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  • Cain

    February 6, 2015 at 5:37 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -Test after taking in all 47 vials of the strength he felt his muscles expand and his armor started to moan and then began to crack and fell off causing him to howl in anger. He then heard his pants began to rip and he sighed walking over he grabbed all of the bio metal vials counting up to 169 and one by one began to jam them into his system followed by 33 wind and 11 fire. He could feel his body start to change but he didn’t wish to stop there as he plugged in 43 water 80 earth and lastly 50 lightening. He ended up falling over and began shaking on the ground as he feel every tissue and fiber of his body become a metal substance like that you would find in a star and durable like tungsten. He felt the window kick in as his lungs expanded causing pain as the metal fibers expanded that were still raw from the change. He then began to feel himself heat up from the fire he forced into his veins his hand shifted into a blade so easily it made him smile as it shifted back. He then began to breath feeling his new lungs move so easily even though they were metal but with each breath he felt his blood flowed forward and backwards telling him he could control it. His body felt like he was being crushed all of a sudden as he became 3 times more dense as the earth DNA kicked in making him almost nine tons because of the metal body. He then began screaming as his fingers scratched the ground as the lightening was destroyed making him roll back and forth and then as an added bonus his DNA decided to shift back to an early state so that he was now covered in metal fur and he noticed he could control something that was swinging back and forth looking down he noticed he had a tail and he cussed loudly as he realized he was a damn cat again. He slowly sat up easily even for his massive body noticing he was now covered in black orange and white fur great he was now a fucking huge nine foot seven inch calico covered in metal fur. He stood up and began to look around hoping to find some clothes to cover himself up. He looked back at the rest of the DNA and shook his head as he decided it wasn’t the best idea right now.-

  • Cain

    February 3, 2015 at 5:54 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -Test entered the armory where he spotted a stack of boxes with the company name that he knew to well along with his entrance light began to turn on running the length of a football field of experimental weapons and armor. He decided to check the DNA first looking for bone,organ and lightning DNA or DNA that has already been advanced. He was still keeping an eye on the robot while examine the footlockers of supplies not sure what he was to find there. If there was any of these he would inject himself instantly and worry about what may happen later. Doctors has been filling him full of DNA for centuries why should he stop and wait now. He decided to explore through some of the gear that was still close to the boxes of DNA he found what looked like a a part of the floor marked with black and yellow stripes other then two foot prints. He stepped on the foot prints and instantly arms started coming out of the ceiling and the armor it began to place on test was at first heavy but not when he altered his form to fit the armor making it easy to hold himself together. He then felt the system jack into his nervous system as it connected two tentacle shaped spikes. He was happy to see that his armor still allowed him to see his wrist systems and still access the panel so he can inject himself with dna. He went back to the vials to find strength to inject himself with.-

    His armor:


  • Cain

    February 2, 2015 at 9:36 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -Test tried to look into this creatures five eyes and see if it could lie or if it was something in its system that really wanted to help Test. Test followed the creature not wanting to miss the chance to learn anything he could from such a creature. He followed it slowly not wanting to draw to close in case of an unseen event or attack. He moved low to the ground but still on two feet his legs actually morning to allow him to almost walked with his legs bent in reverse so if he looked strait ahead he would be looking at the ground not at the creature he had to look up to keep his vision on the creature. He watched the machine open the door and he slowly walked up to the liquid wall and his own form even though it would be hard to seen for a very rare moment he became fully solid something he never did since he got the water element it made it so most basic weapons were ineffective to his body. He walked through the door and began to look around trying to understand the things that were around him.-

  • Cain

    February 2, 2015 at 8:29 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -Test was about to chase after the troll when the world around him changed and his body scaled over with the metal plating and a metal plate would cover his mouth. He began to look around through these little slits noticing the creature he looked at it a few times. He decided it would not be bright to be threatening to this so he absorbed the energy into his body and a very slow but direct walk towards the creature keeping his hands out to the side making sure the creature could see the shine of his skin so it may feel more safe being around another bio metal creature. He did notice the armory sign behind the creature and it made him smirk under the metal plating. He spoke”is there Information you can pass on to me or is there information that you seek from myself”.-

  • Cain

    February 2, 2015 at 2:26 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -Test looked down in the hole where the creature escaped to but he didn’t say a single word as a man ran at him to attack Test heard his step and spikes shot out of his back stabbing into the mans skull piercing the brain and heart. He slowly walked to the window pulling the blinds away watching the creature run only made him smile. He walked over to the men he killed pulling a pistol from one of them an examining it. It was a preemptive weapon compared to himself but he was limited in a few ways. It was a Smith&Wesson along with it he pulled the rounds from the pocket of each of the men making sure he collected fifty of them. He also picked up a Remington shotgun cocking it so the shell flew out and he loaded more in. He used his shape shifting so his chest became pockets that he started to load full of ammo as each of these men were using this shot gun. It may have been a good idea to bring such a destructive gun to hunt the troll but he planned to help it. He ran his hand over the gun and the barrel extended and a red dot sight appeared on the top. He then walked to the window and jumped out the window once again landing easily outside the hospital. He then looked back at the hospital and smiled as he knew history would be changed when he returned to the future.-

  • Cain

    February 1, 2015 at 8:48 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -Test cracked his neck as some of the energy he lost going through the conversion was regained he flexed his hand letting it spread as far as possible before it became a a ball of razor wire that was sharper then anything man made. He then began to use the water quality he had retained to make his wrist into a chain that stretched about a foot. He walked up behind all of the guards with there weapons pointed at the huge troll and with a single snap of his arm the ball of razor wire removed from the shoulders up of each of the men that were aligned a couple of them luck enough to step out of the way but that was the moment Test’s other arm split starting at his middle finger with spit down the middle perfect and the two halves stretched till they pierced the men who had escaped his first attack. He looked around seeing the horror struck faces and a smile came over his face as he raised up his arm and then swung it down towards the troll who was cowering on the ground.-

  • Cain

    January 26, 2015 at 7:18 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -Test started ripping at his body trying to rip himself apart as the pain began though when the area around him swirling around and when he hit the ground in the lush area. Two men rushed over to test not knowing he was the beast that he really was. They put him in a hospital room where he breathed deeply until his energy returned he looked to his hand which now had a crimson shine to it. He made a fist and metal covered his knuckles but it didn’t seem to be as dense as it once was. He checked to make sure no one was in the room”fuck not again I hate when my dna decides to not do what I tell it”. He sees a man come in a doctors robe and checks over test “hey doc come here for a second”. The doctor got close to test but within a second a needle went through the throat into his spine severing the vertebrae”. Test took a second to try and understand what he may have gotten from this human not that he was worried about it”. He heard a nurse run by yelling about a monster so test got up and leaned against the wall looking at the troll he sighed. He bent the fingers and they became razor blades wondering how dense this creature could be as his senses told him this thing was nearly breaking the hallway.-

  • Cain

    January 26, 2015 at 5:31 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -The Male arrived near the science buildings and his skin was covered in what others would think was fur but it was tiny little razor blades covering his body from the waist up. His fingernails were each five inches long ending in a needle width point. His long hair was now in a ponytail and was now snapped back and forth like a scorpion tail that when it laid down reached the waist. The last half foot was a scythe he could move it like another part of his body. He walked up to one of the walls and climbed it easily before turning his face back to the wild “oh look another play toy” he was seeing another troll this one seemed to understand its surroundings better then the last one.-

  • Cain

    January 26, 2015 at 12:55 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -the Male raised his head from the hole he had been looking into ignoring where the troll had run off to hearing the roar did not scare him if anything it excited him like a lion who found something worth while to hunt. He took in a deep breath and the howled to the moon the sound was unhuman sounded like a demon in human flesh was declaring its victory. The howl would go on for miles caught on the waves that make up the wind and its terrifying sound would send shivers to those who did not know of the “test subjects” existence. He jumped back into the tree and began to run from tree to tree not being thrown off his course because of the tremors as he had dealt with earthquakes before not that this was even close to that. He ran with shocking speed that would leave that noise in his dust as he could smell creatures in the air. All of a sudden he stopped dead landing on the ground below turning he looked to see the sun starting to fall meaning night would soon be here. He jumped strait up grabbing a tree branch before swinging himself up into the tree. He laughed to himself knowing something was watching him not sure if it was those who had experimented on him so many year ago or his prey but he yelled this time in English” all those who stand within my cage run from me, Hide from me, Make my game enjoyable for one of you shall die when the moon reaches the center of the sky”. His skin shined a bright gold for a second then he was gone heading for the building where he knew the science equipment was kept. He had no need for it as his power came from his prey not from those toys”.-

  • Cain

    January 25, 2015 at 5:00 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -He turned all of his fingers into blades and just drug them through both sides starting at the hole he formed by the time he was finished he had a five foot by five foot hole cut through the hole in the roof. He smiled tilting his head to the side the jagged mask was covered in teeth from all of his victims most of them orcs. He spoke once more”ill enjoy the hunt so take your meds and run along before something bigger then the both of us decides your going to be its next meal.-

  • Cain

    January 25, 2015 at 4:15 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -The male relaxed his arm and the metal form relaxed turning back to normal flesh and bone but had a shiny sheen to it with a smirk on his face as he looked at his skin before looking towards the shack. He ran up a tree then like a large cat he climbed out on the branch turning his right index finger into a blade once again and slowly dug into the roof so he could look down seeing the vials made him smile as he spoke to the troll “you will want to use those because it will be the only thing that keeps your ass alive which the night falls because I will be hunting you for the rest of your pointless life”.-

  • Cain

    January 25, 2015 at 3:37 am in reply to: Test RP Before the Colony

    -A male was leaning against a wall currently six foot tall and covered in tattoos wearing a mask trying to blend in with the beasts around him. He did not miss the sight of the new test experiments and noticed the one ran off and a smile came to his face which was hidden behind the mask. He slowly began to hunt the creature doubting this creature would know how to use the skills given to it by the experiments. The male jumped almost five foot into the branch of a tree and jumped from branch to branch. He spotted the beast and launched down like a panther on the animal that was stalking his prey. He use his dna to convert his arm to a razor sharp blade to turn his hand into blades reaching into the beast in the side to rip out its heart before absorbing it. He then turned his eyes back to his prey knowing she couldn’t have heard that as he made sure the creature was dead before it could have made a noise. He had lived on these creatures and the weak test subjects for years so hunting like this was simple.

  • Cain

    January 21, 2015 at 12:27 am in reply to: The Rules of Life

    -Sings the rules-what the fuck is Garganflax?

  • Cain

    January 20, 2015 at 3:14 am in reply to: Your Survivor


  • Cain

    January 20, 2015 at 2:34 am in reply to: Perks/Abilities


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