Forum Replies Created
Appearance: He stands at 6″2, Has well tanned skin with black spiked hair Has an athletic body from his journeys, Has a black charizard tattoo on his back and black flames on both his arm. He wears black cargo pants with a belt able to hold ten poke-balls at a time for quick access. He has multiple pockets on his pants to hold items, he is also wearing a survival vest with four more pockets and a backpack that is unzipped where his Gible rests when he is not walking with Daemon.
Pokemon: Has an army Pokemon back home but he is cut off from them, he brought his fresh born Gible with him
weak to=
Ice 4×
Dragon 2×
Fairy 2×
Poison ½×
Rock ½×
Fire ½×Shuppet
moves=knock off
weak to=
Ghost 2×
Dark 2×
Normal 0×
Fighting 0×
Poison ½×
Bug ½×Badges:He has the badges from all the other past lands but they hold no power here
Items:A modified desert eagle, and one poke ball
History: Daemon has traveled over all the lands beating any bad trainer that treats Pokemon has lower beings and beat the elite four in all the regions gaining the respect of many. He got a call to his private line while he was training his black charizard, he has been given the rules for this new area which made him curious as he had never started over before so he decided to try it out. So he boarded the Helicopter that was sent to him picking up his Gible and taking off for the island.
-John pulled up in front of Muse Tower where his door was opened and the sisters stepped out followed by john. They took his arms with a annoyed look as the camera’s flashed and he smirked enjoying the fact that they weren’t enjoying this and neither of them knew Bruce had returned but his helmet had alerted him of his arrival so he smiled.
The doors were opened and people were giving him odd looks which he ignored as he understood them knowing Bruce had already walked through. He lead them upstairs and into Sandra’s office and as he opened the door he stood face to face with Bruce but John smirked as his face took on the rocky qualities of doomsday. John then returned them to normal looking like the younger version of Bruce and the two women who shared a scared look seeing Bruce before they followed John in and stood on the other side of the room.
John turned to Muse”im sure you have already filled him in on everything so he should understand everything up to this point, but as for Talia and Nyeesa im now the leader of the League of shadows and didn’t have to kill anyone to reach this point, and I never took the journey through the demons path”.
He didn’t mean to insult he was just showing how he was taking control so problems couldn’t return to Gotham. He looked out the window wondering when something fun would begin so he could go and stop the villain and all that enjoyment.
-Dustin sat up as he blinked and his eyes flashed so he could use heat sensors to see the humans on this floor. He hadn’t expected the soldiers to come this far into the red zone but it didn’t matter as each of the humans around him lite up. He saw four and three below and many more a couple more floors down so he allowed the black plating to cover himself before he reached right through the wall snapping the necks of two of the soldiers and making them shoot there two allies. He knew they never got the chance to radio out for help so he was going to use this to his advantage so he absorbed one of the bodies and took on there form before he threw the other three into his apartment. He now knew everything about the combat training of the marine’s and there coordination between teams.
He picked up one of there coms and spoke into it”this floor is clear I’m moving up to the last floor then will make a final sweep down to meet before heading to the next”. Dustin walked up to the next floor and with his advanced hearing he could hear three families so he walked to the first door and knocked on it and someone shot through the door luckily Dustin was wearing the vest of the solider he had eaten or that may have tickled. He pulled his side arm and shot at the man who had shot him before shooting the two other men within the room before he saw that they had a woman tied up and Dustin didnt want to think what may have been going on here so he untied her”get going this building is going to be bombed soon”. He then went to the next room which he just kicked in holding up his pistol but all it contained was a group of crying kids which he made leave.
He got to the final room and he could tell now that this wasn’t a human behind the door so he kicked it in and the sight and smell made him want to puke, he knew the red zone was horrible but this was just fucked up as there were pieces of bodies everywhere and an evolved teenager was siting there eating everything like he was possed by gluttony. Dustin aimed and shot him in the head and it bounced off which made him chuckle a bit. It turned around rubbing its head before it leaped at Dustin who let himself drop bent his knees in. Once the creature was over Dustin who was now laying on his back would kick with both legs as hard as he could making the creature soar through a window and bounce a few blocks away. Dustin stood up as a team from below came running up hearing the assault as he waved them off luckily they didnt have the sensors that the black watch teams did so they helped him to see feet and one of they said he was wearing to much gear because he weighed a ton. Dustin chuckled as he followed them out of the building and the second none of them were paying attention he dove through a man hole cover and back towards where he had been.
He came out of the sewer a few blocks down changing back to his normal form other then keeping the black plating covering himself. He turned his head and saw the two men walking into the red zone and he turned his right hand into his cross bow but this time four of his fingers were arrows these were strong enough to pierce a juggernaut”Friend or Foe”.-
-Lupus watched each of the trolls from his corner as he pulled out a flask of a dark yellow which he took a swig from. He then placed it in his leg pocket of his pants. This liquid took time to make in his garden but luckily his lusus was a dragon with long claws which he used as a spade to spread the ground so he could easily plant his seeds that he got from his neighbor a jade blood. It took about four months for the roots to grow long enough so that they were ready to harvest. He then had to cut them into pieces and let them soak in water which over time gave the water the dark yellow look before he added sugar.
He looks down seeing the shark swimming around and shrugs, it wasn’t nearly the size of his dragon though it did seem to have a bigger mouth. It seemed to be trying to figure him out though it swam away which it grew irritated with trying.
Lupus had this sickness from a mutation though he himself didnt know where it came from but it must have been an interaction with a human with his ancestor. But he had the sickness but unlike humans with the sickness it did not weaken him in anyway, he was never actually sick because like him his dna was super strong.-
-John removed his helmet and sighed deeply as he sat it on a table before bending down and his eyes glowed as he turned the remains into ash. He stood up turned placed back on his helmet and walked down without a word. He left that day heading to Australia to find someone that would be useful to him.
He didn’t know what was going on with Muse and for the time being he didn’t want to be around her, she had killed for no reason and he needed to think on this. He walked onto the army base now in a business suit as he explained that he wanted to get to his location without being followed. He showed the general his id and passport and he nearly fell over as the new richest man on earth was standing on his run way.
He gave john a uniform to wear and stored away the large black suit case full gear that no one but himself would be able to open the case because if they tried it would explode. He was sitting and speaking to a couple of the soldiers and they began to teach him martial arts and different forms of take downs. He studied college level text books as he wanted to learn law,chemistry,biology, psychology, and finally sociology.
John was in Australia and he was wearing his gear but now it was diffrent colored, now he has desert camo pants and his armor was also colored to match his pants. He was using a machete to cut down weeds and plants as he hunted for someone. He found himself in a jungle that he had been walking through for hours, he wanted to use his abilities but he had noticed there were camera’s tracking his movements through the jungle. so he knew he was in the right place now.
He sliced through a huge vine and behind it he finally found a black door that looked like it had a rams skull carved into and he spoke in a deep voice”the fangs that guard the hand”. The door slowly swung open and he walked inside smelling the dry and musky air as he entered the door closed behind him. The lens covering his eyes glowed red so that he could sense heat signatures but as of right now he couldn’t so he kept making his way down the large steps.
He reached the bottom of the steps and instantly his helmet was removed and his armor removed and he never moved allowing it to happen not even trying to change his face because he knew this woman would be able to see through it. He smiled”Hello Nyssa Raatko the daughter of Ra’s al Ghul, you look really good for a dead woman”. She was missing three fingers on her right hand and a lot of her skin was burnt but she could have fixed that easily if she could have reached the pit on the other side of the continent but because of people hunting her she couldn’t allow herself to be seen.
She walked around him a few times before trying to stab him with a sword and it didn’t even create a pin prick on his skin and she smiled as he ran her left hand that was fine across his skin and laughed”I knew you were not the one as you look like him but your more thick headed because you do not know fear because nothing on or from this planet could ever hope to hurt you and I doubt our toxins would work enough to cause you fear because you must know fear for it to work.
He waited for her to finish examine him before he used his heat vision to light the candelas around the room and now he saw an army of ninja’s around him along with the other sister”Talia, must be painful to see this face as the man you tried to kill, yes tried to kill, he still lives out there with superman but within a week he will be back on earth and you’ll never see him because I could seal you both in a lead coffin, I know it would take centuries for either of you to die but dont worry id made sure it was filled with the pits liquid so that you could never die and you would live in horrible agony forever, Or you could take orders and be good children and follow my instructions”.
They looked at with fear at his threat and Talia made a motion for the warriors to attack and he never moved as they sliced his body and the blades broke easily around his flesh some of the broken pieces were now pierced into some of the other warriors. He had raised his hand to stop a blade from going inside one of Nyssa’s right eye. He quickly removed the pieces of metal before they could cause any real damage and he radiated his hand to a level to sped up the healing factor of each person hurt before he turned and placed his hand on Nyssa’s head the skin healed before her fingers grew back”I know if my boss finds out I can do this and I haven’t taught her how she might get annoyed with me”.
He then found a chair and sat down leaning back before he clicked his fingers and the top fell off every person in the room male or female”oh did I mention how fast I am, I thought since you ripped my shirt off it was only fair if I did the same to all of you”. The women were pissed and some of the guys tried to cope a feel but john was quick on the draw and threw a rock that broke one of there hands and all of them stopped the attempt “didn’t your mothers ever teach you the difference between look and touch”. He had learned on his trip around the world what it meant for human mating so he smiled at this fact.
John waited for her to make a decision which took a damn week and they chained him to a wall before covering him in melted metal and then cement thinking it might hold him but he easily wiggled his fingers showing he could break it easily which annoyed the fuck out of them but by weeks end they agreed to follow him and he sighed as he ran at top speed and bought a bunch of clothes for the assassins so that they could blend in as they hire a private jet big enough to fit them all.
He was now on his way to Gotham with a jet full of women as the men were sent to different parts of the world to let the leaders know that they were now under new management and if they needed funding to contact Johnathon Muse on his private line. He ended up back in Gotham about three weeks later as he headed for Muse tower to see her face and Bruce’s.-
-Dustin watched the mayhem he helped cause and it made him smile but he was about five buildings down standing under a water tower that was on a roof so that no sky support would be able to see his heat signature, though anything on his level would be. He is watching the building as he examines his monstrosity digging its way inside not what he had planned but this worked out greatly till he saw the man from earlier makes its way onto a building as if it was searching for him.
Dustin did a back flip off the building letting his armor fade so he could glide with speed using his mass to form fins from his wrists to his ankles so he could easily catch air to soar for longer. He had seen squirrels do this so he thought it would be possible and with all the fires burning he was able to glide over them to force him back up into the air. He didnt stop till he was almost five miles from his starting point out of any soldiers range as he was now a rock throw away from the red zone and there were bigger things to worry about then him here.
He saw creatures scurrying about before he saw a walker the size of a five years old child and it pissed him off, he accepted himself being turned as an adult but something so young never got the chance to live. Dustin saw a crane above himself so he jumped up and using claws on his hands and feet began to crawl along the bottom before he saw a rope made of the same material budgie cords were made of so most likely this was made so if the worker fell he had a chance to survive. He tied it around his ankle and let go falling quickly as his weight made him reach maximum velocity very quickly. He formed his hand into a solid spike and as he was five feet from the young walked he put his hand down and right through the creature he went smashing the brain instantly so that no pain would be felt if these mindless things felt pain.
Dustin felt the rope snag as he reached the end but instead of bouncing him back up with his weight it snapped landing him on his back cussing to whatever could hear him. Turns out that a pack of hunters and flyers were listening and they thought Dustin looked like dinner. He sat up brushing himself off keeping his eyes on these creatures as they circled not attacking like they normally would a human as they could smell or feel the virus in him. He made each of his fingers into razor blades and put back on his plating as he waited but they never attacked instead they ran as the ground began to shake and one of those tentacle creatures came out of the ground launching Dustin up and into a building window which he rolled until he reached the middle of what was once someones apartment and he decided it would work for now. He found a large board and covered up the window and cardboard to cover the others before he started flipping lights on but nothing worked till he found a lantern and flashlights.
He turned the light on not that he needed it as he could see fine in the dark but he wanted to feel more human. He barricaded the door easily with the couch and a few boards he ripped out of the Cabinet which he drove through the floor and through the couch so it wouldn’t be easy to push it forward since the door swung in. He went and covered all others ways inside the apartment making sure it was secure. He found a nice large bed with oak boarders and what looked like a foam bed which he sank into but not through luckily before he pulled the blanket over himself and thought about his next move as he listened to the chaos the infected were making outside.
-John sighed as he back away from muse as he stood next to the door with his arms crossed as he smiled behind his mask”no he wasn’t bothering me, he is pretty amusing that a creature such as myself could be corrupted by such simple powers that are gathered on this planet compared to the others”. He was mostly talking about the lanterns and how they grow with knowledge.
He waited for something to happen or for them to escort this man to his chains to wait his sentence that is deemed correct by Muse and himself. This mortal was no normal human so he shouldn’t be governed by the same rules of the world. He saw the force muse was attempting to use and this could cause alot of problems for the man if the full force was used on the man.-
-John cracked his neck as he slowly walked up to the male he had been hunting for for about a week. John clicked a button on his head set as he began to talk”I got him ready for shipment, he is either going to come peacefully or im going to rip him in half for the hell he put this city through”. He removed his gloves and he cracked his finger as he slowly walked towards Nemaz making sure there was only about five feet between them”your going to come peacefully or that open window is how your going to exit and you wont land until you reach Metro, you hear me”. He was letting on how strong he was but he didn’t care he wanted to break this man for causing the chaos he had to clean up.
He didn’t run he didn’t even throw a punch he walked up so that they were face to each other he spoke”sit down or die, those are your options, and if you submit this world will never see you again, the prison Ive picked is perfect for you, and you’ll never see a visitor”.
John was gone in a flash as he pushed a chair gently but with his anger building it flew past Nemaz’s head like a bullet”oppose I guess I don’t know my own strength anymore, as you have guessed, im not batman nor have I ever wanted to be, I am me, I have no name and that’s how its going to stay”.-
-Dustin decided that he would stay away from the green zone for a while so he ran from roof top to roof top before be noticed that hunters were stocking in a direction and Dustin followed them maybe on instinct more then curiosity. He found his way to the lab where a bunch of those hunters were located that had put him in the coffin for so long. He didn’t want to attack what looked like there top dog but he knew the small fries were so nervous about there situation that they would screw up.
He dropped about seven hundred pounds of mass keeping himself at 1500 while he watched his missing mass fall down and onto a normal hunter and once Dustin’s mass fell onto the creature it tried to eat it and once it ate all of the mass. The hunter began to double in size from devouring Dustin’s mass but the creature wouldn’t be able to control all of that for long. Its huge body would made the building shake altering the marines and Black watch to its location. It was going to be a lot harder to bring down then a normal one but this thing was only a distraction. He turned his hand into his body turning his middle finger into an arrow head before firing it aiming for the back of the neck of one of the small nervous marines if it made contact it would infect the marine and the marine would spread the virus through the marines and black watch unless dealt with. Dustin knew this would give the other evolved time to escape since they now had this huge hunter and an infected marine to deal with.
Dustin kept himself out of sight crawling onto the side of building and only peaking around it only enough to see but not enough to be noticed with all the chaos that was happening to the soldiers down below. He then made to fists as he growled slightly and he shape shifted into his armor that looked like it was starting to form wings but for now he kept them hidden. He jumped from the building he was on to the next watching soldiers that were trying to enter in from the front and not noticing what was above them. Dustin shot two more arrows into the middle of a bunch of soldier’s these connected easily into the chest of both of the solider and they began infected with the virus quickly before jumping at other marines trying to devour them. He was the chaos he had started and waited for the other evolved to escape the building as he could observe it.-
-John nodded agreeing on the damages and he spoke”ill be more careful from now on”. He headed back upstairs and began to make himself something to eat not speaking to the older woman. He removed his helmet and the older woman nearly fell over when she saw his face but his look of not knowing who she was made her look at him again seeing the huge difference in age from the last time she saw Bruce. John could be the teenage version of Bruce Wayne so he decided to use this to his advantage on fixing a few things around town that had been left unchanged since Bruce left. He drove the car down to the center of town where the police force was currently holding a press conference to speak on this new batman and what they were going to do to fix him.
John walked up in a suit and tie and everyone looked at the billion dollar playboy as he walked right up to the current police commissioner shaking his hand before he turned and looked to the people from Gotham”as my daughter helps to rebuild are fair city I am now going to put my foot down to make sure this fair city reaches the point that its always been meant to reach”. He looked up and smirked as he saw a car racing off in the direction of down town and he wondered what that could be. He turned back to the chief”you will see in my history that I have many years of working with the police force in Japan so I would like to join your team as the new leader of the swat team which ill be bringing new tech and an armory of weapons”.
The people all stood there with there mouth on the ground not expecting that out of the the playboy. The commissioner pulled out a badge and placed a hat on his head handing him the badge as people clapped and congratulated the new Leader of the police special weapons and tactics.
John walked back to his car telling the commissioner he would report to duty once he spoke to the R&d team on gathering the new gear for his team. He took off down the road only a mile down the road from when Nemaz kicked the car over. John now had on his gear as he walked down the road and into the building following Nemaz. He yelled out using his sonic voice to echo through the entire building”Anyone who doesn’t want broken bones better give up now”. He wanted everyone in the building to hear him.-
-Lupus walked into the room with all the scatter trolls with multi colored hair before he sighed he thought the purple stripe in his hair made him special but not anymore. He smirked at the purple blood but he would play nice for tonight. He turned to the woman who waved at him and he gave a light bow before he turned to see the other guest that had came in behind him and once he greeted everyone at the party he went and leaned against a wall. He closed his eyes and decided to have the emo look on his face to try and detour anyone from coming up to talk to him.-
Name: Kual Liast
Height: 6’1
Weight: 190
Description: the normal uniform of a Cryomancer grand master
Personality: He only speak rarly to those he kills
Home World: Earth Realm
Fights for: Outworld
Alignment: True Neutral
Rank: Contestant in MK
Move Type: Ice,Moves list:
Ice ball that will freeze you
ice cloan that will freeze you if hit by it, this one can move on its own
ice puddle that will make you slip or he can slide on
Ice sword
Ice block makes a five foot wide block of ice fall down on youFamily: The Lin Kuei
History: He was chosen when the next Contest began by the Elder Gods of Outworld -
-John leaned against the hover craft as he watched the woman”I really don’t care what you burn as it doesn’t bother me, but it pisses off my partner, out here I can watch you and watch for people following us”. John took off his armor and reached into the jet throwing her a pair of pants that would follow her”those are fire proof so unless you become fully lava they wont burn of your body, and on this planet no matter how hot your body is there are sickos that will take advantage of a naked woman”. He waited for her to dress before he finished speaking handing her a ear piece”try and keep this safe so that you can contact me anywhere in the world, or you can destroy and return to destroying everything, I am not of this planet either, My race comes from Krypton and its now destroyed so I am along on this planet just like you as my other race members have left the planet leaving me behind to try and protect this place I call home”.
He jumped up into his jet after the meeting and headed for the Bat Cave landing easily seeing Sandra talking to a woman he never saw so he placed on his helmet before exiting the jet. He walked up to Sandra and waited.-
-Dustin was leaning against the sewer while he watched creatures walk by and he smirked as he saw a juggernaut walking around the red zone and he got an idea. He ran up a building as fast as he can placing his hands together he forms a spike and lets himself fall backwards and as he gathered up speed as he feel he impaled the spike right into the top of the creatures head. It didnt go down as he did a back flip dodging the arms as it tried to punch him.
He jumped onto a bridge as he looked down at it wondering how he could kill this thing and get its armor to advance himself. He saw a rifle that must have been dropped by a marine so he ran over pick it up and checked the ammo seeing he had four shots. He took off at top speed and aimed for the creatures head where it was cracked up. He got off three of the four shots before a large piece of stone hit Dustin right in the chest knocking him onto his ass and pissing him off. He saw that the creature was stumbling a little as the three shot had hit there mark. He got back to his feet and ran jumping off the bridge as he drove the gun down into the crack before pulling the trigger finally killing the creature. He let his body begin to devour the thing. He didn’t want its fists but he got the ability anyway what he wanted was the nice black armor he was now covered in.
He shifted himself back to look human and got his ass out of the red zone for now, He found a few humans hiding in the yellow zone and ate them to heal the wounds that the stone had ripped into his chest. He felt full and figured he had gained another 200 hundred pounds and wondered if there was a way to lose some of this damn weight as it would slow him down.-
-John pulls out his phone and pushes a button and the computer would connect instantly as his phone was now a hot spot and no information other then happening of muse corp would be blocked to this creature as he himself understood how valuable intelligence was but unknown to this creature John would be tracking the sites it used to see if it worked into government weapons or war codes so that he could block them as if they no longer existed to him. He then turned back to the woman and smiled”yes please id love a cop of tea, as I hear it the roots made for this area comes from a small town called smallvile that I plan to visit as I have relatives from there”. He wanted her to look into him and he would enjoy the game of cat and mouse.
He accepted the cup as he smiled at her and he drank it as they discussed business but as his watch struck five O’clock he stood and shook her hand once more as he turned and exited the office. Heading for his Helicopter which he got up into smoothly and took off heading towards a local army base where he sent a code to the base to allow him access to land. He landed and asked for a private flight to Australia he told them he was being followed by someone and had to travel outside of the country without being spotted. They covered him into an army private uniform before shipping out and taking off across country and enjoying things as he went picking up books on chemical structures and analyzing different forms of technology as he went from country to country as they refueled and once they dropped him off he saluted him and took off on his search of the assassins.-