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  • Cain

    March 16, 2015 at 5:03 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Terror ignored her trying to do what he expected was make him feel better but it wouldn’t help as he looked over her form as she changed trying not to stare. He took off his robes so that he could put on a pair of black jeans that still allowed him to bend at the knees easily along with a black button up shirt and a black leather jacket. He held out his arm once she was dressed and didn’t respond to her question not wanting to let her know he had enjoyed her without the dress more then with it. He lead her out of the cabin and past his father until they reached a shed that was almost impossible to see unless you knew it was there. He pulled open the doors and a large motorcycle was there which he climbed onto and started it looking to her”get on and hold on tight”. Once she was on they took off for the city taking it slow so she could see this part of the realm and he would answer any questions about the realm not questions about his family or himself.

    War felt his anger rise with such wrath that the lava pits below actually began to glow brighter and some of them were so hot the sulfur on the walls became super heated making them burn blue showing his rage was growing with each word she spoke and nothing would quell him now. He watched her walk away but would not have this so he followed her to her little fit”your a worthless child sister, you do not remember anything but enslavement try and remember when the council made us slay our kinsmen and once you do, think of your words, you do not deserve your title or your place as a horsemen, you think you are simply peace, you bring conquest to everyone even the peace of the world. We will not stop being the horsemen if we are freed we will simply have choice”. He stomped off but turned when he reached plague and swung his arm if it made contact the male would go flying into the lava pits, knowing it would not harm the male is why he did it” grow the fuck up Plague i’m tired of hearing your constant bickering with your sister, it been more centuries then anyone but Death can count and i’m sick of it”. He walked to the edge and jumped down into the lava pits and walked away his fury so great the lava evaporated before it could reach him. He would continue to grow with more wrath the longer he thought on this, this wasn’t the first time War exploded but it definitely was the worse. He found his wrath leading him into the arena of violence in the ring of violence against others. He removed his ring putting it in the center of the arena and screamed “come fetch it bitches the ring of War lays in this arena who will take the chance to claim its power”. No warrior could wear his ring but him, hell it took a god to remove it from him, the thought of a being able to lift the ring would be unheard of. He saw a wave of wrath demons, his favorite so he ran at them in what appeared to be his human form but he had learned a trick when the elder gods had taken his ring, how to still use his powers away from the ring, this was going to change his visits to earth when Death found out. He summoned his blade and with a single slash five of the demons fell to the ground the first four being severed in the torso the last three were rolling around screaming as there legs were now cleaved off at the thigh and knee. He then saw Wrath himself then envy and the other sins sitting in the stands, he knew Lucifer wouldn’t be far behind but he didn’t care as a huge behemoth, a war machine demon climbed over the wall and into the arena. This thing was at least three stories tall leaving War no more then an ankle to slash at. He ran full force and with the first slash cracked the front and then the back armor of the creatures leg before he rolled dropping the sword to get out of the way of the coming onslaught of the creature stomping. He took in a breath as he saw the thing realize his plan and it wasn’t going to have it so it kicked War’s blade up into the stands which Wrath caught happily before it was stolen by Greed and claimed by Pride while Envy looked positively green over it. He was just glad Gluttony didn’t eat the damn thing that would have been a mess he wouldn’t of wanted to search through. War without his normal weapon made two fists each of them being covered in twin metal gauntlets one was attract and repel. He began to run between his legs weaving back and forth using one gauntlet to pull rocks that had long since been smashed from the arena and never cleaned up and repelled them at the creatures skull only hitting it a few times before it caught on. He soon realized the sins were controlling it using there knowledge to fight with this demon without directly interfering. He put on the mask of shadows and the glove that acted like a harpoon and with the mask looked for a weak point on on the creatures this took some running on his part around the creature before he noticed a part of the armor on its back was parted so it could be removed and repaired. He shot the harpoon then pointed the repel glove at the ground and shot himself towards the creature using the harpoon to give himself direction and added velocity. He landed directly on the creatures back with legs out and when he made contact the creature wavered leaning forward and back but never fell so War began to climb. The creature began trying to swing to reach or knock off War from his back but it was no good with the armor and the fact War was between his shoulders made it easy to hide so he began to just punch harder and harder at this mound of flesh till it began to bleed and tear away till the spine was revealed which he wrapped the rope of the harpoon and launched it again ripping the vertebrae out of its back making the creature cease all movement and fall crashing to the ground below seemingly taking war with him but once the dust knocked up by the creatures descent he was seen laying beside the creature breathing deeply turning to look at the sins who threw his blade back at him it landing in the creatures skull sunken in about halfway. War rose to his feet and fetched his ring before walking over and pulling out his ring before he kicked the creature his full power restored and it would soar over the arena wall and back into the fires of violence below. He vanished slamming the ring on Deaths desk and vanishing back to earth though when he got there he noticed his arm was covered in sigils and he felt like almost all of his power was gone guessing Death had already seen his knew trick and took precaution. He walked into his favorite bar which was ironic as it was called the Seven Sins though once he walked in the bar maiden all yelled “Daemon”. He walked over to his normal table but a bunch of college kids were there they bar maid named Lilith he doubted it was her real name just a gimmick for the bar tried to make them move but they thought not of her warning so they stayed put and waited for war to reach them when he did they looked him over and told him to get lost. Daemon as he was known to these beings grabbed the ones bottle and held it out to him before saying”guess you didn’t hear the pretty lady, get the fuck away from my table before I shove this up your ass”. The stood and shook his ass at war so he grabbed the guy by the neck bent him over the table and right through his pants shoved the bottle up his ass neck first and then kicked his right check hearing him scream and cry while his friends helped the guy out the door saying they would get pay back The manager came over to Daemon and told him to leave for tonight so he put the money that the boys owned for there drinks on the table along with a large tip and walked out seeing the boys in a large truck made him laugh. He walked around the corner and then drove away in a lamborghini veneno which he smirked seeing the faces of all the people gawking at the car. Of course it was bright red as it shot across the pavement but he reached the outskirts of town did he realize he was being followed but not by humans but an angel. He got out and walked onto the top of hill and yelled loud enough to be heard” I do not take kindly to being stalked by a creature not on my level”. He did not expect the angel that walked before him to be Michael in a long white suit not a hair out of place in his long brown hair and his blue eyes looked like they could burn your soul out”you should look elsewhere for such an angel as we are very much equals as of now but I come on different terms, He knows of your plans and wants to offer you a chance to claim your prize without the need of combat all you must do is find four new beings to give the rings to and he will grant out a planet far far away that you will never have to feel the wrath of such violence again”. Michael did not wait for an answer as he vanished leaving War to sit on his car and think on this wondering if what was said is true or if this was a twisted plot that would backfire on his kin in the end he would not know as he was trusting one being who had forsaken them or a ground of beings who have forsaken entire realms with there balance. War knew Death would be listening and now thinking on this as well so he laid back on the car feeling the engine come to life felt good on his back as he silently thanked ruin as he ran his hand across the car like he was brushing the horse.-

  • Cain

    March 14, 2015 at 7:00 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge smirked as she used her magic and the hut would become a palace that took up four city blocks and looked like the area was set in an amazonian jungle”we shall live happily nothing to worry about my maiden other then what we shall do for entertainment”.

    Terror allowed the girl to take his arm and lad him to the earth portal when they stepped through his eyes turned to the grand master of his clan and he pointed to his cabin in the back”go there now or I shall bind you and see how the other clan members would treat you”. He then turned to the grand master knowing who he was now and over the masters shoulder he could see Dread who nodded to him before walking up so now both siblings were standing there with no one else in ear shot so unless there father began to yell they would not be heard but somehow they knew there mother would know as she always knew whey they did something wrong” Master we have learned the truth from your eldest sibling, we do not condemn you from not speaking of them but we do damn you for keeping our birth right from us, we have the power to realm jump and we our direct decedents of an Elder God even if he fell, you shall teach us the powers of your blood line and maybe we shall forgive you for your past aggression’s”. Terror walked past his father followed by Dread without waiting for there father to speak. Terror saw his mother which he would pick up and give a hug with just his right arm kissing her forehead before he headed for the cabin making sure to walk into poisons cabin next door seeing her having sex with a member was never a surprise he asked her where a dress of hers was that he needed for a guest she pointed to a skin tight green one which terror grabbed and walked from the cabin looking to the male”really ice why her of all members, your going to be her bitch for the rest of your life now”. The male didn’t seem to care as he never stopped the entire time, poison mise well have been Terrors adopted sister as he found her on a trip to Nightmare realm she was a pale vixen that had slight fur around her ears and her eyes were cat like and her more feminine areas were furred like a wild animal, he had once asked her species and she purred but it seemed more like a feral sound then an answer. Terror walked away and into his cabin finding Domme before throwing the dress to her”put this on were going to the human world to have a little fun away from the rest of the clan, I need a break from being a freak”.

    War cracked his knuckles knowing conquest would think differently then him in the aspect of a little fun, she always did. He looked around and with a slight smile on his face he whispered in a way that the only being who could hear him speak would be death who already knew of this”what if we no longer had to be the destroyers after this final conquest”. He smirked having used her name to mean them already taking the place by force, “the Elder Gods have sworn that if we win we will be given our own realm where our clan shall be reborn and the chains that bind us shall be no more”. He smirked as he could feel the hatred of the council but they could do nothing now as everything was in motion “we will be free to roam, and as we stand as one which we haven’t done since the start of the human race we can not fall”.

  • Cain

    March 13, 2015 at 1:21 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge looked down to her companion as she spoke gently”our way of life is considered Chaos here, you are suppose to be all the same and because we are not we will venture for a place that accepts us for what we see in each other”. Judge walked over to her cabinet and pulled out a black helmet and black armor before handing her fair maiden a matching set that might be slightly bigger then she was but it would do its job of protecting her. She heard a voice telling her that those thoughts were tainted and she should come to the pure waters and turn her pet over to the guards to be sentenced. Judge got her in the armor quickly before she lead her outside where they could see guards coming from both directions. Judge reached out and tap the air twice with her fist and a door fifty feet high formed and a scream that could only be the victims of the worst form of Death. Two sickles came out of the door hooking either side of its frame before two ball of black fog emerged holding them. Once they were air born they began to take shape as there masks formed and hatred lit there eyes with a blue flame. The scariest thing about them was the rainbow teeth in there mouths from devouring creatures from every realm. They took off in separate directions raising there sickles to behead the entire army and with it took Judges betrothed which was a death sentence for a woman to kill her fiance but not the reverse. They ran fast through the grounds this armor was too heavy for her to fly but flight would not have helped them as many here could fly faster then she. They reached the gate but sum one was trying to close it which sucked for them as Judge used her rune ability paralyzing him in place. They both ran through the portal both launching into Edenia which landed them at the feet of the Queen who raised her brow. Judge looked to Katana “please grant us sanctuary in your realm, we will not cause you harm we only wish to live in peace”. Katana would nod and head back to her castle to make note of this while she walked away Judge went and found them a hut that wasn’t in current use. She cleaned it up and got the place ready, this would do for now.

    Terror”so the bitch got you huh, well follow me to earth and obey my commands and you’ll be stronger or should I prove I can kick your ass before you will listen to me”. He turned from her and began to head from the realm towards earth to get a home cooked meal and to head to the human world for a tall beer which he felt he deserved.

    Dread got Sepht to his home with a smirk after she mentioned pain”oh yes there will be pain”. He threw her on the bed and they had there fun far through the night and into the morning before he left her bound to the bed with his robe thrown over her and then a blanket. He walked outside in the normal uniform of a teacher of his clan before he noticed his mother walking up which he walked up to and picked up with a huge hug which she returned asking where his brother was “Terror will return shortly he has someone to fetch before he returns much as i did”. Cicle smirked knowing this pissed off her husband but she felt this was deserved as she had warmed him of the consequences of not telling the boys of there linage. She went to her husbands room”Night is dead, I could see it in Dread’s eyes, though I do not see the look of a killer in them so I do not feel either of the boys took his life since they fight as one.” She smirked seeing the look of agitation on him”oh honey dont get bent out of shape, so its his aunt neither of the boys can reproduce which we know is a genetic problem from my side of the family having stupid idea’s”. She smirked as she wrapped her arms around Deverik “you take it out on them and they will kick your ass for the lies remember that honey, we will wait this out how long can they keep it up really”.

    War returned back to his place in the councils castle where he kept walking not wishing to speak to his siblings at this time as he went to his weapon room seeing his ring was returned had returned with him all the hate that he should have felt in Chaos realm so he needed to expel it or risk harm to his family. He began to destroy targets which were chained demons. War then went and worked on his cars removing his ring and placing it on the workbench where Strife tried to steal it for the tenth time so war stabbed him through the hand with a screw driver pinning it to the work bench before he picked up his ring and placed it on the shelf just out of strife’s reach. Fury walked in and pulled the tool out of strife before licking the blood off and hitting him on the head”why do you enjoy pissing off War when you know his ring would rip you apart little brother”. She turned and walked away and War could hear a whistling noise so he put his ring in his pocket and headed for conquest”would you please stop using those blasted arrows” I have a bad enough head ache already”.

    Elder Gods: We will fulfill your request to fight the four, but be warned if you fall now you shall never rise not even in the Nether, your soul will be damned in there hell not yours.-

  • Cain

    March 10, 2015 at 11:53 pm in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge turned making herself presented before her guest but she felt the shift and swore deeply under her breath as he snapped forward grabbing her guest placing her body against Judges while she covered them with her wings. She spoke loud hearing foot steps”round that corner and it will be the last stupid thing you ever do”. Judge waitied but instead of leaving the male began to speak to her as if this was not a private matter”Miss your to be cleansed before the masters so that we can be sure that no tainted has been worn on you in that filthy place known as Chaos”. Judge growled and spoke again”never have I nor will I bathe before that fat bastards, I told them before I took this position it was out of the question and for this treason I shall be speaking to Her”. The male seemed to squeak knowing who judge referred to and with it brought the man shivering as he ran from the halls. Judge turned to her partner and would lean in to kiss her forehead not wanting to begin the intimacy till they had privacy “we will finish this later”. Judge found them both a gold silk clothing much like the one judge wore so that they could travel to her home together. Judge would lead her companion home not answering any questions as eyes never left them and it would be bad to speak among them. Once Judge got to her home which was more like a castle she breathed happily turning to her partner and spoke”we will soon be departing this realm and finding another, possibly edenia or Earth realm”.

    Terror and judge looked to each other and nodded as they breathed in and breathed out “it seems the rules have changed as the realm is no longer effecting my mind, leave this land Outworlder and never return and this is out I shall let you live”. Terror and Dread walked on but Terror turned and looked at Venir luckily far enough away he didn’t notice anything off “you leave now as well or I feel one last fight may be in order as I am a guest here and your invading another realm now that combat has lifted”. They turned and walked about a mile making sure they were not getting followed when they spotted the one girl from earlier that Terror had shot in the ass running towards them and dread would move quickly in front of her trying to pick her right up off her feet and on to his shoulders to take her from the realm. If dread was able to pick her up he would turn and walk to the portal with his catch with a smile that would tell this beauty what he had planned. Terror would keep walking then taking a deep breath let a cold mist fall across the realm till he felt the body type he was searching for which was not hard as he was so sensitive to cold things. He ran a good twelve miles till he reaches her” he was breathing a little hard as he pointed at her, “who kicked your ass’. He took a breath placing his hands on his knees as he looked at her not really waiting for an answer “alright now would you like to learn how to beat all of your siblings and cause fear like those of my clan”.

    War stood following the beast as it screamed feeling a piece of the roof hit him on the head which made him sigh as he brushed it off and kept walking till the creature reached it throne”within peace there is Chaos within Chaos there is peace, Get over it”. War had no plans to bicker with this creature as he turned from the man and kicked in a wall and walked from it not caring to be bitched at by a creature who could not even harm the Male let alone kill him. He looked to the skies “send me home now or else your going to get a visit as now I understand how to reach you”.

    The Elder Gods:”this must be put right and there must be a Mortal Kombat that sees itself true but this warrior we thought could balance has tipped the scale and with this possibly made it easier or harder for the one being to return”. They evaluated for many hours before hearing his threat and knew it was serious but this was the moment a dark figure were to walk towards the Elder gods no longer was the realms locked so it was no longer Invisible to his eyes “I am the one who you do not seak, I shall take his ring and return him to his rightful place as Our War has begun and it would quite miserable to have to hear my brother bitch the entire time about missing it so give me the ring or die”. They didn’t believe Death would find them but once he was there it could only be decided to make a deal with this ancient creature” we will return war to you but in one century you and him must return to the realm of Xaa and fight to win Mortal Kombat”. Death accepted this took the ring of war and in a blink was in Chaos realm touching her brothers shoulder and they both vanished.-

  • Cain

    March 10, 2015 at 3:15 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge smiled being able to hear the embarrassment on her companions face but she knew it wouldn’t be hard to lure her in”come join me so I can measure you for your new robes while your in Order Realm, We have much training before we go to take down OutWorld”. Judge enjoyed the feeling of the cool water on her heated skin, this was pure water from her realm so that it never touched the taint of Chaos. She did feel uneasy like there was something now in the realm she should search for but her duty was done and she was going to enjoy the reward she found her thoughts turning to woman outside the shower as her skin would blush with her thoughts, maybe chaos realm was bringing her dark side out but tonight she was going to enjoy it.

    Terror watched as the man struggled with his own flesh while under there spell, they knew he would dodge one of them that’s why the first was so horrid, if he stood still and died he would have never felt a thing but as they saw with there own eyes he was melting away from the chains in his mind. Terror touched his brother shoulder and Dread merged into once again so they could head out, hearing Venir’s request Terror simply nodded as he bent down so he was on eye level with the cannibal”let me show you what death tastes like bastard”. Terror placed his mouth close to souls before he blew out a green mist right towards his mouth snapping out his tongue which had a drip of the toxin leak from it and when the toxic drop touched the ground it would begin to sizzle and burn away at all the vegetation while also melting away four feet of snow with a single drop”that is now in your system, enjoy your last five seconds before your brother rips your soul out of your ass”. Terror walked away not waiting for Venir as he wished to hunt in solidarity which was an odd thought since him and Dread were one. They were walking for about ten minutes before they found the man who they knew took there brothers life. Dread split from Terror but they both stood as one as they walked over and picked up what was left of there brother and froze all of the pieces back together before making a solid ice statue in the middle of the woods and stored there brothers body there before sealing it shut. They had never even let there eyes linger on the man till the work is done before they both spoke in unison”Rise, you have one chance to save yourself Khan, what was your reason for killing our kin in such a brutal fashion”. Terror had a ball of white fire that was circling his hand just waiting for its target to be found
    while Dread was wielding a ball of solid black ice while in his other hand was a long black sword made of his dark ice

    War was about to cut the damn boys head off when the dragon returned and he smiled knowing that look very well”see you now know who you stand before, though I do not see you as a lesser being, you have a power that would rival the Demons of old that gave me fight for many a century, I show you respect so in fairness I shall no longer hide as you do not”. He stabbed his sword in to the ground as he spoke in a langue that predated any speech that was spoken in this realm “Dal Phimola des grum”. War raised a horn and blew into and a roar could be heard thorough the entire realm as fires would begin to erupt in the shapes of hooves as a red horse galloped to his side bringing a smile to War face as he ran his fingers along its body so delicately like it was made of the finest silk”Ruin my dearest friend, where I shall walk so shall ye ride” War looked to the boy “now know who you disrespect”. He roared so loud the walls around them would shake as he took the shape of the horsemen”I am the second one who rides when the seals are broken, I am the one who destroys all peace, I have three names boy so let me show you the power of my name on this realm”. He walked over to the pond and walked on its surface which made him smirk as he looked to the dragon”im sorry in advance but your boy must learn there are more then one form of Chaos”. War began to flex his hands as he smiled raised his sword then stabbing it into the surface of the water and images would appear around himself like the surface of the water was a vision to be seen”this is the four who walk when the end of time does come, we are Conquest, War, Plague, and eldest Death learn them and fear them boy till you gain the power to stand before me, a power a lowly human does have. He raised his horn and blew it once again causing the horse to recede into the water vanishing so this would not effect him” I am Daemon” the sky above them would fill with the dragons of old, those who once called themselves Elder Dragons and even the Ancient dragon. He looked to the boy again “I am Chaos” the ground around them began to shift from the remains of this labyrinth to when it was first built and the pond came to life with the fish of eternity once again swimming. He could feel waves of energy restoring the realm to how it once was when life was abundant and the creatures who called this realm home returned. He bowed his head before raising it one last time this time he looked at the dragon and he spoke so clear it would carry for miles ” I AM WAR”! with this came thunder and lighting as the battles of old raged on though nothing could be seen the spirits could be felt around them there blades passing through each of the warriors throughout the realm. He then turned to the boy”many humans of earth would surprise you with the power they have even if there lives are so short”. War walked from the pond and the dragons in the air would flock in different directions retaking there old holes or caves or even mountains that were reforming around the floating platforms which now were more flourished. Was follow chaos though when they came close to the waters of the realm he saw it was burning which he could not have so he dipped his hand into the flames and they went out all at once. He then walked towards the manshion seeing a male in blue walk by him he nodded to the male before he kept walking though when his eyes fell on the male with white hair as they neared the manshion something about him did not feel correct to war.-

  • Cain

    March 9, 2015 at 1:11 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge looked to the male who still survived “you shall let us pass and you shall live a bit longer with warning, avoid your eldest kin and the boy who now walks in his company for you have taken his revenge on this boy, the name Terror and Dread are to be known by you till you grow old and pass from this world and onto the next”. Judge scooped up her ally in a bridal fashion letting her wings spread out in elegance with one tornado of wind passing under them she took to the sky heading for the Edenia outpost. Judge would land walking into the white tower before a shield would be cast around its fortress before turning to her ally removing her armor leaving her is just a sink robe covering her well toned body. She would walk from the room making sure to catch the eye of her ally. She was heading for the showers making sure before she did so to remove her robe and her wings covered her most private of areas from anyone who might have been watching.

    Terror smirked at the male before he began to run right while out of his back came Dread who ran to the left they would begin to circle each other round and round they went both clapping hands each time they passed each other as a storm of steam would begin as terror had been using the white fire and Dread the black ice. They were now positioned so that Terror was facing Sol though the steam kept him clouded from full sight while Dread stood almost directly behind Sol but at this place was the most steam so it would be almost impossible to see Dread as they both pointed there right hand at Sol’s skull and instantly a black orb of ice aimed right for him if this were to make contact from one of them he would be force to imagine himself bound in chains of searing white design while they both began to stab into his body black spears of the coldest ice which in time would cause the enemy to freeze. Though if he is caught by both the enemy would be burnt through before his ashes are frozen before the winds would slowly blow it away in the end.  Terror and both Dread would drop to one knee as they howled loud like that of a wolf there final part had been stolen from them from the oath of there kin they now made an Oath to claim the soul of the one who dared to take their brother.

    War heard the comment of a bumpy ride and looked her up and down”I feel you would be a rough ride your self lass only if you weren’t such a child”. He did not like the revoking way the Reaper dared to speak to one such as himself “you will bite your tongue when addressing your elder dark creature for I am one of the few who take a Reaper soul”. He would then make a fist and a long black sword would form in his right hand with a red stone in its center”I feel none of you know of the beings who are justly known as the royal four or the Knights of the Apocalypse”. He wished for the dragon to return for it was the one who seemed to hold power here though he would not let some one speak ill of him but he could live with that and this is the moment the woman explained the terms which he felt were satisfactory “I can live with that though I fight for my own kin, Oh and boy next you speak to me in such a fashion to think me a lowly human  then I may take your head just for the fun of knowing I could keep it alive to hear you speak”. He pulled out a large gun pointing up at the boy and smiled as the shell would whip by his head hoping for it to nip his ear.-

    Elder God Argus: “He is are champion and our chosen being for this, you have all had a place in this battle for which you can gain power, we have watched for many a century as him and his kin are slaves of those who call them self god, You Guardian of Chaos should have been able to feel his power from the moment you set eyes on his form as you yourself have seen his brother long ago in the home of Nether. His brother justly named Death turned that once beautiful garden into the prison of lost souls for being chained and forsaken to kill his own. We wish to return the realms to the proper place and that man will being the balance, He goes by many names one of them being Chaos the other being Daemon and lastly his name that brings fear to those who know the magic of the name WAR” Argus took human form as he walked in front of the dragon kindred “I shall show you the proof so that when you return to your realm you know what it is your now fighting or protecting”. Argus opened the box and a black ring with a cross shaped ruby stood with a screaming soul sealed within. Argus closed the box and would vanish as he cast Chaos back to the same spot he had just stood near their champion and possibly to his death if he chose his enemy poorly.-

  • Cain

    March 8, 2015 at 9:35 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge slide out from under the woman letting her hands brush along her rear long enough to be noticed but settle enough to possibly be taken as a mistake. Judge once again watched terror split into Dread and both had the mark as they headed out. This would be a time Judge would fly but she could not carry her ally away fast enough to not be seen so she would rely on stealth”Seems terror and Dread are your kin by decedents as you all share that mark on your neck”. Judge came across the dark dome knowing its owner to be Night not knowing of the others inside she told her ally to stand behind herself so her sound waves would not hit her. Judge clapped and a sonic boom would blast directly in the direction of the dome with enough force it blew the darkness away when the lighting began to flash so bright. She would spot Night in the tree and once again clap aiming for Night who she didn’t expect to be ready for a fight.

    Terror and Dread sighed when the bastard dodged there abilities though when the man dared to speak of there manners while he was clearly eating someone annoyed the piss out of Dread. He saw the man make a move for the slash but he merely ran sliding across the ice and forming right back into Terror as they made contact. Terror spun his staff in his hand a smirked as he rubbed both feet in the snow before he began to spin his staff till each end caught a blaze from the White fire and his staff now contained both of his elements. He ran at Sol smiling as he used his Dark Grasp ability to make a shadow figure appear behind Sol and push him towards Terror if he was caught by this he would be easily off balance. Terror would keep running letting himself drop onto his back once he worked up enough speed and let the ice carry him potentially between his enemies legs with the tip of his staff aimed right for the enemies stomach.

    Night was not expecting his dome to be blown away so easily nor was he expecting Judge to find him so soon with so many other to search through. He was not prepared so the sonic wave hit him and so would the lighting causing him to lose control of his body as he fell landing at the brothers feet easily in attacking range and would not be able to move for some time.

    Daemon was sitting in a bar in New York City he was waiting for his sister to show up at favorite watering hole the Seven Sins. He picked up his drink tipped it to his lips then felt a breeze hit him in his face as he opened one eye seeing a dragon, a over sized woman, one of his brothers children and a some child that looks out of place that was kneeling to the dragon” you all have five seconds to explain where I am or so help me your going to fear my wrath”. He looked at his hand and noticed his ring is missing blinking he lowers the drink looking at it wondering if this stuff is getting stronger as nothing in existence could steel his ring other then the beings who made the damn thing. He screams out loud “ok brother enough games which of you three horse fuckers took my ring”. He felt maybe some water would refresh his mind and make him less drunk. He sets his pint down and dunks his head in the water gargling the water for about a minute not needing air helped. He came back up cracking his neck before picking his drink up and speaking to the reaper”so why are you here to great me and not my brother wraith bring me my brother or I swear hell will be a sunny day compared to the councils prison”.-

  • Cain

    March 8, 2015 at 7:35 am in reply to: Things and people to Know

    Guest Staring:


    Personality:War enjoys fighting anyone and anything even his brothers but they never kill each other as Death never lets it get that far. He competes with Conquest often when they are walking through hell to see how many lost souls and demons they can make fight each other before and after they do there annual pass through the underworld. His greatest joy in life is being a mechanic which he uses a copy machine to bring down almost every car ever existed so that he can understand every form of human vehicle and improve on them some of the things he gave to the humans. He has an entire arsenal of swords and guns each of marks of sigil or glyphs so that he can kill magical creatures.




    Transformable armored vechicle has three forms

    Abyssal Armor:

    The Abyssal Armor is a set of armor which is much stronger than War’s regular armor.

    Fire Armor:He can cover himself in fire including any weapon or ammo he uses.

    Magma Armor:He covers himself in magma rock to guard himself and melt metal used by humans and demons. Angels can break this armor but he can easily cover himself in it again.

    Lightening armor:His body is covered in a lair of lighting that would strike at anything five feet from him.

    The Abyssal Chain is a supernatural gauntlet that can fire a spear-tipped chain that will enable War to pull foes to himself or vice-verse, if the foe is small it will be pulled toward him, yet if it is a large foe War will speed over and finish the job himself. It can also be used to swing across giant chasms too large for War to jump across alone.

    Cross blade-War’s first available ranged weapon he can throw this weapon and it will always come back to his hand and if it gets stuck a new one will appear.

    The Mask of Shadows serves War with the ability to glimpse into a parallel dimension called the shadow realm, allowing him to see things that would otherwise be unnoticed or inaccessible.

    The Void walker is an artifact unlike any other. Its ancient arcane energies pierce the veil of reality. Creating two points with it forms a path that War can traverse to assist in his journey.

    Frozen Death:He can freeze humans and lower creatures but they do not die, they are flash frozen so quickly that once war leaves the area they unfreeze and are perfectly fine to the point they are younger then when they were frozen extending there life. When higher demons are frozen he will shatter.

    Deaths Watch:Death can follow us through our eyes so he knows if we need resurrected. This can not be abused because if you die to much, Death will choose a being to replace you.

    Wars Wrath: To cause anger and hatred and weaker minds, the only ones immune to this are Arch Angels, Deities.

    Wars watch:He can spawn near all of his brothers while hes in the council to give council or a verbal beating if there doing something wrong.

    (The more War’s power is used the weaker he becomes before he has to return to the council chamber to reconstitute his energies.)

    Where you are located:In the Council waiting the call of his younger brother.

    Your weapon(s):

  • Cain

    March 7, 2015 at 7:56 pm in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge smiled when she heard the words about her gender and when she saw the flash of light thought about it and headed in that direction thinking maybe Edenia would be in this direction as they put on shows with there abilities. Judge walked strait in that direction though once they would come across the area luckily not near the others she would grab her new companion and hide behind a tree, Terror was someone she didn’t want to deal with this early on. Judge pushed his companion back up the path”he is one we should avoid if we wish for our plans to become reality as he is know for his icy fucking”.

    Terror wasn’t sure he understood what Venir was meaning though he did understand he was not seeking to destroy the other realms. He remembered the youngest the woman he had spat at the feet of and he also grasped they were similar though he wasn’t sure how he felt about another Khan on the Outworld throne. He grasped the porch and threw himself over the banister when he felt the static making the hairs on his arm stand up just dodging the bolt there were no poles in Chaos realm so there was no static so it had to of been an attack. He then spotted the boy coming out eating the bleeding flesh that he assumed was another Kombatant. Terror ran right at him covering his right arm in in a spiraling white fire that he would stop on a dime and the fire would lash out in a circled turret like whip. He got close and in a split second movement terror went one way and dread wen the other till they were exactly forty feet from each other and both fired off a blast one of black ice and another in white fire and if they were to hit they would both land on his arms.-

  • Cain

    March 6, 2015 at 7:37 pm in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge smiled behind his mask before pulling the helmet off with his head bowed and without the helmet the voice sounded like fine silk”If that is your proposal I accept your terms”. Judge stood moving her hair back so it now flowed over her shoulders but her purple eyes stood out on her porcelain face and her cheeks were slightly tinted with the rush of emotion she was feeling from revealing her true being to another who could possibly be her enemy. She felt like this was such a naughty thing as her masters told her to kill everything that walked in Chaos realm and here she was flirting with another, be it another woman as that. She saw the dragon being fly over and her being would shift from fun nature to wanting to kill with total annihilation”. Judge would place the helmet on and began her hunt for night heading in the opposite direction from where the dragon roamed. She reached her hand out for the woman to take if she still accepted there terms.

    Terror walked to the steps and sat on one of them leaving the man behind him which would seem like he left himself exposed but at that moment dread would pull himself out of terrors back and was leaning against the banister as he stretched”brother your too small, you must grow your muscles larger or this state we use is going to make me sore for a month”. Terror smiled for only a second before his mind turned back to the woman and he spoke the words and even the name made his breath breath cold and it would be easy to see to the others ” Sembren my first fatality”. He stood up and Dread knew his stretch was over as he stepped back into terror”I only have one question for you Uncle and let me make it clear that if you say something I do not like your head will be under my boot, that is a promise to you and any of your siblings who follow your path”. He took a deep breath as the white fire began to cover himself starting at the tips of fingers and up his arms”What are your plans for OutWorld”.

    Night stood over them doing a little game to choose which one would go first” any many miny moe”. He landed on Dahk who he gave a smile behind his mask as he tilted his head and a darkness would begin to fall over th area so no one else could interfere “finish your battle boys now if you try and run from each other your going to die not to long after”.-

  • Cain

    March 5, 2015 at 5:52 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Judge” I have many enemies around me very few of those I could call ally so if you pledge your life to take the life of Night then I swear on my blade to help you take Outworld In your name”.

    Terror took in a deep breath as he heard the dragon’s words and he did not pay them mind for now as he knew that this beast was wise and would chase the others in hope to growing stronger or eliminating souls as to make it so that the Outworlders could not grow stronger. He had her to worry about so he concentrated and the air around himself began to heat up to a point beyond even the white fire once reached. He opened his eyes and the mad image in them was gone as he breathed in deeply before removing his mask and crushing it in his hand. He had a scar on the right side of his face where the mask had burnt him from the gas bomb explosion. He threw it at the first ice ball causing it to freeze the mask then he snapped his wrist and two white fireballs caught the other two ice balls and he spoke calmly “if you were planning on killing me you should have done so when I was under the effects of this realm”. He spit on the ground as he heard the white haired male speak “so that’s the birthplace of my mark, It was never explained to me but I guess it makes sense as I have dirty blood that this realm has little effect on me”. He began to circle as he grabbed his own fist and the oil needles from his iron maiden leaked all over the ground as he formed a huge circle around them and then he began to run in a zig zag pattern till he reached the icy bitch and wrapped his arms around the woman’s dome. He felt the coldness on his skin but with his new power over the white fire he kept his temperature at a level so that he would not succumb to the effects. He spoke loud enough so even the male could hear him “I am the son of Deverik the Grand Lord of the Shirai Kuei, We are the decedents of Sub-Zero and Scorpion the Masters of the art of Death, I shall fall to no being”. He swiped his arm and a spark left from his finger hitting the starting point of where he began to run and as it sparked it would become quickly clear of the mark being of a huge scorpion with tribal markings about it”. He would wait till the heat rose to a point where the ice melted enough so he could reach in and grasp her body leaning her against his warm flesh speaking in a voice filled with sadness something only his victims ever heard” I wish not to take a life but yours stands before my quest to bring peace by removing the taint on all of existence, I now know of the darkness in my own soul and I to will one day join you in Netherealm, Find the elders of our clans and walk in glory of those who have fallen before us”. He crushed the spine right below the brain steam right before the fires reached them both once they touched terror a hurricane shot strait up into the sky that would be able to be seen by all of Chaosrealm this was a beacon terror used when he took a life. He had a tear roll down his face as he was now holding the woman’s skeleton. He knelt as he laid the skeleton gently on the ground his opal eyes never leaving the white haired male as if to dare him to move. He rose to his feet placing both hands over the skeleton and with enough white fire as he could muster burn the skeleton out of existence till the dust was so fine it had vanished. He turned to his other kin the one called for his sister’s death” Why do you stay when your life is on my list just as much as hers if not more as you are the eldest, I know I look like my father’s eldest brother and that must be you Venir”. He would vanish for a second and then return as if he hadn’t left he was holding a new set of clothing. He slipped the guard over his shins and had on a black tank top but his mark was not hidden as he was no longer wearing the blue hooded robe. He held up the mask of a Lin Kuei looking to the spot where the woman died before speaking “you are the closet to what I would refer to as kin of the Khans for you this I shall bare to do, He crushed the blue mask before burning it with the white fire letting the blue dust mix with where her ashes did fall. He moved with such swiftness that he was now before Venir “Speak her name so I shall know it forever, if you dare not your tongue will be seared from where it now rests”. A white flame would snap off of the tip of Terrors tongue as he spoke this. He would then turn his head not waiting for the reply as he spotted a branch move but nothing was resting on its roost “Run brother, kill them all before you seek our soul for if you dare fight me now, your death will be spoke of for a century to come for how weak you have always been”.

    Night had watched the fight and had listened into their heritage but he had known of this for decades from Shinnok knowing the mark. He wished his brother luck in killing the cryo bitch though he wanted her power, but without fighting her and killing her he had lost his chance for now”. He had learned how to watch for souls, even though it was lost on his brother he saw the man take the prize that eluded him with this finished he decided to move on. He wanted the dragon but settled with hunting the others heading out though after traveling a few miles he came across two of the siblings and he smiled deeply landing on a branch above them “oh look it dumb ass and his little bitch with twin dicks in his hands, So do you both challenge me or should I wait till one of you is broken and the other is dead so I get the tender bits”. He sat on a branch kicking his feet like a child waiting for a new toy to be given to him so he can break it in minutes.-

  • Cain

    March 3, 2015 at 5:43 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Terror was holding out his right hand which was singed from the blast along with his arm up to the elbow but his ice quickly froze off the wound and the nerve was damaged so he felt no pain. He rubbed away the ash from the blast to reveal all but the face mask and black pants were burnt off of his flesh much like his enemy his body was fully tanned and his long platinum white hair fell over his shoulder but on the right side and not the left where the dragon crest rested on his mark which was the family crest of the house of Khan. He was standing ready with his staff in one hand and his staff now had twin white blades on each end that burnt like the white fire. He saw her send the first blast so he rolled to the side avoiding it. He then side stepped the other in time but the thing was close enough to his skin that it burnt his flesh leaving a red mark. He saw her coming closer raising her face like she was going to head but him but in his maddened state he thought she was lusting for him so he leaped forward so that she would collide with him in a lip lock unless she pulled back quickly but as he got into position he covered himself head to toe in the black ice ready for her kiss to activate his trap of his iron maiden ability.-

  • Cain

    March 1, 2015 at 11:46 pm in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Terror felt her growing closer even in this darkness his senses were keen and ready along with her cold being greater then his own a fact that bothered him. He did a back flip outside of the darkness and it was with this movement that he finally lost his full grip on concentration and when his feet touched the ground the black fire that onced covered his skin was now burning white and his firce scowl was a sadistic smile as he laughed out loud and spoke “god it good to be back in the world of those who made since”. He felt a heat rising up in him and he sort of enjoyed it as he reached his hand out and a tiny white flame danced across his skin and it seemed to drip from his finger tip onto the black dome of toxic gas. The dome instantly caught turning into a fireball that ate up all the fog that had not been fully frozen and it would burn at the fog as it was unfrozen like a constant accelerate that would burn hotter the more it had to feed on till the ground was scorched in a polished white circle. It was so bright that he couldn’t look at first to see if she was still alive.

    Judge got a good ways away and turned back towards”what makes you worth my time outworlder, speak no or die where you stand”.

  • Cain

    March 1, 2015 at 2:19 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Terror watched them all start to run away so he ran and did a spinning back fist in a full circle and as he came out of the motion a solid orb fired right off aiming for the right ass cheek of the Khan who dared threaten him with rape. This blast was no where near enough energy to cause true harm but this ball would cause permanent damage to the outer layer of skin that would slowly peel away. He wanted her ass to hurt for her words so that she would speak more serious next time. Terror then caught sight of the one with the whip and he smirked making sure to track her tracks quickly so he could follow her next. Terror then straitened himself as he yelled to the sibling who had shot at him” oh poor child can not deal with a little cold air for a few minutes, Its all I would need to peel your flesh from bone”. He returned to the epicenter of the storm as he calmed it, the snow on the ground would eat at any heat and begin to lower the temperature, his skin already had a black shine to it but he was immune to his own abilities this was another of his powers. He watched the last one begin to cart wheel towards and he stood shocked as she said it was more comfortable. He stood in his fighting style of tiger then her rainbow ice made his mouth fall open luckily it was hidden by his face mask. He screamed with pure hatred”how can a being such as yourself dare have that power”. He closed both hands and now on top of the frozen tundra a dark fog formed at his feet and then spread out till it was behind her then domed up so they would both be blind. Terror summoned his staff then froze the fog onto each end of the staff like blades of toxin. He stood with it behind his back knelt down like he was ready to pounce.-

  • Cain

    February 28, 2015 at 7:56 am in reply to: The ChoasRealm {rp area}

    -Terror hadn’t expected the other warriors to become the target of his attack but he could feel them begin to fall which would make this battle easier. Terror snapped his wrist and a black flame froze the bullets in the air while he shook his head as he growled and screamed when the sonic blast hit his ears. Judge to the woman doubting she would be able to hear him as he ran outside and headed for the forrest and away from the others not caring if she were to follow him. He brought his hands together as he saw the five running towards him and he spoke calmly”Run Aries or you will die from being so close”. Aries vanished quickly heading for the magma pits knowing he could stay warm enough there till Terror was finished. Edenia had placed there out post here hidden with magic so he went into the large tent which was empty and relaxed not wanting to waste his energy when it was not necessary. Terror began to rub his hands together “Hope you bitches like the fucking cold because you in hell now”. He slammed his fist strait down into the ground and it would feel like an earthquake went off for about a mile. It was not strong enough to even knock things off walls but enough to get your attention. He then made a motion all the people who were out cold on the ground in the area vanished into there homes still out cold. The clouds above them began to close up till they were solid black and it would seem night came early but then snow would begin to fall withing five minutes it was a full blown blizzard which lasted till the entire mile was covered in five inches of snow “you all have one hour to fight me or run for your lives because after that your core temperature will drop to a point you will no longer be able to stand.”-

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