Forum Replies Created

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  • Cain

    June 11, 2014 at 10:38 pm in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -John closed the door and raised a finger to his lips as he took in a breath and whistled once again which made him smirk as he reached dragging his nail around a picture frame and he showed her it was a bug which he smashed it between his fingers walking around the room letting out a toon before he sighed”all clear, I think will need to be careful, there talking about blackmailing you already but for now lets get down to more pressing matters since now that we have the kingdom where do we use are pawns, which is where I fall I guess”. He smiled at his own joke knowing he would have been lost running this place”oh and you have about a month till he returns as I timed the signal that went out when I dropped you in the pool, he had that thing rigged majorly”. He checked a file sent to him by fox and showed it to Sandra”your new armor made of the same material as mine since your not invincible I added a layer of second plating so that even anti tank rounds wont penetrate it but that force could cripple if hit in the wrong location so I sent down a sample of my skin to see if it can be analyzed and made into a new form of armor but I could only get about a centimeter off my arm before the sword broke”my adaptation is getting quicker”.

    He jumped in front of muse as bullet hit him in the chest right before five more struck him”get down now!”. He wiped the rounds off his skin”guess they found out there fired and put a bounty on our head”.-

  • Cain

    June 11, 2014 at 3:53 am in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -John smiled when he was called Wayne before shaking his head as the board all stormed out”he had been typing some things on a tablet he found in the bat cave and as foxed walked by handed it to him”I would like to discuss these improvements of the police force and you know what sometime this evening if your available if not your earliest moment you are so”. He then turned to Sandra and offered his arm to lead her to his office so they could have some privacy-

  • Cain

    June 11, 2014 at 1:26 am in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -John thought over what was said the night before as he woke up walking over to the closet pulling on a nice suit and a tie before walking out into the living room following Sandra to the car. He opened the passenger door for her because he wanted to drive the Lamborghini. He pushed a button and the gate opened and he hit the gas flying down the rode till he reached Wayne tower and once he stepped inside a woman fainted seeing his face which made him look at Sandra before he let her lead them up to the board room.

    He saw that this floor was empty for the time so he went to the bar and poured himself something to drink not that he could get drunk as his body was immune to all form of human poisons. He looked at her”this is going to be an interesting day but hey they need to know who is in control right”. He sipped his drink as he heard the elevator begin to raise up and he looked to her and nodded as the door opened”welcome please direct your question to the young lady as she is my assistant”. He stood up and offered his chair to fox as he went and closed the door so they could have a private meeting he made sure his back was to fox and Sandra as he snapped his fingers at a point they wouldn’t be able to hear and it knocked out there phones and computes on this floor all but foxes and Sandra’s since he made sure his body blocked the wave to theirs.

    He listened to the conversation while he leaned against the doors so no one could come in or leave until everything was taken care off knowing fox knew what was going on but the faces of the other board members ranged from angry to down right shocked to see who they believed to be Bruce Wayne.-

  • Cain

    June 11, 2014 at 12:40 am in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -John took off his armor before walking back to the wall with the gear and placing it on what he deemed his work bench since it was on the other side of the cave from Sandra. He turned on a laptop that was beside him after a few minutes of tiring hacking cracked the coding and he began checking his new identity and his massive accounts and what went with them not really caring about the money other then making improvements to the city and to the mansion to prevent another doomsday assault or another form of attack that could come there way. He removed the body armor plating shirt he wore looking over it he sighed seeing it was covered in paint balls. He walked back over to the computer seeing that the new commissioner was stuttering through his interview on if they would take johns threat seriously thinking he is a new vigilante out to make a name for himself. He watched as a paper was handed to the man and he nearly fell over which made john smirk. The commissioner just found out one hundred crimnals were caught and being moved to the newly updated version of black gate prison.

    He turned hearing Sandra come down into the cave as he watcher her made him wonder what was going on but still curious what other effect that pool may have done to her in the long run. He walked over picking up another chair that he sat in so they could converse over what was going on currently. He waited for her to sit down before he started his questioning”so where do we go from here since your dead and I never existed”.-

  • Cain

    June 10, 2014 at 9:25 pm in reply to: |Lantern oaths|

    new post for a test

  • Cain

    June 10, 2014 at 6:31 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Johnathon walked down to the bat cave and put on his armor as he geared up before he got on the old robins bike. He pushed a button and a door opened up so that he could drive out. He reached the center of gotham and people with guns and drugs were running around like mad until there eyes fell onto him and there jaws dropped which made him smirk under his mask.He picked up five grenades that contained high impact paintball that would drop anyone hit to there knees in need of hospitalization for the bruises. He threw them about fifty yards from himself in each direction and they could cover a hundred yard area each. He smirked as he looked at his wrist and pushed a button and all five went off taking out about seventy five people in seconds. He used his speed now that no one awake enough to notice as he hung them up painting a red batman crest on there chest using a stencil so that it was perfect. He then ran at top speed cleaning up every street thug around including the gang outside of the ice lounge without ever going inside or caring to. He made sure they were all hung up with his new crest. He then painted a huge batman symbol on GCPD building making sure there was no one who could miss this.

    He then found camera that was taping things for the news and he walked up to it so that he was sure they would see him”clean this shit up or im going to break this city and then rebuild it, it took me one hour, you have five days”. He then went back to the batcave and placed his helmet on the desk waiting to see the news bulletion and instalty it was aired that batman was back and overly pissed.-

  • Cain

    June 10, 2014 at 5:25 am in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -John took off his helmet and his armor keeping on his suit as he tried to remove the image he just saw thanking whatever could hear him that he didn’t have to kill her. He walked up stairs after about an hour and he began to search for an outfit that didn’t look like a solider. He found a pair of dress pants along with white button up shirt along with a black dress jacket. He walked back to the living room picking up a picture of Bruce and then using a mirror to fix his hair so it was the same. Other then being a bit younger it would be almost impossible to see a difference between him and the man he was meant to look like. He waited for his kid sister to come back down in a more decent wardrobe and once she is done he looked to her”i guess we should think of something as your defiantly not Sandra anymore”.-

  • Cain

    June 10, 2014 at 4:45 am in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -Dur-El turned to the three others”Get out now or else” he no longer had his form to intimidate them but he still had the edge to his voice that made sure they obeyed. He knew fox would understand things as the only reason he would send them away was that they could be in danger. He picked up the paper and read over it picking her up gently making sure not to do any more damage then what already was done. He made sure they were gone before walking over and kneeling at the pool before letting her go with his fingers only centimeters from the water knowing from the paper that if his skin touched this water with her inside it. He would die instantly as she was the weaker being here, once she was submerged he went and put on his new gear just in case this carried out farther then inside the cave. He heard a noise behind him as he placed on his new helmet and smacked the side as the eyes glowed red and shined out for a second before it focused and he examined the pool waiting to see any form of life. He would destroy this entire place if he had to if it came down to stopping her onslaught, he made sure everything was in place as he slowly walked closer to the pool watching it begin to bubble and waves form.-

  • Cain

    June 10, 2014 at 4:13 am in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -Dur El was waiting for them to figure out the normal means wouldn’t work in injecting him which made him jump when muse did it instead. He laid there growing irritated as he watched muse slowly grow weaker as he waited on the table giving the twins dagger eyes until they figured it out. He heard that they figured it out which made him sigh and as they injected it he felt his body begin to heat up before he melted right there on the table forming a large table which to anyone not aware with his abilities would think he is dead. His adaptation kicked in and gave the chemical the DNA strain that it was missing and he slowly grew solid starting at his feet forming normal size thirteen feet and then his legs grew muscle but not majorly like he jogged everyday. His torso formed and he felt his organs grow before his arms grew out to a normal height to match his body. He was now a forming his head before his features changed making his eyes turned normal and his eyes were green. His body looked like a healthy tanned human with black hair with blue tints. He could easily be Sandra’s brother though he looked much younger especially now that she was stuck in that chair. He stood up on his new feet and flexed his form as he looked to the doctors”that almost didn’t work you know”. He then cough as the muscle and circular system grew in all at once which dropped him to a knee. He then looked down and realized he wasn’t wearing any clothes so he walked over to his armor and pulled on the red camo pants along with the pair of combat boots.

    He turned to muse”now that im fixed, we need to move quickly” what do you need from me”.-

  • Cain

    June 10, 2014 at 2:58 am in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -Dur-El nods his head as he watches them see his crest which made him smile as they already put it together”seems you have a couple of genius if they figured out my crest belongs to my cousin already”. He was letting information slip that really didn’t matter because if it became public knowledge he knew where to find them as they worked for him now just as muse as Sandra now but he was only the face of the operation for the public so that it couldn’t be under minded by another company. He watched them climb into the metal box which made him shiver just looking at it. He waited till it reached the bottom and he grabbed the rope and slid down jumping to solid stone before he reached the metal box. He walked over to the twins with a smirk”boo” making them jump before he jumped up the metal table laid down in front of him but his body was thick he made the table seem ready to crumble under him but the muse knew what she was doing when setting this up because the table never budged”if you two make me a bigger freak then I currently am then ill think of something fun to write on your papers when I drop you of in arkham with all those freaks. He The turned to muse as he looked at the pool and knew what she was planning after what he saw on the screen yesterday now he finally put it all together and he slitted his eyes with huff “better have that right sis or me and you are going to have a brother sister fight that im not sure will win for once”. It scared him but gave him a shock of excitement. He looked around the cave for the first time really since coming here”if this all works out in the end we may need to change locations”even with my strength were going to need a skilled team to keep this place from collapsing in the next ten years, that last fight with bane here left the structure weak, I noticed this when fixing the bridge”.

  • Cain

    June 10, 2014 at 12:47 am in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -Dur-El heard the men walking up from a car and kept laying down but once they reached the house he decided to not answer it because he figured as he looked now would scare them. He waited about an hour before she came up and opened the door so at this point he got on his feet and waited for her to mention him which didn’t take long. When she made her threat he walked out so they could see his massive form. He made sure that the crest of superman was easily seen on his chest so they would get an easy idea of his strength”oh don’t scare them, i don’t kill id just leave them up in the arctic twenty miles from anything living”. He then turned and followed muse while he watched these two closely enough they could feel his breath on the back of there necks.-

  • Cain

    June 9, 2014 at 11:58 pm in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -Dur-El found death strokes old uniform which had a lot of rips and tears inside it which made him think that he would need a disguise once hes human so that he can move around without the cops knowing his new identity. He then found a cyber version of the batman uniform that had about four inch thick plates around the torso and fabric woven with steel wires form the rest of the body. It would have been to heavy for Bruce but for him would make for a nice uniform but needed improvements.

    He grabbed a sander and removed the bat symbol on the chest before he grabbed a chisel and formed the symbol of hope in kryptonian. He then painted it all black before he began to place red lines coming down from it like blood before he found a pair of red and black camo which he hoped would be his size when he was human as it was made with the same steel fabric as the rest of the suit. He then grabbed the helmet from death stroke and forced his thumb through the side without an eye hole before he sanded it down making it match the other side. He painted it all black before grabbing a brush and dragging red lines down it like blood but before he was done found two of the ears that went on old batman uniform and welded it to the top of his helm before drilling it out and added a com so he could speak to Muse. He then walked over to muses work bench and found one of batman old cowls and found the optic eye systems that allowed him to examine and analyze people,weapons, and even forms of tech that he never saw.

    He then walked over to the wall where batman kept all of his past uniforms and hung up this new one so that it could dry along with being see able by muse. He then walked over to her and pointed at it”time to get some rest so will be ready for tomorrow”. He walked up the stairs and laid flat on his back in the living room floor resting his head on a couch cushion and he was out in seconds.-

  • Cain

    June 9, 2014 at 2:57 pm in reply to: |Bat Cave|

    -Dur-El nodded when she said she would get the chemicals and became curious of the scientists she asked to come here wondering if they were going to work on him or her. He wasn’t going to ask trusting her judgement for now though he would keep an eye out for these two when they appear. Dur-El followed her down into the bat cave by crawling down the wall and landing on the flat surface below. He had been thinking on a human name that he could go by but wasn’t sure which one would suit him so he threw out a average name”Johnathon”. He knew this was the name of the adopted father that took into Cal-EL which was Dur-EL cousin. He walked to the edge of the bat cave and noticed a bridge had fallen away from what looked like a wall gear.

    Dur-El jumped across the gap while doing so he analyzed the difference in space making sure both sides were solid so that he could place a new bridge across. He found a rather smooth rock that would do the trick. He picked it up carried it across and set it down before he put pressure on both edges enough to heat it up so that it would cool as one solid rock. He then went under the new rock with a boulder in one hand and after breaking off a few places on the huge rock he was able to fit it under the flat stone and repeated the heating process over and over again till it was solid. He keep doing this until the new bridges structure was stable at the ground below making sure this wouldn’t collapse like the one before it.

    He then climbed back up to examine the gear, some of it was stuff batman must have taken from his foes others look like brand new gear never used before. He threw his voice over to Sandra knowing she would be able to hear him, and she could speak in a whisper and he would hear her”what is all this stuff, looks like Bruce was stalk piling stuff for a war over here, some of this stuff reminds me from when we were in LexCorp”.

  • Cain

    June 8, 2014 at 7:07 pm in reply to: Los Angeles

    -Dustin was locked inside the base and had been since the infection had begun in the city, he had been found in the red zone right in the center by a group of scientists thinking he was going to be a normal infected. But he became adapted to it instead of exploding out. He though he didn’t have the massive attacks of the other creatures that he watched through the small window in his”coffin” walk by everyday. He did get ideas as to how to use his new sickness and with it began to morph his fingers into sharp blades so that he could begin to scratch at the top of the coffin and since they never opened his coffin they never found it.

    Once the giant began to attack and everyone began to run around everyone forgot about Dustin so he morphed both hands and dug right through the top of his box and he was free and that’s when he saw a cage with another infected but this was one of the basic ones which gave him and idea. He walked over and opened its cell before he began to run hiding his face as the sensors went off they did it because of the infected not him so once he reached the door to the outside the soldiers were to busy with the giant infected to notice Dustin so he threw the infected so that it skidded across the ground and he watched the weight sensor go off so he decided he wasn’t going to step on that.

    He ran leaped landing on the infected and then leaped out over the fence and outside and he didn’t stop running till he was on the edge of the yellow zone and could easily enter the green zone. He saw a couple of simple infected wandering and they were about to enter the green zone. He dropped down and using his bladed fingers sliced through there spines before taking off there heads and then dropping them into a dumpster. It wasn’t that he was trying to help the humans it was that he didn’t want guards alerted to his current location.-<e>

  • Cain

    June 8, 2014 at 3:35 am in reply to: Character creation

    -dead rp-

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