Forum Replies Created

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  • Cain

    January 23, 2014 at 5:11 am in reply to: Alternia (First Timeline)

    -Lupus sighed and made his way home before he takes his clothes off and burns them before entering the shower making sure he was well washed so there would be no evidence but he guessed someone would sooner or later come to investigate the crime. Lupus sighed accidentally biting his own tongue when caused him to bleed so he spit his Cerulean blood into the shower. Lupus cleaned his mouth out with wash before going and getting on a similar outfit as the one he had previously been wearing before he jumped onto his couch and opened his laptop to check if he had been trolled.-

  • Cain

    January 22, 2014 at 10:03 pm in reply to: Alternia (First Timeline)

    -Lupus sighed and left them behind as he made his way out of the prison and slowly made his way from the dark parts of town that surrounded the prison and into the the richer areas where those of royal blood called home. Lupus placed his sun glasses back on and adjusted his black over shirt to hide the knuckle guards. He would reach the gate and two of the guards kept saying “honk” which annoyed the piss out of Lupus with there obsessive belief and some clown deity. Lupus was let inside but the two simpletons kept on his heels to make sure he didn’t do anything offensive but the only thing that came to mind was taking the heads of these two idiots. He reaches the thrown and would get down on one knee while the empress entered the room and once she was seated and nodded for him to begin he spoke”Zembra broke out of her restraints but myself and Skvaada were able to detain her and she wishes to speak to you”. Lupus rose to his feet because he began to hear growls from some of other trolls not that he feared any of them. He had never spoken his place in hemospectrum but his strength and mind ability made him perfect for his role as executioner. The Empress would nod”i will allow this m-E-Eting, you may bring h-Er befor-E m-E”. Lupus would turn and leave the castle but he knew he was being followed and once he was outside of the royal district he would turn and place his shades in his shirt pocket before he summoned his scythe just in time for one of the two simpletons to come from around a building. Lupus sighed and spoke”what brings you before me”. The clown loved spoke”its time for that bitch to die and for you to disappear so i can make that happen quickly and quietly”. Lupus sighed as the creature ran at him with a sword but right before the clown would land a blow Lupus spun on his right food with his scythe in his left hand with the blade coming up from the ground so the curved edge would be facing towards the sky. As Lupus pivoted the scythe would come up and cleave off the arms and head of the troll in a single slice that left Lupus covered in purple blood. Lupus took off his jacket and would lay it across the dead troll. Lupus then finished his journey to the prison and he made his way back down into the inner most sanctum where Zembra was held”she said she would see Zembra, Im going to go home and take a shower, a clown got to big for his red nose”.-

  • Cain

    January 21, 2014 at 6:30 pm in reply to: Alternia (First Timeline)

    -Lupus wasn’t sure where to act here and since this other troll seemed to know her better he stepped back and leaned against the wall guarding the door while he watched to see how this played out while making sure his knuckle guard was on tight if she tried to run he would take her head clean off her shoulders.-

  • Cain

    January 21, 2014 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Alternia (First Timeline)

    -Lupus saw the slime and shook his head”you start putting her on the slime you better be prepared to keep doing it because i dont want to see the side effects of her going without”. Lupus stood up and began to walk towards her pulling his sun glasses off and looking her in the eye”you will return to your cage until the queen says otherwise bitch”. He started to use his mind abilities to try and make her listen on her own without him having to use force because her weak body probably couldn’t take the strength he had.-

  • Cain

    January 21, 2014 at 4:29 pm in reply to: Alternia (First Timeline)

    -Lupus turned and looked at the other troll standing there and he raised three fingers as he slowly made his way to the door and he threw the latch on the top open but not the main door and he stopped and listened for her. He turned back to Skvaada”get ready this could be a trick”. Lupus threw the door open so hard it left a dent in the wall behind it and that’s when he saw her fall out from her hiding place and he would jump back blocking the door so she couldn’t escape.-

  • Cain

    January 21, 2014 at 7:36 am in reply to: Alternia (First Timeline)

    -A smirk came to Lupus’s fanged mouth as he clapped his hands together and the void would drop his scythe in front of him that he used to do his job”oh im just the executioner and i was merely checking to see if it was time for this one to get a little off the top since it seems that it has gotten bigger while her other assets that she use to be able to tempt trolls with seem to have vanished such a pity, I had known her well when we were young but ill take such join in her head rolling”. Lupus turned dropping the scythe which would vanish before it hit the ground and by the time it absolved he would slam the door shut on her cage and turn and make an abort exit for the door”oh and if you ever wondered my name it is Lupus the wolf of the night”.

  • Cain

    January 21, 2014 at 3:50 am in reply to: Alternia (First Timeline)

    -A dark groan could be heard overtake the prison as the main door opened to a large skinny man that had red tinted glasses on. Lupus had arrived to the sounds of the siren that suggested something was happening within and he already guessed where the problem was coming from. Lupus reached into his black jacket pockets and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles that looked oddly like they were made of dark energy when in fact he had pulled these out of the void. Lupus slowly made his way within the prison and his eyes sat onto one of the guards cowering there and he felt no pity. Lupus only stopped long enough to pass a thought from himself to the low troll for him to go jump off a cliff and end his weak life. Lupus then pushed the door open which screeched as metal on metal allowing him full view of his favorite prisoner. Lupus looked onto Zembra and he gave her an evil smile before he pulled up his sleeve to show that there was still teeth marks from the last chat they had. He would then look onto the other troll that he only knew by name Skvaada”stop falling for her taunts you simpleton”. Lupus turned back to look at Zembra as he reached forward grabbing the lock that had been broken and he squeezed the metal back together before he turned back to the prisoner”now I hope you haven’t been telling people my blood color because if you did so I might make you bite your own tongue off”. He would tip his glasses down to show the spider eyes that he hid under the sunglasses.-

  • Cain

    January 20, 2014 at 6:02 am in reply to: Alternia (Second Timeline)

    -Lupus watched as his lusus gave him an evil smile as she walked into the bathroom dropping her leather clothing outside of the door to temp Lupus but he didn’t find her alluring in the slightest as she couldn’t put him in his place so he turned back to his pc screen seeing it was blinking before smirking and reading.

    NW: ╘Hello╘”
    “AM: Hello land dwweller.
    AM: Wwhat might you 8e looking for?”

    He sighed and looked around before he began to type again making sure not to let his Lusus see him talking to another female or she would try and temp Lupus even greater as he began.

    “NW: ╘Nothing Much Just Wish I Had Some Fun Since I Cant Find Anyone To Have Fun with Other Then my clingy Lusus╘”

  • Cain

    January 20, 2014 at 5:25 am in reply to: Alternia (Second Timeline)

    -Lupus came up and out of a pond of red water that was well heated by the many beasts that swam within its waters. His grey muscled form quickly dried within the burning lands dry air that cracked his skin with its heat. He slowly made his way to his large black nest that took on the form of a black castle with demons and dragons within. Lupus past the door and a woman in leather came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his mid section before making a noise meaning she didnt like me venturing out into the wilds but my strength made me just as dangerous as anything else out in those burning fields. He put on his red sunglasses to cover his eyes that had four pupils in both eyes. Lupus would then wave his hand calling something out of nothing and a soda would land within his hand before he tips it back and drinks deeply until its contents are empty. He walked over to his pc and tapped a few keys before trollian popped up and still standing found that a couple people were online and he sent a message to both of them.


  • Cain

    January 18, 2014 at 1:57 am in reply to: Rules

    ╘I Agree to these╘

  • Cain

    January 18, 2014 at 1:51 am in reply to: Bios

    Known Ancestors:Vriska, Equius
    Title:Prince Of Void
    Interests:Adventures,Lust, Dragons, Relaxing, Slaying those who deserve it, He is driven by instinct not by rational thinking meaning at times he will act unlike himself,being Maptultive
    Hates:Serious People, those that are strict to the HemoSpectrum, Hates Juggulators that follow there clown religion.
    Modus:Gothic Modus all his cards are blank so he cant see what is contained within them and they spit out an item when it is needed, once he places something in his modus, he can not remove the item till its spit out.
    Strife:Knuckle Kind, Scythe, Sword kind, gun kind, explosive kind
    Land:Cave and Demons, Its a land full of burning lands where dragons fly over head With a large black castle with scantly clad Female Demons lay around and in the highest tower is the Room of Lupus

    Lupus like his ancestor has the extreme strength of Equius but acts much more like Vriska, He will defend those who deserve it but will not take sides in a fair fight. If two equal warriors are fighting he will not make it unfair even if the person fighting in a friend.

  • Cain

    January 13, 2014 at 6:44 pm in reply to: The Rules. Please sign

    -Alexander stamps it with his ring thats covered in ink

  • Cain

    January 13, 2014 at 3:09 am in reply to: Character Bios


    Year Born:1187

    Appearance:{currently} He is 5″7 with blond hair and blue eyes wears heavy armor made of iron that weighs 140 pounds and the leather underneath was dyed blue and he carries a huge claymore on his side that he could pull freely from its case. {future} He wears a long black trench coat made of the finest leather and he steel plating made into his shirt over his chest and arms along with chain mail around his neck and his sword is hidden in a special guitar case on his back.

    Fighting styles:Knight Hood

    Possessions:Iron armor, Large Claymore{resembles Excalibur}, He has a gold ring that has his family crest which is twin gold swords crossed. He also has a gold necklace that hold a emerald hanging from its chain.

    History:He was born into the royal family of Europe and raised as a knight to take the thrown of his father on his fathers dying day. His father grew old and finally passed away in his sleep and as Alexander made his way to his crowing coronation his brother drove a sword through Alexanders back piercing his heart killing him quickly.

    England-knighthood 1200-1299
    china-ninja 1300-1399
    Russia-fist fighting 1400-1499
    Vatican-thinks he found a vampire 1500-1599
    India-Kalaripayattu 1600-1699

    Special abilities-
    second sight
    voice of command
    field of weakness

    82 acres of land in England

    82 acres in china

    108 in Russia where space program is located

    Immortals killed
    92 enemies heads

    Ivan and Alexander have a celebration when they run into each other in Russia

    29018 jewels/gold I have a suit of armor that 400 years old and badly damaged, a pristine set of ninja including weapons that 250 years old. A emerald ring that bears the royal crest of England and a large claymore that is slightly cracked from four hundred years of use and battle.

  • Cain

    January 11, 2014 at 11:58 pm in reply to: Fire Country: Leaf Village

    -Kenji was in a cart dressed as a merchant making his way into the hidden leaf village hoping to learn some info that he could sell to another of the hidden villages later on. Kenji looked forward seeing the tall building that was the Hokage’s tower and a smile would come across his sharp teeth until he saw a ninja run by and he hid his face from sight while he pulled the cart into the place he purchased. Kenji looked around and began to set up his gear of ninja weapons some of them very rare and only could be found in mist country and others that could only be found in rain.-

  • Cain

    January 8, 2014 at 3:24 am in reply to: Rules and bios~!

    Name:Kenji Unda


    Clan:Unda is a primal warrior clan of the shark which has sharks as there summoning. They also have a Kekkei Genkai that allows them to have three true elements instead of the normal two. His clan is known for there use of the lightening element

    Appearance: He is a tall athletic shaped man that wears all black other then his blue mask that has no other markings that show his village. He has a long Nodachi on his back that has a purple dragon that appears to crawl up the sheath.




    Personality:Silent and when he kills he will take the time to bury the dead and burn a candle on the ground where there forehead would be. He collects the headbands of those he kills and when he is angry he gets loud and forceful.

    History:Kenji was born in mist village and raised to take on the role of anbu by being forced to train every day even as a young child until he had every hand sign or footstep correct so when he finally grew tired of the hell he was being put through he was already a Jounin and could have taken the test to become anbu if he had chosen but instead he left and is last seen in sand village.

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