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-Terror wiped his hands of the crime then looked towards the hills and sighed when he heard the words of his old master and he spoke in his mind just so he could hear it”oh come on not this shit, you know this is pointless”. He looked to Aries and shook his head as the man drew four swords of the different elements. Terror did not want a massacre because then he would have to deal with the lizard early on. He let them get close as he drew a circle around himself and they all began to circle him at least a thousand of them with more on the way so he took in a deep breath and began to draw in energy it was like a black hole was forming in the palms of his hands and he closed his eyes remembering his training and taking on an ability that he now had access to from Dread which was to attack the mind. He took in a breath and used a basic ability of the mind reading the waves of the brain of five of the people in front of him and found a wave that was similar in all of them the wave that connected them to the guardian this included himself but he knew it was coming so he was ready. He took in a deep breath and threw the ball of black energy directly into the chest of the first person and he saw the black plague shoot back at himself and Aries then it spread out to the entire realm to anyone that Chaos was connected to. He closed his eyes seeing himself and his brother walking up to strike him with two simple flicks to both temples with enough force to knock out a weak minded soul. Terror in his mind simply took a step back and the image faded as he watched the black mass physically spread quickly within five seconds the entire group around him was knocked out and on the ground this would spread to each of the combatants in the realm and its inhabitants. He then looked to Aries who was on the ground but instead of being out cold he was simply shaking his head before getting back to his feet. Aries did not look happy for the sudden attack till he saw what it could have done to him with the entire field full of bodies that were seen to be sleeping comfortably with two bruises on each temple. Terror walked up to the being that was first stuck and whispered into its ear and all of them started to whisper it but after a couple moments they began speak in a mellow but easily understandable voice “Death has come to this land and those that call them self my enemy shall feel her icy grasp for this day forward I have sold my soul to the Devil so that all of you shall cease to exist”. Terror and Aries made there way back to the group to see how many more were still standing after the blast. He did see that some of those living the realm were also shaking their heads which made him curious if there were people with the ability to think different then others but there may have only been ten of these beings still standing in all of the realm. he and his ally made it to the mansion both smirking up to his enemies as he spoke as if nothing was done” leave now and your life shall be spared”.-
-Terror made it back to the mansion as the portal opened, he only had to look up slightly to this huge woman but he spit at her feet and it froze on the ground”your life wont last long, Khan”. He kept walking as he looked to Chaos” im sorry my friend but from here on out we are now enemies”. He snapped his fingers and two other portals opened and Judge from Order and Aries from Edenia walked up to terror and stood beside him as if they were allies. Terror turned and walked away seeing Night leaning against the wall ” We have gathered so now let it be told to all that now may hear this final word be spoken through the ages, MORTAL KOMBAT”. He and Aries then vanished far from the others near south west tower. They spoke without looking at each other as they stood by one of the most precious rivers of Chaos realm”. Terror turned and placed his hand in the water and the entire river burst into black flames and then it fed through the rest of the water in all the rivers of the realm. These flames would only got out if he chose for this or if he died. He knew this would piss off Chaos but that was what he needed for his friend to be on the edge to kill him for this fetal error. He then turned back to Aries and smirked “they will now know we are serious though I feel this will not end well for me after this”.-
Lineage:He is the son of a Shokan and a Edenia
Attitude:He has love for his home and will die to protect it, He only wishes for peace and freedom for his home.
1.elemental fist-He has a diffrent element in each of his hands ice,fire,wind,earth
2.He is able to make a sword out of each of the elements
3.Elemental swimming- He is able to move through any element
4.Twin fighter-He is able to split himself into two copies of himself that has a gold chain between them, they share damage so if one is stabbed so will the other. But if one stabs you it will feel like both stabbed you from front and back.
5.Fatality-He becomes a huge shark swimming through the earth before launching up and devouring you.
Realm: Order Gold town
Lineage:He is a half god
Attitude:He is proud of his position and shows to strongly causing many to dislike his company. He has no love for Chaos realm or its allies, he is known to of traveled backwards to prevent a great danger many centuries still ahead of the current realms.
1.Judgement- a blast of super sonic sound waves clapping together to make thunder and after the thunder follows a wave of lightening.2.Last rights-He will use his power to form markings on the ground to make each area of the arena have a different effect.
1. paralysis
2. blindness
3. deafness
4. silence
5. Loss of all Senses3.Deaths door- He reaches his hand out and knocks and a huge door will open with two floating creatures exiting the door and they would begin to swing huge scythes at the enemy.
4.Burning freedom-He causes the arena to begin to burn hot which will begin to melt and become magma
5.Fatality-He uses magic to make you dig into your own chest and pull out your still beating heart to present to him as an offering.
-Terror and Dread turned to look at each other after the arguments had ended and they bowed Dread would become a black mist that covered Terror causing his black eyes to become an opal white. Terror walked out to where their was an open field now having the power of both himself and his brother he was ready to battle his sibling and the others of Mortal Kombat. He began to flex his hands never had he spoken in the way he prepared with the courage inside him he now readied himself. He lowered both hands to his sides and brought both feet together and bowed then raising his right foot planting it back down shoulder length apart. He raised both hands steadily and the gravel fields around him began to tremor as spikes shot up out of the ground”Hear me now Elder Gods, It is time for this realms fate to be decided shall it remain free or fall to the wraith Night”. He slammed his foot directly in front of himself before he made to fists and the gravel would become solid around him forming the dragon and once the seal was made a spire began to rise around the arena with about five thousand seats. The arena was about 30 yards in diameter. He then shot a blast of ice and then a blast of fire at the ice to cause the ice to become pure rain which filled a perfect one foot circle that lined the arena floor. He now stood in the center and a blast of fire erupted off of himself lighting every torch in a blue flame that burnt cold. He felt something inside not sure what it was but it seemed like acknowledgement from the gods. He walked to the entrance of the spire and about fifty yards off Night was standing there leering at his brother till a gust of wind blew and Night was gone. Terror spoke one word clear as the black sun shined “Fatality” with this he walked back towards the home of the Guardian of the realm.-
-Terror and Dread heard the warning about the temperature so they both raised there fists and to black flames admitted consuming there fists and eventually the room returned to normal allowing everyone to have there conversations in comfort. Terror smiled but it slipped from his face as the feeling of the Netherealm erupted expecting to see Night but instead now stood one of there many leaders over the years. They both knelt to one knee with there fist denting the ground and a ring of the blinding darkness Noob is known for circled them both as they used this ability that they had both mastered as a show of respect to there master. They both rose to their feet stood shoulder to shoulder but slightly bent at the shoulder knowing from there last encounter with night he could appear behind them so they were on guard. Terror spoke calmly” Earth Realm has no dispute and has never used the outposts as we fight with the warriors of Chaos just as we do with are own kin and im speaking on behalf of all Earth Realm warriors”.-
Realm:Earth Realm/ Now fights for Netherealm
Lineage: Shirai Kuei youngest triplet with Terror and Dread
Attitude:Jealous of his siblings, He wants total control of all the realms and to be the one true god with the elder gods kissing his feet. He has teamed himself with Shinnok after being trained in Chaos with his siblings. He will not stop at anything till Nether Realm is the only realm left and the screams of those tortured are all that can be heard forever while he laughs.
1.Burning blindness- he covers the arena is a black dome so dark neither can see.He has trained in darkness so his other senses take over to allow him to fight.-Noob Saibot
2.Back Stab-He has an ability to move silently in the darkness and will only strike for the spine as he has no real close quarter abilities.-scorpion
3.Deaths touch-He places his bare hand on your back and it will leave a frost bite scar on you skin but that is the least of your worries. After ten minutes the mark will begin to expand across your skin slowly tightening your flesh. You will be crushed by your own skin and only way to stop this is to remove the infected area which means removing your own skin in that location.-sorcery
4.Frost detonation-He fires an icey blast at the ground in black ice, if this ice is stepped on it will erupt in the fires of Netherealm.-Scorpion
5.Fatality-he uses a massive soul steal ability to rip a portion of everyone observing’s life force and he uses all this power to become a mutant like beast of everyone at once.
6.Devils senate-This takes time and weakens him greatly, he cuts his arms deeply and begins to use the blood about two pints worth to draw an arcane blood seal. If he is able to finish it he will heal himself and all of his wounds will appear on his enemy.
History:Blood brother of Dread and Terror, was trained in the same ways but now seeks vengeance and god hood.He was born without the natural talents of his kin only having there physical stature and unable to form the elements to his control he went mad in Chaos realm where he trained with his brothers under the gods. He ran off in his insanity not watching his decent and was found by Shinnok. He was trained by this fallen god and given an item that once belonged to a false hero to give him the ability to copy abilities.
-Hashi-Li got two letters at once he was not happy to be the sitting leader for the clan but he had to deal with it till his brother was able to take up the mantel. He chose Chaos over Nether sending three of the strongest warrior to help guard the prison and get it under control. He was now in his proper uniform except his entire outfit was black with the gold and blue shoulder guard removed. He was not sure who would all answer the call of the delegates meeting and unsure if Reptians would appear this were the decedents of chameleon and a Saurian creature. He chose to be careful because once he stepped foot in Chaos realm he would be unable to ever leave unless he is the champion of mortal kombat. He was to be joined by twelve other warriors of the clan and his brother who was now covered in his solid cyber armor. They both bowed to each other then turned for the portal entering into the Chaos realm was not much of a problem for Terror and with the armor seemed to have no effect on Dread. The warriors following them on the other hand were not of the royal clan so they were never trained in this realm so they quickly became unaware of there surroundings and started attacking each other thinking themselves enemies. Terror forced them all back through the portal and turned back to Dread both shaking there heads.
The two stepped down from the portal entrance onto the wall of the mansion where they stood side by side and terror made a fist lowering the temperature dramatically to alert to the Guardian of the realm they were here.-
-Hashi-Li was standing with his black mouth guard but the rest of his ninja gear was gone and in its place he was wearing a black robe with his clans crest on the back as he was sitting before queen Kitana. He listened to her speak of how she was seeking his clans help for a possible merging of the realms to strengthen them. He had no room to speak on these matters as his brother would have to make the judgement after speaking with the current god of Earth Realm. He was in Edenia where the gods decedents now rest, if they were to merge the clans it could cause chaos as the humans of earth didn’t know much about the different realm nor did they believe of there existence. He would nod to the Queen as he said he would bring this matter to Bon-Si. Hashi-Li rose and bowed to the queen before turning and making his way from her chambers where he did what was needed to keep the peace between the realms. He turned his head the second the door closed and twin warriors in purple were standing on either side of the door waiting for him”I thought you descents had learned to not fuck with me last time”. The two men instantly blasted twin turrets of water”you’ll only know terror when im done with you”. He held up both hands and the water turned into black ice feeding back to there hands which froze. Hashi-Li slowly walked between the two men and tapped the ice causing there hands to fall off and fall to ground shattering.
Hashi-Li was later located in Edenia among the Shokan warriors who chose Edenia as there home when Kitana took the thrown. Hashi-Li was arm wresting with one of the female Shokan and holding his ground for about ten minutes until a voiced called for him and he looked him and in doing so was thrown over the table by the Shokan’s strength. He was laying before two ninja one in red the other in orange”the Ermac and Tremor warriors, how can i help you fellows”. The Ermac warrior dropped Hashi’s gear so right there in front of everyone he threw off his robe and dressed in his ninja armor placing on his left shoulder a guard with the crest of his clan which was clipped onto his chest armor by a gold seal with blue string showing he was of high decent in his clan. He turned back to them when he was geared. He followed them back to the portal and back to earth realm as he was told Mortal Kombat would take place in one week and he had to be ready. He entered the clan medical building where he saw his elder brother hooked up to many machines thinking him asleep he did not speak but his brother would turn his head and nod to Hashi who in turn returned the motion.-
The entire realm of Chaos is the battle ground you will all pass through the portal from the realm your fighting for. This will leave all combatants in the Largest Mansion of the guardian of Chaos realm this will have a large feast with food from every realm so that everyone can enjoy there meal in case its there final night in existence.
Chaos Realm has a few properties you will need to understand.
Your abilities have the chance to have the reverse effect such as fire to ice, ice to fire,
It is harder to die in Chaos Realm unless the body is fully destroyed there is a chance it will become part of a Chaos inhabitant.
Water is the only sacred object in all of Chaos Realm other then Death which is the ultimate chaos as everything shuts down.
[center] Shirai Kuei
Clans Birth
For so long did the vengeance of Sub Zero and Scorpion rage until it was discovered that it had been Shang Tsung and Quan Chi who had destroyed Scorpions clan. The two joined forces to seek revenge but with the gates of the NetherRealm being locked and scorpions ability to travel being stripped of him by Quan-Chi they became the guardians of earth realm when the white lotus died off. With Sub-Zero being the grand master he quickly was able to teach Scorpion the ways of Cryomancy and scorpion taught the Lin Kuei the power of the Shirai Ryu clan. Eventually the two clans merged and the differences were forgotten though there still is a Scorpion and a Sub Zero there abilities are very similar now. The warriors of this current clan all wear black based off the Lin Kuei who was reborn in the Nether much like Scorpion this warrior being Noob Saibot.Abilities
1. Black Ice/Fire is the main appearance of all the abilities of the Shirai Kuei
2.The Main weapon of this clan is the staff sometimes using blades of black fire on each end.
3.There fatality is covering there enemy in a fine layer of the black ice that is so cold that it makes the enemy fall apart piece by piece.4.If a member were to die there body will melt with the skeleton only left behind. If anyone were to touch the melted remains there hand will be covered forever in the black ice giving them the ability to freeze someone by touch but also the curse of never being able to be with another.
5. They FIGHT to the Death.
Name: Hashi-Li AKA Terror
Age: 26
Realm: Earth Realm
Lineage: He is the third generation of the Shirai Kuei
Attitude:Dark enjoys causing fear before his matches to make him enemies keep their distance. He is neutral to a certain standard and has chosen to be like his fellow clan to not advance with the rest of the human race and remain with there clan teachings. Each warrior comes of age and is trained in both the power of pyro and cryo mancy while in the ChoasRealm. He is much like his ancestor Scorpion quiet and deadly and not one to speak highly of himself as he is more willing to have his skills do so for him.
1.Frost Bite-He begins to lower the temperature of everything within the arena even those observing will feel its icy touch. If your in his dome for more then an hour you will become numb for a five hours your limbs will become black and after ten minutes longer your limbs will fall off.
2.Fire ball-This is a ball of black fire that catches enemies on fire for a few seconds this can cause third degree burns.
3. Burning maiden-He stands still covering himself in a thin line of black fire and if he is punched his enemy will be covered in a fine layer of black ice with needles being pierced into them that inject oil into the body so if there caught by his fire abilities they will burn for longer.
4. Icy wall-This can be a wall of ice or a layer of ice on the ground which can cause his enemy to slide into him.
5. His kata is the white tiger style which is a very defensive style where he stands still and counters moves almost flawlessly. If he touches you your nerves will feel like there being frozen and burnt at the same time.
6. Bo Staff-He makes a staff out of ice and every time he swings it a trail of black fire follows both tips that can burn anything flammable of they come into contact with.
7.There fatality is covering there enemy in a fine layer of the black ice that it is so cold thatit makes the enemy fall apart piece by piece.
8. Darkest blessing-From a small hole on his back a black fog begins to leak out that is damaging to anyone who breaths it in.
9. Shadow saber-He forms a sword of ice out of the black fog that poisons if your cut.
10. Dark Grasp-His shadow will come up from behind you hidden in the fog and push you towards Dread.
11.Deaths Breath-If he gets you close enough he will remove the plate away from his mouth and breath a toxin that will slowly eat away at your body from the inside out unless you find a way to remove it you will drown on your own blood within five minutes.
12. Frozen Dread- His name sake ability, He freezes not your body but your mind making you think you’re fighting both Dread and Terror together. The damage done to you in your mind will appear as physical damage.
History:The history of the three siblings of the Shirai Kuei are all much the same as they were born as triplets in order was Dread, Terror, and lastly Night. They were all trained by the elders of the clan within Chaos realm which was custom but Dread being the Heir to be the next Grand Master would be trained by the Elder Gods to be there next champion. Terror had no wish to seek leadership as he wished to travel and learn the ways of every realm mostly staying in the realm of order for over a decade after finishing his training in Chaos. He was then transported to Nether realm by the abilities of a Sorcerer he found in Out world a place he had no joy in being within. He spent much time in the land of order learning all that was to be known while also studying how to become attuned with the Elder Gods. Night became jealous and enraged as his brothers were growing stronger as he failed most of his training and was stabbed an assassin but instead of dying was forced to Shinnok who healed his wounds and taught him the power of sorcery and pure darkness saying he could become more powerful then even the Elder Gods.
-Test enjoyed the feeling of the armor around him for only a second not expecting the spikes to pierce his metal flesh though he shouldn’t have been surprised. He felt the pain and he tried to take a step to remove the armor but his body was on fire so he fell forward onto his face realizing he felt that. He was laying there for what felt like an hour before his body was white hot and all he wanted was revenge. This thing had to be made to kill the evolved ones this was tests definition for those who reached advanced dna. These were the ones Test hunted the evolved so that he could further evolve. He soon saw the data flashing so fast he closed his eyes but it seemed like he saw the flashing data even through his closed eye lids. He let out a scream but it couldn’t be heard from outside the helmet. He soon was able to move his body once again slowly bending his arm and knees getting his back strait so he was now standing on his knees. He grabbed a box of swords trying to push himself up but instead of getting up the box fell over and a sword came out spinning and aimed for his right leg which split in half around where the sword was now stabbed into. He blinked smiling as he took control of his power of shape shifting to a new level and made his body look like a cybernetic ninja. He reached his feet finally seeing weapons that interested him. He opened a box that seemed to glow with energy he grabbed the two hilts that ended in a suba. He held both of them in his hands and they became twin blades which he rolled in his hands with a smirk. He walked over to the guns and found a rifle and the heads up display read off what it could do. He loaded it up a it fit onto his shoulder and locked there and out of his shoulder a tentacle moved up and held where the trigger was located. He then picked up two particle splitting pistols and he picked up shield that shifts sizes and he placed it on his right wrist. He then walked out of the armory and looked at the robot understanding it much better now”you can go back to your life my cybernetic kin while I clean up this world of the organic life that plagues its landscapes.” He wanted that troll and he bent down and his heads ups display showed traces of footsteps even though they were four thousand years old the trolls dna made it easy as it was not a common dna path.-
-Test walked over to a set of suits and put them on happy they still fit him making sure to still be able to see his wrist device. He walked over to the guns running a finger over it and shaking his head he then remembered the gun ancient guns that were in his body. He pretty much became a thing of liquid while standing there as the guns and rounds began hitting the floor. He then became solid once again before picking up a sword and began to spin it before he tried to pierce his own hand and it wouldn’t cut through. He then grabbed a hilt not thinking holding it upside down when he turned it on. It instantly began to melt the floor he was standing on so he let go of it causing it to turn off and roll away. He looked at the armor that seemed to be signaling for him. He slowly walked up to thinking it was about his size and he had lost his own armor. He got close enough that the armor began to open so that he could easily enter the armor. He turned and walked backwards into the armor so he would be facing forward to look out the helmet. He then began for it to close so he could test it out and begin his hunt.-