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-Axel shivered at the name Mako she was like the bane of his existence such a small fish leading such a large army of Fishman. He shook it off he had always felt a shark should lead as they were the strongest next to the royal family. He felt if a shark could grow to be the strongest he could redeem his kin for the wrong doings of Arlong and Hordy but he was unsure of this as they had a such a dark past that the straw hats saved them from both times. He had respect for the late Straw hat King that was why he came to this island to pay his respects and he had hoped to find guidance where the king grew up and here was another fishman could this be the guidance he had been asking for. He stood up and waved a hand back towards the city” let us see what Mako is skimming this time”. He walked firmly making sure he was his full height to show he was larger then this simple fish that he was following. He had distaste for fellow fishman because of his treatment as a child. He being a shark was beaten and accused of being the next Arlong which on many occasion he thought it not a bad idea as he could get his revenge on these bastards for there treatment. He fell into step when his mother took him in and he was being trained to join the royal army while at the same time he worked with the Neo Sun pirates.-
-Axel looked up from the ship spotting the other fishman coming out of the sea and he knew this one as one of the higher sun pirates. He raised up his shirt showing the mark on his stomach” the pirates who were sent out three days ago to hunt the marines were captured all but myself who was knocked out and left to die at the bottom of the ocean”. He felt a little odd of her looking him over as if he was a piece of meat though she was a higher up she was not that expected by him as she was not a shark which were few and far between after Arlong and Hordy the sharks were less trusted. He looked her up and down seeing the spikes”your a porcupine puffer fish, what could possibly draw you this far into the east blue as most of the allies we have are still in the grand line”,-
-Axel smirked at her statesmen”only someone who is hiding something would wear a coat in this weather”. He noticed the man walk by with the large sword and he was sure he had seen a wanted poster somewhere for a man who carried such a blade. He wanted to follow but his movements spoke he was trying to draw as little attention as possible so he didn’t need a huge fish bearing down on him like a beacon. He sighed seeing all these people acting in fear at the mention of the marines. He walked past the bar and openly spoke ” if I had the loyal allies Id make these marine dogs kneel before those that they have harmed”. He began to walk back to the coast to check on his ship to see if it needed repairs or supplies. He pulled up his shirt and the sun pirates mark was on his ribs that looked raw still as it had only been three days since the mark had been gifted to him. He saw the ship and saw no one was bothering it so he went around the ship seeing paint was chipping and there was a few cracks on deck and the mark of the king was fading. He sat leaning against it with his head bowed and thinking of his brother that had been lost to the vicious dogs. He didn’t find there bodies so he feared the worst for them imprisonment or enslavement as death would have occurred then and there.-
-Axel walked with his hands behind his back a black shirt covering the scar on his chest he hated wearing clothes but it was polite to the humans he figured as they were forced to wear clothing as well. He hadn’t been away from the grave for long before the normal stares from the elders who still remembered Arlong and Hordy and there wrong doings looked down on Axel. He went to a local tavern spotting a chick in a red coat only thing that struck him as odd was she was wearing a coat in such tropic climate. He passed through and sat down at the bar laying down the needed cash to get a drink and wait to see if anything happened in here. He sipped at the drink sighing as to him it was simply water this alcohol wouldn’t even give him a buzz. He drank in a gulp turning to the woman and asking if she had something stronger. She brought him a small dish of a red liquid and called it super sake so he went to pay but she said it was on the house as she would be rolling him into a bed in a few minutes that wouldn’t be free. He smirked and tipped it back feelings it burn his throat but only a small tingle went through him before he looked at her”sorry guess I wont be needing that room after all”. Axel turned watching the people of the tavern, humans were so weird from the clothing to there attitude to one another, hatred for there differences was strange to Axel as no two fishman looked the same. He figured he would never know his father since he was probably a shark while he was told his mother was a Mermaid. He was unsure of who either were but he was told his father was a pirate and no one would tell him more when made him wonder what horrid thing he must have done. He turned and ordered another one of the cups before walking back outside feeling fine. He watched a group of kids edging towards him so he simply stood still and let them examine his form. He walked over to a stand and bought about ten pieces of threat before reaching into his mouth and pulling out his teeth and allowed a new set to regrow before he poked holes through them and threaded the string through” if any of you ever come to my home, present these and you will never be harmed, but say they were a gift don’t use them as a trophy”. He handed them out before dropping the extra teeth on the stand” those should be useful to you”. He watched the elders try and convince the kids to throw them away but they never did. His teeth were real and the only way to get a tooth that perfect was it to be a gift so anyone but a fishman would have broken it. He spotted the woman in red once again and finally let allowed her to peak his interest so he walked over” so what are you doing on this island as your clearly not a local”.-
Name: Axel
Age: 21
Race: Tiger shark fishman
Hometown: Fishman Island
Location: Foosha Village
Affiliation: Neo Sun Pirates
Personality: He is a care free go easy fishman that only seeks adventure that openly supports pirates. He seeks the same as his king and is looking for peace between humans and fishmen but he will not lower himself to stop human crimes as he does not see it as his problem. He only seeks a fight when his kin is involved or he has no choice. He will openly challenge other pirates and marines to prove he is better.
Items:You have a ship that is fit for you to be able to steer alone but has room for other people. (About yacht sized and can hold a crew of 8-10). You would have decent amount of salted meats, ale, and a miniature water filter. Your ship has some chipping off paint. You have a beddng area that is bunked and cramped. Your ship bears the mark of the King of Fishman Island. You have a large storage area. You have a single plot with a miniature tree that only grows oranges. Cannons(4), sniper rifles(2), pistols(10), knives(20), Daggers(10), swords (2). All non-legendary.
1.Fishman abilities{ super strength, super speed more so in the water, He has razor sharp claws and fangs,He uses his armored tail to ram into you causing major damage. If its a ship could sink it with a single pass unless it a giant vessel that’s well armored}
3.Fishman Karate
History:He was born on the fishman island in the center of the grand line and has lived a rather peaceful life always admiring the late great Boss Jimbei. He being a shark fishman felt closest to him along with Arlong but he would not fall into that bastards mentality to enslave humans. Axel was an orphan like most shark fishman before the bad part of fishman island was closed. He was raised by Shyarly for most of his life to repay her once he was a teen he worked in the Mermaid cafe as a guard for the dancers who would get harressed by human pirates and drunk fishman. He was out hunting with friend looking for big game to have a feast for the celebration of Axel being made a Neo sun Pirate. He came home to find the person he held as a mother dead and was told it was the marines so he set out with his fellow sun pirates and took for the seas towards the east blue. Once they came over reverse mountain they were attacked by four marine ships luckily no damage to the ship itself as his fellow fishman fought in the sea not on the boat. He was head in the head with a cannon round knocking him unconscious so he survived the onslaught. When he awoke he found his kin slayed and the boat left floating there with two young marines left to guard it. He snuck aboard knocking them both overboard before casting the sails and setting out looking for a crew. He thought of the King of the Pirates and when his adventure had started which was a story of legend. He went to this island docking his ship without the jolly roger flown allowing him to walk the island openly. He began looking for Luffies grave thinking this would be a place for a marker. He noticed old wanted posters so he followed them not understanding the meaning before finding himself in a hidden cove with 9 crosses eight of them circling a large one. He knelled to the crosses speaking”I bow to you hero’s of my Kin your the ones that set the path for our peace and without you I could not be here now”. He stood and headed into town once more thinking he may find someone to join his crew here.-
-Leon wasn’t happy with whatever the small child may come up as a means of transportation so he followed his new employer into the elevator and down. He started making phone calls to his boss saying he would be working a private case in D.C and would need time away from his desk which was a common thing. He didn’t solve many of the lower cases just gave his professional opinion in court. He zipped up his jacket and made sure his weapons were loaded before holstering each of them so they would be out of site. He had his shield in his wallet along with his credit cards and information he would need to contact high sources for information he was allowed to see. He spoke up for the limo not ever riding in one himself gave him the feeling of living it up while on this crazy mind trip expecting at any moment to wake up then get carted away from his desk by people in white coats because his mind broke.-
-Leon smiled when she asked if he could speak Italian, he could only speak a little from a trip his class took in college, simple thing were learned, drunk was one he learned there. he seemed more at ease now that this man was getting control of him self. He listened about the family that had been wiped out and instantly got to work asking for random names so he could look into things and why these deaths were never looked into. He began with those of america deciding they would be easier to get access to. He found a lot of red tape on anything that had to do with this family and a crest kept appearing on the screen but he didn’t know what it meant. He decided to use some back door access and turned up five of the ten dead and it showed they had no information like someone had erased there existence. He could not find credit cards, property or birth certificate on any of them. He began to grow irritated that he could not find this like most of the cases he dealt with” looks like im going to have to go old school on this case and actually go to the crime scean because someone high up doesn’t want this out to the public or police departments, I hope you got a way for us to get there in a hurry because i wouldn’t be surprised at this point for your house to be spotless, but i will give you this, I believe you both now”.-
Attitude:Silent Predator, He enjoys causing the downfall of major governments, he enjoys anarchy.
Exoskeleton: His armor is a second skin that gives him protection from most attacks, it will take serious damage to crack his armor and he can repair this by absorbing another organism. His armor will take on the qualities of what he absorbs.
Typhus utilizes a complex set of sensitive, mutated organs in the roof of his mouth to “Taste” his enemy’s vitality and strength, allowing him to pick out the weakest targets in a group. Typhus hunts in a way that is eerily reminiscent of the snakes of old earth.
Typhus’ enhanced vomeronasal system uses Amino-Complex acids to break down genetic material and provide a sort of “Trace” on a victim. By “Tasting” an enemy, a small tertiary lobe in Typhus’ brain performs rapid mathematical calculations utilizing “Kleiber’s Law” to relay heart-rate, metabolic, and energy emission information regarding the intended victim to Typhus’ eyes. Essentially allowing Typhus to “See” just how strong his enemy is, and how long it has left to live.
Typhus’ tendrils utilize a small amount of mutagenic acid, which is forcibly injected into the victim’s flesh on impact, that breaks down flesh, bone and even Armour and cloth into a genetic slurry that Typhus can absorb and metabolize. This allows Typhus to repair his body and Armour by supplying new biomass, which is stored in a special organ in his chest cavity. This Biomass is then distributed as required by Typhus’ body.
Devour – Typhus shoots out a tendril from his hand or the tip of his tail which latches to an enemy target and it tears of a huge chunk of flesh. Then the tendril will withdraw back into Typhus’ arm and he will begin digesting, in turn replenishing his health. If he comes across a species he has yet to analyze he can break it down and use it for an evolved armor.
Alteration: technology of the future allows his body to cool itself to the point he could stand within lava for ten minutes. He can also do the opposite and stand within the icy depths of the arctic.
Clean shaved: If his armor is fully removed he will be defenseless till his parasite can rebuild it. During this time he is faster and slightly stronger as he does not need to worry about cracking his own armor but he will take more damage from incoming attacks.
Taming the beast: He can use his tentacles to feed on the brain of wild animals and link up with his own brain to make them do as he thinks.
His boots have a material that allows him to stick to almost any organic substance.
He also carries a set of weapons:
A throw able Glaive that will always return to his hand
two twin daggers
25 throwing knives
one katana
And a set of claws to help him climb
Fatality: His armor opens up letting out all of his tendrils to devour his enemy.
History:He was born in the year 6300 when humans had begun to bio engineer animals into there own dna to try and survive a changing environment. The sun was growing hotter and the solid ground was being absorbed into the oceans which never seemed to stop rising after the ice caps had melted during a great war that super heated the planet. He was chose to be fused with an ancient Raptor, Cheetah and Viper making him quick and diverse in many different terrain where he was trained in each. His country is what was once known as Iceland
-Leon backed up a little bit and lowered gun slowly so that it was now pointing at the ground before placing it on the counter never taking his eye off the male. He sat down on one of the kitchen bar stools while directing his guest to relax in the recliner.”then explain away this is still unbecoming of an officer in my shoes to be talking to someone in the mafia, and they were to find out they would begin to believe be bribed and Id lose my job and be put in prison”. He was not happy at all nor was the child being mixed up in all this particularity enjoyable, it all made no sense to him and the more he thought about it the more he wanted to punch the bastard for the mess he was making. He instead got up and made himself a cup of coffee offering the male a glass aswell to hopefully sober him up before he spoke hoping to shock them both” qui si ubriaca, Sono Leon”{ Here you drunk, I am Leon}. He went back to his bar stool and set his cup down on the counter next to the shot gun while he waited for all the information before he decided to help him or shoot him though it did seem someone was after this man.-
-Leon listened to the explanation on the different flame types fascinating and the fact she wanted to train him meant he might be possible to use a flame himself. He was weary as illusions were tricks and those who play tricks weren’t always truthful so he would have to watch her closely all the same he was glad she had explained everything to him. He wean’t to the bathroom and once he came out he heard the thud on the door so he walked up to it with the shotgun raised and real quick through the door opened and the gun never left his hand as it would now be pointed at the Mafia boss’s head” speak fast or you’ll never speak again”. He was afraid what this male could do if she was like her or another flame worried him about what the other flame abilities were if mist was Construction what could the others do.-
-Leon sighed “alright will be waiting here”. Leon turned to his little guest “looks like your boss is coming to us, could you take the time to explain how you did that trick or should we wait on him”. He got up from his position and began to walk back and forth the gun swinging back and forth as he argued with himself thinking he should take the child to a police department before arresting the male and hauling his ass to a prison cell to never be seen again. He felt nature call so he went and used the bathroom washing his hands and putting down the seat before he came out with the gun raised in case he arrived while he was occupied.-
-Leon answered the phone hearing a males voice with an Italian greeting he looked to the baby and his eyes seemed to show annoyance”Hello, How may I help the Mafia today”. He did not like the idea of communicating with those that lived lives full of crime. He would hear this man out and if he did not speak correctly Leon would bring him in for his past discrepancies. He wasn’t what this man would bring with him so he walked over picking up his shot gun and sat in his easy chair and looked to the front door only way in and there was no windows that you could see him sitting there from. He picked up his cell phone and typed a text that would be sent to his boss if he were to lose his life tonight and did not cancel it by morning.-
-Terror felt Noob behind him and he sighed as he spoke through the new mask without moving the robe”Hello old friend I seek my brothers location and your own brothers location as I have business with both”. He knew his brother would be held in the prison of souls so he was unsure of who to track first. He placed his hand over his mark heating it with his energy and could feel were his aunt was and could feel a group of beings around her who he assumed were her faction.
Dread carried Sepht into his cabin throwing her down and tying her up before having there fun in the wee hours of the night.
A shadow stood in Order realm that was prepared to chaos madness in its inhabitants a warrior of Nightmare realm had found a way to make it here and it was meant to have fun. The shadow placed a Kanji mark on a woman’s cheek and she stripped and ran through the realm and anyone who feel for the temptation to feel lust for this young blond would fall under the same curse soon hundreds of those living in the red town. He then went and did the same in each of the different towns. He planned to make this the realm of lust soon enough.
-Terror smiled thinking of his father and Domme’s words before he leaned forward and placed a kiss on Domme”s cheek. Terror yelled for Dread when he saw Dahk and the Dreak took off his robe leaving him in only his work pants but his robe was long enough to wrap around Septh like a dress. We will return soon to earth realm. Terror and Dread leaned in moving the others but Weren from next To Dahk and they both touched either side of Dahk’s head before using the mind freeze ability but this one was reversed using the white and black energy. They sent wave after wave of there own energy into Dahk till he would be healed enough to survive and live a long life after he healed the rest by his own means. Terror and Dread both went in separate directions before Terror looked back at Dahk “the day you wish to die by my hands will be the day your at your strongest and can give me a good fight”. Terror touched the mark on his neck and would vanish. He then appeared in the nether using his ice to make long black robes and a black mask covered in his face. He began to make his way to finding his brother once again so he could take the power he was deserved. Dread picked back up Sepht and touching his mark again teleported to earth realm for another round of fun.-