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-Dustin used a black pen to quickly sign his name before leaping out a window-
-Dur-El thought on her statement”that’s a lot to live up to but I will try my best”. He finished his food as he walked up towards the window and took a sip from his drink thinking over what he would do if she were to pass in a months time which made him sigh”I will need to set up thinks encase this happens so that ill have something to turn towards”. He decided he would need to create an identity for himself outside of this fish like form so that the information he has can be shared but not his origins. He heard the ringing in his ear from the crystals forming that had a drawing feeling to them but he will be able to ignore it until its fully formed so he cracked his neck which sent a shock wave all the way down his spine as the formation of his skeleton was both that of the man but with the formation of the shark meaning the bones were more cartilage then solid bone. He followed after her while he felt some of his scales form together but at this rate it would take another twenty years until it looked like skin, and his bone structure wouldn’t change meaning he could get a job as a freak maybe.-
-Lupus got the blood to stop before he slides off the roof rubbing his head knowing he would soon have a headache and that’s when he realized one of his horns had shattered on impact making him sigh with annoyance. He climbed down and cracked his neck as he looked down at the water troll with a smirk”this place is hard to find, I though I would simply fly and see where I landed”. He looked inside the to see a bunch of other trolls inside guessing there would be a damn clown made his skin crawl. He made sure all of his knives and such were nice and hidden in his pants pockets. He saw that he was taller then most of the trolls here as he had hit his growing stage quicker then most of them.-
-Dur-El had information on the creature she was speaking of as it was one of the few creatures that could change like doomsday but this creatures form shifting was way more advance. He began to eat his fish enjoying the taste of his first creation. Dur-El watched her closly wondering how he could fix her but he was not a scientist not yet but he could become one in time since he was immortal, he could begin to learn all of the medical procedures.
He turned to her”is there any thing I can do to quicken the process that those scientenist are working on”. He tapped his ears” I inherited there hearing but I’m not sure how to turn it off so I hear everything around me, I could go scare them into working faster”. This brought a smirk to his face as he walked over and found a book on an old dusty bookshelf that contained music and the arts for five hundred years.-
-Dur-El looked back on his work of the car and headed up stairs as he wondered what she meant by a to make him which made him more curious then before. He followed her up stairs ducking to dodge the low landing as he climbed up the elevator shaft instead of riding it as he hated the small area. He reached the top before her so he headed to the kitchen and began to search through books and in no time he was running out to gotham and even to other cities to find the items he would need for there dinner. He kept coming back and then leaving again for about an hour before he returned with an arm full of bags. He had used his super speed to shop and then put it on the belt, by the time they realized no one was standing there to pick up the bags they were gone and money left behind.
He cracked his knuckels and picked up a huge knife as he cut the huge fish in half before boning it and removing anything that was needed for the meal. He then cooked up some fresh mashed pototes and once the fish was fully cooked placed the fish on top of the potatoes then covered it all in lemon juice. He brought two plates to the table before gathering silverware for them both but he fouth his webbed hands were unable to hold a fork correctly so he used the huge knife from before to cut and then stab his meal before placing it in his mouth. He ate while watching her trying to wait out hoping she would give him her idea’s on a possibility of being human as he didnt want to be a beast no one could trust-
-Dur-El nodded as he began to clean up the batcave finding any rocks that had fallen over the years and as he picked up a rather large one he found what looked like the batmobile and he yelled out his discovery”Hey I think I found his car, though its seen better days”. He picked it up and placed it back on the round platform it belonged on as he looked it over trying to see what it would need and once he got a list of parts he began to use his mass speed to go out in gotham to tons of junkyards and through a few high end sport garages leaving a suit case of money on the desk so once he came back with an arm full of parts he sat back to start repairing the car. He wasent exactly sure how he knew how to repair it but it must have been included in the files at lexcorp atleast the basics of the batmobile so he could get it running atleast but most likly not the special features those would need repaired by someone that really knew what they were doing.
Dur-El kept walked past Muse looking at her screen as he kept picking up tools having broken the first set of them not able to hanel his strength on the fragile things but after about an hour of breaking things then getting repairs he had mastered the ability to control himself atleast around metal. He repaired the frame out of an old stingray car body that he had found in the junkyard but luckly the engine was not damage so he repaired the undercarige and most of the other odds and ends since nothing was really saveable but afterwards he placed on new tireds with bulletproof tread. He reached in and delitcly turned the key and heard it roar to life and with a smile turned it off as he picked the entire car up and examine underneith seeing there was an oil leak so he simply placed his thumb on the metal around the hole and began to rub it gently until the metal heated up enough to weld togeather fixing the hole. He then placed it back down and found a paint blasted and began working on paiting the car black instead of the bright red it currently was.
He finished the car in about four hours useing his mass speed to get everything wasnt the hard part, it was not breaking the car when he would get frustrated at it not working. He kept having to step back and growl for a few minutes until he calmed down and could work again.-
-Dur-El wandered around the batcave while he waited for her to work on the computer which was mostly boring to him. He wandered over to where all the past uniforms were and it made him raise a brow as he turned back to muse not really speaking to her but more to himself”Hey could you make me look human”. He knew if he ever wanted to live a normal life he needed a new look much like these costumes, he needed to hide his true self from those he helps. He wandered back over to muse and picked up a book next to the desk while he waited to see what muse might come up with.
He then thought of something”by the way you may want to start watching the artic for irruglarties from now on, im regrowing the fortress from the ground up”. He was looking around and saw that all of the doors were open but that one. He questioned it but shrugged as he waited for her to get off the phone with whoever was now working with muse.-
-Dur-EL finished putting out the fires around the city using his extreme speed to hurricane up the fire so that no oxygen could reach it before he used his mass strength to begin to rebuild all of what had been destroyed. He finnaly reached the hospital finding banna and he sighed and shook his head as he picked up the bloody mess and ran at top speed into the artic where he found a flat area of pure white ice. He places down the woman and reaches down and breaks off all the spikes comming out of his body and threw them into the ice and he could hear them shatter as the House of El dna took hold and out of the ice came a huge crystal platform and around behind it a huge crystal.
He knew this would take time to finish but for now he only needed one crystal, he stepped onto the platform and instantly heard an elder voice in his head of an ancestor long past” Hello Child of my blood, you have come to begin your journey and reach the point where you become a man in the eyes of EL”. Dur-EL felt odd but did not reply as he finished his work cracking the huge crystal and placing the womans body inside which fixed all wounds but did not give her life just made her look perfect one more to be frozed in time.
He turned and walked back on to the platform”it is time we speek elder, i know not of my lineage other then Kal-El my cousin, maybe you can shine some light on my past”. The voice scanned him to see if what he says is true as it expected someone of Kal-EL to find the fortress and not one of Kara. It took a moment before it spoke”I see your words speak true and your also part of the creature but as are blood we can not slate you for that but we must train you in are ways”.
Dur-El nodded not to anything really as a beam of light went through him and he learned of his home planet and the things that had happened through Kal-EL life that lead up to Dur-EL’s birth. With this new knowledge he stepped off the platform at more crystals grew and with his calculations within three months time the fortress would be finished so he ran once again at top speed landing back in gotham before he looked down at his chest to see that the mark of Hope was now burnt into his chest where the light had showed him his past. He felt diffrent also looking to himself his skin didnt exactly have the fish feel to it as much as before but the shark features were still there so he leaped into the water still able to breath in such and could smell his mentor so he swam in that direction coming up out of the water in the dimly lit cave but it only took him a few moment of scanning the room before he found her. He walked up behind the Muse placing his hands on the desk on either side of her so he could lean down and read what she was working on as he doughted she would mind since he wasnt social with anyone else, who could he tell now that the wrestler was dead which actually made a tear of salt water fall from his eye and crystallize into a pearl of the condenced pressure that dur-el mode places on it as it fell.
He turns to another computed and looks up a word that he couldent understand on the computer before he turned back to her”this is dangerous to be playing with, I hope you understand what your doing”. He didnt want to lose another person that he was close to as he was starting to understand what it meant to lose someone, even if he hadent spoken to Banna more then once, she was the first one to help him and now she was gone.-
-Dur-El’s eyes narrowed as he growled at Kraken letting him know not to try it. He then looked down towards where the ambulances were running around and with his his vision he could see huge fires farther into the city. He turned back to Kraken”its your lucky day but if I ever see you again Ill take you in or ill kill you”. He turned back to the woman”go home and get your life in shape or Ill return to deal with you as well”. He ran to the end of the hall so he was on the otherside of the hospital then them and then he ran back towards them and past them as he leaped out a window and ripped through the large vines that were slowly dieing so it made it easier for him to break through.
Dur-El was running at his top speed and he came slamming into the ground in front of what looked like a homeless woman that was bald”have you seen what has been causing this Chaos, it would be easy to see because its defently not human”. He walked across the road pulling the top off a fire hydrent and absorbed the water before he turned and slammed his feet into the ground made two fists as he pumped the water out of his mouth like a dragon to put the fires out in secounds.-
-Dur-El watched as the plant user was murdered by the punch of the large woman at the same time the creature entered in a defence position. He walked over to where the squid creature was and gave it a smirk before Dur-el grabbed both ends of the room with his arms outstretched and pulled them togeather to form a wall between them so now DUr-El was now alone with the woman and any other entrance to this room was blocked by the massive plants that were hard for even him to breath through. He turned to the woman “last we spoke you helped me so I will give you a chance to surronder, so stand down and I will take you somewhere to get a grasp on yourself but if you ever kill or go against me ill remove you from existence.” He then turned put his fist through the wall reforming them to where they belong so he was now looking down on the squid like creature”now for you, you do not look like something I can just let run around so ill be taking you to arkam asylum”. He reached out to pickup the creature by its shirt before he jumped and began to run towards the small island. If He tried to attack him though he would not hold back from striking him hard enough to send him towards the docks but not enough to kill him.
-Lupus got lost in the water troll district so he decided to open up his tablet once again getting a message from both the wierd man and another troll so he looked at it seeing he now had a map so he followed along. He found the end of the land but the map kept going towards a building out in the middle of the water and he didnt like the idea of swimming. He found a tree scratched his head and then found a huge rock so he picked it up and began to climb the tree that began to bend and once it was bent almost in half he let go of the rock making the tree snap back sending him flying right towards her house. He didnt count for his light weight so when the rock was let go he flew like a bullet from a gun slamming into the front door of the sea trolls house. He fell backwards on his back holding his head while his eyes rolled in his head. He blinked a couple times as his brain began to understand things once again”oh damn, next time this will go smoother”. He didnt think he would need to knock because if they didnt hear that crash then they wouldent hear a knock. He felt something warm running down the side of his face and he blinked and his eyes went wide as he realized that his silver blood was flowing and he began to try and hide it so that no one would know that he had a wierd version of sickel cell disease that caused the pigment of his blood to be altered instead of the shape so that his normal blue blood was now silver. He had this sickness start after his lesus took him in meaning it didnt know he was not apart of the hemospectrum.-
-Dur-El was jumping building to building seeing a few police heading to the shore line because the force launch that landed them at the Wayne home has created a tidal wave that flooded the docks. He decided to avoid that area for now so he went to the west landing outside of the medic labs and the main Gotham medical seemed to be overran with plants so he decided to let himself in landing on a balcony using his new claws to rip through the weeds taking him about fifty minutes to scratch away at it before it gave way and he landing on his ass before looking up and seeing the hole fill in. He wandered in seeing the fight going on”what the hell is going on he said with his large mouth hanging wide open showing the razor sharp rows of fangs coming from his mouth.-
-Dur-El looked to his kin before walking between Sandra and Amelia reaching his slick foamy skin making sure the sandpaper outer skin didnt touch them with fear it would rip there flesh. Dur-El then nodded to his kin and in a flash of lightening he was running out of the building and then on the water itself as his fins extended out and he felt the humid air around him made his eyes slit and a film covered them as he dived into the water but with his fins out in front of both of the girls no water would touch them because an air pocket formed around them and he could hear the vibrations above them telling him his kin was following. He was outside of Gotham within two hours of the swim and as he launched himself out landing in the Wayne Manor placing them on the couch before he walked back outside to find his kin was no where to be found and he was suspicious of this. He then looked to them both before he spoke”ill return shortly im heading out to see if ive been followed and to see if anyone needed my help while we were away”.
-Lupus pulled up his tablet and began to wander off while he checked over his trollian and began to try and find the home of the water troll that the party was taking place at. His trollian has a message from the mystery person that wasn’t giving an image so he was suspicious of this creature so he turned off his tablet and slipped it into his back pocket while he made his way towards what he knew was the water troll district.
-Lupus saw the messages from a few trolls so he sent a message back asking for directions while he hit a few keys on his tablot waiting for an answer. He got another message from toxicRefelction which made him raise a brow that this person was talking as if they knew Lupus as Lupus did speak in the same custom as this creature always showing respect to those who deserved such.
<nightWolf has begun jeering toxicRefelction>
NW: hello
TR: Greetings and salutations my exceptional gentleman.
TR: How are we this momentous twilight?
Nw:╘Im fine Good Sir, how can I be of Service this evening╘