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  • Cain

    March 29, 2015 at 8:10 pm in reply to: Stati Uniti d'America (RP AREA)

    -Leon was shocked when he saw the second little girl walk forward this causing him to rip the basket off the first before walking backwards and falling over pointing at her”Hell is going on here, why are there two of you when did another little girl get i’m my apartment”. He wasn’t sure what was going on but he was curious so he sat up and then stood up as he walked over to her. He looked between them one after the other and rubbed his head” I feel like my head is trying to see something that is not there”. He sighed and walked over to his table picking up a cup of coffee drinking it quickly”I can come with you to D.C as ill say the case im on will take me there, I normally travel all over the country when im on duty because the cases I deal with are for the big shots that don’t tend to stay in the place they committed the crime”. Leon grabbed his cell snapped it open and talked it over with his boss before giving D.C a call and telling them he would be in there jurisdiction look over a cold case and they gave him limited Power to ask questions and determine if someone should be brought in.

    He looked to the child” If we need to leave soon I can rent a car as I wont be able to take my cruiser”. He decided to call ahead and tell them he wanted something fast. He then walked over to his safe getting his badge and his four pistols ready. He wasn’t sure what to expect so he wanted to be ready he did not like walking in useless.-

  • Cain

    March 28, 2015 at 7:41 pm in reply to: Stati Uniti d'America (RP AREA)

    -Leon smiled at her question”Im on my day off the same with tomorrow though hopefully we can get to the bottom of all of this before then, and I hope whatever training you think you’ll be doing in my home better be able to fix as im simply renting this place I don’t own it”. He wasn’t sure what to do when she went into the bathroom so he began to look around but he rubbed his temple thinking this was hopeless, He sat down and thought about his plan if she were to really have an uzi in there which he believed to be a false statement but everything she said seemed to be the truth and that bothered him that she didn’t seem to have any reason to lie about this either. He walked over to his safe and spun the dial a few times and it opened revealing his weapons the one he thought to grab was the shotgun but he looked back at the door and spotted something which made him smirk. He closed the safe and locked it once more before he walked into his bedroom and dumped out his dirty clothes onto the floor and decided to wait. He was now standing with his side to the door so that when she came out of the bathroom she would not seem him without having to take two steps out of the bathroom which was when he would slam the clothes basket around it. It was made of steel and with its small size it was tall enough so she would be able to still stand but not wide enough for her to be holding up a weapon meaning her arms would be forced to her sides. He was ready to strike though he thought he heard her talking to someone and it sounded important but he couldn’t make out what they were saying which bugged him even more. Leon didn’t like that this little girl had come to him for help but seemed to be the one in charge. He wanted to throw the door opened and ask what she was doing but he felt if the call was important he didn’t want to interrupt He would merely ask later. He was ready to spring the trap the moment she walked from the door and he would have a smile on his face for outsmarting this little child.-

  • Cain

    March 28, 2015 at 1:10 am in reply to: Stati Uniti d'America (RP AREA)

    -Leon listened to her story before walking over to his chair and thinking it over a few dozen times trying to find a fault in the logic in a view point of someone telling the story instead of someone living it. He was a master investigator so this was driving him mad what was missing there had to be something to alert him of her lying. He decided to roll this some more later” What do you mean train a prodigy when your only a child but whatever, If you really think there is a threat out there that you can bring to justice its my duty to do whatever it takes even if it means listening to a child until your information becomes relevant”.

    He stood up and got a blanket for her when he noticed the clock and saw it would soon be two in the morning. He made sure she would be comfortable pointing where the bathroom was before he ran over and put the seat down and then he went to his room keeping the door open and flopped onto his bed hearing his dispatcher still naming off crimes the child supposedly committed. He would wake up around ten luckily for this brat it was his day off so he went out to make breakfast hoping she liked eggs. He made four dippy eggs and some toast and sat some on her plate and then some on his own and ate still unsure what to do with the little girl. He opened up a laptop and began to use his backdoor sights that he found while investigating some really crooked people to learn more about the Manticore and how she was the best till she vanished. He did realize she spoke of the mafia and how she was going to use an uzi to increase his speed which he thought was insane to even believe she would use such a weapon with the fact she didn’t seem to carry one with her. He surely didn’t own and uzi.-

  • Cain

    March 27, 2015 at 8:30 pm in reply to: Stati Uniti d'America (RP AREA)

    -Leon blinked a few times not expecting the little girl to know such good English at such a young age and this information about being a jewel thief was cute that she had a made up criminal record”Your pet is cute, Did someone set you up to tell me this ludicrous lie and to give me this file”. He picked up the file and opened it fanning through the information”there is not much here but it has a few things to go on, I think I can fight just fine little girl, Ill take this file down to the precinct tomorrow and make sure it updated with the correct information but first lets get you to your parents or to an orphanage”. Leon walked into his room deciding he could try his cop radio and have dispatch run a check on the girls name and see if it matches any of there missing person for the city then state records.

    He found his radio twisting the nob he spoke calmly” Dispatch this is Detective Walker, Badge number 4737 I would like a check ran on a missing girl, She said her name is Manticore”. He waited for the information to be entered into the computer so he walked back to the little girl” if i’m about to get you back to your guardian that will be payment enough, I don’t want a little girls money”. He walked back in the room hearing his radio go off”Go ahead dispatch”. The radio read off a long list of crimes connected to that name but they were done by an adult not a child so he raised a brow and walked back to the girl this time looking into her eyes using his years as an investigator” You know, there is something about you that just feels off, You seem to actually know what your talking about and I don’t know if that scares me or intrigues me more, so ill let you explain little girl, tell me about yourself and maybe ill believe you but for now I think your a little girl that has been told a wild tale”.-

  • Cain

    March 26, 2015 at 9:06 pm in reply to: Stati Uniti d'America (RP AREA)

    -Leon was laying on his couch with his head resting on one arm of the couch and his feet resting on the other but when he heard the knock it woke him from a deep sleep so he wasn’t happy. He expected it was a kid playing ding dong ditch with no door bell. He walked over to his desk and grabbed one of his pistols slipping It behind his back held there by his pant he looked through the peep hole seeing no one he hit his head on the door and opened it hoping to be able to find the culprit but when he opened it he saw the little girl and her little animal. He instantly went for his phone to call 911 why he knelt down so they were close to eye level so he could hear her better if she were to speak” Little girl where are your parents, do you know the address where you live, who brought you here tonight and by what means did they bring you”. He couldn’t get through on his phone because it was filled by people calling in about a dog knocking over there trash and them thinking it was a prowler. He asked the little girl to sit on the couch while he kept trying to contact the authorities to get her on her way home.

    He was worried about the animal with her as it was not a normal pet here in NY more likely to be found in the desert and if that was the case she was a long way from him for sure. He got glass of water for the little girl and sat it on the table in front of the girl. He then sat in a chair away from her so she wouldn’t feel he was being over baring of her space” can you tell me anything about your parents or where you have come from and how I may contact your parents or guardians”.-

  • Cain

    March 25, 2015 at 11:55 pm in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Terror walked away just walked he had no care of the creature once known as Chaos, he pitted the creature because in the end it was weak. Terror walked to his father splitting from his brother and knelled to his father with his head bowed and his mask removed”Father I have damned you for your short comings and have not let you speak on your behalf, I have caused you pain in my actions and have not thought of what trouble it would bring Earth”. He took a deep breath looking to his father” I wish for you to return to Earth and continue to protect our family while I am gone this includes Dread as I feel my travels must be taken alone as I still have much to learn and mature”. He bowed before his father waiting for wrath if it comes he welcomes it. After this passed he would go to Domme” If you wish to grow stronger head for earth and train with your brother, I am going on a jouney that will take me to every realm as I have much still to see and learn”.

    Dread walked to the naked Sepht with a smile picked her up in his arms” will you be following me back to Earth or shall we remain here”.

    War Walked on the opposite side of the street from the woman who was once his sister calling in a favor he contacted Pride”im calling in the favor after I saved your ass from Gabriel, I want a human background, Paper trails, I want licence and land owner ship. A military background and merc work that puts me as a perfect solider”. He would hang up the phone and walk into the cafe on the other side from the Law firm with a smirk, He was sure he knew what his sister would do even if she did not.

    Elder Gods: We shall restore Chaos and place this boy in the lizards place until a new one is nominated. Der would feel a pull as all the power of Chaos would flood his system along with have an armor of green scales and a more mature demeanor.

    Noob looked to his student after the fight and thought only his brother could have known the place those chains could have been broken. He walked up to the woman and snapped out a chain towards her after she had the chance to speak to them all and would vanish back to the nether with her.-

  • Cain

    March 25, 2015 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Stati Uniti d'America (RP AREA)

    -Leon pulled up to the precinct looking up the steps Chris was there waiting with two coffees and discussing the case with Leslie another officer but a couple years ahead of Chris. Leon honked the horn and Leslie waved with a laugh as Chris ran down the stairs opening the door carefully not to spill the coffee which he handed one to Leon who looked at sighing when he saw it was Starbucks a joint he normally didn’t go to as he liked the little cups that were brought in from Italy. He shrugged and hit the gas tasting it spitting it out the window the dropping it out the window before turning to Chris”buy me coffee again and it will be you getting thrown out the window”. Chris had this horrified look on his face. Leon decided to see if the culprits sister had any information so Leon flew down the road and into New Jersey not that he had any Jurisdiction here but it never hurt to ask questions.

    They pulled in front of an apartment building and already he was getting looks from the locals who seemed to always have something to hide. He ignored being called a pig as he walked into the building catching the door luckily someone had been coming out so he didn’t need to get buzzed in which never worked. He climbed the nine flights of stairs as the elevator was out of service. He had decided to leave Chris locked in the car after yesterdays events with the ex. Leon knocked on nine zero nine and got an answer to go away so he knocked again this time a large male opened the door and Leon instantly smelled pot on this guy. Leon said calmly” im here to ask a few questions if Cara is available”. The woman walked forward she looked like she was strung out from lack of drugs which he guessed was the reason this guy was here. He gave something to her taking some money and ran away but not before Leon had opened his wallet which the idiot had left on the counter and got his name. He guessed the guy would be back for it soon. The woman poured herself a shot of rum and asked Leon what the fuck he wanted and why he came all the way to New Jersey when she had a phone. He answered her by stating he enjoyed seeing the look in someone’s eye when the answer the door and see him. She laughed and asked if this was about her sister which in turn he nodded. Cara stated she hadn’t seen her sister in a couple years as she had asked her sister for money and was quickly hung up on. Leon felt for the woman which reminded him of the chick back at his apartment which made him shiver something he didn’t dwell on. He handed the woman his card and left making his way back to his car but found Chris pointing his guy at a male who seemed to want the car and was planning to take it by force. Leon pulled out his gun and placed it on the male’s head and pushed him away from Chris telling the boy to radio to a local dispatch to send a car for this one. Leon saw a shadow standing on the other side of fence just ten feet away so he drew his other gun and when he spotted the gun when the guy came around the corned he shot the guys weapon knocking it from his hand and the male ran back around the corner and down an alley. Chris went to give chase but Leon told him to forget it and move on but Leon did walk over and grab the pistol seeing it was a Desert Eagle he wiped it off finding no serial number as he expected it had been sanded off.

    He and Chris got in the cruiser and headed back to the precinct it was that late in the day but he was tired of running around like a dog chasing a bone for the time being. He assigned the case to another detective that was less busy and in less demand then himself but he would be kept on if any information was needed. He took the gun to ballistics to get examined but it came back negative for ever being shot meaning it was stolen and never used from a shop. Leon decided he could use one so he went to gun range and got it register with a new number that could be tracked to him if it was ever needed. He bough a gun holster vest so he could hold the heavier pistol along with buying a 45. revolver so that both sides of the vest would feel even and he wouldn’t be dragged down. He knew he didn’t need this much firepower working as a cop but he always felt more was needed in his line of work as every day criminals became more like soldiers. Leon drove to his house around seven thirty just in time to find the pizza man delivery the dinner he had order so he grabbed it and took it up to the apartment. He found a letter from the girl stating she had decided to move to Maine with her mother and had gotten a train ticket earlier that day but thanked him for the Chinese lunch he had ordered but she was allergic to the sauce on the orange chicken so it was in the fridge. Leon sighed as he turned on the tv opened the pizza and ate a slice before taking off his guns and going into the shower leaving the door open because he was alone like he always did. He heard a noise so he got out and looked to see if anyone was outside but it must have been an animal or one of his neighbors as he found nothing out of place. He got dressed in a pair of grey sweats and put on a Black Sabbath t-shirt. He grabbed another slice but noticed one was missing that he was sure he hadn’t eaten. He went to the door and opened it seeing a kid at the end of the hall who looked like he was eating something. Leon walked to the fridge got the orange chicken and rice put it outside the door then closed it and locked it. He then went to the couch to watch t.v. and think on where his life was going to but didn’t like the idea of doing this for the rest of his life.

  • Cain

    March 25, 2015 at 6:14 pm in reply to: General Rulings

    -signs the rules with what looks like a cows horn but its twenty years old-

  • Cain

    March 24, 2015 at 3:59 pm in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Malstaine called back his hounds shifting into his earth form” behave for next time I come hunting for you, it wont be the conversion”. A spark of white lightning would appear and he was gone back to earth realm and then back to htrae where he filled out a bunch of files before picking up the soul of the reaper and taking it for conversion.

    Terror smirked once the beast was close enough to him, this thing didn’t except terror as a threat so he decided to show him why he was a threat” oh Lord Onaga, cut the bullshit I know you need the Komidgo I know you need a more solid vessel and I know your not the true King of Outworld asshole”. His right arm was now covered in the white fire but the black ice seemed to vanish but if Onaga felt very carefully he would realize the black ice was behind himself”burn bitch”. They both focused there ability, Chaos would know this ability but Onaga would not they both shot a ball of the mind freeze ability but one was ice the other fire. They had both gotten close to Onaga as he had not thought them a threat if this makes contact with one of them in Onaga mind the twins would cut off his wings and sew shut his eyes and mouth before spearing him with chains to bind him to the precious Outworld. If both orbs hit they would use there fire and ice to create a solid statue out of Onaga by super heating him then super cooling him till he was unmovable. They both jumped back and fused after the orbs flew just in case and seeing the ground begin to crack he used the black ice to cover the ground to hold shut the cracking not that it would last long but long enough. He wasn’t worried about the five hits as he wasn’t planning to take a single one from this weak Gecko,

    War finally calmed down to a warm simmer before he stood up and walked back to the council room to find it torn apart and he smiled” Sister your starting to act like me, Did you know this seal is not to prevent Horsemen from leaving the council but there enemies from entering there Lairs”. He demonstrated by walking through it asd walking over to the table where he found the box with her ring and began placing each of them in the box in there rightful place before placing his hand on the box and it sealed over with chains of hate something Conquest would never be able to break. He then went back to his room and set the box down before returning back to Conquest “you are conflicted this is why the seal does not see you as a Horsemen, we must be sure about where we stand at all times, Something I learned long ago by the first Death”. He would look to see if there was a sign of shock in her eyes before he continued” I am not sure if im the first War but I have been around the longest of the War’s, No horsemen before me knew how to walk from these halls and the surface without bearing the ring and still have there power”. He walked before his sister seemingly harmless but the red runes on his arm glowed and he took on his Horsemen state without the ring on in the council hall”sister for you to restore our faith in you, not only will you need to become a horsemen again but I banish you to earth till you prove yourself worthy without your power”. He held out his hand and the runes that cover every Horsemen would vanish from her body before she found herself in D.C. she was still Immortal in the since she couldn’t die of old age but she was now taint able by the devil if he were to realize who was on earth. War slide down the wall and beat his head on it which brought Death to War. Death spoke in her ancient wise ways” She was being twisted by the council and did not no of such, they were stripping away her powers and were going to use her as a way to harm us, banishing her and making her prove herself worthy once again will restore her valor in our fight against bondage “we shall find someone to replace her if she does not reclaim her title if she does not reclaim it one year from today”. War sighed as he heard her horse crying and could hear her ring hissing with distaste for what he had done but it could not be helped. He returned to his room and threw himself into his bed before he vanished standing on a rooftop looking down on her, she was no more then a human now so even if she wished to remember her life prior to this moment it would be locked away, she would never know him other then as Daemon if she does not prove herself honorable to DEATH.-

  • Cain

    March 24, 2015 at 2:11 am in reply to: Stati Uniti d'America (RP AREA)

    Leon was sitting at his desk as a male walked in and laid down a huge file he sighed “Damn Dyson I just got back from my vacation, can’t you guys handle these drug lords when im not around”. The male chuckled and walked out pointing at the Chief who which was tapping her fingers on the desk which he had learned years ago meant she was impatient for results. Leon got up and grabbed his leather coat before walking out and spinning a card track when told him who was doing what for the day which made it easy to see which officer was going to be joining him today.
    Leon walked up to the desk of Officer Nelson a new guy to the force but it said he had a quick mind and voiced his view which Leon liked of his newbies. He spun the chair of the male and started pushing him towards the door when he heard the precinct laugh” oh no Walker has sank his fangs in another one”. Walked chuckled as he grabbed the guys vest throwing it into his hands before reaching in his desk grabbing his firearm and badge”Alright kid lets see if your able to run with the wolves”. He grabbed a coffee and a couple bagels before pushing the door open and the kid was on his heels running over to Leon’s personal cruiser opening the door for him. he got in but before the boy could close the door Leon looked up at him ” Remember this, there is a difference between helping out and kissing ass, we didn’t get anywhere in that building by kissing ass, do your job and you”ll go far”. Leon reached out and closed his own door before taking a sip of his coffee and reaching up in the visor and his keys fell into his lap along with his badge. He turned making sure the boy was in the car that he learned was named Chris”alright read that file on the guy were after a let me know what your take is”. Leon put his drink in the cup holder before hitting the gar leaving smoke from the cruiser flying faster then he should be.

    They arrived at a high end hair salon where the suspect was last seen”keep back and don’t bring attention to yourself and i’ll let you question the next lead”. They walked in and two of the people went on rigid instantly which was always a good and bad sign when it was directed at the cops. It meant they were guilty but it could be relevant or it could be peddy crimes like a lollipop. He decided to ignore them for now and walked up to the woman with the book of reservations and asked her if she could look up “Rosiet Jarelson”. The woman didn’t look happy but didn’t look ready to argue with an officer as she found the person and gave him her information from the book which made this a lot easier. He was given information without asking for it which he guessed would get in her in trouble later as he would have needed a warrant to get this information. He decided to leave a twenty on the desk and walked out with the boy asking about the two women who were so rigid earlier which made Leon’s smile widen further”. He jumped in the car and the second Chris was also he hit the gas and they took off down the road like they were on high pursuit but once they got up about a mile and out of sight they turned down a side road and went down an alley. They sat there and waited to see if these women would lead them to something they didn’t already know but after and hour and a half of sitting there they pulled away and went to the address which turned out to be the home of a eighty year old gentlemen that was going senile.

    They made there way back into down where they stopped at a Subway to get food sitting at a booth they went back over the pile and they decided the next best place to find a lead would be the woman’s ex which was easy enough to find and like he promised he let Chris interrogate the male which lead to the man telling them to get the fuck out and if they returned he would sue for being harassed. Chris walked away from the event like a kicked dog but Leon was laughing a little ” not sure asking him if he couldn’t satisfy his wife was a good move on your part but it got me to laugh so i’ll say you have me interested at least even if I might need to wait six months till your off desk duty for his fiasco”. Leon opened the kids door before his own seeing the sun was going to be going down soon he decided to head back to the precinct”if you haven’t hung yourself by morning i’ll be expecting you at 8 a.m. to keep on the hunt”. He dropped the kid off before shooting down the road where he went to a local bar walking in he got a roar from everyone in the parlor as he grew up with all of them”hey everyone, Mike ill take the normal at my stool”. He went to the bathroom before coming back out wiping his wet hands on his pants “need paper towels in there”. He walked over to the bar and picked up the bottle and touched it to his lips but he noticed something in the corner it was the woman from earlier at the hair salon. he walked over to her and waved but when she raised the gun and pointed it at him he grabbed its barrel and pointed it at the ground pulling it from her before anyone could see. He pushed her into the booth” explain yourself and maybe ill make this disappear”. She explained how she got fired and could no longer pay for her college classes and because of this her father was going to repo her car leaving her life to end in suicide at the hands of a cop shooting her in defense. He was happy he didn’t react how he wanted to, he had wanted to go for his gun and put her down like a wild animal but her eyes had spoken her pain so he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He told the girl she could stay with him for now until she found a place to get on her feet. He lead her to his cruiser putting her in the back just to be safe frisking her to make sure she didn’t have anything to harm him or herself all he found was a needle and what he expected was meth which made him look her arms over but there were no marks so either she was being creative or she never used it before. He still felt responsible for her losing her place so he would take care of this, he would just give her a more significant push towards finding something else. he took her to his place and cleared away the large mountain of files he kept in there revealing a bed. He climbed onto the couch turning on tv he lasted through one episode of the big bang before he passed out being awoken by there skittering from the bedroom to the restroom though he was surprised to see her in just a bra and underwear guessing a skirt and a skin tight shirt wasn’t comfortable sleep wear. He decided to let it go before closing his eyes once again, he left a letter for her on top of want ads with the letter reading” I ordered for lunch and dinner to be delivers here at 12:30 and 7:30 so you wont need to leave unless you find a place to go, my number in on the back of this card, only call me with good news”. He headed to work yawning wondering why he was so tired as if he didn’t get any sleep, what had he been dreaming about.

  • Cain

    March 24, 2015 at 1:11 am in reply to: Non-Family Bios

    Name:Leon L. Walker




    Blood Type:AB-

    Power Type:Flame Of Wrath

    Specialty: Marksman, Tracker, Investigator

    Weaponry: SIG Sauer® 1911 Centerfire Pistol, Benelli M4 Tactical Shotgun with Pistol-Gripped Stock


    Owned: 3 bedroom apartment, His cruiser and a desk at the Police Department

    History:He works in the NYPD since he graduated the police academy at 21 working traffic duty for the first two years till he caught his break early by pulling over a semi that was riding low and discovering meth lab being ran in the back with enough drugs to take over the city. He was moved up to a lead officer where he kept working and becoming better in the trade and quickly gained the respect of many of his fellow officers and in the end is now a Detective Polygrapher.

    Theme:The Mountain- Trans-Siberian Orchestra

  • Cain

    March 23, 2015 at 9:20 pm in reply to: Things and people to Know

    Name: The Jester

    Race: Demon ( Shadow Shade [unknown to all but the council] )


    Rank: Advisory of the King, Warden to the Shadow Specters, High Lord of the Gate Keepers.

    Clan: Umbra Lux
    Clan Tattoo: Set of Two Crossed Skeleton Keys Located On Left Shoulder


    • Shadow Step (Able to pass between shadows)
    • Shadow Wisp (Able to become a gaseous form of shadows that is un-damageable but also cannot deal damage in this state)
    • Shadow Cloak (Is cloaked in shadows so long as there is darkness the jester cannot be seen by any means)
    • Haunting Vestige (Can appear to be the embodiment what you fear most)
    • Hideous Laughter (Can instill panic in beings higher than The Jester Instills Paralysis in beings lower than The Jester)
    • Pyrotechnics (Fireworks:
      1) The fireworks are a flashing, fiery, momentary burst of glowing, colored aerial lights. This causes creatures to become blinded
      2) Smoke Cloud: A writhing stream of smoke billows out forming a choking cloud. The cloud spreads 60 feet in all directions and lasts for 15 minutes. All sight, even magical vision or dark vision , is ineffective in or through the cloud.)
    • Illusion Magic (Is profecient in Illusion Magic List of spells to come{unusable tell list is input})
    • Umbra Lux Keys of Travel (Can travel between planes and can unlock any lock)


    • Order
    • Life
    • Harmony
    • Chaos Theory
    • Honor


    • True Light
    • Dishonor
    • Sadness
    • Anger
    • Imbalance

    Are you Insane: No.

    Drive: Order


    • Shadow Spector Gauntlet
    • Planar dagger
    • Bag of Tricks
    • Jesters Scepter (Can only be wilded by The Jester otherwise its weight is to imense for anyone to pick up, unless you become The Jester)

    Born to the Shadow Shades this demon grew in technique and power as it grew up it dawned the guise of a jester and hide its face and body behind the garb of a jester its face hidden behind a harlequin mask Gaining it the name and title of The Jester. The Jester lost its name and identity to this title and embraced it and became one with it the jester and the shadow shade became on in the same. It went out and started to prank and murder it seemed no one could find it or catch it circumventing the laws by hiding and staying out of the way. The Jester traveled the lands taking what it wanted killing what it needed and was soon caught but not how one would think. The Jester killed The Adviser to the King and as with the law kept what it killed and became apart of society but still cloaked in a past and mystery that none could crack. The Jester seemed to know nothing about its past but when it went to steal from the treasury it got caught but they gave it the worst fate one that even it thought it could escape Conversion. Being put into a darkness and pit here the Jester stayed tell its fears where gone and all that was left was sanity and a renewed sense of life. When The Jester arouse from its torment it was given a Shadow specters gauntlet and given a new purpose in life as a warden among the Specters. Now the name of The Jester is a name to be feared to have it hunt you is a fate worse than death but not quite conversion.

  • Cain

    March 22, 2015 at 7:18 pm in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Malstaine slowly walked a few feet away from the Jester as he watched her retrieve her gauntlet”looks like someone is going to be canned since both of us are wearing one now”. He showed his gauntlet before his soul bane formed in his other hand and it hissed as the blade formed from the hilt pure life was what this blade was made of something demons couldn’t stand the touch of and something that could destroy a reaper. His form would shift into the huge demon there were four giant wolves coming from the chains on his back each of them stood as tall as a full grown man and each had four eyes stilted and bright yellow acid dripped from there many fangs. Malstaine turned his head speaking” Im a demon of Nightmare, you feared that she could return to finish the job so my powers are shifted to life, She shall finish her job and return what is left of you to the council on htrae”. Malstaine snapped his fingers and the collars binding the wolves released and they ran at full speed after the reaper”oh and that acid is made of deaths breath so I doubt you could stand it for long”.

    Terror turned to the male who was covered in wraps “we are the sons of Deverik”. He didn’t care for this other sibling the one with blades but he was more worried about Chaos up till the point the green fires erupted blinding him. He created a wall of white fire to block any attack Chaos might throw but when none came he dropped seeing the old dragon of legend made Terror’s anger only grow as he spit at the beasts feet” you shall run and run far Onaga” Terror’s right hand was now covered in the black ice and the tempature to his right would drop ten degrees while his left was covered in the white fire and the air would rise by ten”I wonder how hard it would be to cook you before using your skin as armor”. He walked forward and the ground around him would melt and freeze over and over again it growing hotter and colder as he grew closer to the beast”run little dragon run for hell fire is all you have here”

    War slammed his fist on the table hard enough the entire table bounced “let me put this way sister”the day you can take my ring will be the day I die”. He rose up and Death placed his hand on War shoulder” Let her take it for now, it does not hold your power nor will mine till she proves she needs it or deserves it”. Death turned to Conquest taking off his ring laying it on the table and a woman in fine leather turned and walked from the hall no waiting for any questions”. War took off his ring turning back to his human form placing it on the table”sister if your lying to us, Death will know and I promise you will die!”. He turned and left the hall”leave your ring plague and leave her to herself since she doesn’t want our help, oh and Conquest I saw a boy while I was there kill him and ill make sure he takes your place”. He turned and walked to his room slamming the door and using the seal lock there

    The Elder Gods-Summon him and send him to Outword

    Noob Saibot received the alert and opened a portal into outworld where he walked forward looking to Onaga” Im sorry Chaos but your going to have to die my old friend”. He activated his powers and smoke would appear next to him ready for battle.-

  • Cain

    March 21, 2015 at 12:00 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -A figure was bowed before the council of kings as he was granted a gauntlet and the new sigil that allows him to move through any realm not just Earth. The male rose and turned back and the corridor windows opened and the burning sun shown in. The male walked through the light the sun left blisters on his moonlight pale flesh and once he reached the end of the corridor where he was healed by being in the darkness. He now felt where he should begin his hunt for the Jesters killer. He vanished entering earth realm not even caring to look around before he stepped through the portal entering the chaotic world. He then vanished before the creature leaning down he picked up apart of the mask based on the shape and from seeing the object for centuries it was easy to see figure out this once was the eye of the mask. He looked to the creature under his hooded cloak making sure it was watching”rise back up your job is yet to be done, I have not given you freedom to die at my feet”. He poured power into the left over residue that was found in the mask. He laid the piece of mask on the ground and watched the pieces reform together and then a liquid would flow out of the mask into a pool that waited fro the jester to pull its self from in the last form Malstaine had seen. He turned his head as his sword formed in his right hand and the gauntlet of a specter was on his left”I come for you specter in the name of the htrae Council Law, do you comply or do you go by force”. Four chains snaked out from under his robe each pointed with a silver that shined with moon light.

    Terror smiled”i’ll show you the world if it keeps me away from my father, I don’t hate the world, I hate the fact that I am hidden from it, that I am only a shadow and that what I am can never be known”. He walked along the path heading for a park taking a winding path that circled the pond” We hide from humans because they have created things that can ruin this beauty”its things that could destroy this entire realm if they were given the cause to do so”. He keep walking kicking a rock as he did so but right before he was going to send it flying with one good kick his neck burnt so he grabbed the mark and vanished the next sight he was shown was Chaos acting like canine chasing it tail. He looked to see his brother here as well which made it so they both could breath a little easier. Terror ran at dread they fused once again so they could share there power. They looked to the other knowing Venir but not the other two so he was pissed”why the fuck were we brought to Outworld”.

    War watched as his siblings gathered each taking there chair he finally put on his true form placing on his ring was only polite when before Death. He saw his sisters ring in a box and he did not like where this was going already”I dont know what your planning sister but it better be good or ill leave you here in the council to never leave”.-

  • Cain

    March 19, 2015 at 6:54 pm in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Terror smiled”humans use technology such as machines powered by fuel to allow them to get from one point to another and the lights are powered by electricity an energy that powers most things here”. He reached a place that he had come to know was ran by his clan. He walked inside pulling up a stool for her before ripping the one next to it from a man who turned to scream but instead locked shocked as he realized who Terror was. In this part of town he was the pro fighter so the man ran away quickly. Terror sat down next to Domme and ordered them both a weak drink as he tried to decide what to do next. Terror watched as three men were looking over his company and he was not pleased her form must be what made them gawk as she was almost twice the size of a normal woman. He rose up and slowly unbuttoned his top with his form now revealed of nothing but muscle he looked to the three as he held out his hand to Domme”feel this next part will be to your satisfaction”. Terror slowly walked down the steps and yellow fabric fell onto his shoulders and draped his form as he reached the bottom if Domme were to look up she would see his image half his face covered in the mask of scorpion the other half his own. He smirked as the three guys were forced into blue robes and then they were allowed to choose any weapons they wanted while Terror stood with none. He stood the center as Domme would be lead to a chair that looked like a thrown but before the formalities could be finished the three scared men ran at Terror and struck him in from behind. He turned back to the three and his hand was covered in ice before he busted the skulls of them” you know this was suppose to be fun, you idiots get your asses kicked then are allowed to drink free for a year and get half off as the casino for a month but instead you have to ruin the fun of the guests by attacking me before it even begins”. He walked back up the stairs” I think i’m starting to hate Earth realm”. Most people didn’t understand him but he knew Domme would. He headed for his bike but decided he would rather walk as he buttoned his shirt”anything you want to do or see before we begin training tomorrow”.

    War was laying on his car when he felt the door to the council open and he felt the seals on his arm burn hot and Ruin roared loud and they both vanished from earth War landing in his chair looking across from his sister and all he could think was hate for her. He felt she still didn’t remember there kinsmen and for this she was damned to him.

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