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-Haruso sat up from his bed a while later flexing his muscles still feeling the pain of to much energy electricity passing through him. Haruso walked back to find his master after he fetched his clawed sabers so he could practice an edited version of the chidori by passing lighting over these two weapons. Haruso found his master by the pot of cooking food sitting down in silence he waited for the meal to finish as he thought over how he could possibly make more powerful jutsu by running the current between both of them.-
He looked to the boy and wanted to hurt him for suggesting he wouldn’t remember this evening, it would haunt his dreams for decades and most likely buy a therapist a new car. He walked around and got in the passenger seat his pistol still in his clutched hand but he was no longer pointing it at either of his companions more was an object of safety. He watched as they rode along not sure he understood where they were going but he wanted to get this beast in containment as quickly as possible.
-Nelson using one arm to point the rifle at the boy while he pointed the handgun at the woman”if you fucking think this is a hooker service, then close your damn eye and bend over and ill give a shot of something youll never forget, That creature just hunted my ass for a damn mile after it ate a officer”. Nelson wanted to put a bullet in the woman’s head before letting the beast eat the rest of her for her comment. He watched the man start to release the creature so he put his rifle in its case over his shoulder while he kept pistol pointed at the beast and looked at the door seeing the truck they planned to keep this beast in”once you load the beast up we can make our away back up the road so I can get my truck then we can discuss this job, better be a good one since im not getting my 2 mill”.-
-Nelson heard the truck pull up so he sat up and sat on the bar with his rifle pointed at the door trained to his shoulder with it rested lightly to his shoulder. When the man entered he spoke calmly”if your the contractor then speak quickly because at the moment I want to blow your damn head of your fucking shoulders for having to deal with this beast”. Nelson listened to the guy then pointed at the ball that was the electric stun grenade before he pulled the bag off of the creatures head so he could examine it”I think it ate a cop about 1 click up the road with pieces of a car scatter around, it chased me into the barn at the edge of the city then to here where I covered the place in beer and hide till it entered where I hit it with the grenade”.Nelson had let go of the rifle when removing the sack but he had drawn his pistol instead keeping it train on the small male. His view of the world had been altered not sure what to trust had he thought he had seen the darkness of the world in every terrorist he had exterminated from this blue marble. But this thing was as if human had chosen beast over technology and stayed primal instead of intellectual. He couldn’t understand how a child could know of these things but the eyes of this boy looked aged like he had seen the dark things that haunted Nelsons dreams.-
-Nelson looked at his phone which caused his right eye twitched not wanting to wait here any longer then he needed. He laid with his back on the bar as he relaxed his rifle resting between who bar stools pointed right at the beast and played his poker with one arm with his other arm holding the rifle and his finger on the trigger luckily he didn’t have a twitchy finger because the beast made a noise which would be a lie to say it didn’t scare him but he knew not to shoot as this thing would not get free from everything he did but it quickly quieted back down. Nelson got four aces and a pair of twos which made him smile. He had bet fifty grand of the money he was about to get and it turned into seven hundred thousand. He opened up a separate account and made sure the money went through because if it didn’t he would kill them.-
-Nelson watched the damn thing go down and he slide back down the bar grabbing a bottle of the beer and raising it to his face before throwing it over the bar as he caught his breath knowing the job was not done. He slowly got back to his feet and found a few barrels busting them apart but making sure the metal around them held strong. He went and wrapped them around the legs of the beast before finding a couple more and putting them over the head and pushing them down till they were near the elbows making it so it could not stand. He then pulled out a sack and placed it over the creatures head not wishing to see its twisted face no longer. He went to where the horses were once held and found a bit of rope and tied it up above and bellow the knees so it could not bend them. He then used another rope to tie it at the elbows and below the shoulders.
He grabbed his tablet and typed a few words only”pest problem taken care of ready for pick up, NOW!”. He left it there and sat on the bar with his rifle trained at where the heart would be located on a human thinking this creature was mostly human. He made sure the gun was loaded and sat there polishing the rifle with what was left of his ghillie suit. He didn’t normally stick around after the job was done but he wanted to see the fucker who ordered for this thing to be taken care of and if he didn’t like the answer he planned to put a bullet in them and possibly a second one for good measure. It seemed it would stay down for a while so he began to play internet poker on his tablet.-
-Nelson took a breath when the creature fell for his trick but when it started to climb the ladder”you have to be fucking kidding me”. He ran and jumped back out the window but not before he saw the creature starting to charge for him once again. He saw a saloon so he ran into the building and closed the doors before putting a chair against the door knowing it wouldn’t last long and slide across the bar grabbing bottles of alcohol and throwing them all over the bar and around the room. He then put his back to the bar knowing it was dark in the bar so sight would be useless and all of the alcohol would hide his scent. He put his rifle under the bar and took off the rest of his suit before grabbing one of his stun grenades. He waited for the creature to enter before tossing the grenade at the creature with it having a five foot area of effect and the creature would be at the center. If this landed and made contact the creature would be down for the count for at least six hours giving him more then enough time to bind this thing with iron ropes hell no would he use normal stuff on whatever it was that has been following him.-
-Nelson was knelt down as he had spotted the body seeing the metal scrapped and the sidearm mangled, He knew this was not something human. He was wondering if a large cat or another large creature had done this which he didn’t do not even in sport. He would hunt deer and ducks and things like that but he was once paid to take out a pack of lions and looking into the eyes of the beasts as he drew his firearm showed he couldn’t bring himself to kill the pack.Nelson would sigh as he stood up stretching his black while he turned his head and then he heard the growling roar from behind himself rolling over his left shoulder just out of reach of the beast not even stopping to turn knowing it had no gun so his only escape would be to run so he ran strait right towards the town spotting a barn from a distance. He knew it would give chase so damn happy he had stayed in good shape now as his feet kicked up dirt with each step as he was burning up the distance. He kept juking out of the way of the beast every time it would attempt to reach Nelson it had gotten close a few times tearing away the top half of his suit off. He was now left in his shirt and vest the beast would now be able to clearly see he was male if it had the ability to see at night.
Nelson reached the barn just in the nick of time running up a wall and grasping the top of the swinging doors. He was relieved that the main barn doors were closed and he waited for the beast expecting it to follow him. He was now standing on a beam in the middle of the barn waiting for the creature. If it followed him inside he would be standing there waiting for it with a smile. He knew this creature wasn’t feline so it couldn’t have the balance that he had. He was hoping it would fall down into the actual barn if it did so he would run back across the beam and close the window he came through to trap the beast and then message the person who hired him.-
Nelson snapped up a special device that secures all contracts and turns them into pdf before wiping them from ever existing on the internet. He read the contract a few times curious as this was not his normal work but he couldn’t morally let a cannibal out on the run so he went into his room and began to change around twelve different books so that the books shelf was colored in a reverse rainbow each weighing a different amount. A door opened only long enough for him to step through and then the books slide off the shelf and four of the twelve books slide under a bed. The edging of the bed elongated to hide the four books so that no one could find them but himself. Once he was through the eye and voice scan be walked into the weapon room picking up his rifle and hand gun and seventy five rounds for each weapon all preloaded into clips for quick reloading. He then walked into the dressing room where he keeps his gear and tells the computer to bring up the landscape a forgotten area with many tourists but with the countless death in the last week travel to this location has become barred.
Nelson looked all road maps of this area seeing that police have fenced off the area which would make this even more annoying. Nelson found a pair of snips to cut a hole through a fence just in case nothing could stop him making him a bit of money. He then put on a vest and put in two electric stun grenades and a bipod and silencer for his rifle. He went to his trophy truck loading up his rifle behind the seats in a hidden case. He then opened up the seat of the passenger side and placed the pistol inside it before laying the vest between the seats. He got into the truck and started it up and it purred to life. He pushed a button on the desk and a door would open in the side of the house and he took off down the road to the gas station. He walked into the store grabbed an entire case of gaterade not a bottle and ever bag of chips and jerky they had. He sets it on the counter and pulls out cash and pays for it all shocking the teen at the counter. He then went and threw it all in the passenger seat before opening the glove compartment grabbing his ipod and plugging into the stereo and plugged it into the charger before hitting random and music began starting with Kryptonite. He shot down the road speeding waving his way through traffic hoping to make good time not knowing if this contract was sent to anyone. He shot past a state trooper who just sat there seeing the truck and the style it was there was no way he was keeping up with it and before he could even radio it in he was across state lines.
Nelson was currently listening to Enter Sandman as finally entered Kentucky stopping for the night in a inn where he paid for a room. He made sure his truck was locked before going to the room and closing his eyes to sleep only passing out for about five hours before he heard someone screwing with his truck opening his blind slightly he saw two teens trying to jimmy the lock. Nelson got out of bed and opened the door luckily with pants on. He whistled and both of them took off up the ally out of sight, he then decided to get started so he got back on his shirt and jacket before heading out to the ghost town. He made sure the music was off now and he drove quietly till he was a mile from the barrier. He grabbed his rifle strapping it to his back and his pistol to his leg making sure to have all of his ammo before opening up the back of the truck that was made to look like it was riveted down. He pulled out a ghillie suit covering himself before pushing his truck behind some trees. He then decided to hike the last mile through the woods seeing a large barbwire fence between the trees which was a piece of cake for Nelson. He slide his rifle through the fence before easily climbing the tree and jumping over the fence on the other side. He Picked up the rifle and ran the rest of way easily as it was only two the morning. He pulled out his rifle and scanned the horizon when he was near the outskirts of the ghost town. He didn’t like how quiet it was which made him on edge he had the latch on his pistol unclipped so he could draw it if needed. He was ready and waiting in the dark silence waiting for anything.-
Nelson picks up a pen and leans over the rules reading them quickly before quickly jotting down his fake name.
Name:Nelson Wesker
Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Blue
Height:Six foot and four inches
Weight:189 pounds
Occupation:Black ops solider, He worked for the American military in black spec ops missions that were blacked out in all records.
Personal Items:
- He has condo in South Carolina which has an attached to a garage
- Jim co trophy truck
- Black ram 1500 truck.
- military gear
- He is very well off money wise
- A necklace which bares a black cross which belonged to his mother.On the back of the cross is engraved his families real name
- ghillie suit,
- Dragunov Sniper Rifle
- smith and wesson 9mm pistol
- MODEL 887™ NITRO MAG TACTICAL shotgun in his trucks
- two crossbows
- four rifles of different brands all sighted with hybrid sights
- He also has four pistols each having a red dot sight.
- Many different types of swords and knives
- Weapons: Dragunov Sniper Rifle, and a Smith and Wesson 9 mm pistol
History:He grew up in a small German village before his father decided to move his kids to grow up away from the war mongers around them. It brought them to Texas. They lived a good life till Nelson was sixteen where a thief broke in shooting his brother and mother this changed Nelson’s father driving him to drink himself to death. Nelson was driven to justice finding himself in the military. He rose up through the ranks with such quickness that it caught the eye of his superiors being put on a private sector Malus Lupus going around the world many times over till his team was compromised and they decided to give them different names and send them to different locations in the country keeping them alive so that if they ever needed the team again they were easily accessible. He kept his skills top of the line and also took up new ones. Such as taking up different langues the hardest being Latin. He enjoys his trucks but his only possession that matter is the cross that he owns. His only other object of matter is a pistol from his grandfather. He has been taking up jobs as a mercenary to pass the time. He recently got a letter to explore disappearances.
-Malstaine arched his back now that it was all taken care of and the three rounds fell out of his body and rolled across the ground not even bloody. He listened to the fool and shrugged his shoulders”so what could be this problem your talking about, my hound will report to the council as were mentally linked so no worries about your father for now”. Malstaine walked over to a door turning back to the fool”might be best if we speak in our own world where humans cant interfere as reavers could be listening for the rebels here”. Malstaine vanished back to his world and crossed his arms in his htrae form with his hood pulled over his head as he waited-
-Dusk had been standing on the tavern roof seeing one of the masters being caught and taken away put into effect a plan to force a war that would be unlike none had ever seen before. He jumped off the roof and ran at top speed before diving into the ground once again before coming back out in russia in a highly populated military base. In this base was about four thousand males. Half of them were of average size and the other half were the top soliders muscular males. A blizzard was whipping around them strongly so he smirked as he used his camoflage ability to blend in with them. He passed each of them quickly placing just a tap on there flesh and by the time he was on the hill above them he could hear screaming with such horror but it was music to Dusk’s ears. By that morning all the humans were now his mutant race. He walked around the buildings turning there normal guns into strong enough to blast a hole even through a demons hide. He then created armor for each of them and showed them how to use there abilities to heal and curropt more. He then demonstrated the ability to make more weapons so they will never be defenseless. After which he grabbed a map of the human race and began to mark the largest locations on the map and told them to split up and begn to curropt each of these locations quickly. Dusk then returned back to the demon world in the domain of the demons and kneeled at the feet of the new leader who gave him instructions of his next task. -
Race(s):Demon Mutant
Rank:King-His tattoo is on his chest hidden by his armor, its a laughing skull. He is apart of the Dark Ones a clan able to hide themselves.
Class:Shadow Specters High lord
- Powers:
healing factor: that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than that of an ordinary human. As such, he can regrow severed limbs or vital organs. The speed at which this healing factor works varies in direct proportion to the severity of the damage. This healing factor also affords a virtual immunity to poisons and most drugs, as well as an enhanced resistance to diseases and an extended life span. - Enhanced senses: provides an early warning detection system linked with his superhuman kin esthetics, enabling him the ability to evade most any injury.
- Camouflage Capabilities: is capable of mimicking the appearance of any form of clothing, camouflaging with its surroundings, and even mimicking other people.
Advanced - Mithril Armor:All but his mouth is covered in this silver armor this armor is covered in tiny hooked spikes that can rip the flesh off his victims if they touch him.
- Poisonous Fangs: can deliver a powerful, venomous bite causing death if not treated quickly he can also spit this toxin if done in this fashion it will eat through most materials.
- Burning Claws:If you get scratched by his claws which are razor sharp on his hands and feet can leave behind a dust like substance to irritate the wound causing it to burn like a fire is inside the wound. This can cause you to scratch and dig into the wound making the wound worse.
- Matter Manipulation:Can alter things around himself into weapons or shields to protect himself. He can do this to most materials unless there enchanted otherwise.
- Earth Swimmer:He can dive into the ground swimming at eighty miles per hour and only has to surface once a day for fresh air.
- Adaptability: evolve rapidly to his surroundings so that he can survive anywhere.
- Vocal location:He can detect whats around him even when under ground.
- Corruption:The materials that Dusk touches can be filled with condensed dark energy that makes the material explosive if comes into contact with something a high impact.If this is done to a human they will become a lesser creature much like himself. If someone he has used this ability one kills someone else that person will become like them and spread the virus faster. The size of the human killed will depend on how large the creature is when they mutate. If there child they will be a tiny little creature that sneaks up in the shadows and stabs people in the back. If there a skinny teen-adult they will be a normal drone like creature. If there large musclur or overly fat they will be massive creatures. Only those of very athletic form will become just like Dusk without the armor. This can be done to demons as well but they will become huge creatures. His offspring creatures, share his powers but on a smaller level.
Normal sized demon:
Massive demons:
- Likes
earth - metal
- swimming
- water
- lava
- Fears:
being hung - fake materials
- extreme heat
- sunlight
- conversion
Are you Insane if so what is your drive:Sane
- Weapons:
Sharpened claws - His fangs
- A staff made out of any material around him
- His armor
- A grenade launcher: He can use any material as ammo.
- Specters Gauntlet
History:He was a master warrior for the council till the rebels were able to capture him one day and use a dark version of the conversion. He now only wants to kill and murder anything that gets in his way of concurring the human plain. He plans to convert every demon he can or kill them with his specter gauntlet. He plans to corrupt the entire world.
- Powers:
-Malstaine took another swig from his pint not thinking to use both hands this time which brought a surprised look from the chick sitting next him but Malstaine didn’t even pay the girl attention as his blind eyes never turned from the blond fool. It made him chuckle a second to think of that and realized calling her a fool was a compliment if done by a demon. He then turned his head and he took whiff of the air which would probably alert the jester to the man entering the door. This little human brought out a gun pointing it at the bartender then turned it towards the blond jester before Malstaine stood up not wanting the jester to get pissed for the insult the human had just done. The human saw Malstaine stand and because of this he turned and in his panicked state pulled the trigger putting a bullet between Malstaine’s eyes causing him to fall to the ground hard but he didn’t stay there. He made a fist and all the humans but the attacker would think they were sleeping this gave Malstaine the time to force the bullet out of his human skull and repair the damage. He looked to the jester and the bartender before he got shot three more times by the human who was screaming in fear. Malstaine grabbed the gun spinning the chamber making sure it was empty before pointing it at man and a demonic growth like vines wrapped around the gun before he pulled the trigger blowing a hole through the man and he unrolled the contract handing this one to the jester”this is your district so your the owner of this soul, make sure this one suffers because now my head hurts”.
Malstaine walked back over to the table and picked up the pink downed the rest of then kicked the body out the door before he followed. He let the rest of the humans out of the dream like state as the door locked. He turned his head towards the jester who he figured would follow him”know any demons who feast on human flesh”.-