Forum Replies Created

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  • Cain

    July 25, 2014 at 12:15 am in reply to: | The Arena |

    -The arena began to screech and wine as something was growing closer something that altered existence. The sky would flash a brilliant shade of purple but only for a second before it was back to normal you would have thought you were seeing things. Then thousands of butterfly flew around the arena covering it from sight before they burst into purple flames. The flames cleansed the arena anything within was gone anything watching would think the arena had done this but they would be mistaken. A single butterfly that could easily be over looked flew to the top of the mountain before it began to shift and grow into a six foot tall white male with slicked back purple hair. He was wearing a pair of purple cargo pants with black tribal symbols on them.

    His chest was next covered in a long sleeved black shirt with purple stripes running from the armpits down covering both sides in purple. He then slipped on a pair of purple sneakers that fit him perfectly before he raised his hand a normal looking walking staff appeared in his hand and he gave it a spin. This looked to be a normal human till he finally opened his eyes and two poisonous amethyst
    eyes that glowed. He bowed to a statue that over looked the arena as a show of respect to those who came before this man. He turned and looked down to the open before grabbed his staff in one hand and took a step forward which anyone watching would have thought it to be suicide but instead the mountain side turned to steps and he slowly made his way down till he reached its entrance.

    He stepped within the hallow grounds of this arena and for a sequent anyone watching would lose sight of him as he flashed to the very center of the arena which was the pond of healing water. This is where he now stood not hovering but standing on the water itself as if it was in a state of solid mass. He sat down crossing his legs and laid back looking up into the night sky. Anyone outside would wonder how it became night all of a sudden. He was making shooting stars fly by forming the name Vai his wife that he hadn’t seen in some time as he was hunting things for his father Cronus while he thought of ways to restore his fellow warriors to there godly stature.

    The man laying in the arena was a titan with the powers of disorder he can bend reality to his wildest dreams to the point he once put his brother Hades in a dress and turned all of the demons into flying pigs for a laugh. He was also the brother of Zeus and Poseidon the god of thunder and the god of the sea. His name was Dagon the titan of disorder who was summoned by his father to fight in the arena to take the crown from the true champion as it was the crown of thorns that his father wanted. He was hoping that the fun would begin soon before the hunters began to find his location. He decided to play with the laws of the arena. He turned the landscape into a spiraling city that was fifty miles in every direction of the the central park that still housed the fifty diameter pond that he was laying in. No one would be able to see inside the arena now as the buildings would block out view from the outside.

  • Cain

    July 23, 2014 at 1:39 am in reply to: Alternia (Second Timeline)

    -Lupus began to throw up his knives as he slowly walked into the center of the room putting on a show as he juggled them. He kept them up never missing a single one as he juggled the nine dirks putting on a show for the other trolls as he was tired of being in the corner. Once he reached the center of the room he let them fall between his fingers catching them all before he threw them up and instead of catch them he held out his right arm and each of the daggers hit his skin and bent and crumpled to the ground unusable unless fixed. He brushes off his arm to show not even a scratch.

    He picked each of them up placing them in his pocket before looking around the room” [color color=#645F5F] I could do this with all of you but id probably break a couple of your bones so ill save that for another day [/color] ” .-

  • Cain

    July 22, 2014 at 5:17 am in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon had his head in his backpack when the strong blast of wind blew her skirt up but his fellow pokemon were not so lucky as they both saw the tail clearly. Gible tried to understand it while the Shuppet seemed to grow irritated by seeing the tail as if by nature it wanted to attack. Daemon looked up and saw this so he used his pokeball to suck it back in before it could do anything. He shrugged”I didn’t really expect an arctic area to be here either but if things are going to be hidden then this will be the place for them to be as they want to test us and this is the most lethal area to living creatures other then the desert and until Gible gets stronger I will not venture into there”.

    Daemon walked out of the cave and saw what looked like a rabbit bounce by so he pulled his knife and threw it sticking the poor thing right in the back hoping it wasn’t a pokemon which luckily it wasn’t. It turned out to be an artic hare which was an overgrow rabbit. He pulled his knife and brought it back into the cave where he skinned it and placed it by the fire to cook while he cleaned the fur until it was free of blood giving him a fresh pelt to use later.

    He decided to venture out again wearing the make shift jacket once they ate the hare and got there nutrients back, he had been walking for what was almost five hours when he tripped over something and nearly fell off a cliff but he was able to hold on with his right hand but when Gible shifted in his backpack the weight was uneven and he slipped and fell down crashing through tree branches which slowed his fall down some. He landed face first into a large pile of snow sinking in till he hit the ground he fell sore but he would be alright but he was cold.

    He knew about a foot of snow was on his back so he would be unnoticeable from where the woman was still at he began to use what body heat he had to pack the snow around him and pushing the extra away. He soon had a igloo of packed snow the only difference was he had no hole and he knew his air would grow then soon He pulled out his gun and fired it ahead of himself and the bullet flew through the snow and threw trees. The heat of the bullet kept the snow packed so it didn’t cave in forming a hole for the air to come in so he wouldn’t suffocate. He knew the sound would have been easily heard but he doubted it would be pin point able of his location so he was most likely alone once again in his adventure but he was fine. He removed his jacket so that he covered up the ground and used the other half to cover himself he looked in his back to see Gible looking up at him a bit shocked most likely by the sound of the bullet more then the fall. Daemon reached in and pulled him out and held him beside himself while he rested and soon slept enjoying the extra body heat the little guy created.-

  • Cain

    July 20, 2014 at 10:46 pm in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon walked about a hundred yards before he heard the woman trying to catch up so he turned and stopping seeing that the monkey was not with her so he threw his pokeball into the air and Shuppet popped out and flew around enjoying its freedom before coming to float between the two trainers. Daemon caught the ball before he turned to accept the holster. He equipped the ball to his belt before taking the holster and adjusting it so that it would fit his size easier before uniting the gun from his leg he grabbed his knife and cut the rope that was around his leg a few times before wrapping it around his arm so that if he has to guard from something it wont be with his skin. He started walking up the road”yeah thanx for this, I can remove the bullet but the infection on this island would probably kill us before we got help”.

    He felt the temperature begin to drop and it didn’t bother him but his Gible wasn’t happy so he climbed from my shoulder and into my backpack which I zipped up all but a little bit so he could breath but the Shuppet just floated along because it couldn’t feel the cold. Daemon walked the path till he saw a flat wall to his right that didn’t exactly look as frozen as most of the landscape so he started to scale it using the broken pieces of ice to hold on to it took him about twenty minutes to climb to the top realizing this icy wasteland was huge but from his standing point it only seemed dangerous near the center which was the farthest from the bio mes aligning it so that where he was going to head for. He opened his backpack and pulled out the pieces of parachute fabric that he used for a pillow earlier. He cut the ten feet of fabric and wrapped half of it around himself and began to thread his rope through it to hold it on like a jacket and handed the other half to her. He then began to make his way deeper into the tundra. The material of the chute would make it so no water could get to him and since it was made to catch the wind it made it so wind didn’t pass through it. He was happy he had worn boots as he trudged along happy that his little buddy was a dragon because he could keep himself warm.

    Daemon was walking for about four hours before he found a cave and made his way inside, it wasn’t very big but at the angle the wind was blowing inside so it was a bit warmer in here then out there so he decided to take a break and relax. He then went back out and found a tree and he began to cut the bark off and gather the branches that he could break off before going back to the cave. He remove his jacket and using the rope was able to cover the entrance of the cave so the old air wouldn’t leak in. He then piled the bark up and began to spin a branch and after a few minutes a spark went off creating a fire that dried the bark and fire grew larger allowing them to relax next to it. It would only last about a half hour before they were out of fuel for it but at least they could get back there strength in that half hour. He grabbed his bag and opened it and Gible jumped out and sat right next to the fire enjoying the temperature. Daemon reached in and pulled out a couple apples and some berries and split them between him and her so they wouldn’t starve. .-

  • Cain

    July 19, 2014 at 1:54 am in reply to: |Bio|

    Name: Dagon Masters


    Age: 18

    Demon:Nightmare,Famine, Untrusting

    Appearance:He is 6 feet tall and has purple hair{thanx to Vai} and is covered in tattoo’s{thanx to aeron}{–_–} he wears a black tank top and matching purple trip pants and his butterflies are on his shoulders and his right wrist. One butterfly for every demon within his body.

    History: He is the son of Cronus and Rhea but when Zues took over Dagon was sent to earth as a mortal as his family was imprisoned in tarturus. Dagon lived twelve lives as a mortal before he was cursed to be the new Lord of Nightmare and Lucien found him and brought him to the lords of Budapest.

    Abilities: As the son of Cronus he is a titan, as the titan of disorder he can alter the world around him to his hearts content.

    He can not alter the laws of the arena.

    As a titan he can flash or appear and disappear to any location at will and anyone touching will travel with him.

    He was gathering relics for his father so that the titans could once again rule over all that is in existence. He found the four rings of the horsemen,

    The White ring- Conquest-Contains the power to cause all within his sight to grow calm and at peace with the looming disaster

    The Red ring-War-This ring can cause anyone to fight even if they are allies

    The Black ring-Famine-This can cause food and other supplies to grow in short supply

    The Pale ring-Death-This ring gives its wearer control over its own fate, to kill the wearer you must remove the ring first. To the point you must remove the ring from the finger, even if the hand is severed the hand is still wearing the ring.

    When all rings are worn only one can be active at a time.

    He always carries a walking staff with him even though he will never age or grow older to ever need it. He can alter its form to become any other weapon but in its normal state it made of a branch from the tree of knowledge.
    He can copy any substance and the abilities that come with the substance but it will be weaker and the ability will not last as long as the original.

    Demons-He can give a demon the option to submit itself and it will be absorbed by Dagon into himself which will form a butterfly tattoo on a location of his body.

    His demons are nightmare, Famine And and untrust

    Nightmare can cause fear to spring up as illusions in his enemy, only way to beat this is to overcome your fear or to not know fear

    Famine is not to be mistaken for his ring, he gathered this demon by defeating its original host. It can ruin any crops or spoil any food and contaminate any water that he touches.

    Untrust this is a demon that he has not mastered so he can not use its abilities.

    Magic used against Dagon can vary in effects has he can alter it but only to some extent, if you use a fire spell he can turn it into water to take less damage, If you were to cast something to seal or remove him he can warp it so he is free and unmovable, he can also do the opposition say your trying to heal yourself with holy magic, he can alter it so you curse yourself instead.

    He can alter the substance around him as long as there not immune to magic if they are he can only alter the ability they use once it leaves the item.

  • Cain

    July 19, 2014 at 12:48 am in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    Daemon looked at the Mankey then his Shuppet and a shiver went down his back, he had never been one for breading that was his sisters thing which is where the Gible came from between his Black Charizard and a silver Garchomp and somehow he got a normal colored Pokemon but the color didn’t matter just the power that comes out of it. He loved his dragons but he wasn’t a person to pity them if they were cute, he once had a jigglypuff on a dare and by the time he was done with it, it was the most behaved creature to walk the earth and could control its song to only knock out certain people and Pokemon.

    Daemon looked down at the gun before he released the clip seeing it was full high powered rounds he would find in a semi auto rifle and rarely into a fully auto. He looked up to her and his face went from the happy smile to the strait edge of when he was the soldier”seems we have more in common then just peace rallies, I was a black ops agent under the states security agency and for you to carry something of this level would make you either the same or higher, even on the black market you cant get this gear to modify a gun like this, I don’t want an answer but don’t try and say I’m wrong is all”.

    Daemon stood up walked outside aimed the gun making sure the optic site was in line before he put on the safety locking the slide so it couldn’t fire accidentally before fastening it in his leg pocket using a rope to hold it in the pocket but loose enough he can pull it quickly. He then walked back inside the tent and the Shuppet and Gible both looked at me before threw the poke ball calling back the Shuppet “I saw a plane go by near the other side of the island so something new is on the island and a lot of them so we may be in danger with are Pokemon being so low in level so I’m going to try and train while hunting for real meat, will grow malnourished if all we eat is fruit for weeks or months on end.

    Daemon had Gible jump on his shoulder before he turned and left the tent”you can either follow me or stay here, enough food to last a couple days but im heading into the next area where I expect hunting will be a lot easier, Ill return in a few days if you decided to stay behind, all I ask is make sure the rain catch doesn’t rip”.-

  • Cain

    July 18, 2014 at 5:04 am in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon shrugged about his knife and after about an hour of walking since he was now taking his time to enjoy the scenery as he had never been this deep into the forest terrain to the point he nearly entered the plains which would have been simple. Daemon came to his path spreading the material apart so they could enter. He then threw his poke ball to let out the Shuppet which floated around Mankey which it enjoyed lots since it seemed angry. He reached in his pot throwing an apple to the woman before he gave a branch of normal berries to the Mankey”he can eat these with no problem see”. He threw one to Gible who ate it quickly before dancing around and running into the cage that Daemon had found earlier.

    He pulled out his jug of water and handed it to her”careful with that or you may cover yourself in it since its only a peice of cloth in a knot, and as for how I got here, I was in the news alot last year for reaching master in the Dragon arts with my Hydreigon, so this corporation gives me a call saying I could reach a new level of mastery here on this island and all ive seen so far is renewing my skills from when I was in the military”. Daemon took a bite of his apple enjoying it more after that damn run in the woods”so what have you been up to since I saw you at the peace rally against the assorted team assholes and such”.-

  • Cain

    July 18, 2014 at 4:06 am in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon heard the Shuppet squeaking and Gible jumping up and down so Daemon looked up through the hole in the roof to see a Pink parachute which made him jump to his feet quickly using his ball to capture Shuppet and Gible was caught in mid jump before Daemon raced out the door and up the path his many walks had created in the brush. He was running at top speed so he reached the woman and her monkey in about a half hour by scouting and keeping track of the direction she came down”didnt think I would ever see another human on this damn island, thought my ex team was trying to get me off the grid or something….wait I know you”.

    Daemon wasn’t sure this woman was fair or one of the people he had taken out since he was fourteen so he grabbed his poke ball and held it between his fingers to show he had two pokemon on his but his Gible seemed to not be bothered by the woman so he placed the ball back in his belt. He pointed back at his Gible”my dragon seems to like you and ive learned to always trust a dragon’s decision”. He turned and walked back up the path and the woman would see the jungle knife in his back pocket”I have fresh water and fruit back at my camp if you wish to join me, maybe you know why we are here, I was told training, but nothing here is any different from the regions I traveled since Kanto”.-

  • Cain

    July 17, 2014 at 11:45 pm in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon was wondering along the path when he spotted foot prints in the dirt that had been covered by a bush but when the storm went through it must have ripped it up a bit allowing him to see it. He bent down and began to follow the tracks where he spotted a trip line so he turned to Gible”get back and stay still”. Gible was smart enough to listen to Daemon taking a few steps back which he did the same picking up a stick and throwing it at the line and it which caused a net to pull up catching anything that would have been standing there which was a stick. Daemon looked around for another trap not finding one and he guessed that such a simple trap meant not much in means of reward which came true when he saw a leather bag hanging from a tree within it was a single normal poke ball and a hunting knife which he was glad to see.

    Daemon put the poke ball into his belt where it belonged before he grabbed the knife and climbed the tree cutting down the netting so he would have some rope to make his home even better. Daemon decided to head back with Gible to the camp reaching it within a half hour finding that his idea to put the pot under it was smart as the catcher did end up overflowing nearly filling up the pot in water that would have been lost otherwise. Daemon got an apple for himself and some more berries for Gible happy that the little guy didn’t eat much yet though he knew as it grew stronger so would its appetite.

    Daemon left Gible in the cage he found earlier and decided to step out when nature called so he went and watered a bush when he saw something out of the corner of his eyes take off farther into the woods so Daemon decided to follow it quietly. He followed it for about an hour till it reached a mellow like area and he realized it was a Shuppet which surprised him since he had only seen two Pokemon on this island so far and neither of them seemed in harm enough to make a ghost Pokemon of this sort.

    Daemon pulled the tiny ball from his belt and it became the size of his palm and he knew that it didn’t realize he was there. Daemon knew he couldn’t hurt this thing so he went for the gold as he threw the pokeball hitting the Shuppet in the back of the head and the red light zapped out sucking in the Shuppet where it landed on the ground and rolled around for a few minutes before the ball stopped moving and the center light went from red to white meaning it was now caught. He picked up the ball which was warm to the touch which surprised him before he threw it again and the Shuppet came out looking at Daemon. It floated around for a few minutes before it launched itself right at Daemon who rolled out of the way knowing this would happen, He would play ball with it for now since it was the second Pokemon he ever caught in the wild the first being a black Charmeleon he had found in Kanto when his journey began which shocked his fellow class mates.

    Shuppet flew right at Daemon once again who dodged it once again but not far enough to dodge the second tackle which hit Daemon right in the chest knocking him to the ground where the Shuppet did a little dance of victory with a giggle. Daemon hated ghost Pokemon but this thing would make a good companion on this island so he will break this thing just like all the others. The Shuppet was surprised he wasen’t finding negative emotions in this human as most creature had envy or anger all it found in Daemon was excitement and adventure. It realized it couldn’t do any real damage to the human other then knocking him over so it stopped running around and floated there. Daemon sat up looking at the ghost so he grabbed the poke-ball and said”me and you are now partners you can either fight me the entire time or get use to working together because unless we do will never get off this island which will suck for us both, but if we do get off this island you’ll live in a major pokemon home with many others so you’ll never be alone”. It danced around before coming close so Daemon could catch it which went easily. Daemon laid back down shaking his head thinking that could have gone smoother but now he had two Pokemon which made his chances greater and this one didnt need to eat food just emotions which would save him and Gible problems. He made his way back to his tent which by this point looked like a circus tent camouflaged poorly in leaves. A Pokemon wouldn’t be able to realize what it was but a human would see through it quickly.

    He went and balled up his last roll of material placing it behind his head as the Gible came out and smelled the poke ball which Daemon grabbed and let Shuppet out who floated around looking at the Gible which it made what looked like a smiling face enjoying the emotions of the Gible that ranged from annoyed to curious. Daemon quickly fell asleep decided to let them work it out.-

  • Cain

    July 17, 2014 at 4:57 pm in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon watched as Gible missed the dog and headbutted the Geodude, missing its target made it retreat for a time to stand its ground. Daemon watched the crazy dog chase the rock and decided this wasn’t a fight he wanted since this dog was very bonkers. He called for Gible to follow him and he carried the wood and rocks back with him luckily he found a large log that was about about a foot long and a foot wide with the inside seemingly wore away to form a large bowl. Daemon took hiss stuff back to his camp site before returning to the log turning it to its side and rolling it back to the tent and inside. He rolled it into the center before going and finding one of the ten foot sheets he made from earlier that weren’t used to make the canopy to catch water. He took the large rock and began working on smoothing out the inside of the log so his plan would work. He then went and gathered a bunch of leaves and began to line the inside of the log with the leaves before finally lining the sheet of material over it and then folding the access under the log so it wouldn’t blow away or come loose.

    Daemon gathered the water gathered from the canopy and filled his new pot till it was half full, he put the rest in the noted bag he crafted when he had first arrived so he could venture out when the time came. He threw his apples into the pot saving just one so he could eat it. Daemon got himself full along with Gible and decided to venture out to try and find some other supplies on this island.

    He took leaves from random trees making sure not to break the steam and he began to press them through the tent material making sure to overlap it so that any rain would run from one leaf onto the next and not inside the tent so he now gave it a second layer of coverage while also adding camouflage to his home. He made sure the pot was under the capture tarp so that in case the tarp over flowed it would do so inside the pot.

    Daemon knew there had to be a capture system on this island since he wasn’t allowed to bring his pokeballs which rather annoyed him as it was possible this island would have pokemon never seen before which is what brought him here in the first place but now he was only seeing normal everyday things and no other trainers”god I would take a rocket right about now im so board”.-

  • Cain

    July 17, 2014 at 1:36 pm in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon awoke a while later to find the Nidoran at the door so he undid the twigs and let it loose and it ran until it was far out of site and Daemon didn’t expect to ever see the thing again so he decided it would be a good time to gather fire wood and possibly build a make shift ax if he could find some string or something. Gible was following him from behind luckily the little guy was a smart learner which was why Daemon loved dragons even if there evolution type was slow.

    Daemon watched as Gible ran along the bottom of bushes picking up new branches of berries of multiple colors but didn’t eat any of them until his owner told him which ones were safe. Daemon found a thick rock that was in the shape of a triangle so he picked it up before he looked up and found a tree that had apples so he reached up and picked an armful this way he could keep up his strength better until he can find some protein like seeds or nuts but so far he only saw fruit.

    Daemon turned a corner and saw the Houndour chewing on a Geodude which was rather odd to him but for now he was not worried about it because the Houndour was faster but it couldn’t do the damage of his Gible. Gible leaned down and looked at the dog who was defiantly not a native of this island. Gible showed his rows of razor sharp teeth and he ran at top speed jumping into the air at the suspecting dog and bite its leg.-

  • Cain

    July 17, 2014 at 1:23 am in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon looked up to see the Yanma and he grabbed his bag of water just incase he would splash it to bring it down before attacking but for now they decided to simply walk away. He had been walking a few miles where he ended up seeing a dense area of woods where he found a cage hung up in a tree that looked stuck so he climbed up into the cage finding a Nidoran inside. He lifted up the cage and unhooked the parachute before he carried the cage down placing it on the ground and unhooking it allowing the creature to run out before looking back at the human and tilting its head trying to understand it.

    The Nidoran walked away and out of site so Daemon decided to pick up the cage and the parachute and pack the spare parachute into the same pack with his own to use later. Daemon walked a few miles before he found a group of about nine tree’s that were all in a canopy so he took out the spare parachute and began to hanging it from branches until it was domed out covering all sides. He then walked out side of the dome and grabbed about six arm length logs that were about six inches in diameter thick. He walked around the edges and placed them down at each of the hooks which he used to tie down so that wind could not blow this thing away be it mother nature or a pigioto.

    Daemon found some thin twigs that were very durable and he placed them in his pocket for later, he made a slice in the parachute that was facing the exit that was only 7 feet long and he began to thread the durable twigs through tiny holes along the slit to hold it closed and no wild Pokemon would be smart enough to spread it open because one it was threaded closed he placed a log to hold it down before he took his own parachute and began to cut it into ten feet long sheets ending up with nine of them which he went out side and began to place around the top so that any water that fell would roll to the center and into a sheet he had hung up inside to catch it giving him a way to collect fresh water and this island having a glacier and desert so close together should storm hourly and like on Que he heard the putter patter as rain began to fall around the forest falling landing into his net which made a constant form of water for him and Gible.

    He heard a noise outside and he opened it up to see the Nidoran from earlier so he let it in and it ran into the cage from earlier to find Gible inside and it stopped but when Gible didn’t attack it relaxed and ate a berry that was laying around. Daemon figures this Nidoran wasn’t much older then his own little guy so it wasn’t yet hostile. He walked out and found a pointed rock and a log that was about was only about seven inches long and nine inches in diameter. He began to use the rock to form a bowl out of it which took about an hour which be scooped into his captured water and put it in the cage which he didn’t close so that this creature could leave any time it wished but for now it was fast asleep next to Gible which was immune to its poison since it was a ground dragon.

    Gible didn’t exactly seem happy with this arrangement so he came out and ran over to daemon who took off his backpack and parachute pack to make a pillow that was behind his head while he relaxed and waited for something to happen. He soon fell asleep listening to the sound of rain put him to sleep in no time.

  • Cain

    July 16, 2014 at 10:48 pm in reply to: Isolation Island (Main RP)

    -Daemon was trying to get the pilot to talk but he kept silent never saying anything to hint as to where they were going because the fog was so thick, Daemon couldn’t track how far they had gone from the main land so if he ever wanted to come back it would be a risk but he was putting a scratch on his vest for every mile they went but when his Gible woke up it shocked Daemon out of his counting and he lost track. Daemon waited for the island to come into view and luckily the fog had quickly lifted and Daemon was surprised to see such a large area hidden from any map he had ever seen.

    Daemon saw each of the different area’s of the island were based around a the elements with a massive desert in the center of it all. He grabbed his backpack and strapped it to the front of his chest before pulling the parachute on to his back before he zipped up the bag so that Gible wouldn’t get loose but there were a few holes so he could breath.

    Daemon went to the edge cracked a smile and did a back flip out of the copter before flattening out by spreading his limbs and let himself free fall for a time before pulling the tether which jerked him back up about fifty feet before he began his slow decent into the the island making sure to land on the edge of the desert with the forest still in eye sight before he repacked his parachute thinking it would make for a good shelter if he couldn’t find anything else.

    He left the desert quickly knowing prolong exposure can dehydrate anyone but since it was only morning it wasn’t that bad but at this time he didn’t want to deal with the giant Pokemon that are known to dwell in the sands. He was walking along the edge of the forest until he found a large lake which had fresh water. He opened up his parachute and let Gible out of his bag to get fresh air and he ran over and got a drink of water before jumping in and swimming around enjoying himself.

    Daemon began to work on the parachute ripping the smaller parachute off the top of the larger one which he placed under the water and pulled it back up bringing all the sides together before tieing the thing into a not allowing him to now carry the water with him before he helped his Gible back out of the water and they walked on.

    Daemon came to a bush of berries along the edge of the lake which he ate a couple handfuls knowing they weren’t poison berries before he took a couple handfuls and placed them in his vest pockets which were well insulated so that they wouldn’t go rotten quickly. He picked up Gible putting him back in his backup this time he left it open before ripping off one of the branches so that it could grow back in time before placing the branch with about forty berries in the bag with Gible”dont eat them all, dont need you getting sick”. Gible ate about five before laying back and relaxing enjoying the ride.-

  • Cain

    July 16, 2014 at 9:31 pm in reply to: RULES

    -Daemon places ink on his gible’s feet and has him stand on the paper before signing his name under it.-

  • Cain

    July 16, 2014 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Los Angeles

    -Dustin flexed his hand and it returned to normal before he shifted his armor back to his human form placing his hands up in the air to show he was not hostile but his eyes kept on this creature. He didnt want to fight something speed to speed because it was slimmer so it would outrun Dustin unless he reached the air which was where he did his best fighting.

    Dustin looked to each of them”im the one who created the giant hunter which helped you, and I hit those guards with my infection bolts, along with that I know what hives they plan to hit since you seem to know how to control these things”. Dustin did not step closer or any farther away so he didnt seem weak or as a threat.-

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