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-john looked up at the man as he pulled out a cigar and cut the end before he smoked it walking around the robot that landed in front of him and he kept walking”don’t worry about me big man nothing in this town scares me, and she didn’t tell you to follow me for my protection, she wants you to report to her what my actual meaning for being in this town is, I’ve read over how the Luthors think and it seems shes no different”. He walked down the street not caring if the thing followed him as he walked into a homeless shelter and took off his jacket and gave it to a man that was shivering from the cold. He then searched for the owner of this building once finding the small woman he offer her a contract to get this place new beds and heating and cooling systems and he planed to expand the building out since the area behind it was an empty lot. The woman thanked him sighing the contract that he placed in his shirt pocket. He walked back down stairs and pulled the revolver out of the jacket of the man who now had his coat,”sorry forgot this”. He placed it in the leg holster and walked back outside looking for the robot checking to make sure his coast was clear before he walked back up the road back towards the Luthor tower. He was about a block from the tower when he heard a bang of a gun which made him turn to see that a man was shot for his wallet and a guy was running down the alley with it. John took off first at a human speed but after a few seconds his anger boiled and he appeared in front of the man in a blink of an eyes before he lifted him up by the throat and carried him back to the guy he shot throwing him on the ground where the dead man now layed he pulled out his gun and put a bullet in the mans skull making sure this murder could never kill again. He put his gun back and walked to the tower where he walked right up to the Luthor”you know if you don’t trust me you can just ask you dont have to send your robotic Gorilla after me”. He walked around her office looking at things before he sat down across from her desk putting his feet on her desk as he waited for her retort or for her to deny sending the creature.-
-John had taken an experimental chopper out for a ride since he needed to know more about this Luthor since he knew from the information he had gathered Lex was one of the worst men to ever have power and now his daughter was on the throne even if the throw was only a broken city. He guided the ride into a helicopter pad killing the engine and disabling the live rounds and rockets with a touch of his thumb. He climbed out wearing a nice clean black suit looking towards the female and the thing next to her he stiffened his muscles thinking maybe this was all a trick by brainiac but he figured he would have been attacked already if that was the case so he decided to play it safe so he walked up with a smile ignoring the robot as he reached out his hand for her to shake”Hello my Name is Johnathon Muse, the owner of Muse industries and wanted to see if there was anything we could do to quicken the process of getting this great town back up and running”. He turned and looked at the giant creature”is this a new product from Lexcorp or is this thing organic and from some planet like your great superman”.
He had his gear in the helicopter in case he saw there was an attack of some kind here though his worst thought were the two standing in front of him. He walked away from them and down into the town after a few hours of chatting about things going on around the town. He walked around the city streets seeing that most of the streets would need cleaned and then repaved. He had a Model 60 Smith&Wesson revolver that fired .357 rounds in his jacket in case someone decided to mug him since he knew that around the world his face was posted everywhere not sure if it would be here since everything was broken for the time.
John ended up where the daily bugle once was before he turned a corner and found a brianiac droid laying on the ground and it twitched and looked at john analyzing his genetic makeup seeing that he was a krytonian under it all. It tried to sit up to attack him but he smirked as he walked up and put his foot right through its head looking around to make sure no one was watching and if anyone was he planned to hunt them down.-
-John was irritated that she thought he had screwed up so he took in a deep breath and instead of cold air hot air came out and everything was unfrozen leaving no damage behind. He turned back to muse”your fucking welcome”, he turned to the creature and told her to follow him. He pushed a button and his ride lowered to the ground”fire off or your not getting in”. He jumped into his ride waiting for her to do the same.
If she got in he would shoot off towards the outside of town so they could have a chat. If she does not get in the hovercraft he plans to force her to walk there by clapping his hands at a frequency that would annoy the fuck out of her because since he would have to walk and hated going slow would be much fun for him as payback.
Once they arrived outside there were open flat rock for about five miles so if anyone tried to listen to there conversation from this distance they would have to be in his sight. He turned to her”ok which planet are you from and why have you come to earth and more importantly why are you in Gotham.-
-John watched her take off into town so he decided to try out his new toy so he grabbed his helmet and through it into the seat before he jumped in beside it. He placed his thumbs on the handles and the top slid shut before the halls slid apart and he shot through the hole following after the bat mobile. He hovered above for a few minutes watching this creatures actions smashing through cars like they were made of butter made him decide not to play this one safe like the humans he had been dealing with. He landed on the other side of the road from the Dark Muse, he made a motion pointing to his face. He took in a huge breath and his end of the road and the buildings were all frozen solid so that this woman wouldn’t be able to exit this side of the road and he hoped Muse had this ability also. He placed on his helmet as he began to walk towards this monster wondering if it was an alien like him or just a human with corrupted DNA. He was right out of this creatures reach as he spoke with an edge”if you dont want to look like this road youll turn off the fire effects and follow us for testing and possibly getting answers you may need or want”. He decided to show her he was not of earth either. He changed his skin back to the rocky look of doomsday before taking of the helmet so she could see the demon under the mask.-
-John dropped down beside her”whatever you think will be good, I need you to make something to limit my strength when I”m among humans so that I can shake someones hand without crushing there entire skeleton”. He walked over and poked a rock and it shattered turning to dust before he looked back at her as evidence”a fortress would be fun, not sure about space since I enclosed area’s that I cant get away from in a hurry”.
He finally walked over and ran his hand over the new tech enjoying the feel of it under his fingers tips”and here I thought Im the one with the new toys to bring home, we now have a tank made of my skin synthesized to be armor plating. He took off one of his gloves before placing his hand on the scanner and the top slid back which made him smile as he jumped inside taking off his other glove as he grabbed onto the two flight controls as they slid into place around him. He placed his thumbs on each end at the same time and the place lite up around him as the top slid into place so now he was enclosed in darkness and thats when the screen in front of him showed him the batcave and quickly scanned over everything listing them in order so he can call out its name for more information on whatever he liked. He felt it fly up about fifty feet wanting to take it for a spin but know it was not the right time.
He put it back down before releasing his thumbs which allowed the beast to power down and the roof shot open so he could jump out landing beside her. He walked around the room”blue would be nice yellow would kill yours eyes if your under it for to long but I was thinking of venting in sunlight also so that were powered up while were in here. It wouldn’t be noticeable at all to anyone but just slight slivers for the rays to pass through that would be pointed directly at this desk. He then saw a light go off on his phone indicating there was an attack in the city of some creature made of fire”well we got a new target to play with, why don’t you join me this time so that the world will know that the Red Lantern didn’t kill you like most people think”. He didn’t need the flight craft so he jumped on his bike putting back on his gloves before placed in the key starting up the bike hearing it roar made him place his feet up on the sides and take off for town.-
-Dustin smiles as he watches the chaos right up until he is spotted by the big behemoth of a man which makes him smirk bigger. He does a back flip staying just inches from the mans reach as he slams his feet into the roof going through each floor quickly until there was a hole through the entire building. He reached the fifth floor on the opposite side of the building from the soliders that spotted him. He began to run among the office works slashing them with his fingers infected there blood stream with the virus surprisingly there was a evolved like himself that jumped out the window in the direction of the greenzone probably not knowing any different. Dustin ran through a window on the other side of the building so that he landed back in the yellow zone. He ran around the infected that were on the street slicing any that may think he was dinner. He found a subway entrance and he took it going underground and running until he was close to the red zone figuring they would track that other evolved now instead of him since now that he was underground his heat signature would either be very faint which could be mistaken for an active third rail or none existent at all he would be free. He watched as a pack of hunters stalked the red zone looking for prey.-
-Dustin was sitting on a buildings edge as he flexed his hand watching people in the green zone run around like nothing was wrong. He hadent the ability to summon creatures like his fellow brethren, he knew much about them after spending his time in the coffin listening to the doctors and scientists speak about the genetic stray and how it can be altered by few of us evolved infected. He smirked though he could control how his body morphed as he spread his hand wide and flat out in front of himself and his middle finger turned into an arrow head before it fired out right into the back of a normal human male and the infection spread quickly through him becoming a normal infected running around the green zone wouldn’t last long but the show would be nice.-
-John dropped his phone on her desk”fix this when you get a moment because im tired of women getting the number”. He hadn’t a clue how it happened but was curious of things to come when he saw her suit up in her new gear he shrugged”sorry to say but its not as nice as my gear”. He liked the solider gear of his uniform so he walked over and put on his gear as he looked around”we need to make some adjustments down here or were going to run out of room and we need to hide that pit better”. John walked over towards her before jumping clutching onto the roof as he looked around trying to scale out the interior as to what they could do, he didnt want the whole cave thing anymore, he would rather have a full base they could work out of and any other hero’s they found around the world.-
-John saw the announcement made by this luthor woman in Metropolis interested in how she could have removed braniac so easily, he had a bad feeling about her. He could hear Sandra working so he put on a black hooded coat and a pair of black cargo pants and a pair of black boots taking out a corvet with it being at five o”clock in the afternoon people should be to busy to realize he was around but he didn’t expect that to work. He was heading towards the backdoor of the tower seeing a few people point and try and get his attention a few women asking him to marry them. John sighed as he pulled in locking the garage door behind him. He stepped out of the car seeing fox with a smile meaning he had the things done. He walked up as fox turned on lights that stretched on for miles showing off a group of new police cruisers that had reinforced armor and a new set of armor for the swat teams along with a rifle that can now see through walls”hey can you make this thing into a laser so that it can burn through a steel door”. Fox looked a little taken back but he held up an orange chemical that could be weaponized if condensed but would only have one shot each “alright start getting shipments on this, Sandra will make sure it seen to”. He finally got to what he wanted to look at the new tank version of the bat mobile and a tank version of a harley motorcycle. He pushed a button and the armor lifted up so he could get one and everything turned on once his finger print activated the bike he saw it connect right to the batcave”hey hope everything back there is good, will be back after we finish the tuning on the new gear”. He hit the gas on the bike and the armor sealed shut around him which made him smirk because of the shine of it looked like diamond but was made out of replicated version of his skin but it wasn’t able to be made into cloth for him to wear yet. He had told fox about trying micro chain mail out of it which was being tested right now with a shot gun which foxed enjoyed testing these new materials with the idea it could save lives. John got his new bike up to one hundred and fifty miles per hour on the test track under the building. He pulled it back into its place knowing it and the tank would need moved to the batcave in the middle of the knight. He checked his phone and someone had got his number and he has picture of naked women posted all through it with the words marry me written on there chest and his only thought was “why do humans find this attractive, these thin creatures are not warriors there worthless sacks of nothing, if your not a warrior your nothing”. He got back in his car and drove off having to swerve to not hit a woman who tried to stop the car by getting in the way thinking he may have clipped a fire hydrant in the accident and if so he would be on the news for it which annoyed him further.
He got up to the house walking right down to the cave”so you know, police wise are under control and….well you have been busy.-
-John was riding through town when he saw the new alert warning him that more chaos was taking place around the town”fuck it”. He didn’t care that the area was full of GCPD as he walked in picking up people and carrying them out of harms ways from the area as bullets bounced off his armor as nothing was a strong enough caliber. He whistled at a point it was like a sonic grenade went off but because of its pitch no one would be able to detect where it came from. He watched as all the lights around him went out and his armor began to glow and vents opened up as he took control of all the radios and coms in the area”I have a message for everyone that got away from this fight with there tail between there legs, Its open season on you bastards and because of the guys you left behind I now have your face because he decided to take a picture so good luck going out in public as im now hunting you and your pyromaniac and there is no where in the universe you can hide from Batman and if you look at my history you’ll know that’s true”.
He watched as the cops stopped shooting him and everyone turned to look at him seeing the design on his chest they all started to scream and run from him as they realized he was not only batman but superman as well”that’s right im bulletproof bitches”. He knew that sooner or later they would figure out he wasent from around here but he didn’t show any of superman’s abilities as the armor was never broken so that they didn’t know his skin was perfect or that he looked like Bruce Wayne.
He cracked his neck as he looked around and saw a boy hiding behind a garbage can shaking in fear, he walked over and the kid asked him” are you really Batman or are you a fake that wants to slander his name”. He placed his hand on the kids head as he leaned down and whispered in the boys ear”I promise you I am the real deal just made a bit better this time so that criminals can hurt me so easy so that your town will be safe”. He watched the kid smile and run off towards home hopefully and not into any more trouble. John left a tracked on the kid so that he could help the kids family which he planned to do for all people living in Gotham.-
-John turned and looked at the pit after she walked back upstairs before walking over sealing the door knowing it wouldn’t stop her but he needed to make sure no one else could use this pit. His eyes turned red as he welded the door shut before moving his hand over the door while he breathed out a thick layer of ice thick enough to repel even c4 and thermoite. John walked back upstairs”well this will need to be looked into since your not human now, your kryptonian as far as I can tell your not even that, your evolved like my father even more pure then I at this point”.
He watched the news seeing that fox was revealing the new tech to the GCPD that would make it so small arms and even rifles would no longer be considered cop killers. He picked up the cell”I see this being a long partnership Mr.Fox and I would like to know if you need a hand in your shop as you know I can carry my weight pun intended”. He was to show up when he could to test the technology for the police and the future of the world.-
-John stopped when she crossed her arms instead of going to defend herself he realized this wasnt the time for this so he looked her in the eyes and nodded”do what you need ill be back home”. He ran at top speed back to Gotham checking the new for any reports to any crimes that may need taken care of. He wasn’t wearing a shirt as he picked up his cell seeing the message from fox realizing that he had been gone about five hours”hey fox ill check in on everything in the morning”. He closed the phone and went down into the cave as he worked on his suit wondering what could be bothering Sandra and who was Thomas which made him speak out loud and the computer next to him began to search showing him that Thomas was the late husband of Sandra which made him sigh wondering what she was hiding from him now-
John watched the lasor vision knowing the was a kryptonian ability but he wasent of pure blood to obtain such been when she started floating he smirked trying to analize its effects hoping that maybe he could copy such an ability in the future but for now seeing the shine knowing she could copy his stone skin in a new way”so that proves that, you can adapt to my level”im going to press down on you till your able to push me back so adapt or im going to push you through the planet and out the other side”.-
-John felt the hit in his back and he flew across the ice skipping creating a few cracks in his skin which made him crack his neck as he realized that he hadn’t seen her move”guess playing easy is no longer apart of this since you hitting me that hard didn’t break everyone bone in your body means your as indestructible as I am but let me show you something and see if you can copy this as well his eyes yellowed for a second as they adapted to watch her move. His body steamed even in this cold as his body seemed to turn to stone but his body now copied the effects of the chemical they put inside him so he returned to his human self quickly knowing now that if he is hurt bad enough he will resort to his stone skin for protection. He roared loud enough that all the ice around them shattered before he took in a huge breath of air blowing out a wall of ice that flew at her. He then jumped strait in the air bringing his hands down to make a hammer strike to her skull” which would sink her up to her neck in ice”need more then speed to keep me down and at your level you don’t have enough to even keep a scratch on my face, so pump up pudding cup or braniac will eat you alive”.-
-John stood there watching her seeing the dent she left in the ground already had him placing his hand over his face knowing what was coming and when she crushed the gun he knew it was confirmed”yeah we got problems”. John ran at top speed picking her up and they were in the artic away from anything living as he removed his jacket tie and shirt as he cracked his neck rolling his shoulders looking strait at her as his skin looked like it was shining as they were as close to the sun as possible so there powers were at 100% higher then anywhere else in the planet”alright we need to see how many of my abilities you have”{doesn’t know you have other abilities also from other hero’s}. He plans not to fight back since he didn’t want to kill her if shes not invincible.
He took in a breath and decided to show her a few things for her to try as he picked up a boulder and threw it past her which made a five foot crack in the ground that split the ice around them so that she would need power to get to him now”i don’t plan to make this easy for you”. He watched her carefully waiting for her strike seeing if she would show something new so he could copy it.-