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  • Cain

    April 27, 2014 at 12:15 am in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El decided this woman wasent worth killing so he turned to the table of food then to Muse and nodded before he walked over to the corner and placed his sword down before he start smacking in commands on the computer and he scanned the are seeing that braniac was drawing closer seeing as he must have followed this woman most likly without her knowledge. He turned to muse once more and spoke to both “hurt muse and you be walking back to Gotham stubs”. He pressed a button and the floor opened reveling a passage that was full of water that lead to the river that ran next to this building and he leaped in with a splash and now he swam with the speed he ran and came out behind the robots so he slowly snuck up and once he was five feet from them they sensed him and he smiled as he leaped forward pulling out the cord that ran up the robots spine paralyzing it. Four more of them turned and he lifted up the body using it as a shield as they shot and he punched another in the face and it fell over as it cybernetic skull crushed. Dur-El then picked up one of there guns and shot the other two in minor cords so that they would be broken but still able to be examined and he had plans for them. He noticed a master droid was walking up this thing stood at nine feet tall and was fierce with power what shocked Dur-El was the crest on the creatures chest was of the house of Zod so this thing was from the Phantom Zone. Dur-El felt anger that someone of his homeland was controlled like this and he felt a burning feeling as the symbol of El was on his chest and he shot fire into the eyes of the cyborg but it smacked it away. Dur-El ran and jumped slamming his fists into the top of its head but it smacked Dur-El away where he was impacted into the building knocking the breath out of him. He looked up and the creature picked him up and began dragging him to back to his base for processing. Dur-El waited until it was close to the water before he used his massive strength to knock the cyborg and himself into the water and it began to short circuit. He swam over and ripped the wires out of its head making the phantom regain control over its cybernetic body. Dur-El picked it up and swam out of the water and back to the river bank laying the man on the ground as he waited for the man to come to terms with what had happened. It jumped at Dur-El which made him sigh as he held up the disk that had been around the creatures wrist and it realized what was happening at the last second so it stopped and dropped to its knees and begged so Dur-El put the disk away for now. It began to rip wires out of its body while it watched Dur-El”ill follow you if you dont send me to that desert hell again”. Dur-El smirked as he nodded”you could become a good ally if you dont try and kill me or my friend”. It nodded and followed Dur-El into the base and back to Muse which he knew would make her freak out so he began to explain”i broke the control Braniac has over this guy and I figure he could come in handy getting back to Gotham and he will help us anyway we want because if he dosent ill send him to a place worse then hell”.

  • Cain

    April 23, 2014 at 1:49 am in reply to: Alternia (Second Timeline)

    -Lupus looked over his computer and saw a few names had appeared on his Trollian and he smirked as he used a program to spam a hello to all of them as he watched a dragon peak its head in his widow which was his Lesus and he petted the creatures head and it spoke through telepathy”Get out and enjoy your time while you still have to blue blood”. Lupus drew out his knuckle blades and head them in his pockets while also having curved blades on his lower back as he waits for a reply from any of them.-

  • Cain

    April 16, 2014 at 6:27 pm in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El turned back to the computer while he thought about her question and he saw the woman appear on the roof and he tapped the keyboard a few times even though he was a bit smarter he wasn’t any type of genius yet. He found a code to seal the vent on the roof so nothing could follow her. He then sealed any route that would divert from where they were located they didn’t need her in the arsenal till he found out if she was friend or fiend. Dur-El turned back to her”anything worth fighting will teach me but there is a few things from here we will need and ill get that together before we leave. He brings up a system built into the building and he makes it so every few seconds a flash of green kryptoknite would flash through the room they were in which made him sick but he needed to get stronger before he pulls up another system and a huge basin of water rose up in the middle of the room just missing the table. He walked over and picked up some random things making sure not to bother her sandwich. He ate it all quickly before walking over to the basin feeling the radiation building up around the basin which made him guess this was made to cage superman.

    Once he entered the basin it sealed itself shut not that he was scared if something went wrong he could bust out but then his eyes burst open as he realized that he couldn’t because of the radiation going through the room which made him gasp at the thought allowing water to enter his mouth and lungs and he steadied himself as he made two fists and let the water fills his lungs and body and his vision began to turn black as he passed out and a minute later his heart beat slowed nearing close to not being detectable. It reach the point where it beat one every ten seconds before it began to beat with power.

    His eyes snapped open and he took a deep breath not through his mouth but the gills that formed on his chest and small holes formed on his back that pushed out the water that was already in his lungs so he could breath through his gills and his skin no longer was rock like but breathed and looked more like that of a shark and his mouth opened wider and his teeth grew longer and a film grew over his eyes so he could now see.

    He still felt the radiation pouring into the room but luckily the system he had created had detected his death so the top unsealed and he was able to crawl out more fish like now then a man having fins coming off his elbows and webbed feet and hands and his spurs now appeared as perfect black spikes instead of the jagged stone like appearance.

    His skin shined green from the radiation knowing it wasn’t enough to make him immune but he now wouldn’t drop the second he was exposed to it. He made his way over to the computer and shut down the system thinking this would have given the woman in the vents enough time to make her way down to where they were currently located so he picked up his sword which was weighed a little to him meaning he lost a little bit of his strength he had gained prior so that he could now swim easily. He swung his sword cutting the vent that the woman was in so that she would fall into the basin of water so she wouldn’t hurt herself.-

  • Cain

    April 11, 2014 at 11:26 pm in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El waited for the food to be made as he found the computer system she was running scans on and he began to read over it kept finding this red system being repeated. He went over to another terminal is the second brain ran his fingers over the keyboard till he found the red lanterns used the power rage. He then found the blue lanterns that were there counter opposite and it pulled up the info and correction that could be made to the red to make it pull its power from hope instead. Dur-El reading this went back over to the terminal she has been working on and punched in the data to change it unsure if it would work.

    Now with that finished he decided to explore more of the lab finding himself drawn back to the weapons bunker where he found a sword made of what seemed to be the spikes that grew out of his own skin. He picked it up finding he enjoyed the feel of the blade in his hand before giving it a swing and without meaning to cuts one of lex’s droid suits in half. Dur-El smirks at this finding that he finally had a real weapon to use on anything that got in his way but he had more planned now as he need to get stronger to take this city back from braniac and at that moment something clicked in his head and he walked over to the weapon terminal and began to go over all the information gather since the beginning of time starting with learning how to read and write and ending in what many believed to be kryptonian.

    He now had a mind set that better suited his age and he walked back into the armory and found a machine that tested how strong you were by adding weight by the second until you back off so he walked over to it sitting the blade by a tank and going under the machine before turning it on and instantly the machine starting pushing down and as the second passed more and more weight was added until he had almost three thousand pounds pushing down on him nearly crushing his body to dust but as his heart was about to beat its final beat his body adapted and he stood pushing back up on the machine until it broke.

    He went to a shower and washed away the blood from his body from where he had broke apart and now that the blood was gone he was shocked at what he saw that most of his skin was covered in the jagged bone like spurs and what wasn’t the spikes seemed to be made out of steel from when she had shot at him. He was slowly growing stronger like his father but he had to overcome his father be something that was superior if he ever wished to defeat brainiac.

    He went and found Sandra and if the new look or the sword didn’t surprise her the way he spoke would”you have three days to finish your work then we move out, we have wasted enough time here this planet has long since seen a true hero and it has payed because of it so finish your work and we move out back to gotham, oh and the computer picked up motion outside but it cant detect what it is so one of the droids may have a stealth ability, or were not the only living things in this war zone which means they could be worse things then brainiac to worry about.”-

  • Cain

    April 11, 2014 at 3:03 am in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El decided he didn’t want anything to do with that suit now so he decided he was starting to feel hungry so he decided he would leave Lexcorp to hunt for food. His first stop was a food market that had huge holes through it and pieces of skeletons which made him guess were from the attacks of Brainiac. He began to explore finding cans and frozen goods that didn’t have a date on them so he found a huge crate the stuffed it full of items before hoisting it above his head and carting it back to lexcorp. He looked around the surface seeing a droid flying around trying to detect them so he puts the crate down before picking up a sewer cap and began to flip it before throwing it as hard as he could before it slashed right through the droid making it explode. He then picked it up and made his way through the vehicle port and made his way back to her”hungry?”.

  • Cain

    April 4, 2014 at 1:28 am in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El shrugs his shoulders at her question”if you can edit there dna so that they fight in different ways then they will be fine”. He had been slowly learning from the terminals how humans worked and he guessed these creatures were humans mutated by his own DNA. Dur-El began to search the rest of the room guessing she would now be more careful with releasing his clones. He found an arsenal full of robotic suits a few of them looking like they would be used for space travel and others for deep sea diving. He turned and found a huge suit double Dur-El’s height that was bright green and radiating energy of different kinds but it didn’t seem to effect him so he guessed it wasn’t kryptonite so he walked closer trying to figure out what it was he accidental clicks it sending a yellow blast through his chest just missing his heart and piecing his left lung. knocking him to his knees as he coughed up blood and he fell on his face with his eyes wide open and to anyone that didnt know his heritage would think he just killed himself but he slowly pushed himself back to his feet breathing deeply as his lung healed and then his chest. He coughed the last bits of blood as a spur grew out of his chest from the spot he had been shot. He then felt his skin vain up pulsing the energy to expunge it as it tried to corrupt him but his DNA wouldn’t allow it so it was pushing out of his veins and evaporated as it exited his body. He then watched his body shine gold for a second before it vanished. He decided to drag the armor by the arm while he made his way back to the woman”look what I found in the back.”

  • Cain

    March 26, 2014 at 3:09 pm in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El followed her but not very close his secound sense kept pulling him towards terminals that he learned from mostly hero’s of the past but a few villain’s. He quickly analyzed them for weakness if someone never tried to copy there style, nothing was really known of the gotham villains but alot on metropolis. Dur-El found one that said acess denied so he walked away planning to learn how to acess it later. Dur-El felt like a part of himself was tore away so he hurried to findntue woman which lead him to discover a clone of himself standing there. He launched himself with him extreme speed knocking it into a vault of what appeared to be a well hidden collection of items from the past one of such being a yellow lantern. The beast fully awake blasted Dur-El with heat vision but luckly with the new shine to his chest he was like a mirror so it bounced off through a painting. Dur-El used super speed to be in its face and knock it down. While it was down he forced the mouth open and blew his icey breath into the creature untill it was frozen solid. Dur-El walked over to the woman”once u find ur stuff we need to work on my attacks”.-

  • Cain

    March 22, 2014 at 1:32 pm in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El nodded understanding her point of being more careful so he decided this place needed locked down if they planned to work down here uninterrupted so he bent his knees and began to run in every corridor to every exit flipping switching turning on the defense systems that those that worked here previously hadn’t had the time to activate.

    He watched as all the doors sealed shut but there was air purifiers so they didnt have to worry about suffocating now and there was no chance of Brainic breaking inside as they place was made to with stand Superman himself. Now that Dur-El knew what kryptonite was he now noticed it was everywhere but he also realized that with a type of metal it couldn’t effect him so he found a suit of this type of metal and put it on his spikes cutting through the shoulders and his knuckles through the hands so he knew he had to work fast. He moved at top speed collecting this weird stone and one he had all of it which was more sixteen tons worth of the weird stone but it seemed to come in different colors most of it was green but there was a few stones of red and black that were hidden around but with his x-ray vision he had been able to find it.

    He would seal it quickly in the vault with the rest of it before removing the suit easily by just ripping it from his harden skin. He then heard her question having moved so fast it seemed she hadn’t taken much notice to him leaving”no i have never been taught how to read, i have something that gathers information that is important but anything else is just scratches to me”. He then found the power generator that powers the building and as he flipped it on the entire place seemed to glow as there were screens everywhere with information on all the heroes and villains of the past showing that Lex had a bad addiction for them.

    Dur-El finally found a screen that interested him it showed a battle a long time ago between Superman and Doomsday where the giant beast won believing to have killed the man of steel. Lucky this was on a repeating audio track and he didn’t need to read the weird language the humans used. He returned to the woman looking at the jar she took everywhere with her”that red stuff sure seems important since you never let it out of your site, i did find a vilian on one of the screens that used an energy like that, he was called a lantern.”

  • Cain

    March 21, 2014 at 7:59 pm in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El nodded and past her heading into the main chamber of the lab where he had broken free from. His body was much stronger since that had and his mind sharper but he still felt a cold feeling like he was being watched by something that new to much and his fear was soon made into reality as a heavy footstep was heard behind him and the creature was half cybernetic and half human or better said half metahuman as it began to churn up the chemicals around the lab before he filled the new fluid that it had created into five syringe.

    Dur-El walked over and picked up the woman who was teaching him though he just now realized he really didnt know who she was. He found a huge metal crate and put the woman inside it for protecting from the chemicals that were most likely deadly to a human.

    Dur-El then used his speed to be in the creatues feet where he roared at a high pitch that made the circuits in the creature’s cybernetics go crazy which drove it to try and stab him with two of the needless but they bent and then as the solution cracked and fell onto his skin it began to steam so he quickly moved over and stuck his arm in water to wash away the acid.

    Dur-El saw the creature above the woman holding a needle up preparing to stab her so he pulled one of the bone spurs that were in his shoulder off before throwing it as half as he could imbedding it in the creature spinal cord so it was stuck standing up and it was making a face like it wanted to scream but the cyber half took away its ability to express its emotions. Dur-El knew if Brainic got his way all humans would be a creature like this or worse.

    He then lead the woman over to the Luthor vaults where everything secrete was kept and once He opened his eyes wide looked through the steel seeing files and also pieces of rock{dur-el dosent know what kryptonite is yet}. He punches the key pad making it unlock the huge door and as it open Dur-El fell to one knee suffering the effects of the green rock just like the rest of his race.-

  • Cain

    March 18, 2014 at 1:47 am in reply to: |Rp Bios|


  • Cain

    March 17, 2014 at 8:08 pm in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El walked up to the woman and his eyes had a red shine to them much like his fathers one were but a smile showed on his face right before his spit out the bullet that embedded itself in the table next to her”trust me if i feel any of your motives have intent to kill that surgery better have been a success because that armor looks pretty strong so it better protect you, I want to help the world but you pissing me off”.

    He took in a deep breath and the red vanished from his eyes returning them to the bright blue that was most known by his mother. Dur-El walked over to the muse where be picked her up before walking over to the water and he jumped in not wanting to take that slow ass elevator again. He started kicking his feet as fast as possible and now he was running on top of the water because at his speed the water seemed to stand still. He carried her like before protecting her from the gale-force wind but not as well he was letting her face peak out so unless she kept her head down she would have an interesting hairdo when this was over.

    He landed in Metropolis and instantly a drone headed right for him but he took in a deep breath and turned it into ice. Dur-El watched it slam into the ground and explode before looking down at the Muse”hold on were going to go faster then before”. Dur-El keeled digging in his massive feet building up an eruption of energy that blew the building behind them to dust before the Muse would be able to blink they would be standing outside of the LuthorCorp but to anyone else it looked like a rusty toll booth but as he stepped into and punched the dial it opened up and they began to descend in the elevator.

    Dur-El waited for this slow ass elevator because he wasn’t sure what could be hiding in this place since there were so many droids outside it could only be sane to think they were in here also. He made his way inside and as soon as his feet touched the ground something grabbed him and with a back hand took the head off of a robot that must have been used for security. Dur-El looked at his hand turning it upside down and then looks it over”guess being bulletproof comes in handy at times but what you have planned here makes me unsure that will be enough”.-

  • Cain

    March 16, 2014 at 9:25 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El got hit in the throat and he grabbed his throat and gasped for air and then his arms fell as she struck his shoulders leaving him defenseless to cover his heart as the two shells went off around it which scared the shit out of him because he didn’t know if he had the power to heal his heart because it wasn’t said if Doomsday could heal it either. He then felt the a blasts to his gut but it barely made it an inch deep before it got sent flying back at her just missing her face by hitting the plate that was forming. He now had a silver plate over his throat where he adapted to protect it but it also still allowed him to look down. He then felt a plating encase his heart but not cutting of the veins that spread out from such but those would heal easily. He then slowly gained the ability to once again use his arms as these huge spikes grew out of his shoulders. He then felt his stomach harden so hard that a diamond couldn’t be cut on it without leaving a scratch. He then stood back up on his feet and with a spit of blood took in a deep breath”i hope that your next plan dosent leave me spiting blood”.-

  • Cain

    March 16, 2014 at 6:55 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El turned towards her putting her thought process together and he grabs his chest armor and removes it by unclipping the armor underneath he had a perfect muscle mass underneath that would make any man cry. He got into a stance knowing this would hurt like a bitch but he wasent going to turn down the chance to adapt to this. Dur-El knew he had alot to work on if he planned to reach the heights of his fellow kin not wanting to be his father but to use the strength of his father to bring hope to those who have long lost there own.

    He waited for her to find a gun and he had every plan to allow this woman to do anything that would make him stronger. He would take each impact but made sure his hand covered his heart and the spiked stone that covered his hand would protect that part of himself.-

  • Cain

    March 16, 2014 at 4:52 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El read over the data gaining the knowledge and how his father had become so powerful and wondered if his own death will bring him new strength. He steamed wondering if there were any Kryptonians left on this planet he walked over and pounded his head on the stone wall causing it to bleed but it quickly healed his skin becoming more stone like then before. He then walked over to her and crossed his arms”now for your end of the bargain, keep it simple or im gone and when I want to vanish you’ll never find me”.

    He was still wary of this woman after what was done to him at Lexcorp so he kept his distance with his arms crossed over the armor that held the crest of EL.-

  • Cain

    March 16, 2014 at 2:56 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El walked back over and picked her up from the floor she was crawling on which odded out not sure why she was crawling when she could have walked{he dose not know she cant walk}. He found his way into the office where she typed in the code and he stepped into the elevator that creaked but held his weight. He watched the bat cave come into view and he jumped down to the ground from the elevator not wishing to wait for the slow moving thing and he couldn’t stand the odd music that had been playing. He lead her over to a table and layed her down before he stood back and began to explore the cave.

    He would vanish from her sight as he began to look over everything stopping in front of the giant coin and he rubbed his hands together and tried to pick it up getting it a couple inches before having to put it back down showing that he wasn’t as strong as his fellow Kryptonians just yet but he was growing as the days went by.

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