaching the hips and then dividing to form legs. The creature lurched forward, feet yanking free of the pool of standing lava as it raised its arms, let its head fall back, and fell to its knees.

    Flames shot up from the head as a nose formed, the hollows of the eyes, and the contours of the lips. Then the mouth actually formed, parting to free a long, shrill wail. Arishav’s eyes snapped open then; a pool of black flecked with embers, with molten golden orbs for irises. Slowly she turned her head left, then right, then let her arms drop to her side. Smoke began to shroud her form from view. She lowered her head and chuckled. “Unexpected detour…? Well, that was…foolish.” Arishav was referring to the ones who’d been on board the ship. Now, they, along with everything else the lava she formed from had ingested, were nothing more than nourishment for her. “Foolish of them, and fortunate for me…” She’d been on the ship too; on her way to exile for practicing with powers everyone knew she had, but the governing council of her home world had very clearly told her to ignore. They didn’t particularly like the ones who were born as flame elementals, even though they knew they needed them as lower working class and construction. These…second-class citizens were known to be volatile and difficult to suppress. It hadn’t been so bad previously whenever she took her abilities too far and went from being productive to “anti-social” and “dangerous”; Arishav would just get yelled at or receive a “slap on the wrist.” This last time, though, she had accidentally-on-purpose burned over half her district, and then killed Director of Conditionings, destroyed thirty labs, toppled the Counsel’s tower, and reduced the next generation’s population by at least half by wrecking thirty hatchery units. Oops.

    They had her frozen and placed on a ship, on the way to burying her in Pluto’s core when Arishav’s ‘escort’ apparently fell asleep behind the wheel and deposited her on Earth instead. “They were even thoughtful enough to thaw me out…how sweet.” Arishav chuckled again and stood up, walking a short ways from where the lava had been as she looked around. So…where does that leave her, exactly? Aside from somewhere she would have plenty to burn, anyway. How long would she have before someone back home realized Mission “Ari-sickle” had been a miserable failure? Arishav shrugged and raised her temperature, body going from an orange glow to a bright yellow as she lifted slowly and steadily off of the ground, beginning to float in mid-air.

    She looked down at her hands, clenching and un-clenching them before zipping off, flying until the landmass ended and a wide pool of water stretched out beneath her. A few more moments, and the landmass suddenly returned, and then she smashed into something tall, hard, and cold. Something that bent and shrieked, with bits that shattered and scattered through the air as she kept going. Screams rent the air as she flew through a hollow part inside of whatever she just hit and the interior began to blaze. Flying out the other side, she looked around before smashing through another similar structure and realized what she was going through was a city, filled with towers not too unlike the ones on her own planet. Though, they were a lot weaker. And the screaming? People, a lot more than were ever allowed in the towers where she came from. Funny. Flying out the other side of the tower, she slowed to a stop and floated straight upwards, looking down. The city was huge, and filled with towers. Weird ones, most of which were kinda square-shaped and hundreds of lights ran up all four sides of every last one.

    Shaking her head confusedly, Arishav sped off until she noticed everything below had gone black. She slowed to a stop and lowered herself a good several hundred feet until she felt hard ground beneath her. The place was full of sound and the occasional distant spinning red and blue lights, but…she couldn’t see further than the edge of the light she herself gave off. She wandered around, seeing signs she couldn’t read and hearing horrified screams within buildings. Not being able to read the signs didn’t bother her, since her caste’s literacy ability back home was deemed irrelevant; the not-being-able-to-see was what was quickly starting to tick her off. “How is this place as inhabited as the others, yet unlit? Have they lost…power?” She started walking, and felt something tugging at her feet. Looking down, she scowled; the rock-like substance the ground was made of had melted and was sticking to her soles.-

    -Banna smiled at Nicholas as she tried to ease her worry. She said, “So, what has my brave little nino been doing?”

    He smiled at her in return as rocked back and forth, “I have been protecting the room!”

    She ran her fingers through his hair that jostled them side to side to ruffle up his hair. They both giggled a little until they saw something moving outside of the window. She shoved Nicholas out of the room and locked the door as the strange thing entered her room. She forced herself to stand and said, “IDENTIFY YOURSELF!”

    She heard a nurse outside taking Nicholas from the room, possibly going to retrieve the other wrestler from his current where-bouts.-

    “The Kraken” blinked a bit as shards of glass from the broken window littered the hospital room floor, tinkling like tiny Christmas bells. Inside was a HUGE, angry wrestler chick wearing next to no clothes. Honestly, did that even count as “clothed”? A faint blush tinted the tips of his ears and cheeks but the blue mask he wore did a decent job of covering the incriminating evidence. A young kid was also present, but got quickly escorted out of the room by a nurse. This caused the supervillain to grin toothily. It was good to know he was feared by at least one of the occupants of the room. “The name’s Kraken,” Cody responded, giving his new alter-ego title. “And I seem to have lost my way to your …delicious backup generator. Mind being useful and giving me a tour Miss….?” His smile and the menacing way each clawed tentacle snapped and clicked made it clear that the tour was non-optional. Yes, this woman looked strong. In fact, she oozed strength out of every pore and fiber of her being. One arm was twice the width of his thigh, and she could easily snap his spine in two, but he had POWERS and was confident that he could take out someone relying purely on brute force.

    He stood staring at Larfleeze and his power battery and rooted himself into the ground. His feet truly taking root as his mouth seemed to fill with a disgusting fluid he leaned back then thrust his body forward spitting the corrosive enzymes Larfleeze. As he moved instead of quickly shielding his arm was caught and started to get eaten in a slow and painful manor. Soon though an orange light came over his arm and pushed the enzymes off onto the floor then burnt them in that orange flame. The battle raged on for what seemed like hours tell finally Larfleeze bolted out of the lab. Dionea Stands up looking chared chlorophyll running off his body while he breaths and stumbles towards the door to get out into the sun only to find that it is night outside and bows his head. “Great just great.” He started to walk down the street with ripped pants that looked more like shorts now. His red hair blowing in the wind. People where avoiding him. Some remembered about his mother and where scared others just didn’t like his current appearance. He wanted to find sun lamps or something to that effect. Realizing a good place to go he headed towards the hospital.

    -Banna glared down at the small sparky thing. She heard the reply and the request. She knew she couldn’t do it in good conscious but it may be the only way to survive in her condition. She put it together, her venom. But that was thrown into the sewers so she decided upon her bargaining tool. Her voice boomed out at him, “I have but one condition to helping you, you must retrieve my venom and its containers. That is the only way I can be useful to you, and I assure you, my strength is unmatched when I have it on.” She felt like the boasting was needed. If he accepted, then she would tell him where it was.-

    Banna’s proposition was met with a disbelieving look. “Do you really expect me to go on errands for some junkie I’ve never met before?” Kraken’s wiry tentacles at this point had begun to explore the room, tossing aside the pillows on the hospital bed and in general, expanding to take up as much room as possible. Geez, this wrestler broad was really asking a lot, wasn’t she? With a derisive click of his teeth, Kraken’s face became a little more serious and focused as he considered the benefits of having a powerful ally. He was new to the world of crime, so it might be useful to have a companion. At worst, she looked like she could serves as a great distraction or lug around all of the bags of loot he had stolen. “Fine. Fine, it’s not like I have anything else to do. I’m assuming your venom is in a metal container, right? You’re going to seriously owe me for this… Any idea where you’ve lost it? Or are you planning on having me go on a freakin’ Easter Egg hunt?”

    He took and turned into the Hospital after his trip there a doctor begrugingly walked over to him. The two talked for a few minutes about what was wrong with him and what had happened. With this a nurse came across the doctors channel explaining that a room had been broken into and that there was something on the top floor as it was discribed he closed his eyes and sighed. “let me take care of this.” he told the doctor asking which floor that nurse worked on. Getting the information the doctor asked him not to go that in his condition he probably wouldn’t make it. Smiling and placing a hand on the doctors shoulder he nodded. “I will be back and we can try that idea you had.” He then headed towards the elevator and took it up to the top floor where Banna and Kraken where. stepping off the elevator leaving a green substence behind he looked at the two realizing that something wasn’t right. “Hey Sparky” he called out looking at Kraken wondering how he would do this and not seeing or feeling any real plants save for damaged flowers he sighed gripping his fist as the hospital started to rumble some. he seemed to be straining at what he was doing.

    -Banna said to Kraken with a smile, “It should be next to the gutter of the bank a few blocks from here. I wou-” She stopped as she heard the elevator and turned to see the plant. She smirked and said, “Kraken, you can get it while I pummel him for interrupting us?” She felt the rumble but was not intimidated and cracked her knuckles. Her eyes narrowed hoping for a fun injured person fight. Upon her glances though, this plant’s wounds were much worse than her own. She had an advantage and she disliked it, hoping to just stall him as long as she could to get her venom. The first thing she did was lunge in towards him and brought her fist up to punch at interrupting plant’s sternum.-

    “Hmph. Alright. Don’t get into the habit of ordering me around. I’m not your errand boy,” Kraken muttered mutinously before heading back towards the open window. His iron and copper tentacles latched onto the outside wall of the hospitals and helped him clamber out of the room like some massive spider. Remembering something important, Kraken peeked his head back into the window just as Banna lunged forward to attack the newcomer. “Hey, by the way… MY NAME ISN’T SPARKY, IT’S KRAKEN!” Having screeched that in a slightly flustered, yet sufficiently angry voice, Kraken then let himself drop down to the bottom of the hospital and began heading down the road towards the bank on foot at a brisk pace.

    Listened to the on goings and then saw the woman give an order to the thing. “Huh so you…” he stopped watching her go into motion and went to move to the left her fist hitting just off her mark as it came into contact with his right peck. It would feel for her like punching a petrified oak tree. The strike caused him to spin off balance but as he did a large vine shot up through the ground behind her having torn through the hospital. As Kraken was wondering off down the streets on his errand. He would see the plants that had already started to seal off the hospital. He smiled seeing the plants had finally made it up through the hospital now he had a advantage or so he hoped. He had never really been a fighter like his mom had been and he was raised in a garden. Twisting some and bring his leg up in a backwards hook kick towards the center of her shoulder blades. He hit the back of the vine. This sent out a strong shock-wave forward form it towards her back. Adjusting he lowered his leg and turned to look and see if he had actually made connection with her in some capacity. Standing there his hand came up to his chest feeling to pain from the hit as it was already darkening from her strike. she was strong and if his suspicions where right as he was still trying to make out what was said on the other side of the door it was just going to get worse.

    -Banna felt the contact on her knuckles, it hurt but she knew she would be okay because of her training. She heard and felt the plants overtaking the hospital including the vine shooting up behind her. She stepped forward as she reacted after the sound but kept her eyes locked on her opponent. She brought her arm up to block the kick then saw it change direction, pulling her arm to follow it to her side, making the landing part hit the bone in her forearm. She was sturdy but it still hurt like hell. She spoke out to him, “Why are you trying to hurt these people with your plants?” During that she stepped towards him and pushed her free arm to attack for the abdomen, hoping it would knock the air out of him though she tried not to hit as hard as the first hit.-

    The noise of cracking cement and concrete captured Kraken’s attention as enormous plants began to wind about the hospital, sealing it off and focusing on the window he had just come from. It seemed the new interloper must have plant manipulation powers. That or the wrestling chick had some tricks up her sleeve besides just super steroid induced strength. He laughed, clutching the stitch in his side as malicious giggling spewed forth uncontrollably. “Wow, I hope you know what you’re getting into, lady! Hahha, sucks for you!” The thought of rushing back to help his new ally occurred to Kraken but was swiftly dismissed. After all, he would be more help actually obtaining the Venom capsules, plus he would be in less danger as well. The supervillain continued on down the road towards the bank and arrived just outside the building. Taking a moment to concentrate, Kraken focused on making his two lower tentacles magnetic enough to attract any metallic objects and began to patrol around the outside. A few civilians screamed as he approached, while others seemed surprised that he was not attempting to rob the bank but instead looking for something along the side of the curb.

    After collecting several lost pennies, a few pieces of aluminum gum wrapper and some dropped buttons and pins, Kraken let out an angered hiss of frustration. “Grr, do I actually have to look myself!? This blows.” He returned his tentacles to normal and squatted down in order to search more thoroughly.

    He went to move but the fist caught him on the left center of his gut and he but over the corrosive enzymes in his mouth flying out at her left shoulder and arm not even thinking to use them against her. He stumbled back and held his side and dropped to his knees a gleam coming to his eyes. “You Assault mother earths protector..” he brought his leg up and pushed himself from the floor and looked to her. “This will not do” He then held his hand out and gripped it and jerked his hand back in as one of the thicker vine came flying at her back to send her flying at him if it connected. If this happened he was throwing a punch right at her body.

    -Banna saw the weird stuff flying from his mouth and moved herself just out of the way, she did feel it move just past her and she listened to what he had to say. She knew she screwed up but soon it wouldn’t matter, once she had her venom, she would be a mindless beast of fueled rage. She saw his hand move and then a heard movement behind her, she planted her feet firmly in a horse stance to assure that upon contact it would merely shove her as her back muscles flexed to take the impact. This would leave a bruise but that wouldn’t be for a little bit. She was in range of a possible assault and put her arms up next to one another in front of her torso. If he followed through with his follow up attack, this would take the brunt. She knew that she had been told of one similar to him and the thought of him thinking himself a guardian was enough to tick her off a bit. She spoke to him once more, “You do know, this is NOT what a protector of mother earth would do.” She punched at him with a quick jab, making sure her other hand was prepared to take the force of any upcoming attacks. “I only attacked because you are a monster.” She made sure there was emphasis on this sentence. If it were to connect, her knuckles would be at the collar bone.-

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:30 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -Dur-El turned towards her putting her thought process together and he grabs his chest armor and removes it by unclipping the armor underneath he had a perfect muscle mass underneath that would make any man cry. He got into a stance knowing this would hurt like a bitch but he wasent going to turn down the chance to adapt to this. Dur-El knew he had alot to work on if he planned to reach the heights of his fellow kin not wanting to be his father but to use the strength of his father to bring hope to those who have long lost there own.

    He waited for her to find a gun and he had every plan to allow this woman to do anything that would make him stronger. He would take each impact but made sure his hand covered his heart and the spiked stone that covered his hand would protect that part of himself.-

    Reaching over she pulled out what looked like a hand cannon in her hands a black desert eagle she then lifted the gun and fired a well paced shot that tore into the mans throat she didn’t stop though as the gun was brought back she shot him dead in his shoulder then the other and grinned at him. “When you say stop or the clip runs out I will stop. ” she then lowered the Gun and did a quick fire of two bulled each one grazing his hand right around his heart. she then continued to fire lower tell he ether said stop or the bullets bounced off.

    -Banna was driven at full speed to the hospital, going right into the er to pull out the bullets and sew shut the wounds. The child had to wait outside but he snuck his way into the surgery to hold her hand. This made her smile as she had rejected to take pain medications. She cooperated fully and made sure the little boy always had a hold of her hand. When she got taken to her recovery room, the boy sat up on her bed and held onto her arm. She cringed a little bit as he put pressure on the wounds but she would be alright. She stayed in a calm state and let the IV do its job.

    The peace was short broken when the opponent that she was supposed to face came in and stood menacingly at the foot of the bed. The child gripped onto her torso and shivered and she brought her hand up to hold the boy’s back. Her opponent looked at her and said, “So.. This is why you missed our match?”

    “Yes,” She spoke to him, “This little boy was a higher cause than the match.”

    The opponent looked at her and smiled, “To think I was angry. How may I help?”

    “Keep the press out,” She said and released the boy to relax a bit.

    The opponent nodded and she let all her muscles relax. The boy smiled and said, “He is nice.”

    She nodded and let out a content sigh. She’d have to have her match rescheduled but she felt good about protecting this boy and brightening the other boy’s day. She thought on something then asked, “What is your name?”

    The boy smiled and said, “Nicholas.”

    “I hope you will be alright,” She offered him a friendly smile and received a hug. This was going to be a great rest.-

    -Dur-El got hit in the throat and he grabbed his throat and gasped for air and then his arms fell as she struck his shoulders leaving him defenseless to cover his heart as the two shells went off around it which scared the shit out of him because he didn’t know if he had the power to heal his heart because it wasn’t said if Doomsday could heal it either. He then felt the a blasts to his gut but it barely made it an inch deep before it got sent flying back at her just missing her face by hitting the plate that was forming. He now had a silver plate over his throat where he adapted to protect it but it also still allowed him to look down. He then felt a plating encase his heart but not cutting of the veins that spread out from such but those would heal easily. He then slowly gained the ability to once again use his arms as these huge spikes grew out of his shoulders. He then felt his stomach harden so hard that a diamond couldn’t be cut on it without leaving a scratch. He then stood back up on his feet and with a spit of blood took in a deep breath”i hope that your next plan dosent leave me spiting blood”.-

    She smiled and set the gun down and watched him. “Well I hope not but it does mean we need to travel out of the city. I want to help you grow strong so that you can protect the world just like your predecessor.” she said and then went to slide off the table to try stand and as soon as her feet hit the ground she crumpled and groaned grabbing her back and squeezed her eyes shut fighting back the tears. “I will need to get to lex corp for the next leg of your training.”

    -Banna remained still in her bed, breathing calmly as Nicholas explored the room. She smiled and hit the nurse call button to bring one in. The nurse came in calmly, since her vitals seemed to be stable. She looked at Banna and said, “Yes?”

    “The other two that came to the hospital in critical condition… How are they?” Banna asked as calmly and quietly as possible.

    “Well,” the nurse was hesitant and looked down, “The male’s spinal cord was snapped and he died on the ride over to the hospital. The woman had fragments of her skull impaled into her brain. I am sorry to say they are both deceased.”

    Banna just stared at her deeply and took a large inhale before speaking, “Well, I will need to see their wills and list of known relatives and, if possible, guardianship papers or adoption papers to sign. I want the boy under my full protection.”

    The nurse blushed and said, “For a wrestling girl, you sure do have your priorities straight.”

    Banna smiled and said, “I try.”

    She watched as nurse left the room and snapped her head to the window as a crash was heard. Nicholas had knocked over a vase full of water and flowers. He shied up when he knew he did wrong and stayed where he was. Banna held her hand out gently and he looked at her, surprised at no one beating him. He then went over and climbed back onto her bed and let her hold onto him gently.-

    -Dur-El walked up to the woman and his eyes had a red shine to them much like his fathers one were but a smile showed on his face right before his spit out the bullet that embedded itself in the table next to her”trust me if i feel any of your motives have intent to kill that surgery better have been a success because that armor looks pretty strong so it better protect you, I want to help the world but you pissing me off”.

    He took in a deep breath and the red vanished from his eyes returning them to the bright blue that was most known by his mother. Dur-El walked over to the muse where be picked her up before walking over to the water and he jumped in not wanting to take that slow ass elevator again. He started kicking his feet as fast as possible and now he was running on top of the water because at his speed the water seemed to stand still. He carried her like before protecting her from the gale-force wind but not as well he was letting her face peak out so unless she kept her head down she would have an interesting hairdo when this was over.

    He landed in Metropolis and instantly a drone headed right for him but he took in a deep breath and turned it into ice. Dur-El watched it slam into the ground and explode before looking down at the Muse”hold on were going to go faster then before”. Dur-El keeled digging in his massive feet building up an eruption of energy that blew the building behind them to dust before the Muse would be able to blink they would be standing outside of the LuthorCorp but to anyone else it looked like a rusty toll booth but as he stepped into and punched the dial it opened up and they began to descend in the elevator.

    Dur-El waited for this slow ass elevator because he wasn’t sure what could be hiding in this place since there were so many droids outside it could only be sane to think they were in here also. He made his way inside and as soon as his feet touched the ground something grabbed him and with a back hand took the head off of a robot that must have been used for security. Dur-El looked at his hand turning it upside down and then looks it over”guess being bulletproof comes in handy at times but what you have planned here makes me unsure that will be enough”.-

    Cody’s eyes furtively glanced side to side and tried not to let his eagerness show as he stood a few feet off from a businessman currently attempting to get cash from an ATM machine at the corner of a street. His home-made disguise chafed slightly underneath his regular street clothes, and it was an effort to keep his tentacles still underneath his clothes, but it would be all worth it in the end. Maybe he could even think about investing in a new suit, if everything went well. Quickly checking his phone, the young man scrolled through his messages and gave a derisive snort at his mother’s inane texts. He had more important things to do than worry about than his online courses. Namely, crime. The man in front of him had finally finished and while Cody could easily snatch the fat wallet out of his hands, there was something a bit more sophisticated he wanted to try.

    Approaching the ATM machine, he began pressing random buttons all the while flowing a mild electrical current through the machine. A low chuckle sounded under his breath as he imagined the device spitting out rolls of $100 bills with a smooth whir. Instead the machine let out a high-pitched whine before becoming overloaded and breaking down. “Crap.” I guess I can’t control machines, then… Immediately, an alarm sounded. It was inaudible to the normal human ear, but Cody could immediately sense it. Realizing that he didn’t have much time before the police came, he quickly ducked behind an alleyway and changed into his costume. He then used a mixture of sharp kicks and rending tentacles to rip the ATM machine open like a piñata. A flood of bills came gushing out like blood in response, and the villain gleefully tied knots in his civilian clothes’ arms and legs before packing in as much money as he could into the bag.

    By this time a police officer, hearing the alarm rushed over to the scene of the crime only to witness Cody ransacking the ATM machine. Pulling out his baton and a police radio he messaged the nearest station: “I’ve got a metahuman perp down by the ATM near Monarch Theater.” Before the police officer could get any more words out, a cold metallic tentacle promptly grasped him by the throat cutting off his words. The police radio clattered onto the street. Cody grinned maniacally, staring at the helpless human choking in his grasp. He decided to apply some pressure, squeezing tightly until the police office passed out due to lack of oxygen. Picking up the police radio, he told the panicking voice, “I’m not just some ‘metahuman perp’. The name is Kraken.” With a snappy click, he turned off the police radio and then dashed down into the alleyways.

    -Banna waited a for a while, Nicholas keeping close to her even when he shouldn’t have been. She was alright with this in the fact that at least she could protect him and wanted to continue to protect only him. She held onto him when he came to her and hoped the nurses would get back to her soon. A different Nurse came in, bringing her a nice big jug of water. The nurse asked, “Would you like anything to eat?”

    “Some eggs, please. Bring some for the boy, too and place it on my bill,” Banna spoke confidently despite the needing to recuperate. The nurse nodded and took off, Nicholas being excited about it.

    She hugged him gently and he smiled at her, waiting it out for now.-

    It was easy for “the Kraken” to evade police pursuit when some of the police officers were still working to impose order on the chaos of Arkham Asylum and when they kept radioing in each of their positions and movements. The villain cackled to himself as he tuned into the frequency of electromagnetic waves on which the Gotham’s police radio system worked, only to hear the police officers decide to surround and storm a building where they believed he was hiding. In fact, Cody was several blocks away, near the city hospital, having already successfully stashed his civilian clothes in money in a dumpster for later pick-up.

    Having gotten away, he decided to milk this little villainous excursion for all its worth and take the opportunity to top off on some electricity. Sadly, his electric bills went through the roof on the best of days even without using his connection to store additional charge. He closed his eyes, taking a moment to tune out the city noises of traffic, pigeons and human crowds to focus on the various electric fields around him. Of course nearly every pedestrian had their own small electric field combined with a larger one emitting from their cell-phone. Then there were radio waves, vehicles, the tiny fields of small animals, so much sensory information to sort through. Finally though, he found the jackpot. Directly beneath him a faint field from beneath the ground pulsed through: Gotham’s power grid.

    A toothy grin spread across his face as he discretely entered the nearby metro station and followed the source of power, ignoring any “Authorized Personnel Only” or “Danger: High Voltage” signs. The tunnels were dank, dreary and poorly lit but he kept following the subterranean power line. This must be what a mosquito feels like, he thought as he carefully monitored the amount of electricity pulsing through the cables, searching for the cable with the most amount of current, the juiciest vein. The villain clattered to a stop as he found just the right place to strike, and gleefully tore the wires from their fixed location, with all of his appendages busily at work stripping the protective coating bare and lapping up errant blue sparks.

    Immediately, he could feel the flow of Gotham’s electricity, the city’s vile heart-beat rushing into his body even as up above the ground, Gotham fell into a power-outage. Darkness overcame the streets, the police station, the airport, the asylum, the hospital, the subway, any building without a working generator. Not that the city’s concerns mattered to the Kraken. Only the euphoric rush of a ridiculous amount of untapped power, belonging solely to him registered in the back of his mind. So what if people were on life-support systems, or got stuck in a metro train, or if trains started going out of control? Let someone else deal with it, all he wanted was his daily fix of pure, electrically charged goodness and if people got hurt in the process, all the better.

    -Banna noticed as the lights suddenly went out, hugging Nicholas close. She sat herself up straight as she heard nurses running to get backup generators in all the rooms running. Banna stood up and Nicholas had begging eyes for her to stay down. She looked at him and said, “Hide under the bed. I will be back.”

    Nicholas listened to her and she walked out into the hallway. She went where nurses went to try to help. She found her wrestling opponent still there and he was trying to help kick start the back up generator. Banna helped him though a few of her stitches busted. They finally got it started and she relaxed, the nurses came and stitched her back up as she smiled. Her opponent decided to stay with her and guard the generator, so she didn’t have to do all of the fighting and get hurt if someone broke in. Even still, it was best for her not to go back to her room.-

    After a few moments of glorious power, the current running through the underground power cables began to ebb and eventually shut down completely. The villain angrily threw down the cables in disgust, wondering why his power source suddenly dried up. It didn’t take too long for him to feel the source of the disturbance echoing back to him like a bat’s sonar: humans loaded with electrical supplies. A few moments later, the harsh glow of two heavy duty flashlights illuminated his non-human appearance.

    “Hey! What do you think you’re doing down here? It’s dangerous, standing so close to a failed power line!”

    The Kraken clicked his teeth in irritation at this so-called “concern” for his well-being, and immediately grappled the unsuspecting repairmen, using mechanical appendages to hoist them bodily into the air, giving them a brief but painful electric shock to let them know he meant business. “Where did all of the power go!?”

    “They, the plant had to shut it off so we could repair the power line,” he responded still gasping a bit from the painful attack. That answer had evidently enraged the villain even further because the mechanical tentacles squeezed tighter.

    “Then where can I go to get some more? Where is the nearest power source? Answer me!” This time, the other repair-man wasted no time in his response, “You’d have to find a backup generator. The asylum and police station have one.”

    Cody laughed, “If you think I’m going to go turn myself into the asylum… but that backup generator sounds like a good idea. And what villain misses a chance to mess with the police ?” Releasing the two repairmen, he started to head down the underground pathways towards the exit of the metro. Calling back to the two civilians, he cackled, “Well, better get to work boys. The sooner you fix that thing, the sooner the electric buffet opens again, right? Heheh.”

    He had traveled what seemed like forever across Gotham. Men had hit on him tell he turned around and they realized he was a man. From behind he looked to much like his mother. He found a run down building with a wearhouse space attached to it and opened the file and double checked the address. They sent him there to clean it out and recover her research and files if any where still intact. He feared that they where looking for a way to controle or destroy him. Sighing he should trust them they hadn’t killed him and had let him live this long. Walking up to the door he touched it and gripped the handel and pulled his hand back getting an odd feeling about him and took a deep breath wondering about what he would find in there. Then he saw it an orange light flash in the building and he realized his hesitation was wrong. Tearing the door open and rushing in moving through the plants that he found that he oddly felt connected to that seemed to be welcoming him home as if he belonged here.

    Skidding to a stop he looked at the sight before him and tilted his head. Things where not adding up there was a beastile creature or so he thought infront of him wearing an odd looking orange suit that had whisps of what looked like flame coming off of them. slipping into the foliage and it covered him and he watched the man as he typed at the computer saying that the information was his. Growing angry at this his own thoughts turned to greed as he stood there breathing. That data in fact this whole place was his by birth right. Gripping his fist a plant came up from behind the creature and bore down on him and he turned and destroyed it leaving it a charred mass on the ground. Shocked by his quick action and the fact that he destroyed it with out thought. He grew angry from the action the mans complete disregard for plant life.

    Not being able to stand by and watch anymore his anger flared and his pheromones rolled off him filling the room. Looking to the man in anger he spoke clearly and calmly in a seductive voice now acting to much like his mother for his own good. “And who do you think you are that you think you can come into my domain and take what is mine.” His words rolled out like silk the scent inviting as he saw that he was holding something in his other hand holding it tight in a death grip.

    -Banna stayed put next to the generator. Nurses eventually brought a wheelchair so she didn’t need to strain herself but needed the other wrestler’s help to take her up stairs since the generator didn’t do elevators. She was taken the whole way back to her room and Nicholas greeted her with a warm and welcoming hug back.

    She held him tight but carefully as she was helped back onto her bed. She then smiled as she rested once more but heard sounds echoing outside in the city. It was eerie to hear the sirens and cars on the move in a darkened city. Something didn’t feel right, not at all.-

    Outside of the subway tunnel, a small amount of pandemonium was beginning to brew as civilians complained about the city-wide lack of power The street shop windows and their normally inviting, flashy signs grew dim and dark much to Cody’s delight. A nasally voice coming across at the police radio’s frequency warned the villain about an approaching squad car. Without hesitation, he banked a sharp turn into the now dark alleyways to avoid running into law enforcement. This was all just too easy!

    He grinned toothily before crouching behind a dumpster out of sight and planning his next move. The security cameras normally placed outside ATM machines were likely to be down, making them easy targets. The police office likely had a backup generator and some fellow criminals to be released, but would be a harder mark. Alternatively, the hospital likely had a backup generator as well and much less security.

    Ha! While I’m there, I could even steal some morphine. I bet that’d fetch a pretty penny on the black market,” he thought to himself, snapping his fingers. With a plan made up, the supervilain began to head over towards the hospital, making sure not to miss any opportunity to chase down local citizens he came across and violently mug them of their valuables. By the time he reached the hospital, he had amassed a nice stash of credit cards, wallets and jewelry. He’d really need to get some underlings to carry all of this treasure for him, next time he went out on a romp like this.

    Cody used his clawed tentacles to scramble up onto the hospital’s roof, and then began to creep across the top, searching for any large electrical fields that would indicate the generator’s presence. Unfortunately, the field was too faint to pin-point. Maybe they were keeping it in the basement? Hissing to himself, the villain made his way over to the side of one of the hospital’s wall, found a likely window and brutally smashed the glass before letting himself inside.

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:27 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -Dur-El rubbed his chin as he thought over her questions”i got the name from my mother, My crest is from the house of EL, I do not know how i know that, and this uniform was placed on me by lex at his lab. I am the son of doomsday thats all i know and i know that though a dna sharing of knowledge”. He finished his sandwich. While he thought of what questions he should ask this odd woman”I need to find superman or my father so i can begin my quest as a Kryptonian warrior”.

    Dur-El felt something in the distance that made him shiver slightly not in a fearful manor but he knew it was connected to him in someway and coming closer. He turned to the female, don’t plan to leave because i will hunt you down if i have to but there is something coming as strong as me so behave or this thing could kill you in the state you are”.-

    He chuckled at her. “You could say that I’m the son of Pamela Isley.” He told her and then sighed remembering his mothers death they injected her with Weed killer industrial strength and kept her out of the sun for days. watching her be so gentle he smiled. “Here.” He lifted his hand and gripped a fist and one of the large vines shrank back under the ground allowing her escape to the school. “Hurry cant have the cops rushing in here just yet.”

    She looked to him and knew exactly what he was talking about she had read over it a number of times. watching him head out she reached to him. “If you wish to keep me safe get me home I may be slightly save here but I am better protected at my home. If you wish you may carry me there but i have been through some major surgery.” she then smiled and grabbed her mask slipping it on. Looking like a similar version of bat-girl but with such differences people would not mistake her as such unless they glanced quickly.

    -Banna nodded her head to him and said, “Just call me Banna. That is my last name. Nice to meet you.”

    She ran as carefully as she could out of the circle of vines and went back into the school. She walked through the doors and refound her ‘friend’ in their classroom. She sat in the back and resumed listening to the lesson. It was a art thing they were doing now. Doing colors and such. This made her smile as she watched it as they were drawing flowers and all sorts of other pretty things. There was one kid who drew really dark things, obviously troubled. Her friend was trying to draw her. She smiled and decided to check on the troubled one. She whispered to him, “so, what are you drawing?”

    He peeked up at her and said, “Mommy and daddy…”

    “Why are they all red?” She asked him and pointed it out.

    “They are dead and bleeding,” He said and stabbed the paper with the crayon.

    “Why?” She asked as she looked at the tears in the boy’s eyes.

    The boy shook his head and tried to hide his head. She gently placed her hand onto his back and rubbed it gently, allowing the rest of the class to do their thing while she comforted the one child.-

    -Dur-El picked himself off the ground adjusting himself and making sure he hadn’t tore threw his shirt. He turned to one of her assistants”where does she live” and the man quickly scribbled down the address and handed him it only needing a few seconds to read over it before his brain had it down permanently. He walked over turning his hands so that his palms were facing up so not to stab into her flesh with his razor sharp spurs that were coming out of his knuckles. He bent down to one knee slowly scoping up the small woman before standing up and in an exploding burst of energy ran at top speed but holding his arms in such as way to hold the woman tight and block her from the gale force wind that was being pushed onto her body. Dur-El stopped right in front of the door and raised up his foot using his toes to turn the door handle easy enough since it was a long turned handle instead of a simple round knob. He found a comfortable area and sat her down just in time before he was knocked threw a wall by something that looked a lot like him but was decomposing slowly.

    Once he landed on his back looking up at the sky he would slowly raise to his feet seeing himself but the creatures right arm was missing and half of its head was gone and he could easily see into the creatures brain. Dur-El didn’t stop to try and speak to this monster who stood little to no chance of defending itself. He ran at super speed but instead of knocking it over it stood strong and Dur-El felt like he hit an unmovable object. Dur-El decided since no one was watching he could use another of his tricks so he blew ice onto the other creature and where the brain was located turned to ice quicker then the rest of the body which seemed to have a slight resistance to the ice. Dur-El quickly ran forward jumping up and came rocketing back down to earth with his fist landing right on the frozen brain killing the creature instantly.

    He slowly stood back up feeling like he was changing and his skin was hardening and his legs grew stronger so the next time he ran it would be faster and the impact would be harder. He slowly made his way into the home once again with a spike stuck in his chest and that didn’t even bother him but by the time he made it over to the female it fell out of his chest and was rolling on the floor and it was slowly closing up”so before another one of my weird siblings get back up please fill me in”.-

    Watching the woman leave as her foot left the large vine shot back up locking him in with the park. The police watched the woman leave unharmed. Watching the sun he smiled enjoying the warmth and being out in the open he remembered it from when he was a kid. Once his skin started to change and the vines showed up on his body the police took him into custody and held him in the arboretum. Where he had lived and not been allowed to leave for over 50 years. He had grown into a man though he still looked like he was in his twenty’s the luck of being part plant he guessed a betel flew by and he lurched forward and grabbed the betel out of the air and he closed his mouth across the betel as it moved across his tongue as the corrosive enzymes slipped out of his mouth dripping onto the bug slowly dissolving it giving it a slow and painful death. He saw this as he did any other creature eating he was merely surviving.

    Sandra watched as he went to grab her and looked to the Cannister and snagged it just as he was grabbed and held it tight to her chest as if it were very important to her. As he held her she gritted her teeth as her body shifted against his arms her back sore and stapled together and almost permanently fused with the suit. It held her close and tight and then she felt the wind hit her but it felt like a strong breeze with how he held her to protect her from the gale force. She watched the city fly by and was glad she was wearing her mask. She watched as the speedometer she had built into the mask climbed to great speeds and was glad that she was protected when she saw the speeds they were moving at. Watching him open the door with his feet she giggled since the drugs were still in her system. Once he set her down on a fainting chair she laid there with a smile then her wall got crashed through and she lifted her head staring at the wall. “Hey…” she pointed at it then her arm dropped. “you’re going to pay for that right?” she then dropped her head as she watched the fight her suit and mask analyzing the situation while she is still completely out of it and starting to giggle. “you crushed the other rocks head haha..”

    When he turned to her and started to speak she blinked. “Doomsday isn’t here he’s gone he left a long time ago” She said not even thinking straight or what she was saying he plan to not spell everything might fail with how stoned she was. Watching the screen flip she giggled. “Silly superman went to be alone and left his cousin here…” she was babbling but babbling about what he wanted to know but nothing useful per say.

    -As her hand gently ran across the boy’s back, it was as if they were in their own little world. She looked at the boy’s saddened face, the tears streaming down across his freckled cheeks. She ran her fingers through his black hair. She whispered to him in a loving, nearly motherly accent to the child, “Niño, you can tell me anything. I assure you that whatever you have to say about your mamá and padre that I have done or thought worse or experienced worse. Cruza mi corazón.”

    The boy looked up at her with his blue eyes all watered and said, “What?”

    She realized that he didn’t understand the small bits of Spanish she used and said, “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

    He sniffled a little bit and wiped his nose with what seemed like his entire arm. He looked into her eyes and said, “They are mean to me. They have always called me names and made me do good even though when I do my best they torture me. It is horrible.”

    “Why haven’t you told anyone?” She spoke, very concerned and with a deep exhale. “Tell me all of what they do.”

    The boy swiveled in his chair to fully face her and said, “They yell and scream and sometimes they hit me.”

    She placed her hands on his shoulders, feeling him flinch. She looked him in his tear soaked eyes and said, “Listen… You should not be treated that way and perhaps they should learn respect. I will do you a solid and come home with you at the end of the day. How does that sound?”

    She witness a smile crack across the boy’s face, his arms grasping her firmly as he silently thanked her over and over with tight squeezes. She knew it was as hard as he could, considering her large bulk of muscle. She allowed him to grasp as long as he needed before he released and scrapped his first drawing, trying to draw her as if she was his mommy. This brought a smile to her face and she stood back up to stand in the back of the classroom once more, her muscles flexing as she moved.-

    -Dur-EL nodded at her information as she spoke but stopped when he realized she was simply rambling on and on. He picked up the container she had picked up from her office examining it and realizing it was pure energy so he gently sat it back down. He now knew that he had no hope of finding superman or doomsday “original” as it seemed his clones were out for his head maybe literally after the shape of the last one. He then walked over and picked the wall pack up placing it back together like a jig saw puzzle then used his icy breath to hold it together permanently.-

    She reached out to him and smiled. “Hey take my downstairs big guy I want to show you something.” she went to get up and just feel off the fainting couch and giggled on the floor. “Guess you did a good job legs dont work still though..” she then started to army crawl though slow and sloppy towards a doorway. “I know where someone is who might be able to help you but I will only give it to you in trade…” she then went into a giggle fit.

    -She looked over all the children as she stood in the back of the room. After class, all the children wanted to sit near her for lunch. She bought her lunch from the cafeteria and the teachers allowed her to sit with the students. She relaxed gracefully as she looked at her macaroni and cheese. She poked it with the plastic fork and also the mini cut up hot dogs. The children were more interested with bombarding her with questions than their food. The questions ranged everywhere from “Who does your hair?” to “Can you show me how to choke slam?” but she smiled and tried to answer each one as she heard them.

    “I do my own hair. It is not safe to perform a choke slam here. Wrestling should only be used for self defense. Bullies are bad but try talking to them instead.”

    She did her best to keep up all of the lunch period. She was relieved when it was their time for recess. She ate her meal quickly and put everything where they should go before following them outside to watch them play. She had a smile as kids tried to get her to come play with them, tugging on her legs though they wouldn’t budge for their tiny little arms.-

    -Dur-El walked back over and picked her up from the floor she was crawling on which odded out not sure why she was crawling when she could have walked{he dose not know she cant walk}. He found his way into the office where she typed in the code and he stepped into the elevator that creaked but held his weight. He watched the bat cave come into view and he jumped down to the ground from the elevator not wishing to wait for the slow moving thing and he couldn’t stand the odd music that had been playing. He lead her over to a table and layed her down before he stood back and began to explore the cave.

    He would vanish from her sight as he began to look over everything stopping in front of the giant coin and he rubbed his hands together and tried to pick it up getting it a couple inches before having to put it back down showing that he wasn’t as strong as his fellow Kryptonians just yet but he was growing as the days went by.

    “WEEEEEEE” she said as he jumped out of the elevator onto the ground and then sat on the table and kicked her legs off of it and smiled the drugs having finally gotten to her fully and swayed. “Pull up file 978CD2 Alpha and cross reference with file 286PC CK” as she spoke the massive computer at the other side came to life and pulled up two files one on a man named Clark Kent and the other on Dooms Day in these where full reports of both beings and last known locations. “That should help”

    Finally a chopper landed behind him and he sighed standing up he lifted his hands then lowered them as the vines receded and the holes where filled with plant life that would decompose into dirt and no pipes or wiring. “Alright back to my cage I take it?” he asked the cops and they walked over and handed him a file then they hopped up into the chopper and flew off. He opened the file and looked over it. “I see I guess I should go check it out.” he then started to walk down the side walk hands in his air some men even whistled at him as they looked at him form behind not having seen the front. shaking his head he sighed and just waved so many had mistaken him over the years at the arboretum that it didn’t bother him anymore.

    -Banna continued to keep her eyes on the children as they seemed precious to her. She followed the children out onto the playground, them mostly wanting to see how many of them she could possibly lift. Three children hung onto each of her arms as tight as they possibly could. She also had a couple children on each leg and a few hanging from her neck and body. She was basically a human jungle gym to them. She could tell the teachers were a bit worried but she made sure the children would be safe.

    She made sure not to break any of the equipment or sink her heels into the ground. She had all the children get off of her when the bell rung and followed them back to their classes. She watched them carefully to make sure all of them were heading back. She made sure to stay in the back of the class and take in what the teacher was teaching the children.

    Once the final bell rung, the child she first promised came up and thanked her. He was certainly going to be popular for having her come to the school. She then spotted the child that she promised to head home with. She took his hand and started walking home with her. She could feel him hesitant and shivering. She knelt down to him and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Do not worry, you have me with you.”

    He smiled and then kept taking her home with him. He seemed very confident now but said to her, “If you kill them, will you be my mommy?”

    She stopped short. That was the oddest question in the world. She took a deep breath and answered as she walked with him, “Sure.”-

    -Dur-El read over the data gaining the knowledge and how his father had become so powerful and wondered if his own death will bring him new strength. He steamed wondering if there were any Kryptonians left on this planet he walked over and pounded his head on the stone wall causing it to bleed but it quickly healed his skin becoming more stone like then before. He then walked over to her and crossed his arms”now for your end of the bargain, keep it simple or im gone and when I want to vanish you’ll never find me”.

    He was still wary of this woman after what was done to him at Lexcorp so he kept his distance with his arms crossed over the armor that held the crest of EL.-

    By the time he was done and done banging his head against the wall she was starting to calm down. “What I want?” she smiled and then bowed her head. “Is simple in it of itself. All I want is whats left of Lexcorp’s labs. Dont worry I would never put you in there. In fact I don’t think any person should be held in a lab against their will I have seen it destroy a great many great men.” she said with a sigh. “hey When where you put in that lab anyway?” she asked curious now wanting to help him as best she could she may not be able to fight and help the city anymore but he probably could. “Tell you what I will help you in every way I can. Even if that means shooting you a few times… With your permission of course.”

    -She followed the child the whole way to his home, him bringing her in and sitting her at a dinner table. She noticed the home was nice, cleaner than a normal apartment that she was used to. She watched the boy go nuts trying to clean and do chores. She finally noticed the bruises on his arms hidden under his sleeve. She spoke to him calmly, “Stop… Why do you have bruises?”

    He looked at her and said, “I told you, but please, let me do my work or I will get more!”

    “You won’t…” She held him gently and close, “I am here and I will protect you.”

    The boy nodded and stayed next to her as they waited for his parents to come home. When they did, they stopped short and glared at him. “Who is that?!”

    “A wrestler!” He said and hugged onto her arm, “And my friend!”

    “Release her and go with your father right now! You know you shouldn’t surprise us with a visitor!”

    “The boy will be going nowhere,” She spoke to them in an angered tone. “If you are to punish him, you can do so in front of me. If it is illegal, I will not allow you to do so any more.”

    “What we do in OUR home is OUR business,” The father of the boy said.

    She took a deep breath and glared at him, “Do not do this to the precious boy. I will call the cops on you.”

    The father moved to a different room as the mother said, “Why? He is none of your business!”

    “It is all of my business,” Banna spoke harsher and she looked at her in the eyes. She reached for their land-line and dialed 9-1-1. “Hello, I will need cops and an ambulance or two. Domestic disturbance.”

    She gave the address and they all heard a gunshot. The father shot gunned from a distance Banna’s side. Her flexing caused the bullets to get stuck in her. She didn’t bother to hold the wound as she turned and grabbed the gun, snapping it in half and punching the father in the abdominal, instantly knocking him out. The mother had grabbed a knife and started stabbing Banna in the back, her slamming the mother on the ground and knocking her out. She took a gasping breath and saw the pure shock on the boy’s face. She went over to him carefully and hid his face on her chest.

    “It is alright,” She whispered calmly, “They aren’t dead and I am not hurt.”

    She stayed as still as possible, waiting to hear the sirens of the police and ambulance. She was taking deep ragged breaths. She whispered to him carefully, “Tell the police that I am your mommy and you can come home with me.”

    The boy looked up at her and nearly cried, the sirens finally nearby as the police came in and checked the premises. The boy did as she said and called her mommy, allowing him to go to the hospital with her so he wouldn’t be alone. He held her hand through the entire trip there.-

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:23 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -Once her nap had completed, she rose and went to her kitchen area. She rummaged the fridge and took out an egg or two and began cooking them on a pan. She listened to them sizzle and made sure they got a little blackened on the underside before flopping them onto a plate. She poured herself a glass of orange juice and fried some toast in the same manner as the eggs as she didn’t have a toaster. She placed those onto her plate as well and the orange juice next to her seat in front of the television. She used her toast to eat since she didn’t have silver ware. She watched the news and saw the horrible clean up of the bank, she had to change the channel. She didn’t want reminded of it.-

    As he sat there he was curious the Commissioner came in and uncuffed him and tossed them on his desk. “So Tell me What did he do that deserved you to attack him like that?” Looking to the man he sighed. “He nearly destroyed a 60 year old rose bush. the bush merely was defending itself.” he then crossed his arms. “Have I not paid for my mothers crimes three fold I stay in the arboretum and tend a garden I have killed no one I ask for nothing but sunshine and quite what do you need from me?” he stood up as the commissioner told him to sit back down right then. Sighing he took a seat and looked to the ceiling. “Just tell me what you want and I will gladly help.”

    -She finally finished eating and decided that she should head to work early. It would give her time to get her water out and work out there on the better equipment. She slipped on her working clothes and thought that it would be best to skip and go to the kid’s school instead. She mulled it over and noted that it would be best to honor her commitment to the kid first. Her fights could wait. She made sure she looked perfect and walked to the kid’s school. She went to the front office and said, “Excuse me, I promised a chico that I would be his best friend for the day.”

    The secretary looked at her and was in awe that a wrestler would come upon a child’s request. She smiled and showed her to the different classrooms, trying to help her find the small boy. She pointed at the boy when they found them. She was let in the classroom and the entire class was in awe. She smiled and said, “Hello Nino, I told you I would come.”

    The children were so excited they came up and started asking her questions. She giggled and said, “I am sorry children! You all must go listen to your teacher. I will still be here after your classes end.”-

    -Dur-El landed in Gotham its business taking place with no one even noticing the man with cracked skin. He was wearing a silver armor for a t-shirt that had the House El Crest that most humans now associate with Superman. A cop walked by seeing the crest and pointed it out to his partner who both rand up to Dur-El asking where Superman was. Dur-El looked to them and ran away thinking they were a threat to him.-

    He decided to look up this Superman so he flew to a library and went through books in minutes till he knew everything there was to know of the man. He now knew of his mother as well but the creature doomsday was not listed in any of these texts so he would need to learn elsewhere but through his reading he grew knowledgeable about what has been happening to the world in the last thirteen years that he has been asleep.

    He grabs a random stranger”where is superman” the look on the mans face screamed horror before Dur-El could ask another question he felt a liquid on his foot as he looked down he noticed the human had pissed himself so Dur-El threw him through a tree in the park killing the man on impact. All the other people ran for there lives while he fell backwards in the middle of the park angry that he couldn’t find anyone to answer his questions.-

    Stopped mid motion and looked out into the City and stood up. “I think I know what you need even before you do I’m heading to the park a 300 year old tree just got killed.” he then took off running out of the police station and launched out of the nearest window and landed on what looked like a giant elephant ear and slid to the ground running for the park. Stopping just outside it seeing the tree he walked right past the man who had broken it and kneeled in front of the tree and started to cry he then placed his hand on the center of it and a sapling sprouted from what was left of the stump and he then flopped on his ass staring at the now child of such an old tree. “I will see you strong again.”

    -She listened into the class and smiled as the children were enjoying learning. She heard a loud crack nearby and perked up. She went up to the teacher as sirens came by. She whispered, “Keep calm and I will protect the school, alright?”

    The teacher nodded and watched as Banna left. She went out of the school and went for the nearby park, seeing a man crying and another just being there. Her heels clacked on the nearby sidewalk and her head tilted as she tried to figure out this on-going. She made sure to keep her distance, wanting to see how this played out before she even tried to intervene.-

    -Dur-El roared with anger and slammed his fists on the ground leaving a creator all around his form. He then looked at the ground around him wondering what the hell was going on with him but all he wanted was answers so when he noticed the crying man he started walking towards him with his hood pulled down and his long platinum blond hair fell over his shoulders. He roared in the mans face”tell me where superman or doomsday are.” He then noticed a female and using his super speed was right in her face”give me the fucking answers I want”.-

    He took a breath and screamed at the man. “GO TO WAYN TOWER HE SHOULD HAVE SOME ANSWERS” he then looked to the creator and just looked hurt like he had lost some friends the cops came rushing in finally and surrounded the area. realizing they where in danger he slammed his fist into the dirt and large thick vines that would take at least a week to cut through shot up around the three and he shook his head he was only thinking containment at this point in time he promised he would not be his mother and here he was causing damage to the city with plants.

    -Banna was surprised when the man was suddenly in her face. She heard the crying man shout something but she was distracted by the man before her. She saw the spikes and the skin. She placed her hands out calmly and said, “Please calm down and we’ll be able to talk this out. Perhaps we can help you.”

    She was using her calmest voice but she had a Spanish accent. She tried to at least have a motherly appeal despite her large bulk. She was opening herself up to show herself as no threat.-
    ~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~

    -Dur-El grew annoyed with the man but he finally had an answer but when the woman spoke he calmed and sat down taking in a deep breath”then speak”. He was now lay on the ground looking up into the sky allowing his long hair to cascade around him. He felt the sun on his skin and he smiled not the smile of a demonic creature but that of a child enjoying the sun on his face. He was thinking back to when he was a younger child where he was brought up in an orphanage after his mother got rid of him with no explanation all she left him with was his name which didn’t mean anything to him yet. He knew Superman’s name was Kal-El but he didn’t know how he knew that.

    He had grown up normal at first living a normal human life until one day he was let outside to play and he fell and scraped his hand and like magic it healed but his skin had grown hard so that it wouldn’t happen again which scared the people watching over him who sent for a scientist to examine him but Lex Luthor found him instead and after many years of testing him he his ability soon made him immune to the razors they used to cut him open and normal medicines so they made it more and more advanced with time making something to slow his rejuvenation to a stand still.

    He waited for her to speak and while he waited he heard all the police speaking outside so once she finished he began to run at top speed around and around and around the dome of plants until he launched himself right out of the hole in the roof where he landed on the side of a building and slid down finding the front door which he opens like a calm person walking up to the desk with his crest pulled tight over his chest”i must speak to the leader of this building now or ill pick it up and send it to the stars”.-

    Sandra was laying on the lab table recovering but they had to put the suit back on her granted they fixed the bugs in the system and as it set into her she groaned out in pain and a message came down and she looked at it and nodded.”Patch it through.” she then took and covered herself with a sheet like she was naked underneath. “Yes what is it?” then woman on the screen spoke in a shaky voice. “We have someone here demanding to speak with you are you available. “Can i schedule this for tomorrow if it can not wait i can do a video concfrence from my home when I get there later this afternoon.”

    -Banna said while he was listening to her, “I know you may not want to hear this, but you should listen to the mean yelling man.” She watched him take off, realizing she was stuck with the plantish man.

    She walked over to the plant man and looked him over, quietly speaking, “Sir? Are you alright? When I first saw you, you were crying and then you yelled at that other poor man.” She figured he was extremely upset and tried not to pry too much and also figured he’d have to calm down before she could get let out of the random plant dome. The entire situation had her confused but she wouldn’t let her stun hold her back.-

    -Dur-El listened into the intercom and as soon as the first word was spoke he analyzed the voice and was gone at top speed so he was now in south Gotham industrial and he could hear the voice still speaking so he knocked hard enough so anyone inside would feel it shake so he entered in found the voice and entered the room”we need to talk about my family, i need to find them or ill never learn control, give me answers and ill give you whatever you want as long as it dose not harm me.

    He sat on the floor and waited pulling out a sandwich why he waited enjoying it with his eyes closed and a smile so not to rush the woman”take your time because im in no hurry unless you leave my sight, I cant give up the chance of finding out who i really am once again.-

    She closed her eyes seeing him after everyone calmed down she held a hand up telling them to calm down. “My name is Sandra Sandra Muse tell me whats your name and where did you get that fancy crest.” she asked as doctors walked over to her and started to pull some of the IV’s she started to clear her head hours passed and soon she sat up but her legs still did not move. “Well If you want answers I need to get home.” she said and looked up into the ceiling wondering why her she was in no condition to fight and all he wanted was info she could control what information he got tell she knew his true intentions.

    Looking at her he sighed and Sat down on a park bench he looked at the park exerting himself some as the park began to regrow and heal. Looking back over his shoulder at her. “Sorry to keep you here but until the cops leave so take a load off unless they send a chopper we will be fine in here.” He didn’t explain anything that she asked about and he chose to be silent. “I’m sorry The plants have been injured someone must tend to them.”

    -Banna listened to him and she sighed at the lack of answers. She walked over to a flower and squatted down near it. Her heels pushed barely into the dirt but she was careful to not upset the man. She placed her fingers around the edge of the flower and said, “So you are a super gardener? That is beneficial. Perhaps now everyone can have pretty lawns.”

    She gave him a little bit of a smile as she chuckled at her own joke. She stroked the flower before standing up. She may do some evil deeds but she didn’t want to upset anyone. Especially anyone that may be beneficial in the long run.-

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:20 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    She continued watching the television, watching as police were checking over the bank she had robbed. She was happy to know the teller made it back safely and without incident. That was exceptional to her. She then stood herself up and went to the boflex in the back corner of her room. She slid the parts to make it for lifting with her arms even if it caused her to watch the television upside down. She began lifting herself as the television went up and down as she lifted herself.

    She watched the bank calm down and everything turn out okay. She could only smile as the amount she got was probably not a lot compared to what they had. So it really wasn’t a detrimental loss. She then noted as armed robbers tried to sneak in out of veiw as the police were leaving. She sighed and got off of her machine, taking of her silky dress and placing her mask back on. She grumbled as she ran back through the alleys and made her way back to the bank.

    As she got there, the robbers were yelling at the bank tellers and screaming to put money in their bag. The tellers weren’t moving and the one robber put a gun to the teller’s head. She walked up to the other robber, who screamed as he was grabbed by the head. She picked him up and walked over to the other robber and said, “I would put the gun down if I were you.”

    The robber turned around and turned the gun onto her, his face meeting her hand as she picked them up. She gave a light sigh as she spoke again, “Now listen… Put it down and you keep your head. I already tapped this place out and you will NOT harm them. Understood?”

    The robber flailed and shot once of the innocents. She dropped the one who didn’t shoot, him crawling to a corner in a fetal position, and held the one who did shoot with both her hands on either side of his head. “YOu have three seconds to say you are sorry.”

    The robber screamed and she spoke, “One… two… three…” She pressed her hands together as hard as she could and a loud cracking was heard as his skull fractured apart in her hands. A horrible squishing noise followed as his brain was crushed and blood squirt out of it like a fountain. She dropped the body and turned to the children behind her that were coddled up to her parents and said, “You should leave and cover your children’s eyes.”

    The parents did as she asked and she turned to the tellers, “I am so sorry for this, I will not hit back here again for a while, I just did not want them tapping you dry. I would suggest you close for the day.”

    The tellers were confused by this but understood and did as she said. They started closing up and she forgot about the second armed robber until she heard a gunshot. She had moved a bit and it went through her arm and scratched her abdomen and went into but not out of her other arm. She turned to the second robber and grabbed him on the head with one hand and said, “You shouldn’t do that when you are allowed to live… NOW you will be publicly humiliated.”

    She stripped him and some of the teller handed her bags to tie him up with. She took him outside and set him in front of the bank. She then made her way back to her home, through the alleys again. and once there removed her mask once more and stopped to watch the news as they humiliated the captor. She smiled and placed her comfy dress back on and got back onto the boflex.-

    -Demise flew so far away that he was now standing on the moon before he screamed into the emptiness of space but because of the mask he was wearing sent out sonic vibrations that were picked up on all radio frequencies”With Boundless rage of crimson red,Deepest misery and growing dread,fuels us through the darkest night,Now feel my hate and begin to fight!” All the humans that heard this over there radio began to feel extreme anger and anyone who was angry at another human being went out and killed that person. Demise was looking at the earth and a couple third world country actually went dark in seconds.

    Demise put his head down before looking down at the moon and smirks before he burns the red lantern crest into the face of the moon. He then shot back down into Gotham standing on what was once Wayne tower. He then flies over to what was once the bat signal and he uses the power of his ring to activate the signal then he uses his ring to draw an X over the symbol so now that it shined into the night sky they new the Muse was no more.-

    •.She froze in the middle of the street when the lights inside the buildings turned on and people started screaming. She watched inside apartments as tenants attacked first their landlord, then each other. Her eyes widened as she looked around and saw that the world had suddenly woken up, and it was pissed; blood splattered windows in every direction, things (or people) were thrown through them. The silhouette of someone being strangled could be seen through a set of sheer blue drapes. People were beginning to spill out onto the street, and, gripped with fear, Andalique clutched at her umbrella as she turned and ran. Sirens were blaring, but when the police came into view, they ran people over instead of stopping them. She ran into an alley and clicked a button on her umbrella, hoping not to run into anyone crazy as she dashed off into the night.

    A few streets over, she reached her apartment, where Andalique saw the other tenants had more or less decorated it to fit her surname. “Oh my fuck, the hell’s going on?” She muttered, backing off into the shadows again. She looked up when she noticed a bum was pointing that direction – before he got stabbed by someone – and saw some strange symbol carved into the moon. “And what the shit is that!” She turned to rush back into the alley as she heard footsteps, and someone complaining about a girl’s voice making their migraine worse. Just as she turned a corner, she saw a man covered in blood running in after her. Aw, hell. She took quick, tight turns at every opportunity, hoping to loose the guy as she rushed off— only, where could she go? It seemed like everyone had suddenly lost their minds.

    She switched off her music, earbud having fallen out during all the running, and pushed the wires into her hoodie pocket. Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence had started playing, she knew that from the beat she’d been hearing. But…amazingly, she wasn’t in the mood to hear it in the midst of all the craziness that was already going on. Andalique started climbing up the side of a building, just to see if she could escape that way. Someone went screaming past her as she reached the second floor, and then she heard a thud below her. She climbed up to the fourth floor, stared up at the roof, and wondered if this was such a idea. Seemed like one of those crazies was up there throwing people… She jumped to a windowsill of the adjacent building and started climbing again, looking in windows. Eventually she found an empty room and climbed in, then went to hide in the upper shelf of the closet before twisting the light bulb just enough that if the power was switched on, it would stay out. She found a few blankets and piled them on top of herself, meaning to wait this craziness out.•

    -A couple pulls on the boflex made her realize that, perhaps working out wasn’t the best thing for her at the moment. Instead, she tore up the dress and began dressing the wounds. She heard something. Something that didn’t settle right with her. She finished dressing her wounds and wore her usual mask of her going out as a robber. She hid her apartment keys on her belt and locked her apartment door as she went out.

    Her heels clacked in her slow stride from her place to the bank. She saw the chaos around her but had only one goal in mind. She saw a crazy hobo running at her with a knife. She reached out and crushed his head with one hand, the knife never touching her. His bone structure was weak but she didn’t know that until his brains were dripping off her fingers.

    She walked the whole way to the bank, it was closed like she had asked them to do and she tried to rip it open. It wasn’t working for her and in her rage, she reached to her belt and took the safety off of the switch and turned it on. She gripped the metal of the door again as her muscles bulked more than they already were, and ripped the security door right out. She stepped in and sure enough, the teller was in there, mopping up. It was the one that pressed the button that they put on duty of getting rid of the evidence. She walked up to the man as the leather straps barely held her new mass and she gripped his head gently to pick him up.

    He cried and screamed for his life, her obviously not giving two fucks as she threw him up and caught him by the leg, it snapping his knee as he screamed out in pain. She then proceeded to grasp his foot and begin to twist it as he screamed in pain, even tried kicking her and smacking the mop at her. She twisted until it came the whole way off, throwing it aside then holding him closer as she twisted at his dislocated knee. She twisted that off as he screamed and blood spurted out all over her. She wasn’t going to let him die, not quite yet.

    She ripped off a leather strap and used it as a tourniquet for the leg. She did the same to his other leg and twisted them off. She did the same to his arms and made sure he was still alive despite the shock. She smirked and used one of her spikes to open up his stomach, turning him so he could see his guts hanging out as she reached her free hand into his chest cavity and crushed his heart. He had an awful look on his face as the nerves were giving off final signals. She crushed his head and took her leather straps back, heading out of the bank covered in blood but ready for more.-

    -Demise Was standing there and he fell the lights of those angry began to go out but what he wasent expecting was getting hit in the back by a blue blast of energy. He turned and smirked as he spoke “Hello Destiny finally back from the qualma Galaxy I see”. The female was standing with her arms crossed and tapping her foot before giving him a come hither motion with her ring finger that held her blue power ring. He smirked”but honey i dont feel like it tonight, i have a heahache and i have to be up early and you look like you on some pounds so you may crush me if your on top”. He knew he shouldent irritate her but she was weaker when angry and looked sexier but hey that was the other head thinking. Destiny created handcuffs and spun them around her finger as she slowly walked towards Demise”dont worry sweety when were done you”ll have the next few centuries to cure that headache”.

    Demise smirked decided to was time to run so he flew off like a bullet back down to earth as he turned off his ring in like mid flight two feet from the ground so he was back in his human clothes as he landed as he kept running dodging crazy loony people he had created.

    Destiny called for five other blue lanterns and they all spoke there Oath”In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite! When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright”

    There chant calmed everyone and anyone who was currently running angry just fell over unless they were strong willed.-

    Feeling herself get drug off she looked off into the darkness and light and watched everyone go nuts the red lantern energy in her suit protected her from Demises scream but that was the only saving grace she had right now aside from this girl as she got pulled away and was put into the apartment. Laying there unable to move for hours soon she was able to finally lift an arm and speak and looked to the girl that was sitting with her. “Can you keep a secret and tell no one?” she asked. Then watched her quickly leave laying there in a strange home her brain slowly rebooting she risked it and touched her mask with her hand and got a hold of wayne tech as they came barreling through the streets after about an hour they arrived at the apartment to collect her breaking in and picking the owner up and carrying her out once they have her in the back of a van they take off already analyzing the damage done to her body.

    Dionaea was working in Gotham arboretum as all of this went down his cage and his life he was not allowed to leave. He was totally happy about this he was not insane like his mother at least not to her extent he had been known to hurt many people who visited due to damaging the plants. He had never killed anyone though he protected Life. As he saw it plants where the first form of life on the planet. Though he also respected the humans on the planet he just wished they would respect the immortal and original life planets. with a sigh he opened his mouth and caught a bug in his mouth and it slowly got destroyed as he hummed and continued to prune a plant to help it grow

    -She began walking out but felt the sudden calming. She fell to her knees as her senses awoke and felt the venom in her veins. She reached to her belt and ripped out the entire thing from her. She shook a little bit but she felt alright as her muscle mass returned to normal. She was bleeding now though, profusely. She decided it was best to keep her keys on her and kick the belt with the venom canisters into the drain. She also threw her mask into it and layed herself down on the sidewalk. She calmly breathed in and out and waited for either help to drive or walk by or for some poor passerby to see the injured wrestling idol and call for help for her.-

    -Destiny and the other lanterns were going country to country to fix the damages that had been caused by Dante taking them only minutes with the amount of the power they had being in the same place. One found a large woman laying on the sidewalk bleeding badly so He used his power to heal the massive woman before taking off to the next.

    Dante had his back to a wall as he felt the calming power of the blue lanterns but he had a strong enough will to fend off the calming effect that would have killed him if he had allowed the energy to calm him completely. He ran to his apartment building see a twitching man laying on the sidewalk with what looked like a rolling pin shoved deeply up his rear. Dante made up and into his room locking the door but he was shocked to find Destiny in her human form laying on his bed which annoyed him. She was wearing nothing but one of his old high school football jerseys just like she use to when they were both only human.

    Dante sighed and went over and sat down on the bed while she draped herself in his lap as she spoke”you know my offer still stands that if you let me cure your heart you can have me again however you want”. Dante would slowly lay back on his bed staring at the roof wondering if being a red lantern and being free to choose where and how he used his power was worth being alone for the rest of his miserable life. He spit plasma into a bucket that caught fire because he forget there had been paper inside it. He used his ring to fling the basket out the window before he let air hiss between his teeth”you know ill never do it Donna”. This made her laugh as he drug her finger over his chest before grabbing his shirt and throwing him out the window where he would use his power to catch himself from falling to his death two feet from the ground. He then looked up and saw the flash of blue light right before the chains caught him from all directions pinning him to the ground by all six blue lanterns who had smirks on there face as they carried him away to there planet for trial.-

    •.Andalique noticed things seemed to have calmed down and sighed, kicking the blankets off of her and slipping down off of the shelf with a sigh before she walked out of the closet. She looked around the still dark and empty room, then walked to the window and slinging her leg over the sill. She glanced up at the weird moon, then down to the ground below, seeing the guy who fell from the roof laying with his arms and legs splayed across the blood-spattered cement. A stray dog had arrived on the scene and was tugging him away by the pants leg. “Sucks to be that guy…” She muttered to herself, swinging her other leg over and slowly lowering herself until her toes touched the outer framing of the window below. She spent a few minutes working to climb down, and when she reached the floor, she turned and realized…the dead guy was gone. Huh? Had the dog managed to pull him away already?

    She stepped out of the alley and sighed; it seemed things really had calmed down. Andalique pulled her hoodie off and looked over her body, having felt some uncomfortable tugging in her skin, as well as a few lances of pain. When she looked at her arms, she sighed; some of her stitches were ripped out, and a few of the needles that were supposed to be on the safety pin with the black and white beads that she had put through the skin on the back of her left hand had cut into her skin, leaving what appeared to be tally marks. ‘Must have been counting how many times I pissed myself back there…’ Anda thought to herself with a chuckle, remembering how she’d run around like a chicken with her head cut off.

    A black tube top with a fishnet undershirt was what she’d been wearing under the hoodie; from the fishnet hung several needles, most of which were now embedded in her. She pulled a few of them out with a grimace, watching the blood begin to drip down over her tattoos. How had she not felt that? A moment to feel the strange sparks that ignited her veins with every beat of her heart, and she had her answer; adrenaline. So, she’d accidentally poked herself full of holes thanks to her own janky fashion sense. Wonderful.

    She sighed and twirled her umbrella, clicking the button again and watching as it went flying away from her, even though she was still holding the handle. She gripped the rod left from the umbrella and pulled the handle off, revealing a few feet of line that was tied to a hole in what she still held in her hands; an over-sized needle that was approximately the two feet in length and clearly sharp. She grinned and turned to look around, untying the line and shoving it in her hoodie pockets as she pulled it back on, deciding she’d deal with sewing herself back up later. She walked up the steps to a building that she knew to be another apartment complex and slipped in the door quietly, wandering down the hall as she looked around.•

    As they got her to the complex they quickly rolled her in and one went to remove the suit and a burst of red spikes shot out from the back of her suit killing the man instantly. She shifted slightly and tapped a button and the suit started to peel away from her and just fall off and a jar with red energy hit the bed behind her. she started to have trouble breathing as her spine further degenerated. the techs quickly move the container and set it aside unmonitored and quickly they connected her to life support and started to perform very illegal and experimental surgeries on her.

    Dionaea stopped as someone came smashing through one of the windows of the arboretum and crushed a 32 year old rose bush. He quickly turns and the rose bush wraps around the man the thorns pressing deep into the mans skin. He listened to the man scream in pain and leaned down looking into the mans face. “Do you want to live?” he asked kneeling now cradling a blooming rose near the mans head as if it where a beautiful child.

    -She felt the healing blue energies and looked at her closed wounds. She sat up and felt herself over. She would get to live and that was a great feeling. She stood up and began checking for the wrappings to find they must have broken off when she was envenomed. She smiled and took the chance to walk the whole way back to her home. She knew what happened when she was enraged, but she didn’t want to ponder it. She unlocked her apartment and went inside, closing the door behind her. She went to her boflex and decided if she really wanted to be THAT bulky, she should do it on her own. She decided to try to do double reps, feeling great though she would change out of the leather straps and spikes to a black t-shirt and shorts instead. Then she would do 30 reps of 60 each of her exercises.-

    -Demise sighed as he slowly floated up into the sky allowing the old batman armor to fall from his body and it crashed kneeling on one knee in perfect condition the time it had been on Demise repaired the damage to it. It now stood as a symbol of Gotham because it was sealed shut from the heat of being on his body and the surge of his red lantern energy to its system ruined the electrical systems.

    Once they broke the atmosphere the six blue lanterns placed a hand on Demise and they all vanished to in front of the blue entity and the blue guardian. Demise dropped to his ass looking up at the weird looking alien”go ahead and take it, under the green lantern law you cant hold me against my will once you take my ring, and if I stay here long enough the other red lanterns will sense my location and track you down”. Donna smacked him across the face for speaking to there leader like that so he turned and spoke to her instead”oh calm your tits, ill be playing with them soon enough since all my time helping and killing people are about to go out the blasted window”.

    The leader of the lanterns walked over and placed his hand on Dante’s head and the rage that was within him vanished and the red uniform on his body vanished leaving him in a black hooded jacket with black cargo pants with a pair of red converse shoes. His red lantern ring turned into a class ring.

    The leader nodded to Donna taking her ring as well as her hope for the future had been fulfilled. He then raised up Dante shaking his hand before vanishing them both to a small town in England where they live lucky winning the lottery and having three children one who one day grow up to be the next leader of the Blue Lanterns.-

    -The eyes open of a new threat to the planet-

    He finally pulled his hand from the rose and leaned closer to the man as police came up and the rosebush tossed him out of the Arboretum and he tended to repairing it as the cops took the man who now had hundreds of holes and pricks in him. standing he walked to the edge of the broken window and looked at the cops as the Arboretum started to become overgrown and yet stopped right at the broken window seeming to frame him in the now jungle. “Keep him out of here the plants do not wish him back here.” he told the cops as one shackly walked up to him. she looked so frael and frightened of him. She offered her hand and held out hand cuffs. Looking to her and then to the cuffs he let his pheromones out just enough to calm her nurves with him and he turned around and placed his hands behind his back as she clicked them on him lightly and he looked to the plants and nodded to them as he left they then sealed off the arboretum and he was taken into custody.

    Sandra screamed in pain as they didn’t use anesthetic she refused it and ontop of it the drugs could kill her in her current state. as they started to strip the bone away from her spine they looked at the damage done to her spinal cord. as they found it they took and started to clamp a black cabeling against her spin that hardened some before expanding slowly along her spine.

    -She continued working out on her boflex, managing all of her reps swiftly and she felt the burn. She smiled and patted herself, “That is the good way.” She got up and took her shirt off, placing on a bed sheet around her and placing herself in her bed. It was not the most comfortable bed, but it was good enough. She decided to take a nap before eating eventually.-

    As he sat in the back seat the female officer soon shoot her head free of what he had done and he took control of his pheromones again. He was no maniac but he had been attacked. he was then carted off. As they traveled he watched the city he closed his eyes thinking about the painful death his mother had suffered. there is never a humane way to kill a plant. a tear pricked his eye and rolled down as they arrived at the station he stepped out and was escorted inside but wasn’t taken to a holding cell he was sat in front of the commissioners desk.

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -Antic jerked at the sudden pain when the IV was thrust into her heart. She shook a bit but kept herself as smiling and lighthearted as possible. She felt the stump getting smacked and hurt. She tried to laugh through it and waited until she left to finally let a few tears of pain out. When the doctor walked in, she heard what they had to say and stopped her tears. She gasped when the IV was removed and seemed at ease when she was checked. She looked at the Doctor and said, “Listen, benefactor or not, I would rather not go through any experimental crap. Just give me a cane and I can walk out of here just fine. I know very well you need the patient’s okay to do anything. I am NOT okaying any experimental crap.” She tried to sit herself up so she could get a move on and get out of there. She didn’t want anything to do with what might have been in store for her.-

    The doctor looked at the chart and raised a brow at her. “But it shows here that you signed the consent form and want it done in rush capacity are you saying you don’t want it anymore?” The doctor then continued to flip through the chart and saw the note left on the end and stopped dead in his tracks then looked to her then back to the chart. “I will have to check with administration see if there is some sort of mix up with all this chaos happening.” he then left out of the room and locked it behind her and looked at the page and the name scribbled on it and walked up to the cops handing them the chart. “Shes in room 35B she is extremely wounded we show she is scheduled for a Muse tech surgery that hasn’t been approved yet but it shows she signed everything.”

    The cops looked at the chart not really making heads or tails of it accept that the permissions where signed but they where not signed by the woman in that room. the woman who signed then was none other then Sandra Muse owner of Muse incorporated. the commissioner nodded and handed the chart back. “No one is to see those charts but me and you got that and prep her for surgery we need her able to be transported to a maximum security prison.” on that last page in big letters was the word Antic!!!!!!!

    -Antic watched as the doctor went out and locked the door. She knew she didn’t sign anything. Since she was already sitting and heard the door lock. She uprighted herself on her one leg and held onto the bed as she hobbled over to the window. She hopped across the room and began trying to open the window as quickly as possible. She opened the lock on the window and opened it up just enough to squeeze through. She wouldn’t have a way to close it but oh well. She wriggled her way out of the window, gripping weakly onto the ledge outside and tried to shimmy across the ledge with just her hands. She knew she was weak yet and she needed to be very careful. She tried to push herself to head to an area that dipped down a little.

    She reached out for the ledge as her strength began to fail and just barely pulled herself up onto the rooftop of the lower area. She found a tall ledge there and sat down behind it in order to rest for a moment and regain herself before trying to get herself down and away. She knew she’d have to find new stuff to wear and that she had a place to go to in order to find it. She just needed to get there by herself. For the moment, she breathed deeply and evenly, trying to figure out how she was going to get down.-

    The doctor runs off and sets to prepping for the surgery as the cops place gaurds outside the room the Commissioner walks into the room after unlocking it to find the window is open and rushes out telling them to start searching the ground a one legged woman couldn’t have gotten far. He then walks to the desk and orders the hospital into lock down no one comes or leaves tell he says otherwise. he then places a call to the outside to get helicopters into the air to search the roof and exterior of the building as the cops start to search the lower grounds for her.

    Reading over the data from the night before she was wondering about the weird energy signitures she had been reading and was wondering if it was possible to recreate them. As she continued to read over the data she thought for a moment and tapped her fingers on the desk. Then flipped images of the man up onto the screen and enlarged them staring at the man for several moments. “Who are you?” she asked as she then looked back to the report and started to read over it.

    -Antic peeked as cops spread around through the premises, her plans only needing more worked out. She went back against the wall and knew she needed to move quickly. She decided it was time to do or die, literally. She waited for a group of cops to pass by and made sure other groups weren’t looking at the time. She quickly lowered herself down and ended up landing on her good leg. She felt it pop, her knee had disconnected. She gritted her teeth and used her stump and disconnected portion to walk on the knees and her hands to move her faster. She tried to crawl as far away as possible despite the supreme pain. She made sure to get herself to a sewer drain, forcing it open and dropping her bottom in. She lowered herself in and held one arm onto the ladder and pulled the sewer drain slowly with her other hand. She lowered down the rest of the way and used her arms to crawl along in the sewers until she was completely and utterly lost. She finally tired out and sat herself against the edge, then tried to pop her ‘good’ leg back into place.-

    Finally tossed the small tablet onto the desk and stood up and stared at the man and then touched the screen and swiped it over onto a holo-projector and walked around it as she shuddered feeling the suit slowly pull the needles from her spine slowly getting light headed as the data flow stopped and she got a little dis-oriented and feel onto her ass as the last needle pulled out of her spin and she stood there looking at the man on the projector with this bewildered look on her face tell her brain caught up and she made sense of what was going on and realized the new suit either was worn constantly or only in dire emergency. Standing up She runs her hand over her naked body as multiple holes can be seen on her back form the suite. Picking up the suite she walked over and plugged it in to run analysis as she stepped into a cylinder that ran around her and inspected her body for damage from the suit.

    -Demise stood up and looked around the city and he felt the pulse of the one he had wounded slow and then finally stop. He sighed happy that the problem was over but he knew a new one would soon rise to take its place so he headed towards the museum of hero’s to take something that would give him a step up in the battles to come. He blew the door down with a ring blast before floating in standing in front of a suit of armor that was slightly cracked and he smiled at it. He ran his hand over the glass looking in on the bat armor that had been used to defeat the villain Bane. He opened the case and fitted the armor around his street clothes and the armor turned red with a Red Lantern crest in its chest where the bat symbol once was. He did not take the mask as he didn’t want to disrespect the memory. The armor turned rigid like it was covered in scales before it forms a skeleton mask over his face along with bone line tendrils that cover up his hair so it could no longer be visible and his eyes capped over in a yellow film.-

    -Tall heels clicked on the sidewalks of Gotham, her hiding her normal outfit under a fur coat she had saved up most of her salaries for. It was a full mink from shoulder to her ankles in order to hide her usual leather outfit and still on top of that, a spandex outfit. She had canisters on her hidden spiked belt which she had acquired from an after battle party and tracked down the supplier to sneak her own. Yet she was on advertisements that were miniature, only on sports channels. She wanted to be as famous as her papi, but not as dependent on the venom. She made sure it was always kept off.

    She looked down as a small child came up to her and touched her mink coat. She simply smiled and said, “Hello there niño. What would you like?”

    “Could you autograph my homemade mask?” He smiled brightly and held out a crudely hand-made mask that looked kind of like her grand papi’s.

    She took the mask carefully and reached into her mink coat, searching her pockets for a writing implement but finding none. She looked at him and said, “I have nothing to sign it with, so how about this… Instead of signing this, I will come to your school and be your best friend for the day?”

    The boy’s eyes widened as he hugged her and said, “Thank you! I would love that!” He went over and immediately told his mother everything.

    The mother came over and said, “I am so sorry about that, he just has seen you compete and thinks that he can be the next you and…”

    Banna stood straight up and held her fingers to the mother’s lips. “It is quite alright. Where is the boy’s school?”

    The mother took a deep breath and said, “A couple blocks from here. You are a treasure, miss.”

    She smiled as she watched the mother and her child walk away. She certainly would have to remember this. She remembered it as clearly as the day she tried venom for the first time. That party was a riot until she nearly ripped the one kid’s spine from his flesh. It was good times until that. She had to stop reminding herself of how fun it was and thought on what it had done to ones before her. She shook her head and went to her apartment in the lower parts of town.

    She opened the door carefully and nearly got her keys stuck. She walked into her apartment and placed the mink and her work suit into the closet. She looked down at her belt and debated switching belts to one not carrying canisters. She sighed and knew it would be too painful, so she just jammed it into the off position and placed a safety lock onto it. She changed her work mask out for her other mask, the mask she used to rob places.

    She would then contemplate where to go, thus deciding on a typical bank more towards the center of the city. She took off out of her home and made sure to only travel through alleys, heading for a middle sized bank and stepping into it and saying, “This is a hold up. If you wish to live, please hand over one register full of cash and remain on the ground. If the authorities are alerted, you will be severely punished.”

    She watched as all the bankers began to panic and one decided to press the silent alarm while the others did as she said. She watched them as they began putting money into a bag.-

    As the scan finished she stepped out and stretched and the suits analysis was almost completed her body had finished being scanned and it sent a read out that she would need to report to a WaynTech doctor for immediate treatment for spinal degeneration. she nearly looked pissed then screamed out in pure rage. Then Punched the wall her hand bleeding instantly and she looked back to the man on the holo Projector and sighed. Sliding naked into the chair she crossed her legs and flipped through the information and nodded. “Alright Lets do this to what’s left of WaynTech.” She couldn’t completely take the company over she couldn’t do that to him he had been good to her. His father and grandfather had taken care of this city for so long she knew it was best to listen to these systems. Standing up and looked to the suit.

    Pulling the suit up and draping it over her arm she walked towards the wall to start her way up then blinked as an alert came through and she watched the screen and narrowed her eyes. “You BASTARD.” she quickly stepped back into the suit as it reconnected into her spine and she screamed as it reconnected quickly and harsh. Shuddering she grabbed her Mask and slipped it on taking a breath. “Your dead….” she stumbled briefly before her body caught up she had screwed up somewhere in the design but didn’t have time to diagnosis the problem it was working now and she would visit WaynTech after this.

    Turning and stalking to a large round pad that had a large vehicle under it that was covered by a cloth with so much dust on it that no one would think it had been touched in years and in truth it hadn’t been touched in decades. gripping it she jerked it off and tossed the cloth to the side and there sitting before her was a vehicle the city had not seen in so many years and she tapped a button on the list and the Bat mobile roared to life and opened and she hopped into it and shot out of the ground level flying through the city heading straight for the Museum of justice.

    -Demise stood in the middle of the road with his hands behind his back and with this new armor he was no longer wearing a ring on his finger instead it was turned into the wrist guard. He used his red ring to create a claymore that had the hand guard in the shape of a batrang. Demise felt the anger coming closer and his smile slowly grew but it couldn’t be seen through the new mask. Once she was within half a mile of Demise he activated the suit and instead of the needles stabbing into the spine they stabbed into pure energy that activated as a medium between him and the armor. He never moved as the car comes flying towards him at top speed and as soon as it was in arms reached he slammed his hands into the hood sending it flipping over his head crashing into a dumpster. He would then turn waiting to see if she was still alive after the accident. He knew his new look would piss her off and he could sense it through her emotions. He wondered if he could somehow find the remnants of superman somewhere in the remnants of the Brainic infested Metropolis.

    -Mistress watched as the bag was finally filled and she walked up and took the bag. She turned to the door to see one police car come up. She looked back to the tellers and said, “Please tell me, who pressed the button?”

    The one teller shakily tried to answer, the hulking female coming up to him and grabbing him by the back of his shirt. She held him in front of her and walked out in front of the cops. They had guns but would not shoot the teller. “If you please would stay there, nothing happened but I must assure I escape,” She spoke firmly to the cops and then walked until she was out of sight of them.

    She placed the teller down and said, “You may return to your job, just don’t do that again.”

    He nodded and ran away from her. She smiled to herself as she took the alleys back home, going into her apartment and placing down the large bag of cash. She placed on a fake silk dress and sat down on her couch, taking her mask off to relax a little bit as she watched the news.-
    ~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~

    she watched as data pulsed through her brain and the mask as the analyzed it right then and as the car flipped the top slipped open and she brought her fist down into the mans skull with full force of her dead weight drop onto him and force of a thrown punch. as she twisted once connected with the punch she dropped to her feet if she managed to make the hit at all the calculations said she would at least make the hit so the maneuver was pulled but the landing may not of been as graceful as she wanted if she wasn’t caught off guard and managed to land. “YOU BASTARD.” hearing the car land in the dumpster she focused her rage was clean and clear but it was controlled by sheer will power and hope to win against him.

    -Demise’s mask became even more solid so when she punched it there was only a crack that ran down the right eye. He then raised his right hand up creating a bed of spikes where she would soon land before he used his speed of being a lantern to get behind her and fire a spike directly at the system that connected the suit to her spine. If this landed it would disengage the suit meaning it would shut down and leave her defenseless ending the fight and he would fly off and out of the solar system. If this dose not land he would create something new for her to ponder over, they were giant saw blades that began to cut up the road at sixty miles per hour to try and slice and dice her and anything else that gets in the way of them.-

    The spike hit the system dead on and something odd happened that he didn’t expect the energy from the construct get drawn into the suit at least tell the suit over loaded and she crumpled to the ground landing on the bed of spike but with how she hit the thing it was like landing on a bed of nails painful and annoying to say the least but she would live and she rolled off as best she could but was left on the ground trying to figure out how to move the spinal damage was to much and the disorientation was setting in. she looked around confused and dazed for hours but didn’t know what was going on and her body wasn’t responding or moving at this point.

    •.A black cat sat on a trash can in an alley, yowling up at the second-story window of an apartment where a fluffy white cat sat in the sill, yowling back. They were both puffed up with their fur standing on end. As a chilly breeze brushed down through the alley, trash swirled and tumbled from bags that had been dumped on the ground beside rear building emergency exits that were either not fully tied or had holes ripped in them by scavenging stray animals. The walls were grimy, and the stink of both garbage from the streets and urine from a partially-open manhole filled the air.

    Leaning against one such filthy wall and watching the cats yowl at each other was a girl of about eighteen, ice blue eyes trailing between cat and window as she tapped her black umbrella against the floor. She had on a hoodie that had at one time been solid black with cat ears but now had one cut off and was covered in embroidered-on stitches, free hand embedded in its pocket. Black hair streaked with chrome blonde fringed the left side of her face, but nothing came from the right, and music blasted from ear buds (one was in, the other hanging out, so she could hear). Her eyes were thickly lined with purple, and she had black lipstick on; she had snake bites in, along with a set of three piercings that ran the length of her nose. She had a short black skirt on and striped black and red leggings with tears in random places, giving peeks at skin that had been marred with ink, knife, and needle. Black boots with one-inch heels covered her feet, spiked and steel-toed.

    She happened to look outside of the alley and turned to see a strange guy, and since he was dressed weird she wandered to the edge of the alley in order to look out and watch him. After a few minutes, she heard a car engine. Ordinarily, that wouldn’t have peaked her interest much at all; this one she was very interested in, because it didn’t sound like anything she’d ever heard before and it sounded like it was working hard. Like a speeding car. And then she saw the car, and it was as strange-looking as the man she’d been watching. Even stranger? Though surely the driver could see the guy in the middle of the street, he or she was not slowing down. Hell, the girl (named Andalique Blood) was almost convinced that it was speeding up instead. Her eyes, outfitted with extra-long fake silver eyelashes, widened, and her eyebrows raised. Was she watching an intentional hit-and-run in the making? Damn!

    She was new to this city, having only moved here a week ago, and she’d been warned that some wild things tended to happen, but…she never expected to be able to see it! She momentarily wondered if she should call the cops. At least, until the guy turned around and instead of, oh, say, panicking or trying to run, he just stood there. When the car reached him, he punched it – ‘Dear god, what a looney’ she thought – and instead of being sent flying like a normal person, the car went flying! The top was sliced off and the driver, a woman, came out punching him on top of the head as she exited the now-flipping vehicle. A moment later, she was down for the count, and Anda’s jaw dropped. “Oh, joy…” ‘Superfreaks.’ She finished mentally, trying to decide whether she should run towards the lady and try to help her up, or run away. She didn’t even know what was going on.

    Andalique turned and looked to where the alley cat was, only he wasn’t there anymore; apparently he had more sense, and had taken off running when the insanity started. Andalique sighed and decided to do the opposite of what her possibly-much-smarter ten-minute companion had chosen to do and ran out into the street, heading for the now-disoriented looking woman and moving to try and help her up, then drag her off to Anda’s apartment a few streets over. Her mom was at work, and she figured that as long as the woman wasn’t still there when Mother Dearest got home, things would be fine.•

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:16 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    lowly stripping out of her outfit she placed it on the stand and heard her cell go off and sighed reaching over she looked at who was calling and tapped the screen twice to answer. “Hey Frank how are thing… Oh you know usual out for a midnight stroll went for a ride stood out on the ocean and watched the waves come on.” She was leaving out the fun bits but hey he didn’t need to know that listening to him go on about his boring day she rolled her eyes and sat down bringing up her computer and started to sift through email and financial reports for her company and smiled seeing that she was ordering the right quantities of things to keep from getting caught but still small enough not to be looked at. She sighed and closed the monitor to it.

    Walking over to her work station she sat down and looked across the screens as the information from the night started to filter in and get cross referenced. “Okay Frank so long as something doesn’t come up we will go on a date next Friday please have a good day.” She then hung the phone up and tossed it onto the desk as he fingers ran across the holographic keys reading the reports and correlations that were made. She then looked at the report that the cleanup efforts at the asylum where not going as planned. Watching the report she sighed and looked back at her costume and then to her mask on the dock and shook her head. “not tonight I had everything sealed up not my fault you didn’t move fast enough to take care of everything.” She then rolled away and let the report continue to be made she would read it in the morning and walked over to her bed and just flopped into it and closed her eyes.

    The police were having trouble with the inmates as most where already free and they didn’t know why also they were laughing and having fun and causing trouble most were not fighting at this point in time but they were pushing and goofing around things where getting funny and some of the cops where ever getting effected some ever got sprayed directly the commissioner was outside listening to it and sighed. “Muse where are you when we could use your help I hope you are okay.”

    -Dante awoke the next morning turned over in his bed and spit out plasma before his sighed realizing that using his ring as much as he had was reverting him back to his primal side. He was one of the few who had been cleansed in the sea of blood by his leader but with his re-birth he had broke away from the other red lanterns. He did not choose to hunt for Sinestro corp or the other lanter corps. He feared a blue lantern may one day find him but since he did not kill like his fellow brothers of the rage.

    He summoned up his energy and quelled his rage with made his ring scream at him but he did not listen. He walked over to the sink spin in it once before turning on the faucet allowing the water to wash it away before it could burn away at everything in the apartment.

    He walked over to his window and jumped out thinking of the loss of his father instantly made his rage burn quick once more before he would jet over the asylum. He watched cops being carted out on stretches and others in body bags. He flew down real quick using the ability to refract the light around himself to make sure he wasent seen. He decided they had enough time to play so he got inside and as he walked past the insane he would flick them in the center of there forehead and they would drop like a bag of bricks allowing the cops to catch them and handcuff to make them submit when they awake. He started sealing the cans of paint so the poison could no longer spread.

    He then shot up into the and flew into the sky to watch and sence for more danger.-

    -Antic had been rather busy during the night. She had made sure everyone inside had gone completely off the wall before coming out of her hole. She would walk out amongst the gases, unaffected as she used to test it on herself in doses. That is what got her in there in the first place, testing it on herself and others. She was sloppy then, but not so much now. She walked up to cops that lay twitching on the ground from the gases, slitting their throats to end their miserable and slow deaths. She had went around to the prisoners too, if they were twitching, she’d kill them. If they were semi-conscious, she left them be to recover. She took ones that had overcome the gas and offered them a way out, following her. Most of them would go with her, thankful for her breaking them out.

    They would go to cops in the building, taking their clothes and placing them on. They made sure they found ones that would fit each of them. They would then walk out amongst the outer cops, being deemed ‘survivors’ of the dreaded ordeal. They refused the hospitalization but were made to go anyway. They all ended up in the same room, them grouping up and easily taking the hospital quietly. They let it run like normal but would sneak out in doctor’s robes and steal from different areas of the city. Then the collected amount would be brought back into the hospital, them hiding in the hospital’s panic room, all except for Antic herself. She stayed alone in the Hospital’s security center, having all the security rounded up and killed in that room. She locked the room up and decided to nap until dawn.

    Her eyes would flutter back open when the sun peeked in through the window. She gave a content sigh as she figured, soon word of her escape would get out so, might as well begin booby trapping the place. She placed on security gear, keeping her makeup off and wearing shoes from off one of the bodies. She also tied her hair up and tucked it into a hat. She looked extremely normal. She would go out into the hospital and act as if she was doing rounds, sneaking food to her cohorts and setting up fire traps of her spray. She also set up explosives but made sure it all blended into the surroundings. She was being cautious and very careful while having her ‘fun’.-

    She spent the night in fitful sleep waking only to feel unrest-ed and groggy. Looking over at her computer she sees the data was done being compiled then grabbed her cellphone and looked at the time and angerly tossed it onto the bed before standing up and walking over to her closet. watching the door slide open she watched as outfits slid by in front of her. Stopping at a nice skirt suit she smiled and slipped into it smoothing her seams and walked over into a set of heels. “Some times i swear the board room is worse then what I deal with out there.” walking out she snagged her phone off the bed and her tablet off the table and slipped into her car and sighed driving off to the corporate building as she read through the news from this morning. Reading over the happenings of the night before and money trends she was surprised they kept the events at the asylum quite.

    -Demise turned from the asylum and his gaze fell onto the hospital one of the few benefits of being a red lantern compared to another lantern was he could sense hostile intent so he knew when a crime was taking place. He took off at full speed landing at the door and hiding his ring before pulling a large black jacket over his uniform hiding him to move among these “guards”. He watches the light in his pocket as it slowly grows brighter he turns face to face with the female guard who felt like she had no place being a guard. Demise created chains and launched them from his ring through his pocket towards the female guard trying to lock her to the wall making sure this time she wouldn’t get free.-

    -Antic walked amongst the other ‘guards’ that were in the hospital. She noticed someone stare at her and then sudden red chains flying at her. She quickly leapt out of the way in a half cartwheel and shrieked, “Halt you!” The other ‘guards’ turned and immediately tried to beat up the red lantern, brandishing nightsticks. She immediately took off and out of the crowd and ran to a phone, dialing 9-1-1. When the operator picked up she gave the address of the hospital and said, “There is a man here with red floating chains trying to attack the hospital!” She heard them say they would be right on it then she darted out of there as fast as she could. She was hoping to make it back into the security quarters to lock herself inside.-

    As the meeting droned on she would flip through the news and watched the charts as the came up clearly uninterested and bored with the events. Finally having enough she slammed her tablet down on the table to catch everyone’s attention and stood up. “Well this is all very fascinating and great and I am sure it is showing how we are loosing money and how we could increase profits. So how about instead of telling me about it we just do it. That is so long as it does not effect our employees. No employee cuts. Now if you will excuse me finish the meeting with out me and leave a full detailed report on my desk.” she then snatched up her tablet leaving the entire bored with their jaws hanging open. Stepping out she slipped a Bluetooth into her ear and tapped it listening to the police band hearing about an attack on guards at the local hospital.

    Sighing she shook her head and walked down the hall and slipped into her office and locked the door. walking over to the wall that has her computer on it she typed in a password and a door slid open as security went dark and she slipped into the room as the door closed the security came back up and she was gone she made a call phone her Bluetooth and let them know she had left the building and everything was fine. Walking up to a solid metal case that was as tall as she was she pulled it open and there stood a prototype battle suit. She hadn’t finished testing it but from the sounds of it she didn’t have time. Pulling it out and slipping it on she felt hundreds of tiny pricks into her spine and close her eyes sighing as the link between the suit and her was created now feeling it like a second skin she took and slipped into an elevator that had all sorts of fun toys that she started to grab bit by bit as it sank down into the sub basement area of the building that wasn’t even listen on public record.

    -Demise watched her jump out of the way and it pissed him off at his chains caught another guard. He formed a red ax and started walking towards the female clown just removing the heads off of guards trying to block his way. He knew they were insane inmates but god there blood just made him happy and he pulled off his hood and a spiked mask formed that looked like a spiked crown around his head and he began to laugh evilly. He placed his hand on a wall and spikes shot out and scoured into people through the heart and brain leaving them dead instantly. He then used his ability to create alternate rings and launched what looked like red wolves that if they made contact would rip appart any limb they landed on. He had one going for every limb, croth, and throat.-

    -Antic became extremely afraid, she ran from the spikes as they came out and defiantly away from the man causing it and laughing. She found herself hitting a back corner, turning around to see the wolves coming at her. She tried to move at the last moment but one ripped off her right leg and she shrieked out in pain for a second. She then forced herself to laugh as she gripped onto her bleeding out leg, her blood squirting out of her leg as she started becoming pale. She scooted herself onto the wall and sat against it laughing like a maniac. She then looked at the angered red man and said, “Do it! Finish it! Finish the game! You know you want to upset the balance here!” She laughed but it coughed out, she stopped looking at the man and ended up looking forward. She was getting weak fast but wanted to try and push herself up to fight. She had no gadgets on her other than her silly string on her and a match. Of course! The match. She took it out silently and tried to light it, it catching on a third strike and her trying to drop it. If it hit the ground, it would catch the silly string next to her and it’d all catch fire and go boom! Including her.-

    When the elevator hits the bottom floor she steps out snatching a trench coat off the call this one moves less like cloth or leather but more like chain mail as she threw it over her shoulders she shrugged and adjusted the dragon mail coat and sighed. kicking her leg over an exeramintal chopper she kicked it on and it didn’t roar to life but instead a slight hum was heard and the bike lit up then dimmed and she took off up a ramp running at speeds of over 350mph and as the bike flew into the air she twisted it int he direction of the hospital and was weaving between traffic the gloves of the new power suit she was wearing had connected into the bike allowing her to make quick adjustments at these speeds via thought.

    As she was heading towards the hospital she hit the breaks hard and flipped the bike jerking it to land back on the wheels and stops a mugging by hitting the mugger with the back tire.

    -Demise got back into his proper mind set long enough to blast a hole into the wall smashing through a radiator that blew red hot steam onto her wound so that her wound would now be sealed shut. He then turned and shot strait up into the air then sky rocketed past the girl on the bike before standing on top of a building and screaming up into the morning sky. He had blood coming from his eyes, ears and mouth that formed a puddle on the roof top.-

    -Antic felt the burning radiator seering her wound shut and blowing out the match. She gave a disgruntled huff as she realized that she was going to live. Her eyes looked at the fallen grunts of her posse and she couldn’t help but smile at the chaos. She was only going to have one leg from here on out, though. That was a bummer but not entirely. She tried to get herself up, some doctors coming to her and lifting her up, placing her into a room by herself with an IV to replenish her blood. Once they started helping her, they left her alone so they could do some back ground research on her, not even taking her name for fear it’d rattle her. They also fought to keep the press out of her room, seeing as she was the lone survivor of the incident amongst the guards.-

    She arrived just as the first of the respondents for the cops did hopping over there cars and skidding to a stop. She got off the bike and stalked into the hospital as the chaos insued while they where trying to get everything arranged and people helped she was able to quietly slip through the hospital taking unused corridors and soon double backed to the room antic was laying in and slipped in locking the door behind her and walked over and looked at the disgusting wound the woman hand and walked over. Gripping the IV she just jerked it out of her and smiled… “Well we will be alone tell someone realizes something is wrong so lets play a game and see how long it takes you to die before someone can get in here and stop me.” she smiled down and started to pat the woman’s wound.

    -Antic had just gotten settled when the IV was ripped out of her and she saw her face. She felt the patting on the wound and hissed in pain but changed it to a laugh. She looked at her and said, “Why the hell do you want to kill me? I didn’t do anything wrong~!” She kept the laugh up despite the pain. She knew her body was bound to fail without enough blood to replenish her system. She looked at her with these hurt eyes, filled with pain despite the laughing and smiling. She was not just physically hurt but highly offended at her way of being treated. Surely she had morals? If not then oh well. There goes the neighborhood.-

    Grins down at her and leans in close looking deep into her eyes and took the IV Needle and jammed it directly through her chest at an angle pushing it into her heart and increased the flow then smiled and pulled up the chart and scribbled something on it. then took and slammed the metal clipboard against the wound and hung it on the bed again and then sauntered to the door. “Rest well your ass is mine.” she then slipped out the door and walked out of the hospital and got on her bike and took off into the heart of the city. Turning into her tower and slipping down into the parking garage she slipped through the back wall as it shimmered then went back to being solid and parked and walked over to a computer and connected to her server and started to download the information from the day before to review.

    A Doctor walked into the room Antic as in and looked at the chart and raised a brow looking to her then to the chart. “You have a very big benefactor you have been given the okay for an experamental surgery.” The doctor then looked at chart then back to the woman and realized where the IV was and quickly pulled it and checked to make sure there was no damage her heart had pulled the blood straight from the bag as it was pouring into her body

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:10 pm in reply to: Gotham RP

    -In the back corner of a cell, a female figure runs her fingers through her hair. The low light catches multiples of colorful streaks speckled through her black mane. Her quad-colored lips parted just barely in the middle, just showing the shadow against her teeth and the gap between as air flowed sharply out in a deep sigh. The tone was bored but there was always a way to fix boredom. She had herself a plan. She was in a standard suit for all residents of Arkham asylum, with the additive of a straight jacket that was supposed to be closed but she had wriggled her way out of it.

    Her eyes notice through the periphery a nearby guard standing and doing nothing. She knew he was going to do rounds soon so she moved silently from her corner. Her light weight made it easy for her footsteps to be unheard as she went to her room’s lavatory. She slid her hand out of the sleeve, gripping a shiv and allowing the sleeve to fall back down. She made her way back to the corner and wrapped her arms as was appropriate to appear still confined.

    The guard began to move, he began his way down the opposite side. She smiled a toothy grin, hiding it as he moved away and she brought herself close to the center of her cell. She knew a roommate across the way would hear and see her. She began panting and grunting before falling over in the center of the cell. Just as expected, the other resident was shouting for the guard. She continued writhing on the ground noticing that the guard came in, blindly without back up personnel. She waited until he was right on top of her before she whipped her hand out and nabbed his hand as he was about to call for backup, abruptly ending his call.

    She lifted herself behind him and wrapped her legs around his stomach, her other hand placing the shiv to his throat as she whispered into his ear, “You will take me to the head guard now, Mr. dummy guard, and if you dare make a sound or alarm any other guards, I will use this shiv to make you into a fun skin puppet! So please, scream for me!” She cackled at it and held on tight as he began to move.

    She rode on him the whole way down the hallway. She noticed he was very careful to not alert other guards and took her right to the head honcho. Once in the room, she slit his throat and looked at him. The main guard reached for the phone but she threw her shiv to land right through his hand. He recoiled in pain and she recoiled her other hand into a sleeve, faking having another shiv. She hit a lever to release everyone and got onto the intercom, “Dear Residents of Arkham Asylum. I am your new host, Antic~! Now if you would please form a calm and orderly bout of chaos in rounding up guards and capturing your exacted amounts of flesh! But be nice to one another~! OR I WILL TEAR ALL YOUR HEADS OFF!”

    She cackled over the intercom and released the button as she turned to the head guard and said, “You… get my clothes and MAYBE you will live. Weapons and all, hurry up now the time is ticking!” She watched him take off, keeping a close eye on the security cameras as he went and got her clothes. She watched him run the whole way back and as he came back in, he threw her clothes at her. She noticed a little blood from his hand on it and said, “Aww, too bad.” She pressed a knife from her coat and threw it right out of the sleeve and into his throat.

    She giggled, stripping and placing on her clothes. She looked at the stains and said, “These had better come out!” She walked passed the Guard as he gurgled on his own blood, gripping his clothes and throwing him out, locking him out as she commandeered the security room as her own. She would place herself into the rolling chair, pushing herself around the room for fun for a few seconds then leaning back in it and placing her heavy combat boots up onto the panels and folding her hands behind her back. “This is a wonderful rendition to my new home,” She said to herself as she cackled contently with a demented smile.-

    She had been running from roof top to roof top as read outs came across her right eye as it danced from side to side she stopped atop the cross of the church and looked out over the city. This was a central building it pretty much gave her a 360 view of Gotham. The wind came across and blew her trench coat and she lowered into a perch blinking flipping screens on the HUD she was reading. Then she saw the sirens and lights go flying by and blinked a few more times flipping through the HUD and shook her head. “Great my worst nightmare… The cops don’t stand a chance.” Taking and launching into the air she did a summer sault and dove towards the ground shifting in the air and landing on her bike. The thing took off once she was seated on it and she shifted through the swarming police cards and even ramped over one to get ahead of them. As she came up on the scene they were already cordoning off the asylum.

    Stepping off her bike she walked past the cops and looked to the commissioner and then to the asylum. “So who caused this mess?” She asked angry about even having to deal with this again. She sighed and closed her eyes. The Commissioner turned and looked to her. “A guard went into a high profile cell alone. We fear he is already dead. “Growling she pulled her famous disappearing act and was now standing at the side entrance to the building. Pulling out a cable she plugged into the computer pad on the door and she listened to the bleeps tell the door opened and she slipped in closing the door behind her letting it lock in place. “So how many inmates are out?” she wondered as she started to walk down the hall pretty sure she was already being watched and narrowed her eyes he anger at this situation bubbling over as she focused on the mission at hand and recapturing those that where free. Having put most of them away she figured this was a suicide mission but the police where not capable of dealing with this on their own.

    -Dante was leaning back against a building when the sirens began to scream and wail alerting him there was chaos taking places. He turned and began to walk up the side of the building as his ring on his right index finger glowed red. He reached the middle of the building before launching off it leaving an impact before most of the windows on the building shattering launching himself high into the clouds as he looked down onto his ring and a light pointed towards the asylum so he shot off like a bullet towards it.

    He landed on the tower feeling the sweet anger flowing from everyone inside but he instantly felt the energy of two creatures that he had spectated from a distance one being a hero another a villain so he though a little push and he may see a true fight. He entered into the building cutting off his glow so he looked like a normal human in a red and black hoody. He put his right hand in his pocket and as soon as it was hidden a man ran towards him. Dante leaned back then slammed his head into the mans forehead killing him on impact by causing the brain to bounce again and explode.

    He then jumped up landing on the rafters quietly where he watched the woman with silver hair make her way deeper into the darkness not caring about the men running towards him that kept tripping. Unseen to them he was creating constructs that tripped them making them fall off the rafters down to the ground below.

    He felt something out of the corner of his eye and got close lined by a large inmate who was so insane he gave off no anger. It had caught Demise by surprise but only for a second as he formed a bed of spikes turned on his side that the man ran right into when he tried it again.

    Demise had to fight his way through nine men before he found his way back to the girl who intrigued him, It wasent his nature to hide and watch, his instincts were to hunt and kill but he fought against such to enjoy the show. He had learned that if he didnt kill that the rage of suffering a loss could fuel Demise the next time they meet in combat.

    -Antic saw a blurp on the camera, nothing big as it seemed the thing passed by swiftly and seemed like an inmate who found their clothes. She then also noticed a woman who was making her way into the place by breaking in. She flopped her feet down and grabbed the microphone and said, “Oh boys~! and esteemed ladies! We have a feminine guest! Would you please escort her to her cell or grave?!”

    She released the the button and smiled as she spun in the seat. She knew no one could get inside without her opening the door. She stood herself up and began dancing around, humming classical music as she thought of beautiful blood shed and chaos. She even tried to type in an order for more people, specifically prisoners, to be sent to the asylum.-

    Turning the corner she ducked a punch and spun around bringing her elbow hard into the lower lumbar of them and as he bent she did a flip kicking her leg up into his face and continued to twist wrapping her leg around his neck and dropped her weight breaking his neck as a small piece of metal that looked like a music note came flying and landed into an oncoming woman’s arm. “FUCK.” She reached into her coat and came out with Gauntlets on and sighed gripping them and they sparked. “Let’s play boys and girls. “as she came through the flooding hall back handing people sending them flying with a 1000wat charge of electricity and dropping low to drip others and putting her elbows into their noses to leave them either knocked out or dead she didn’t seem to care which at this point then saw a brute come charging through as he through inmates off and she got wide eyed and turned running. She saw the man in his red hoody in the rafters when she performed a backflip up into the rafters rolling over it and then coming down slamming both fists into the man’s back just below his shoulder blades. As she jerked her hands back she did another back flip to kick him in his nuts and jumped back being quickly grabbed by two women. “FUCK”

    -Demise sighed watching the woman catch sight of him meaning he could no longer hide like he had planned. He jumps from the rafters landing on his feet with a red flash emitting from his body that slowly shrank until it was only around his body. He looked up and his red eyes looked into the women’s that were holding the silver haired woman. They began to run right at the Lantern who smirked as he used his ring to open a cell who had a padded walls and used a large paddle to smack them both into before slamming the door closed in return. He turns to the brute who was a little staggered but somehow stayed on his feet deciding the Lantern was more worth his time decided to attacked Demise charging at full speed. Demise covers his right hand in the red energy and right before he makes impact lands his fist into the mans chin sending him into the roof and out landing into the waters below.

    Demise took in a deep breath to calm himself, the more he used the ring the harder is was to calm its fury and thirst for blood. He turned to the woman and his glowing red eyes would calm until they were simply red and no longer glowing. Demise held up his ring and pointed at the woman”give me a reason to fire and not only will you wake up chained in this hell hole but they will be free and ull be naked.”-

    Watching she was on her knees ready to attack as he issues his warning he didn’t seem a direct threat and she made note of him and would review the sensor readings she got from the incident if she made it back. “Lets lock this place back up and I will forget I ever saw you.” She wasn’t one to make enemies. She then turned a bust of smoke appearing behind her. She didn’t realize the man could track her because of how pissed she was at the current situation. She slipped down a hallway that was less crowded and leapt up into the rafters and then up into the air vents and the map of the buildings ventilation system came up showing the best route to follow she would have to drop out at some point to bypass air intakes.

    -Demise smirked at the smoke but she mise well have been standing in front of him because she was so angry that he saw her like a fire on snow. He walked down the hall not seeming to know where she went but easily tracking her while locking all inmates that passed by him with ease as he was no longer hiding his abilities from his prey. He not only sealed the doors he used his ring to put them in a constant cycle of seeing the thing that pisses them off the most so he could feed from there power. He reached the command room before the woman and seeing through it to the clown though to him didn’t seem a true threat of the time so he used his ring to weld the door shut from the outside so she couldn’t escape. He then turned his attention back to the other woman and began to glow before taking off towards the woman by flight. He grabbed the part of the vent she was in and tore it from the rest before shooting up and through the roof making sure no harm came to the vent she was in but at this height if she jumped she would break something unless she hit the strong waves.

    He turned it so he was now looking in the vent”there all sealed up and you have no need poking around there any longer so were going to have a little chat, First why is a little human trying to do the guardians job, 2nd what makes you think you have the right to step foot in my territory”.-

    she gripped into the walls of the vent and steadied herself looking to him as he asked questions of her and she smirked. “And what are you Gaurdians doing I put all those scumbags in there I don’t see a one of them that you put away I clean this city up what do you do hum?” she then let go and slid back some edging towards the bag as the calculations ran through the hud on her right eye and she smirked. “And as for your territory Ha This has been my city for 22 years when did you get here punk?” she stared at him and looked down as the cops moved in then to the water and thought a moment.

    “Also who the hell do you think you are destroying public property?”

    -This brought a smile to his face because she didn’t see the true darkness yet so he decided he would teach her a lesson that he knew she wouldn’t soon forget “learn”he pointed his ring at her and instead of creating a construct he shot a group memories into her as to who the guardians are the giant headed leaders of the green lanterns. He then showed her the monster like red lanterns from the past that destroyed and only killed for pleasure. He finally showed her the creatures of space that he had confronted and kept this town from having to deal with before he cut the image short right before it showed his human form but she may have caught a gimps of it. He then looked at her smirking”the next time you think your hot shit try and handle the entity in outer space or some of the other creatures around this planet, you have been protecting this place for twenty two years that cute ive been protecting this entire world for a lot longer then that”.

    Demise dug his nails into the bottom of the box before pulling it back over his shoulder like a football and tossed the entire vent with her still inside as hard as he could and it rocketed towards the shore of Gotham city but would land in the water twenty yards from the shore line. The water was crashing with massive waves and a very strong tide unless she moved quick that vent wouldent give her any form of protection.

    He then looked towards the asylum one last time before rocketing up into the earths atmosphere where his rings lantern was in orbit. He spun around the planet before finding it over china, He placed his ring inside and recited his Oath” With Boundless rage of crimson red, Deepest misery and growing dread, fuels us through the darkest night, Now feel my hate and begin to fight”. He pulled his ring from its contents and let himself fall like a meteor into the ocean next to china before turning back to human and wandering the streets of the huge cities of the country.-

    -Antic was loving her rolling chair! It would spin and move and spin and move all by kicking the ground with her feet. She also enjoyed the ‘movie’ the cameras gave her until it went into the rafters. She went over to the monitors and bonked them. “SHOW ME THE ACTION DAMN IT!” She yelled at it before sitting back in the chair, crossing her arms and pouting.

    She thought all would be fine until some inmates were falling from the rafters. She took a deep breath and held it, soon seeing inmates getting locked up by a glowing thing. What is that? A radioactive bonkers inmate? Nah. She released her breath and realized it was coming towards her room. She lost track of it and hit button to switch cameras but she heard the door sealing shut. She ran over to it and tried it. Wouldn’t budge. She went back to the control panel and hit the button for all the doors to unlock again.

    Suddenly, she heard an ongoing above her and a crashing then nothing. She gave a sigh as she shook her head and placed her fingers into her combat boot and pulled out a tiny can of silly string. She shook it up and sprayed it at the locked door around the edges. She made sure to clean off the mouth of the can and place it away before curling up under the control panel. She reached again into her combat boot and pulled out a match. She lit it, her free hand grabbing the rolling chair for extra coverage as she threw the match and screamed, “FIRE IN THE HOLE!”

    When the match tapped the ‘silly string’, it exploded the door edges open and right off the hinges. The blast charred the surveillance room and broke her rolling chair. She gave a contented huff as she stood up and let it roll away. “Looks like I need a new chair,” She was ecstatic as she began skipping down the halls to look for a new one.-

    She realized that there was a problem here and as the thoughts filled her mind she bowed her head realizing this was not a good thing. She couldn’t shake the thoughts and memories. Finally she was moving again and this time she decided the center was a better idea when she was there she felt the wind then the waves and swung out and up on the top and looked out over everything. “well at least Its sealed not the way I would of done it but it works.” She kneeled and tapped her ear which was covered by the mask she wore and waited several minutes went by as the vent shaft slowly sank into the water about the time her feet where getting wet she saw it and smiled her privet little jet and it opened up a port under it that she hopped up into then climbed into the cock pit and shifted it heading back to her lair. The console beeped and she answered. “yes commissioner its all secure everything is sealed inside time to sort it out on yall’s end.” She then shut off the communication before he could say anything else and then the jet nosedived into a park a small opening was made just big enough for the jet and she slipped it through like threading a needle. Landing it underground she walked over to a lift as it headed on its accent into a tower that had long since been abandoned that her company took and revitalized or more the fact that she did. Walking over she took her mask off and set it on a dock as the information she had gathered was downloaded and analyzed.

    -Dante walked past a few Chinese guys before he checked his watch realizing enough time had past for him to return home. Dante made a fist activating his ring before rocketing into the atmosphere and then down into Gotham where he flew to the window of his apartment throwing it open and floating inside before laying back down. He wanted to watch to see if either of the females decided to return to cause more chaos or not so he used his ring to create a seeker who was in the form of a cardinal bird that took flight around the city.

    He then turned over on his side and began to contemplate the nights events wondering if this fun will keep going or if he will just simply start killing those that got in his way from now on. He let himself sleep calming his emotions causing the bird to vanish.-
    Sunday, March 9, 2014 at 1:55 am #10139 Reply | Quote

    -Antic skipped through the cells, checking all the ones that were closed. She would try to help open them and if brute force wouldn’t do it, she’d blow it up! Use her same process over again until all of the inmates were free once more. They attempted to follow her to the control center but she had that planned out by taking a different silly string can out. It was silver and when she sprayed it across the hall, it hardened. She made sure there was only a small enough hole for her to crawl through.

    “Hmn,” She thought aloud, “This place ain’t pretty enough.” She took mini cans of paint that released very subtle fumes when sprayed that should work as a nuerotic inhibitor with endorphine release. In plan words, it makes you real happy. She threw them out for the inmates to draw and go crazy with them, even if it meant they’d spray one another. From there, she would casually walk back to her rolling chair and sit, resulting in sliding across the floor. She resumes watching the monitors and as chaos ensued. It made her all giggly.-

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:06 pm in reply to: Metropolis

    Victoria walked through the ruins of the world seeing what could come what might happen if things continued on their current path’s. Her eyes danced over the dead bodies that just lined the sides of the street and where strewn about. “So if we leave the world to its devices it will destroy itself.” she said and continued to walk. Braniac drones roamed the sky’s but ignored her at this point in time.

    Stopping she saw a large tower or what was most likely a space station that had fallen. it was embedded halfway into the ground and still was towering into the sky. The structure looked like it had been a fortress at one point. She could read a single word on it the rest was to scored and damaged to read the only word was “Justice” sighing she walked past it and continued on her way.

    “I cant warn them but I can push them in directions.” She could feel the debris crunching under her heeled boots. the smoke bellowed into the sky darkening the landscape light still came through with the sun but the clouds of smoke where so thick that only in the breaks and dispersion patterns is where the light slipped through.

    “Total destruction. How could they let this happen?” She said and continued to walk the paths that had seemed to be cleared granted debris still feel into the paths and the only word that played in her head was apocalypse. Bowing her head she sighed. Slipping a hand into her pocket she gripped the pocket watched she carried with her, pressing a button on the side of the watch the air around her distorted and became ripply tell soon it popped in a quick spark of light that didn’t even last a second.

    She hadn’t stopped walking. Victoria now as on a path she knew all to well it had doors to either side of her. All of them where numbered and the look reminded you of an office building though the path she walked on was obsidian in color, but her boots made no sound as she walked down the path.

    She stopped at a set of doors that where different colors of wood. One was purple heart, another was cherry another was elder wood and another was yew. “Hmmm, which door I need to pick the right vital point in the times direction to make changes.” she stared at the doors and waited tell she saw the shade of one shift. Nodding with glee that the time line had given her a hint as to where to go.

    “There we go” her hand reaching and opening the cherry door and stepping through. In a remote part of Metropolis ripples formed in the air and started to move quickly running up and down and side to side tell finally a quick spark of light formed and she was standing in the middle of a road. Stepping off the road and started to walk down the sidewalk.

    -Cassandra continued her scouting on the edge and noticed a woman on a desolate road as her and the contractor passed it. She gave the woman an odd look but continued on her way around the city, though she didn’t get too far. She turned to the odd woman she noticed and yelled, “HEY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!” She was hoping the woman was just a drunk or someone lost on a way to a party. She hadn’t been there to see her basically step out of nowhere. Her hair was caught by a soft breeze, which also caught her dress a little bit.-

    Victoria continued to walk down the broken sidewalk stepping over some of the debris and saw the woman walking towards her and smiled. She just walked by like it was nothing she knew her clothing must have put her very much out of place if she managed to land where she wanted to go. Feeling the wind blow by and she took in a breath as her skirts shifted some and her hair blew in the wind. Hearing the woman’s question she stopped and smiled. “I am wondering one thing. What is todays date?” she smiled and turned pulling her hand out of the pouch it had been in and closed it with a sigh. “Also can you tell me what city I am in?” she hadn’t gotten the thing working just right so she had some questions about where she ended up.

    -Cassandra looked at the odd woman with a confused look. “Um… Today is the ninteenth and you’re in Metropolis.” She really didn’t understand why she needed to answer such questions then continued, “Do you need medical help?” She had no idea how to react to the passerby and really wanted to get back to the plans of the city. She waved for the Contractor to just continue to circle the circumferance she had previously explained.-

    Victoria smiled and chuckled and placed her hand softly to her mouth. “I’m sorry and no I do not. I am quite well. Let my rephrase my previous question. What year is it?” she made her statement much more clear. Her hand still in her pocket twisting the dial on the top of her pocket watch and watched the woman as she spoke to the contractor. “I’m also looking for a young woman her name is… Muse I think Might you be able to assist me at all I truly am a little lost.” She grinned and slipped her hand into the pocket behind the pistol that hung on her hip by a pouch.

    -Cassandra looked at the woman with an odd glance. She wanted the year? How stoned was this chick? Then the mention of Muse made her stop and think. She smiled a bit and said, “Oh! You are looking for Muse? What sort of affiliation do you have with that company before I tell you where it is.” She acted as if she didn’t want there to be a threat to the business that was helping her get back onto her feet. In actuality, she just wanted to know what she knew about them.-

    Victoria smiled at the woman who seemed to be helpful and pulled her pocket watch out it seemed very out of place. It looked like an old time piece that had been modified with Victorian era technology. Checking it she quickly slipped it back into her pocket. “Well I don’t know much about her really aside from she is short and has a temper. Oh and runs this large corporation that well isn’t even really hers granted her names on it. Funny how that works.” She giggled and swayed her hips some her skirts swaying form side to side. “Not much more I can say aside from she’s going to do something catastrophic if I don’t get to speak with her. Its really important that I do speak with her is there any way you could assist with this I might even be able to help you out with your city here.”

    -Cassandra listened to the stranger, a sudden gust blowing her hair a little bit. She thought about the possible reprocussions and said, “The airport just got itself up and running, I could get you a straight flight to her. I am afraid the Luthor jet is a little… not ready to be used yet. I could also pay for a private flight for you. Leaves when you want and will take you where you need to go.” She held the offer but knew for now, everyone was just cooperating with her until the city was safe. “You can return when you wish if you want to help,” She tagged on quickly. She should be focusing on what she was doing but anything to help the weird stranger for the moment, need to keep appearances.-
    ~None can escape the fear that the Lord of Time can invoke.~

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 8:05 pm in reply to: Metropolis

    SR had done much to clean the city, clearing the streets. However, the humans were coming. He heard them. So he’d thought best to jump to one of metropolis’s very high skyscrapers. He jumped roof to roof to around where Cassandra was. He looked around and formed a disguise for if someone decided to become Savvy enough. He mimicked the gargoyles pose and around him, the fog forms a perfect imitation of a gargoyle statue. He watches Cassandra greet people, and watches people in general interact with one another, watching them speak and pose each Cassandra questions. She was done soon after. And returned to her duties. However SR continued to watch people. As a statue. As they spread throughout the city. Analogous to a growing forest. He watched for several hours, he simply watched and listened. SR could have stayed there in that pose, for days, or weeks. Absorbing the environment around him.

    Eventually. People were getting closer. Nearer to the rooftops. He felt the need to avert himself from their general presence. He looses the disguise and jumps great horizontal distances, seemingly galloping on all 4s roof to roof. And then makes a large leap. Soaring through the air as he then lands sees centinnial park. He lands on a building and hops towards it, and then lands in the parks small lake. Making a large splash. He walks deeper into the water until he is fully submerged then sits.

    The surface of the water bubbles as SR makes seemingly random noise under it. However, he ceased eventually. People enter here as well. There was hardly anywhere these beings did not roam. Eventually he will be discovered. However. SR eyes no longer glowed and he sat curled up. Most people mistook him for a a large black rock. Soon it became night. And everyone seemed to be gone. There a splashing at the lakes surface. SR’s fog flew into the holes of his head. Internally arranging itself within him, to form some makeshift structures in his mouth However he kept hearing some strange noise obscured by the water. He then sees a head dunk under the water calling to him. “HEEEEEEEY!!” He hears as the a voice yells under the water, bubbles foaming to the surface.

    Tommy flops back pulling his head out the water. He got water inside his nose and felt very uncomfortable. He clenched his nose and blew. Snot dribbling out. A head rises from the water as SR approaches Tommy. SR steps the water and looks down on this small little being, who seemed to be so different from all the larger beings.

    “Hi!” Tommy says wiping snot from his nose. “I saw you land here.” SR stooped down to the boy and sniffs him on his chest. The boy rubs SR’s head, and SR’s eyes begin to glow dully. “That’s a good boy.”

    “I am not a boy….” SR says to the boy in a rather deep voice and he startles him. SR then says “I have no reproductive organs to speak of, and therefore, I have no specific gender.” SR pauses frequently when “You….talk?” “Yes.” SR says simply. “How come you didn’t talk before?” “Because I did not know how. I was never intended to speak in my creation.” “What’s your name?” “I am unsure.” “You don’t know your name?” “Where I am from, we lack much verbal communication. People spoke without language. One simply knew when one was being referred to.” “…..What?” “It is a difficult concept to explain. Identity was known, and not every thing had a name. I was a weapon, and I simply only was required to know identity.”

    The boy the stands up. And SR stands up. And looks down on this little thing, that apparently had many questions. “Where are you from?” “A planet far away.” “Is it mars?” “No.” “Is it where superman is from?” “No. It is a planet that exists somewhere that no one would look.” “So your an alien.” “I would suppose so.” “Are you a robot?” SR pauses. Then he says. “I am unsure.” “What are you made of? Metal?” “I am comprised of many things. Primarily various forms of carbon, internally. And flesh.” “So you are like a cyborg.” “I suppose so.”

    “THAT’S SO COOL!! YOUR LIKE A SUPERHERO SPACE CYBORG GORILLA THING!!” SR stares at the now excited boy. Wondering primarily what he’s going to do and ask next. “Can you fly?” “With a vehicle perhaps. Or more foglets.” “Wait! Why are you here? Are you going to invade us.” “No. I was not here intentionally, that much is clear. I suspect I was being transported, and that my ship was destroyed while I was being transported.” The boy looks at SR

    “Well” the boy starts “Is someone going to come and get you? I mean. Your cool but, I understand if you don’t wanna stay here, and that you want to go home.” “Most likely, no one will come to retrieve me. There are many more like me, and it is likely they will not come all this way simply to retrieve me. When they can simply make more of me. Or use one of the many more of the weapons like me, and the weapons they have who’s power surpasses mine.” The boy blinked. Then asks “Are you sad?” “No.” “Do you feel emotion?” “Yes.” “Hm…well. What was your planet like? Just like. In general? And how do you like earth?”

    “My original planet is much the same and yet different from this one. Your planet orbits a star. What you call the sun. Mine does not. It is also very cold. However, the planet itself produces much of it’s own heat, and people live primarily in subterranean habitats. We also do not have oxygen in a gaseous form as you have it. Some time ago, the our sun turned into a black hole, and which is in turn caused the planet to freeze and be consumed by near complete darkness from the outside. Had you seen our planet from the outside, you would think it lifeless and desolate.”

    Tommy looked with much intensity and extreme interest as SR described his world. He then asks “Wouldn’t your world be sucked in….by the black hole…?” “No. At such a distance the gravitational pull of the black hole does not change or alter our planets orbit. To be pulled into the black hole, we would need to be passed the event horizon of the black hole.” “Uhhhh….yeah. Yeah. Of course…” Tommy says pretending to understand. SR assumes wholeheartedly that the boy does in fact understand.

    Tommy changes the subject. “Well. What are the people like?” “They look like your race does. Consciousness is collective.” “What does that mean?” “It means everyone is mentally connected. Without boundaries of the mind. There is no war, and all understand one another.” Tommy also did not understand this. “Although, we do not have “Children.” like you” SR points at Tommy. “So then how do you make babies?” “Both artificial means and more natural ones. That includes the merging of ones genitals. However, they are almost within a day, already mature…”

    “….I thought babies came from Cranes. I saw it on TV.” Tommy says lowly. “Cranes also produce offspring.” “Oh so babies do come from Cranes.” “Yes.” SR had mistakenly thought that Tommy had meant that Tommy meant natural reproduction of cranes, to produce more cranes, when in fact Tommy did not think this.

    “I’m getting sleepy. Do you want to come and live with me?” Tommy yawns. “I do not think that will work well.” “….Oh, Ok….That’s alright. We can meet tomorrow night. You’ll be here. Right?” “Yes.” SR says simply. Tommy however still seems down, and a bit disappointed. Then SR, has a question for Tommy.

    “How you like to fly?” “What?” Would…like to fly?” SR looks at Tommy tilting his head. “Sure how! That would be so cool. “Be still…” SR says as fog seeps out of his pours within his shoulder. And orbits Tommy. He floats up. “Simply point and you will go in the direction you wish and you will be flown there.” “YES. I WANNA FLY MAKE ME FLY MAKE ME FLY MAKEMEFLYMAKEMEFLY!” The boy was extremely eager

    And just like that he is swept in what is almost a wind around him 40 feet in the air. And the boy was not afraid of heights at all. He looked down at SR as he flew away. Most people not looking up. The boy could not help but to pose like superman as he flew with a look of determination on his face. Body flat, arms in front extended, fists clenched as he was brought to his home as he directed himself, SR adjusting the child as he simply flew through the air and touched down in the backdoor of his home in the suburbs.

    SR jumps up through the air jumping rooftop to rooftop. Going back to Lexcorp. A few moments later the door to what is now Cassandra’s office is open. And SR walks in on all fours and starts to her desk. Then he stands upright as he stands before her. Then SR begins speaking to her. Asking for guidance without any semblance of introduction or greeting. Or actually letting Cassandra now know he is capable of verbal speech. He just…talks. “These people…” SR begins. “They fear me. The mere sight of me causes them panic and distress. I am sure of what course of action or inaction I am to take…you and one child accepts me yet I am incapable why the rest do not.”

    SR looks down towards Cassandra as a fraction of the fog returns to him and goes back inside her. He awaits her answer. Standing there very still, like a statue. His dull glowing orange eye fixed on the first organic being he met upon his awakening here.

    -John had taken an experimental chopper out for a ride since he needed to know more about this Luthor since he knew from the information he had gathered Lex was one of the worst men to ever have power and now his daughter was on the throne even if the throw was only a broken city. He guided the ride into a helicopter pad killing the engine and disabling the live rounds and rockets with a touch of his thumb. He climbed out wearing a nice clean black suit looking towards the female and the thing next to her he stiffened his muscles thinking maybe this was all a trick by brainiac but he figured he would have been attacked already if that was the case so he decided to play it safe so he walked up with a smile ignoring the robot as he reached out his hand for her to shake”Hello my Name is Johnathon Muse, the owner of Muse industries and wanted to see if there was anything we could do to quicken the process of getting this great town back up and running”. He turned and looked at the giant creature”is this a new product from Lexcorp or is this thing organic and from some planet like your great superman”.

    He had his gear in the helicopter in case he saw there was an attack of some kind here though his worst thought were the two standing in front of him. He walked away from them and down into the town after a few hours of chatting about things going on around the town. He walked around the city streets seeing that most of the streets would need cleaned and then repaved. He had a Model 60 Smith&Wesson revolver that fired .357 rounds in his jacket in case someone decided to mug him since he knew that around the world his face was posted everywhere not sure if it would be here since everything was broken for the time.

    John ended up where the daily bugle once was before he turned a corner and found a brianiac droid laying on the ground and it twitched and looked at john analyzing his genetic makeup seeing that he was a krytonian under it all. It tried to sit up to attack him but he smirked as he walked up and put his foot right through its head looking around to make sure no one was watching and if anyone was he planned to hunt them down.-

    -Cassandra looked at SR and said, “Humans are fickle creatures. They are afraid of difference and react accordingly. Unless said thing saves them. Children, though, have open minds. Make your way into the hearts of children and you may be accepted in this city.” She heard the sound of a helicopter approaching and made her way to the roof. She watched as it landed and held her dress down as it tried to fly up. She watched as the man came out, her hoping he wouldn’t notice the horrible marks on her arms from where the cups were. She took his hand when offered a handshake. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Muse,” She spoke just before he commented on SR, who she hoped had followed her up. “I would like to believe he will be this city’s superman, but from what he told me, no one likes him yet.” He hand dropped to her side and she watched over her shoulder as he walked by and down. She glanced to SR and said, “Follow him.” She would then return to the blueprints in her office, meaning to get them furthered along. She drew in special modifications and gave the blueprints to the returned private contractor. He looked at her and asked, “Are you sure about this?” Cassandra nodded to him and sent him away to get started. She sat at her desk and awaited Mr Johnathan Muse to return.

    SR listens to her advice and simply nods and then turns and looks at the man who approached him. SR doesn’t say anything as he watches her, being incapable of any facial expression. He watches him. And allows her to do the talking. When he ask her what SR is, SR then says “I am not of this earth…” And says nothing more for the rest of the conversation. He simply kept looking at John the entire time while he was in the room until he left. He was about to leave, when Cassandra told him to follow John. And so when he left the building, he did.

    SR jumped roof to roof and wall to wall. Crawling along the wall like a giant black gecko. He had seen John and kept on going to him. SR gets closer and jumps to John landing right in front of him with a large ground rattling *THUD* people near by feel. That whole time SR made no attempt at stealth or at being inconspicuous. “I am told to follow you. I assume it is for your protection, Mr. Muse.” SR says looking down at John.

    -john looked up at the man as he pulled out a cigar and cut the end before he smoked it walking around the robot that landed in front of him and he kept walking”don’t worry about me big man nothing in this town scares me, and she didn’t tell you to follow me for my protection, she wants you to report to her what my actual meaning for being in this town is, I’ve read over how the Luthors think and it seems shes no different”. He walked down the street not caring if the thing followed him as he walked into a homeless shelter and took off his jacket and gave it to a man that was shivering from the cold. He then searched for the owner of this building once finding the small woman he offer her a contract to get this place new beds and heating and cooling systems and he planed to expand the building out since the area behind it was an empty lot. The woman thanked him sighing the contract that he placed in his shirt pocket. He walked back down stairs and pulled the revolver out of the jacket of the man who now had his coat,”sorry forgot this”. He placed it in the leg holster and walked back outside looking for the robot checking to make sure his coast was clear before he walked back up the road back towards the Luthor tower. He was about a block from the tower when he heard a bang of a gun which made him turn to see that a man was shot for his wallet and a guy was running down the alley with it. John took off first at a human speed but after a few seconds his anger boiled and he appeared in front of the man in a blink of an eyes before he lifted him up by the throat and carried him back to the guy he shot throwing him on the ground where the dead man now layed he pulled out his gun and put a bullet in the mans skull making sure this murder could never kill again. He put his gun back and walked to the tower where he walked right up to the Luthor”you know if you don’t trust me you can just ask you dont have to send your robotic Gorilla after me”. He walked around her office looking at things before he sat down across from her desk putting his feet on her desk as he waited for her retort or for her to deny sending the creature.-

    -Cassandra heard the shots fired from her office, she sighed as things were going into where they were before she had to live in the panic room. She disliked that the city was still empty enough to hear the faint shots. She then promptly saw as the man came back to her, right into her office. She heard his inquiry, or rather statement, about sending SR after him. She also noticed his feet on her desk, not a big deal seeing as they weren’t on anything important. She looked at him and said, “First off, he’s not a gorilla. He is a protective life form. Secondly, you are invading on my territory but you are a guest, I sent him to protect you and also to get him out where people can see him and make them fear him less. You do understand?” She stood and went over to a coffee maker that, during the process of cleaning the city, was made into a tea maker. She started it and said, “Would you like any tea? I got a selection that I kept with me in the panic room during the braniac invasion.” She was accurate with its freshness, but the taste had always been the same to her. She had in it chamomile and chocomint. More or less, she wanted the taste of chocolate without the caffeine in chocolate.-

    “Irregardless, Mr. Muse. I am not sure of what your intent is, either.” He says replying to John as he continues to follow him. As John walks through the crowd and SR follows him. People look at SR either scared or…confused as to what he is and why is following this man. He goes into the shelter and sees homeless and sees John giving to the community, to the woman. As SR watches him. SR then learns from the John humans appreciate gestures of kindness to aid them. Towards those especially in poverty.

    SR hears the gunshot and as John starts running. People make room as they feel the heavy footsteps of SR running at speeds attainable for a normal human. He hears a brief woosh as John is out of sight momentarily and sees a man before him. laying on the ground with a projectile that pierced him him, his heart no longer beating, as SR can hear the heartbeat of most people within 5 feet of him. SR then moves on to see John holding a man by the throat. Then putting a bullet in him. Soon his heartbeat also faded. SR looked at John. And said nothing. He followed him towards Luthor’s. SR had never seen a human being die before. In fact, on SR’s planet, he had never witnessed a death. For, those whom SR had killed were not of his own race. Clearly. It seemed John killed that man because he killed the other man. In SR’s mind. This occurred to him as revenge.

    SR followed John back to the tower and doesn’t speak. He simply stands on all fours. He stood there wondering if he could connect to this “internet.” The humans have. Apparently it is a vast collective network containing untold amounts of data provided by humans and machines. SR had a translator. But, it was basically only a dictionary essentially. Not a full fledged database. SR needed to learn more about humans because though they looked the same. They appeared to be much weaker then anyone of his race. There were infants on SR’s planet, but he had never seen a natural infant before. From looking at these humans, it became evident they were not as strong as his race physically. Their technology was behind in some areas. Yet actually more advanced in some others. And infants here seem to think differently then other people. Cassandra suggested he learn more about them. And so SR’s fog flew out quickly.

    A few electronics parts float on in and SR assembles a computer within a few seconds from mostly memory of the internal parts of a computer and SR’s own rapid processing abilities. It sits on the floor below him. The fog presses the keys and it. It starts up, and is a rather average speed computer. SR then hits an obstacle. “Cassandra….how does one connect to this…”internet?” He says looking at the home screen of the computer.

    -John pulls out his phone and pushes a button and the computer would connect instantly as his phone was now a hot spot and no information other then happening of muse corp would be blocked to this creature as he himself understood how valuable intelligence was but unknown to this creature John would be tracking the sites it used to see if it worked into government weapons or war codes so that he could block them as if they no longer existed to him. He then turned back to the woman and smiled”yes please id love a cop of tea, as I hear it the roots made for this area comes from a small town called smallvile that I plan to visit as I have relatives from there”. He wanted her to look into him and he would enjoy the game of cat and mouse.

    He accepted the cup as he smiled at her and he drank it as they discussed business but as his watch struck five O’clock he stood and shook her hand once more as he turned and exited the office. Heading for his Helicopter which he got up into smoothly and took off heading towards a local army base where he sent a code to the base to allow him access to land. He landed and asked for a private flight to Australia he told them he was being followed by someone and had to travel outside of the country without being spotted. They covered him into an army private uniform before shipping out and taking off across country and enjoying things as he went picking up books on chemical structures and analyzing different forms of technology as he went from country to country as they refueled and once they dropped him off he saluted him and took off on his search of the assassins.-

    -Cassandra was about to answer but John solved he problem for her. She smirked and gave him a cup as she took her own. She enjoyed talking business. She really liked talking to someone other than herself that was human. She saw him go away and just shrugged when their time was up. That phrase urked her but she couldn’t let it get to her. He’s from smallville, so? Why would she want to care. Her mind wandered on it until she thought of something that made sense. She started hooking up the local internet of her building through her computer and went into private and began looking up old files. They were centered on smallville.

    SR formed a cord with his fog that connected the back of his head with the computer. Then, SR controlled the computer simply with his mind. Where he then began to bring up several browsers. SR was learning as much as he could, viewing each browser for mere milliseconds before moving on. He researched mostly the psychology of children and their behavior, and it lead to human behavior on parenting and one thing led to another. SR soon found himself learning human history, weapons and medical devices. SR looked up human psychology in general. It was very complicated to him. Much more complicated then those of the people at his planet. SR then learned himself a full map of metropolis, it’s sewers, suburbs and the outskirts. Before he was back to learning about humanity. About current events. He’d opened more then 11,000 pages in 45 minutes and steadily increasing. SR could never access any top secret information from the internet.

    The computer froze. The fog left. And returned with more parts as SR assembled more computers and hardware so he could browse quickly among each of them. Him no longer really needing a monitor. He sits there absently detached from the world as Cassandra and John talk. After 5 and a half hours or so disconnected. It seemed John had left. He never really had the opportunity to thank him. Perhaps when he leaves again. He then walks out the room. SR goes to the roof. And then crawls along the wall where he jumps off building to building back into the city.

    -Cassandra looked up files of smallville the only Jonathan coming up being Johnathan Kent. She slammed her fist on the desk, not even noticing SR left. She began looking up files on the family and searching a greater span of the muse corp, only to get blocked out of some of the information. She thought on it and said to herself, “Touche… But I refuse to be paranoid…” She logged out of her computer, turned it off, unplugged it, then walked away. She went to the window and started trying to think on how to protect the city and siphon back the lost land of Lex corp, only for her thoughts to be riddled by the Muse Corp Johnathan. She grumbled and looked at her shut off computer and spoke to herself, “I won’t do it…” She started scratching her arms and went back to her computer, plugged it in, turned it on, and started trying to hack into Muse Corps files.-

    SR walks into Centinnial park and stoops over a fountain. Drinking water in manner that seems to remind people of a deer. Without much audible noise as the water goes into his “mouth” on his head. People stare. No one is quite so sure as to what SR is and people are afraid of him. But not so afraid as to run away screaming. But some people are rather evasive. Others are curious. SR stands up and looks at the people staring at him then, turns and continues walking.

    “Hey!” A guy calls out. His mouth remains rather sealed as SR turns around to look at him. “…Yes?” SR replies looking at the man. “Uh….what are you?” Robot was not the first thing that came to people’s minds when they say SR. Strange as he looked. He didn’t seem like a robot at first glance. People often easily mistake him for a man in power armor or some strange new creature, or genetic monster. The man standing in the crowd stares at SR. Waiting for his answer. SR’s answer is rather blatant. “I am an extraterrestrial being comprised of organic and inorganic parts…” “Why are you here?” “Due to my abandonment, I seek purpose. I choose to simply aid humanity in whatever way I can.” “How do we know we can trust you?”

    “To look at it from your perspective…” SR begins “You do not know. There is no completely true way for me to verify my benevolence. Whether or not you trust me is based entirely of your own observations.” The man doesn’t say much else. “Um ok.” Is his last reply. SR looks at the man for a few moments, then walks off. A journalist takes notes.

    SR walks through the streets. And people stare at him and some watch him generally. And SR doesn’t pay people much mind, at all. People in front of him simply make a path for him. Others just stare. A few people follow him from a distance. SR walks around the city four a few hours. Going in no particular direction to no place. People are curious. A few kids throw rocks and other things at SR. They are told not to do this, but SR doesn’t respond to people throwing anything at him.

    Pretty soon. People are wondering why a large crowd of people are following SR and are making a very big deal of this large 8 ft tall thing simply walking around the city. Tommy runs up next to SR walking with him right next to him. “Hey, what are you doing? How come all these people are following you?” SR looks down on Tommy as he walks.

    “It is their nature. It seems.” “…Huh?” A person throws a can of soda at SR and it spills all over him. “Ew. You know people are throwing stuff at you right?” “Yes. I am aware.” “So why don’t you do something back?” “Because I see no reason to.” “Doesn’t it bother you?” “No.” SR continues walking. And then jumps away. Dissappearing from their sight. People rather surprised at how quick such a large thing is. He jumps off to Lexcorp. In a restroom, the fog gathers water in a solid

    “Cassandra…” SR begins “I think that you should publicly announce me. Hardly anyone knows of me…..” SR looks at Cassandra. A bit of soda drips off his visor.

    -Cassandra found the hacking rather difficult, she was growling and frustrated with it but continued to try. She then heard SR speak to her and she turned to him and said, “I will place a public announcement if it makes you feel better. Did someone throw something at you?!” She sounded even more angered and got a towel and moved, offering to clean it off of him. If he accepted, she’d sop up the soda. Either way, she’d place the towel down after and set up for making an announcement. She even waved SR over to her to be in the announcement if he so wished.-

    “Yes.” SR replied. “It was children following the actions of another child.” He adds, as he allows her to wipe off his face stooping down on all 4s. As Cassandra waves SR over he walks to her. Unaware exactly of where she would him to stand, so he chooses to stand by her side.

    “Not anymore.” A voice says. SR looks around as a few tiny ball like surround him. And then he freezes suddenly unable to say a word. There is a black humanoid figure in the office, with a eminating black smoke clouding his figure, and no facial features aside from his monochrome white eyes. SR is levitated over with a gesture and with that as he pulled towards the figure, he is gone as the figure disappears from plain sight with SR53 as the air disorts. Air for a moment rushes in to fill the temporary vaccuum for a moment, and they are then both gone without a trace.

    -Cassandra felt the vacuum and then let her brain catch up on what just happened since there seemed to be no immediate danger. She made sure the broadcast didn’t start and tried to make sense of it. Instead, she went back to her computer and began to set up a hacking system for the locked information of Muse Corp. She coded the entire program, it taking her several hours to complete and then allowing it to do its work as she walked away from the computer. The design of the hacking system made sure that on a retrace back, it would take hours to find her from all the bounced signals. It made a minimum of one hundred bounces and was programmed to bounce more if it felt something tracing back. She left it to its work of collecting files as she went on her merry way to help designers make the city better and more productive. She passed by a drone that had escaped SR’s wrath and was outside of the detonation area, it watching her as she passed by unknowingly with the male she was scouting the edge of the city with.-

  • Cain

    July 28, 2014 at 7:58 pm in reply to: Metropolis

    -Cassandra held on, despite the fog helping her do so. She felt better once they were on the ground and she said, “Let me go.” She wanted down onto her stuff to begin working on things. She noted the door was still open and said, “You might want to close those doors.”-

    She is dropped as the fog then recedes back into SR. And dropped to the floor. SR walks to the door and shuts it. SR then walks on all fours and looks around the lab, in general.

    -Cassandra caught herself on her heels and stood upright. Her eyes scanned the surrounding area and she started searching the reserves of hidden stored Kryptonite. She looked at the different pieces there were in there and closed up the reserves after taking inventory. She started collecting steel from busted parts and used some gloves to handle some lead. She started trying to shape pieces into a series of eight half cups and and fourteen fourth cups with lead paneling to match. She was being very careful as she made sure it was thin and light. She was using a blowtorch she found for her work with the metal. She started gathering wires and ignored the being exploring behind her until she asked, “Could you look for some circuit boards in already destroyed things? The smaller the better and don’t break them.” She grabbed mini motors and hooked wires up to them and tested their ability to move the clamps in both directions. She then got into the Kryptonite once more and took out a few colors of it carefully with some tongs she found laying on the ground. She placed them into the eight cups and closed them all.-

    SR wandered for some time rather absent mindedly, then he heard her request. He listened and went off to go find this strange thing she has requested. Circuit board. In front of his eyes he looks his own schematics. He looks to see if he might have one. And he does. Implanted in a very small region in his brain. It was about half the size of a grain of sand and was more powerful than most earthly technology. He stood upright and walks about. The fog surrounding him.

    He used it to precisely manipulate small objects around him mostly. Although it had many interesting combat applications. A damaged drone levitated in front of him. SR stares at as he dissemmbles it. Each part and piece undamaged floating ambient. SR sees a circuit board and isolates it. SR proceeds to leave and scavenges through other damaged machinery. Generally old computers. By by part levitates toward SR and surrounds him in a neat circle as he disassembles them all in seconds without ripping. He wads through internal parts floating through the air and gathers every circuit board he sees in his fingerless hands.

    SR’s hands lacked fingers as they were more intended to be bludgeoning weapons. They were squarely shaped like a fist. With the front “knuckles” being armored with metal plates on reinforced composite nanomaterials. The underside of his hand contained devices somewhat like hairs like a gecko’s, with an underlying metamaterial. Allowing him at will to produce an amplified “Van Der Waals” force, the same geckos used to stick walls. Allowing him to grip something into the underside of his “hand” if he so wished to climb any surface or he finds his fog somehow damaged. It also in his feet, allowing him to more easily run up walls and climb.

    With around 450 lbs of machinery floating in the air he sets them in a pile. After that, the fog seems to disappear into thin air rather then go back into SR. Then walks over with eventually every circuit board in the room stuck to his hands and places before Cassandra. He is about to turn around, but then, his glowing visor is locked upon the glowing Kryptonite. He detects its radiation levels. Though it does not bother him. He stares at it from distance as the woman who resembles his masters seems to be using it. He had nothing much to do, and crouched on all 4s. He stands idly by. Listening intently for ambient sounds. Watching the woman assemble something.

    -Cassandra turned to see a random pile of computer chips and she sighed. “Find which one is the smallest, please.” She was polite in tone and went back to working on the motors. She was connecting the wiring and making sure to find a suitable slip for the underside to keep the wires from getting covered in her bodily fluids. She then connected four of the cups together with a titanium rod with her welding. She then thought of something and grabbed an adhesive. She took superglue and opened each of the cups one at a time to drop a few drops to assure the kryptonite stayed in its container. She would close them after ward and when the glue was dried, she shook it and heard no jiggling so thought they were secure. Her hands felt over them and she applied a slip on the wire side with medical glue. She held one of the groupings of four up to her arm then and saw how it’d match up. Her eyes scanned over her veins, realizing it was going to be tricky to not cut a major artery. She sighed and started getting the other wires ready, ones that were small enough to connect to nerves. She then shook her head and said, “I will search you go out and guard or something…” She went to the pile and picked out a tiny one first. She smiled and placed it into the sleeve and carefully attached wires to it. She used a magnifying glass and placed the wires into proper positions for her intended use and then gently placed the sensitive wires to her skin. She moved her fingers and it weakly opened the cups by only about a millimeter. She then tried to amp up the chip by making it a little different in the wiring. She tried it again and the servos moved open the cups the whole way then the whole way back. She placed it down and fixed the other one up like it and then searched for a scalpel. She dug around in a drawer and found tons of them, sterilized. She then took one of her dresses she acquired earlier from her panic room and laid it down as a towel. She placed her arm on it and ripped off the arm of this dress to tie off circulation to her arm. She took the scalpel and slowly sliced open her arm, careful of her main vein there. She gritted her teeth and opened it enough to get it in. She froze a little at seeing her own musculature but snapped out of it. She placed in the one apparatus, sensitive wires first and placed them as she then set in the rest of it. She grabbed from a drawer quick a surgical sewing kit and began sewing her skin to the flaps of the cups and sewing her skin shut that does not fit on the cups. She tried so hard not to yell out. She finished setting it and when she was finished she put the knife down and untied her left arm. She took a deep breath and had tears of pain from doing so but she bared it and tied off her other arm and took the scalpel in her left hand. She sliced herself open again and placed in the other one in the same fashion as the first and then sew it up. She dropped everything after that and screamed from the pain. The cups opened and closed randomly as the muscles in her arms twitched with nervous pain. She tried to get it to settle and focused on the nerves in her arms. She slowly worked it to the point of staying open by keeping her arms flexed. She felt the powers of the colors swarm into her from the nearness of the exposure. She felt a compulsion for blood but felt a lot stronger, her arms seemed to be stretching to the ground slowly, her focus on the dress lit it on fire, everything seemed to slow down around her, her sewing began to meld directly where they were intended to be sewn and the skin together began to close as nerves connected to the lines, some of the objects around her began to float, some of the outlets began to feed electricity out to her body, and her age seemed to reduce slightly. The sudden onset of the abilities caused her to leave out a scream of pain, possibly alerting nearby drones. She unflexed her arms and they set back to normal. She took a deep breath as the powers left her and she fell onto her butt. She eased herself back up, resulting in the first one on her left arm reopening. This resulted in a lust for blood again but she dented the desk she was using to prop herself by grasping it in her hand. She relaxed it again and it closed. This would take some getting used to. She looked to see if the useless thing was still around and said, “Hey, I need to go to the top of the building.” She turned and the fourth cup on her left arm opened, causing the world to seem to slow down again. She moved over to the shaft and saw a hole big enough for her to get through. She meant to climb but found herself sticking on the wall a bit when she stepped before slowly falling down. She kept flexing what seemed to keep it open and instead of obtaining the help, ran up the wall and put herself into the hole. She then ran up the inside the whole way to the office on the top floor. She held herself on the edge of the inside as she relaxed that then tried to open back up the first one again, instead opening the second as her arms stretched a little. She closed it and they went back to normal. She tried again and opened the first one, hopping over to the door of the elevator and ripping it open. She held herself from falling down as she pulled herself into the hall then made her way into the main office as she relaxed her arm to close the cup. She witnessed drones beginning to file to get in the building from everywhere. She looked around the office and found a button that was very well hidden under the desk. She hit it and it emitted an EMP pulse that caused all the drones to just stop and fall. It went through the entire city as it made the droids fail. She turned on the computer and began typing in fast, tracking the droids frequencies and hacking into their systems. She triggered a chain of explosions as droids in the area self destructed as the signal was sent. She then waited to hear a lack of explosions before getting out of their system and shutting down the computer. She sat in her chair and waited for her robotic friend to catch up as she pondered her abilities and played with her flexing to figure out what opened which power.-

    SR looks at the doors of the lab and opens them. Forcing them open with his hands. He doesn’t notice the pulse. However, he hears a multitude of explosions above. SR walks over to tthe lab door and forces it open. Then he walks over to the door to the shaft and opens it. He looks up the shaft and crouches. Then jumps up the entirety of the shaft.He grabs the edge as he reaches the door to the top floor. It already opened and walks over to the window to look outside. He sees the destroyed remnants of what appears to be drones and he leans forward as if trying to get a closer look to verify. Then stands up and turns around too look at Cassandra. He is not effected by the EMP.

    -Cassandra looked at him and several thoughts went through her head as the situation ran over in her head. She looked down at her arms and tried to manipulate the cups open and closed again. She tried to get individual cups to open and shut but then she glared at SR. “Where the hell were you…” She was pissed that he wasn’t really of any help. He was more of a prop to her at this point. She sighed and refocused on her arms before restarting the computer and activating Lex corp’s systems again. She hopped her frequency off of a satellite and sent out a broadcast straight from her office to attempt to reach former citizens of Metropolis to pull them back. The camera turned on from most televisions as she said, “Greetings people of the globe. My name is Cassandra Remona Luthor. I have rid the city of Metropolis of the oppressive drones and am asking former members of the city to come back and help rebuild. I am also offering scientists high pay to come and help make Metropolis the safest city one can imagine. Thank you all for your time.” She shut off the broadcast and took a deep breath, watching her cups open and close again until she could get them on command. She looked at SR and said, “How was that? Did I look too windblown?” That was a stupid question. She asked it anyway as she realized some crime would start up since she did that.-

    SR in response to her question. Merely looks down. And then back up at her. He watched and stood idly as she made her announcement. So far. SR understood of what she said concerning the speech. However, SR was incapable of interpreting her facial expressions. He wasn’t good at it as he never needed to learn what these facial expressions meant. Cassandra was somewhat of a curiosity. He never interacted much with those who mastered him before. She did so many strange foreign gestures and SR noticed her eyes changing as she felt differently. SR was very slowly, but surely beginning to recognize human emotion….

    However, right now. As Cassandra poses that last question, SR tilts his head out of curiosity. He lacks a face of a classical sort and is more or a brain and eyes in a self contained reinforced helmet like container for a head. However, he instinctively it seems has thought of another way to convey emotion. And subconsciously fog formed above his head, a 3 dimension question mark. It was grey and solid as it hovered over SR’s head. As if this was some sort of comic book or a cartoon. The question mark hovers there for a few seconds and then disappears as now SR watches Cassandra. Waiting for her to say something else, or issue an order.

    -Cassandra smirked and said, “Silly thing… That was a dumb question I asked.” She decided it was best to continue to try and master these powers she had in her arms. She opened the speed one, using it to run outside and then closed it as she looked over the city. It was in ruin. She yelled for SR, “Hey, help me clean up the city, please. Make it look nice and livable.” She didn’t like the thought of people returning to a hell hole. She opened up the speed again and began to run around the city and try to make things as clean as possible, lifting away beams, cleaning glass, but she was tiring out, most likely from overuse of the kryptonite powers.-

    SR hears her even from this distance away. He walks over to the rooftop and jumps cracking the ground from simply leaping as hard as he did. He is a momentary blur before he lands in the street. The ground shakes as he shatters it upon his landing. SR walked away from the broken ground stepping over the rubble, he caused and then turned back.

    He stared at the ground behind him, as if he was expecting something. He stands there for a solid 10 seconds, before he walks over and looks at the ground where he landed. It then occurred to SR that the ground here does not heal, as he is normally accustomed. He walks away from the crater upon this realization as the fog reassembles the ground, rocks and dust floating and reforming imperfectly, the best as SR could.

    The fog flies around almost independently. Sweeping up glass easily making small tornados setting in piles. SR takes near by signs and tilts them straight. He takes signs laying down and spears them in the ground where they once were. Debris and trash is swept up by the fog as it floats about. SR notices trashcans are about. And he realizes their purpose apparently is to actually put unwanted things in them it seems. SR puts broken glass and trash in these small cylindrical devices apparently people used to dispose of unwanted items. He uses the fog to reassemble brick, stacking them back into walls and other things. While he generally lifts heavier objects himself to assemble them best as he could. However. SR was not capable of welding things together. However, anything that he could simply stack or lift back into place.

    SR walks over to a building and there is a giant globe sitting in front of it. It read “daily planet” across on it. SR looked at the globe from the bottom and apparently it belonged at the top of this building. It had to get up there somehow. SR was going to learn something today. That the softness of this environment would his bane.

    SR grabbed the globe sticking it to his hands, holding it in a manner similar to hugging. It creeks as his picks it up *Crack* As SR begins to picks to pick it up. The ground cracks *Crack* the cracks get larger and propagate as SR picks it up off the ground.

    *Crack* *CRASH* SR puts the giant globe down and looks at his feet. SR has his too feet buried in the ground. He steps out of the two holes in the ground he made. Apparently, the ground is too soft. No matter how strong SR is, the ground below him will give as he tries to pick up the globe. Him picking it up, will drive him down into it. This will probably cause more damage to trying to get up to the area. He opts to leave the area the fog following him and go repair other things. Obviously. He has to get very accustomed to this new planet. For there are many differences of this planet from his own.

    -Cassandra heard his landing and was placing stuff at her normal speed as she was picking up papers in an office building. She decided to take things naturally since she was running out of stamina. She noticed that he just stood there for ten minutes staring at the mess he made. She simply shook her head and went back to filing and getting things proper for the return of people. She gently tapped a stack of papers and placed them on the top left corner of a desk. She wandered mildly through the building each time a level higher and higher but she started to hear cracking on the tenth floor and she looked down from the window. She sighed as she watched him try to get the ball up only to put it down again. She decided to ask him something to see if he would hear and comprehend. “Hey~! Can you go back to the basement of my place and grab the rusted looking toolbox?” She hoped he’d hear as she went back to filing papers.-

    SR heard and understood the command, and the fog flew off as SR continued setting things in the city. Mostly picking up large objects. It reappears in Cassandra’s basement about a minute later and a toolbox floats up. The fog a few minutes later floats over to Cassandra in the office building and drops the toolbox. Then it flies back over towards SR.

    -Cassandra smiled and she started digging through the toolbox. She found things she’d need to rewire the building’s elevator. Lucky on the levels above it wasn’t blasted away. She went to the elevator and pressed the buttons. She saw them light up and it opened without the elevator being there. She propped them open with desk chairs and took out a wire cutter, a tube of liquid plastic and pliers. She leaned into the shaft and opened a panel that lead into the wall. She delicately looked at the wires corresponding to the doors and pulled out a couple. She rewired so the doors would no longer open unless the elevator was present. She placed everything back into her tool box and shut the panel. She removed the chairs and the doors slammed shut. Now she just had to do this to all the other floors. She sighed and decided to go up before working her way down as she still needed to sort and clean the upper floors. She saw through a window some people were already returning and they seemed to be trying to get their lives back in order.-

    SR was in an alley and a little boy of about 7 years wanders from his mother. He hears noise in the alley. It is dark as power has not yet been restored and many electronics were fried because of the EMP. The boy wandered deep into the alley until he saw SR. He paused and looked at SR. SR was setting a dumpster and trash floated over into it. He paused and looked at the boy and he stood straight up. The shadow of the eight foot tall behemoth going over the boy.

    “Are you the garbage man?” The boy asks looking looking at SR. SR replies with a stare. He doesn’t have an answer. “Your big.” The boy comments. SR made people look tiny, he was eight feet tall and generally….huge compared to any human. SR’s fist and forearm alone seems almost larger than the kid himself. SR stoops over now all 4s. “Your like a gorilla man! Where are your hands? Can you talk?” SR slowly shakes his head at this….this little mysterious creature. SR had never seen anything like it. “Sit down right here.” He scampers off and SR sits upon his command, leaning forward on his knees. Waiting.

    The kid yells out. “Come on!” SR gets up and walks to the child. A woman comes as SR comes closer to the light outside the alley. “What is it Tommy?” SR steps out the alley and looks down on the woman. She freezes. She then says to the boy, her son. “Tommy. Tommy come here. G-Get away…come here Tommy…” “Mom why are you scared? Its ok.” The boy says naively. He turns back to SR. “Come here. Take my hand.” SR walks towards the boy.

    “What the hell is that thing?” “Oh shit” “I think its a monster.” People are very unsure of what SR is actually. “Is that man in armor?” SR reaches for the boys hand and the mother snatches him away from SR, instinctively. She backs away and SR walks forward extending his arm. People generally back away. It does not occur once to anyone to try to do anything that would seem to provoke this thing. Most just stand by and watch. SR keeps walking for a moment and stops. He looks up. A jet is overhead.

    Nemaz’s jet screeches over the city. He has helmet off and a rather stiff facial expression. He tilts the jet as it screeches by. SR looks up at it, thinking it a drone or hostile. His claws eject out as he gets in a defensive stance, instinctively. Everyone down below looks like ant to Nemaz. He’d received the message from Cassandra, and wanted to see if it’s true. He saw people already returning here. “Hm…” Nemaz says to himself. His face does changes as he looks about metropolis. The cleared. wastelandish empty city. Like an empty cup filling. His jet screeches through the sky and ascends. Disappearing from sight as quickly and briefly as it appeared as Nemaz continues to fly North West.

    SR looks down, and people are petrified. Looking at his dully colored grey claws. Nobody says anything. People back away slowly. SR stares at them for a very long time. Then takes a step forward and reaches. “GET AWAY!” The woman shouts. SR turns around and walks off without much hesitation. Then jumps off much to the surprise of the people nearly a mile away as people gasp. The woman puts Tommy down. She stoops down to him holding his precious cheeks looking down towards his face. “Tommy are you ok?” “Yes mommy I’m fine he didn’t do anything.” “Stay. Away from it.” “But Mommy-” “Stay. Away.” Tommy hears her tone, the darkness and seriousness of it. And he only nods in reply and never spoke a word of it again, as he looked off to the direction SR jumped.

    SR leaped over two miles away. Having very fine control of how much of his strength he uses. In midair he runs along the walls of a building and lands with a thud rolling on his back trying not to damage the concrete as he moves most of his momentum horizontally. SR looks back towards where everyone is and then looks forward. He continues to clean the area as his fog flies around picking up things. He sees traffic cars in the the street. And starts moving them aside so as to clear the street. Shoving them to the side of the road to clear the way.

    -Cassandra continued her clean up, not hearing the sounds of panic. She knew it was almost done. She took the precautions and helped some of the incoming people know what was left and they did get it done. She took the final step of upping the power grids to a point where if she needed to use the EMP again, it wouldn’t shake the system. She allowed the clean up to finish and she returned to her office and began drawing up plans to make the city safer, well, more she paid someone to start doing that for her. She took her leisurely time and went onto the streets to see the returning people. She made sure to shake a few hands and meet a few people, hoping to gain knowledge on who was returning to keep good track of the city. One fellow came up to her and said, “Will there be an election?” Cassandra turned to him and said, “Soon, the city may have been cleaned for now but I was hoping to install safety features for the town before an official is elected into office.” The man nodded and said, “I would write in your name, Miss Luthor.” Cassandra smiled and said, “I wouldn’t make a great official but if you insist on doing so I can’t stop your free will.” The man walked off with a smile and Cassandra finished her greeting rounds. Once those were done she went back to her office to see how the plans were coming. They were looking great but she wanted to add some extra oomph to them. She would have to think on it, though.-

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