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  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 1:41 pm in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-EL nodded at her information as she spoke but stopped when he realized she was simply rambling on and on. He picked up the container she had picked up from her office examining it and realizing it was pure energy so he gently sat it back down. He now knew that he had no hope of finding superman or doomsday “original” as it seemed his clones were out for his head maybe literally after the shape of the last one. He then walked over and picked the wall pack up placing it back together like a jig saw puzzle then used his icy breath to hold it together permanently.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 12:08 pm in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El picked himself off the ground adjusting himself and making sure he hadn’t tore threw his shirt. He turned to one of her assistants”where does she live” and the man quickly scribbled down the address and handed him it only needing a few seconds to read over it before his brain had it down permanently. He walked over turning his hands so that his palms were facing up so not to stab into her flesh with his razor sharp spurs that were coming out of his knuckles. He bent down to one knee slowly scoping up the small woman before standing up and in an exploding burst of energy ran at top speed but holding his arms in such as way to hold the woman tight and block her from the gale force wind that was being pushed onto her body. Dur-El stopped right in front of the door and raised up his foot using his toes to turn the door handle easy enough since it was a long turned handle instead of a simple round knob. He found a comfortable area and sat her down just in time before he was knocked threw a wall by something that looked a lot like him but was decomposing slowly.

    Once he landed on his back looking up at the sky he would slowly raise to his feet seeing himself but the creatures right arm was missing and half of its head was gone and he could easily see into the creatures brain. Dur-El didn’t stop to try and speak to this monster who stood little to no chance of defending itself. He ran at super speed but instead of knocking it over it stood strong and Dur-El felt like he hit an unmovable object. Dur-El decided since no one was watching he could use another of his tricks so he blew ice onto the other creature and where the brain was located turned to ice quicker then the rest of the body which seemed to have a slight resistance to the ice. Dur-El quickly ran forward jumping up and came rocketing back down to earth with his fist landing right on the frozen brain killing the creature instantly.

    He slowly stood back up feeling like he was changing and his skin was hardening and his legs grew stronger so the next time he ran it would be faster and the impact would be harder. He slowly made his way into the home once again with a spike stuck in his chest and that didn’t even bother him but by the time he made it over to the female it fell out of his chest and was rolling on the floor and it was slowly closing up”so before another one of my weird siblings get back up please fill me in”.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 10:22 am in reply to: |first lesson|

    I wanted a post like you would if you were in an rp not the character sheet

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 10:16 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El rubbed his chin as he thought over her questions”i got the name from my mother, My crest is from the house of EL, I do not know how i know that, and this uniform was placed on me by lex at his lab. I am the son of doomsday thats all i know and i know that though a dna sharing of knowledge”. He finished his sandwich. While he thought of what questions he should ask this odd woman”I need to find superman or my father so i can begin my quest as a Kryptonian warrior”.

    Dur-El felt something in the distance that made him shiver slightly not in a fearful manor but he knew it was connected to him in someway and coming closer. He turned to the female, don’t plan to leave because i will hunt you down if i have to but there is something coming as strong as me so behave or this thing could kill you in the state you are”.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 9:35 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El listened into the intercom and as soon as the first word was spoke he analyzed the voice and was gone at top speed so he was now in south Gotham industrial and he could hear the voice still speaking so he knocked hard enough so anyone inside would feel it shake so he entered in found the voice and entered the room”we need to talk about my family, i need to find them or ill never learn control, give me answers and ill give you whatever you want as long as it dose not harm me.

    He sat on the floor and waited pulling out a sandwich why he waited enjoying it with his eyes closed and a smile so not to rush the woman”take your time because im in no hurry unless you leave my sight, I cant give up the chance of finding out who i really am once again.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 9:04 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El grew annoyed with the man but he finally had an answer but when the woman spoke he calmed and sat down taking in a deep breath”then speak”. He was now lay on the ground looking up into the sky allowing his long hair to cascade around him. He felt the sun on his skin and he smiled not the smile of a demonic creature but that of a child enjoying the sun on his face. He was thinking back to when he was a younger child where he was brought up in an orphanage after his mother got rid of him with no explanation all she left him with was his name which didn’t mean anything to him yet. He knew Superman’s name was Kal-El but he didn’t know how he knew that.

    He had grown up normal at first living a normal human life until one day he was let outside to play and he fell and scraped his hand and like magic it healed but his skin had grown hard so that it wouldn’t happen again which scared the people watching over him who sent for a scientist to examine him but Lex Luthor found him instead and after many years of testing him he his ability soon made him immune to the razors they used to cut him open and normal medicines so they made it more and more advanced with time making something to slow his rejuvenation to a stand still.

    He waited for her to speak and while he waited he heard all the police speaking outside so once she finished he began to run at top speed around and around and around the dome of plants until he launched himself right out of the hole in the roof where he landed on the side of a building and slid down finding the front door which he opens like a calm person walking up to the desk with his crest pulled tight over his chest”i must speak to the leader of this building now or ill pick it up and send it to the stars”.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 8:08 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El roared with anger and slammed his fists on the ground leaving a creator all around his form. He then looked at the ground around him wondering what the hell was going on with him but all he wanted was answers so when he noticed the crying man he started walking towards him with his hood pulled down and his long platinum blond hair fell over his shoulders. He roared in the mans face”tell me where superman or doomsday are.” He then noticed a female and using his super speed was right in her face”give me the fucking answers I want”.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 7:37 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Dur-El landed in gotham its business taking place with no one even noticing the man with cracked skin. He was wearing a silver armor for a t-shirt that had the House El Crest that most humans now associate with Superman. A cop walked by seeing the crest and pointed it out to his partner who both rand up to Dur-El asking where Superman was. Dur-El looked to them and ran away thinking they were a threat to him.-

    He decided to look up this Superman so he flew to a library and went through books in minutes till he knew everything there was to know of the man. He now knew of his mother as well but the creature doomsday was not listed in any of these texts so he would need to learn elsewhere but through his reading he grew knowledgeable about what has been happening to the world in the last thirteen years that he has been asleep.

    He grabs a random stranger”where is superman” the look on the mans face screamed horror before Dur-El could ask another question he felt a liquid on his foot as he looked down he noticed the human had pissed himself so Dur-El threw him through a tree in the park killing the man on impact. All the other people ran for there lives while he fell backwards in the middle of the park angry that he couldn’t find anyone to answer his questions.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 6:30 am in reply to: |Metropolis|

    -Dur-El awoke in the remnants of what was once Lexcorp after the iv in his arm finally ran try of the extreme narcotic they used to subdue him and run tests on his genetic structure. He was on a metal lab table held down by steel straps but now that he wasent under the influence of the drug he flexed his body easily breaking them. He busted through the wall into what looked like a war zone looking up he saw a drone shoot him with a laser that knocked him back into Lexcorp but as he slowly got back up his skin now had a shine to it that was just right to reflect blasts such as the one he was just hit with. He used his super speed to take off out of Metropolis and heading towards Gotham.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 6:26 am in reply to: |Rules|

    -He would read the rules as he uses his finger nail to write in kryptonian.-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 4:41 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Demise sighed as he slowly floated up into the sky allowing the old batman armor to fall from his body and it crashed kneeling on one knee in perfect condition the time it had been on Demise repaired the damage to it. It now stood as a symbol of Gotham because it was sealed shut from the heat of being on his body and the surge of his red lantern energy to its system ruined the electrical systems.

    Once they broke the atmosphere the six blue lanterns placed a hand on Demise and they all vanished to in front of the blue entity and the blue guardian. Demise dropped to his ass looking up at the weird looking alien”go ahead and take it, under the green lantern law you cant hold me against my will once you take my ring, and if I stay here long enough the other red lanterns will sense my location and track you down”. Donna smacked him across the face for speaking to there leader like that so he turned and spoke to her instead”oh calm your tits, ill be playing with them soon enough since all my time helping and killing people are about to go out the blasted window”.

    The leader of the lanterns walked over and placed his hand on Dante’s head and the rage that was within him vanished and the red uniform on his body vanished leaving him in a black hooded jacket with black cargo pants with a pair of red converse shoes. His red lantern ring turned into a class ring.

    The leader nodded to Donna taking her ring as well as her hope for the future had been fulfilled. He then raised up Dante shaking his hand before vanishing them both to a small town in England where they live lucky winning the lottery and having three children one who one day grow up to be the next leader of the Blue Lanterns.-

    -The eyes open of a new threat to the planet-

  • Cain

    March 15, 2014 at 1:28 am in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Destiny and the other lanterns were going country to country to fix the damages that had been caused by Dante taking them only minutes with the amount of the power they had being in the same place. One found a large woman laying on the sidewalk bleeding badly so He used his power to heal the massive woman before taking off to the next.

    Dante had his back to a wall as he felt the calming power of the blue lanterns but he had a strong enough will to fend off the calming effect that would have killed him if he had allowed the energy to calm him completely. He ran to his apartment building see a twitching man laying on the sidewalk with what looked like a rolling pin shoved deeply up his rear. Dante made up and into his room locking the door but he was shocked to find Destiny in her human form laying on his bed which annoyed him. She was wearing nothing but one of his old high school football jerseys just like she use to when they were both only human.

    Dante sighed and went over and sat down on the bed while she draped herself in his lap as she spoke”you know my offer still stands that if you let me cure your heart you can have me again however you want”. Dante would slowly lay back on his bed staring at the roof wondering if being a red lantern and being free to choose where and how he used his power was worth being alone for the rest of his miserable life. He spit plasma into a bucket that caught fire because he forget there had been paper inside it. He used his ring to fling the basket out the window before he let air hiss between his teeth”you know ill never do it Donna”. This made her laugh as he drug her finger over his chest before grabbing his shirt and throwing him out the window where he would use his power to catch himself from falling to his death two feet from the ground. He then looked up and saw the flash of blue light right before the chains caught him from all directions pinning him to the ground by all six blue lanterns who had smirks on there face as they carried him away to there planet for trial.-

  • Cain

    March 14, 2014 at 11:52 pm in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Demise Was standing there and he fell the lights of those angry began to go out but what he wasent expecting was getting hit in the back by a blue blast of energy. He turned and smirked as he spoke “Hello Destiny finally back from the qualma Galaxy I see”. The female was standing with her arms crossed and tapping her foot before giving him a come hither motion with her ring finger that held her blue power ring. He smirked”but honey i dont feel like it tonight, i have a heahache and i have to be up early and you look like you on some pounds so you may crush me if your on top”. He knew he shouldent irritate her but she was weaker when angry and looked sexier but hey that was the other head thinking. Destiny created handcuffs and spun them around her finger as she slowly walked towards Demise”dont worry sweety when were done you”ll have the next few centuries to cure that headache”.

    Demise smirked decided to was time to run so he flew off like a bullet back down to earth as he turned off his ring in like mid flight two feet from the ground so he was back in his human clothes as he landed as he kept running dodging crazy loony people he had created.

    Destiny called for five other blue lanterns and they all spoke there Oath”In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite! When all seems lost in the War of Light, look to the stars, for hope burns bright”

    There chant calmed everyone and anyone who was currently running angry just fell over unless they were strong willed.-

  • Cain

    March 14, 2014 at 9:34 pm in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Demise flew so far away that he was now standing on the moon before he screamed into the emptiness of space but because of the mask he was wearing sent out sonic vibrations that were picked up on all radio frequencies”With Boundless rage of crimson red,Deepest misery and growing dread,fuels us through the darkest night,Now feel my hate and begin to fight!” All the humans that heard this over there radio began to feel extreme anger and anyone who was angry at another human being went out and killed that person. Demise was looking at the earth and a couple third world country actually went dark in seconds.

    Demise put his head down before looking down at the moon and smirks before he burns the red lantern crest into the face of the moon. He then shot back down into Gotham standing on what was once Wayne tower. He then flies over to what was once the bat signal and he uses the power of his ring to activate the signal then he uses his ring to draw an X over the symbol so now that it shined into the night sky they new the Muse was no more.-

  • Cain

    March 14, 2014 at 12:47 pm in reply to: |Gotham Rp|

    -Demise’s mask became even more solid so when she punched it there was only a crack that ran down the right eye. He then raised his right hand up creating a bed of spikes where she would soon land before he used his speed of being a lantern to get behind her and fire a spike directly at the system that connected the suit to her spine. If this landed it would disengage the suit meaning it would shut down and leave her defenseless ending the fight and he would fly off and out of the solar system. If this dose not land he would create something new for her to ponder over, they were giant saw blades that began to cut up the road at sixty miles per hour to try and slice and dice her and anything else that gets in the way of them.-

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