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  • Cain

    December 12, 2014 at 9:45 pm in reply to: >htraE<

    -Malstaine turned his head to the side so his left ear was facing the jester and he used vibrations to see if the jester may be trying to pull a trick as it was the fool. He could not detect any form of bluff coming from the creature not that the fool would try such it was one of the few creatures still in existence had known how the blind sight works but is not the wielder of such. He walked into the bar and the bar tender did not seem happy till Malstaine opened his pocket and unrolled a contract and the demons horridly took it and brought Malstaine a large pint of demonic alcohol. It looked huge compared to his current human form but none the less he would be able to drink the huge pint easily. He turned back to the jester who he was now sitting across from and began speaking”I was not planning to hunt you and I do not have any rules to bring you back for questioning by the council as long as I myself learn of the happenings that lead up to the bodies being left in the human plain, If your compliant with me then you can go about your business as a specter and never worry about today so begin your story”. Malstaine used both hands to lift the huge pint and drink from it before he leaned forward placing his finger tip on the jesters mask and an illusion covered its form now looking like a large breasted blond in a tiny black dress”. Malstaine then smirked not sure how long it would take the jester to realize what it looked like. Malstaine pointed at the humans returning when the jester realized its form. He needed the jester to stay disguised as long as they remained in the human form”this is the form you will take anytime humans look at you from now on”.-

  • Cain

    December 9, 2014 at 1:16 pm in reply to: >htraE<

    -Malstaine watched as the jester began to exit speaking to the creature that his rage was centered but to hear this thing was the jesters father was amusing all its own right. But that voice he knew it all to well and it brought a smile to his demonic face. He looked down when the jester spoke this was interesting as most demons would run from his demonic aura”I was sent by your bosses to investigate the disposal of fellow demons in the human province, I will be taking you in for the board meeting as that was annoying”. He then spotted the father starting to run in a panic around the bar made him shake his head wondering what could it be that makes a leader of the rebels run in this kind of panic. He waited it out as the demon ran from the bar directly in front of Malstaine its look of terror grew more appealing. He cracked his right wrist planting his hand down quickly and the chains of damnation would wrap around this demon till he was cocooned. A huge black demon hound with spiky skin that looked like it was made of stone the size of the tavern they were beside ran by catching the wrapped up demon within its fangs and then vanished once again heading for the council.

    Malstaine watched it run till it vanished into a plainwalker portal, it was able to do this because it shared Malstaine’s mark. He then turned back to the jester never really taking his senses off of it and began to reshape itself back down into his htraE form pulling up the dark hood of the council warriors and placing the smaller form of the soul banes tip between his feet but the handle still came up to his chin. He seemed to to be looking at the jester with his eyes but really it was still his vibrations. He had a face as if he was looking at someone he fancied”so this is what happened to the girl who just couldn’t keep her hands off of the kings jewels”. Malstaine began to walk either side looking at the jester”when I brought you before the council the king called for your funeral not to give you a promotion”.-

  • Cain

    December 6, 2014 at 2:39 pm in reply to: >htraE<

    -Malstaine sighed as he shifted into his human earth form and found an arm chair sitting down he ran his long nail across the black leather not sure of its material thinking it might be the silk of a spider demon dyed but thought it could also be the wings of a dragon. He felt its alluring touch soothing his terror of being before the council lords. He placed his other hand on the arm of the chair and closed his eyes and as his feet were sat flat on the ground he felt the whipping motion as a large demon grabbed the leg of the chair and threw him out of the large chair. He flipped through the air landing on his back and he sighed wishing he was back in the chair because now he was rather uncomfortable so with an annoying tick he whistled at such a high pitch all the demons running at him stopped and grabbed there ears. He saw each and everyone of them so while still on his back he raised his right hand and spoke”tend not the fires of the body but the darkness that is your soul, this be your finest hour soul bane hear there cry and deny them severance in this are home of terror”. All the demons that were standing around them stopped when the soul bane slowly glowed red showing its judgement. They tried to run but there stood Konge and four of the dark ones that stood around him at all times. He had just entered the waiting room being called by the council though if someone didnt know him it would be hard to tell him from another citizen as he walked up in a hood and black jeans and his dark ones were dressed in cheerleader outfits and had long flowing purple hair tied in twin pig tails but there masks still remained. Konge waited for the demons to run past him and he smiled as his body erupted in fire and the five demons that had tried to kill Malstaine were now burnt to a crisp. Malstaine opened his hand and at fire his soul bane would begin to fall but before it could ever touch a surface it was gone once again in a realm only the hunter can reach this weapon.

    He looked to Konge but before he could choose to even speak to the high king he was whipped through a infinity long hall four what felt like hours with rooms darting by with such force that death itself seemed that it would pass without sight in this hall. He came to a stop at the end of the long hall only second since he stood before the king but he now had a fine gray line through his hair where his human form had actually aged. He ran his fingers through the hair and it returned to it perfected brown. He looked down the hall able to see the king but he could also see him if he looked up the hall. This building felt like it was located on a paradox which just made Malstaine’s head hurt more then it had before. As he entered a high back chair was stationed for him to take a seat at the long table. He took one step and a burning fire covered his body till he was forced in his demon form which now towered over the robbed figure all but one but Malstaine wasn’t even up to this mans shin. He raised his head seeing up to the mans knee that was seated in his chair. He then walked forward and took a seat in the only open chair opposite from the robbed warriors. He looked to each of them and the one center and directly in front of Malstaine removed his hood and instantly a blue and red eye seemed to burn and soothe Malstaine’s soul. This ones name was Delphine the nephilim who stood as the diplomat between the angels and demons and the strongest of them all. Delphine spoke with such a relaxing voice but it felt like a nightmare”Hello young one, we have had many watching you these last few months and we wish to report that we have located your soul it is now a fighter for the rebels and has come to own both a soul bane and a specter gauntlet”. Malstaine turned his head using his blind sight to see the reaction of each of the demons and one by one they nodded and the angels seemed to feel sad for Malstaine but they also nodded. It was Malstaine duty to take back his soul but even a creature with the powers Malstaine had were limited compared to Ralstaine his other half. A side door opened and lizard crawled up the giants leg and crawled into its ear before speaking. The giant spoke”four lords and three of there guards have fallen because of a shadows specters and you will hunt down the bodies that were dropped into the human world. Malstaine stood from his chair and the fire that kept him in his demon world went out with a wave of the Nephilim. He waited and a demon at the far left of the table stood and with a snap of his fingers Malstaine was now standing above the grand canyon looking down into its depths.

    He looked back seeing no humans around made him breath easily so he ran and jumped into the gorge though he used plain walker and when he crossed over instead of a desert he was now in a huge ocean. He looked around letting his sonic energy out at a high frequency but it was a bad mistake as he sank to the very bottom instead of being on the ground it began to move and twelve huge eyes opened up right in front of Malstaine”oh fuck”. Malstaine used plains walker once again and fell one feet reaching the bottom of the canyon seeing the first body. He knelt down placing his hand on the demon and its body was covered in wraps before it vanished to a table in a morgue. He then went back to the demon world standing in the ocean once again seeing the huge demonic fish coming towards him pissed him off now so he used his demon form which this beast did not expect. It was use to random human entering its rift through a cave in the human world but it saw the demon and swam towards the surface but Malstaine was waiting for it he spun one of his chains of damnation and it caught the back of the huge beast dragging him towards the surface. Once the creature reached the surface Malstaine shot up towards the sky and flew to a very old building which was the library of Alexandria. Malstaine looked over each of the books and closed his fist and in his room back in york new had a copy of each of them and he could read them as each page would speak its words to him. He then began to look for the demon but with nothing found he sent a letter back to the council. Lastly he draw a symbol on the ground and stepped onto it landing on the table in the board meeting in his human form”ill be taking that mutant with me, none of you should worry or remember this”. He raised his right hand and all of the humans went to sleep while he walked towards the demon who jumped out the window. He smiled and jumped out the window as well catching the spider demon by the throat before vanishing as well”tell me who sent you here or were both going to hit the ground hard”. The demon quickly told him everything and he vanished and the demon waited to die closing its eyes but when they opened them it screamed and tried to run as it was now laying on the table before the council.
    He landed in front of the tavern where he tracked the soul path of the jester. He ran his fingers along the door smelling human but also demons and his blind sight let him see the seals on the walls so he shrugged and walked inside instantly seeing the jester but the demon at the bar also saw him and he told everyone to leave but the demons knew that he really meant for all the humans to leave with only four people remaining in the tavern Malstaine the jester its father and the man at the bar. Malstaine held out his right hand pointing at the jester”I feel you are the one ive come for little one”. He was currently in his human form but if tested he would use his demon form. He walked closer to the jester but he stopped short and growled deeply reading the aura of the jesters father and his demon form ripped forward. He then walked outside drew a line in the dirt”Everyone outside right fucking now”. He raised soul bane up but unlike the small claymore form it is in his human form it was the size of a jungle blade that was almost as wide as he was. He knew the jester was a specter but he didn’t have a soul to be stolen by there gauntlet”. He knew there was no other way out of the tavern but the front door where he was standing.

  • Cain

    December 3, 2014 at 10:54 pm in reply to: >htraE<

    -Malstaine had returned to the world of Demons but because he had been standing on a spire watching the damnation of the soul be brought to the High emperor. He was now standing on a skyscraper so he walked to the edge and pulled back the black hood that covered his head and his blind eyes would read of excitement as he jumped from a building and in mid fall two huge white bat wings spread from under his robes flapping once to catch the air before wrapping around himself and doing a barrel roll towards the ground once again. He love the idea of free falling as its within those few seconds that he felt like he was human again and had the choice of suicide but his demon abilities never let him hit the ground even though in his mind he wanted to. He rose back to the height of the building and let himself drop once more towards the ground. If other demons were watching him they wouldn’t pay him much mind as he was common to be seen in this act. Once he was finally done having his fun he raised his nose to the sky and noticed the scent of smoke of a fire and his head ripped to that direction before he brought both hands together and the clap would rain out in that direction and his blind sight instantly caught sight of the fight and his large wings would easily catch the air. He was worried this might be an act of one of the rebels.

    He swooped over the happenings and saw a dragon kind, They were never of he rebels normally so Malstaine just keep flying head for his home with the others Nobles of light. It was a large ebony castle filled with more land then could ever be. He walked through the door to see twin succubus screwing a fellow clans member which made Malstaine shake his head”I told you Stralix to keep your pets in your room, I will not give another work now leave me sight all of you”. The imp demon ran off with his hookers to the far east wing of the castle where the lesser demons that did not hold enough power to be noble but were of use were held. Malstaine began to climb the stairs of south tower and a hand would runs its way across his back in between his wings before its long snake like tongue wrapped itself around his ear and spoke to him “you need to learn to have a little fun with your own kind instead of those those fucking meat sack humans back on earth”. He payed the naga no mind and kept walking but she wouldn’t take his actions without anger which was all to common for her kind. He was pushed through a door luckily it was his own. He landed on the only thing in the room, his bed which was made of the softest yet firm materials and draped in the finest of silks. It had a veil around the bed so he could sleep as a human instead of as a demon like his fellow clan members. The Naga transformed into a woman with only a sash that covered her left hip and very little of her slit. Her breasts were to large to ever of belonged on a female body. He expected if a human had tits those big there spine would have snapped. She ran at him and jumped landing with her pussy right in his face before grinding trying to excite him but this only made him grow angry. He raised both of his massive hands which were somewhere in between human and demon and in one motion threw her out the damn window and twenty stories below before he heard a splash of her landing in the lake. There was a reason this room was his, he had a habit of throwing people through the window so they gave him a place that would have a soft landing. He walked over and locked the door happy the naga didn’t share his clan ability or she could simply pass through the door as he normally did.

    He quickly slept but while he slept time sort of stopped around him as a hunter he had to always be alert of the world so when they slept they were outside of the time vortex of both worlds. This was the same for all Hunters and some Specters but only very few specters shared this ability. He awoke to a knock on his head to see another female but this one was geared like that of a demon knight which caught Malstaine off guard”I am here on behalf of the council to collect you as they would like to have a meeting with you to go over your place in the demon world after your two month stay.

    He quickly sat up pulling a pint of rum and draining it down not that he could get drunk but he enjoyed the taste of the liquid even before he was demonic. He stood before the female in nothing but she took no notice of such or at least didn’t seem to. He robed himself by changing his outward appearance, she was a natural human looking demon which wasn’t common in this plain but it didn’t happen from time to time”so your an Angelic valkyrie Demon”. She nodded as a portal opened and they both stepped through and now he waited to be called by the High Lords.

  • Cain

    December 3, 2014 at 12:16 am in reply to: >htraE<

    -Malstaine was walking down the streets of York New in his htrae form and shifted into his earth form which brought an amused look by a shadow warden who new Malstaine well. He nodded to the warden before vanishing into the human plain not being noticed by any humans at first until he let out a vibration from his own body and all the woman around him blushed red as there body betrayed them and they felt a strong need to touch themselves and the men would begin to fight each other from the need to show there dominance to mate with the women. He laughed and kept walking finding a bar and he walked into a bar and grabbed the bottle off beer of the bar and went to the back table and put his back to the wall and took a sip from his drink before looking at the bottle and sighing. He raised the bottle then two fingers and a waitress brought over two more and sat them down before giving him a happy smile. He smiled to the woman happy to see she was more innocent then sinful so being this close had no effect. He began to let his vibrations out but only on a small wave to make it so only the most sinful will react. He saw a man puff out his chest which brought a smile to Malstaine’s face.

    He saw that the man was proud of what he had done so he put down both bottles of beer before he pointed at the man who puffed out his chest and the waitress poked him and brought him over to Malstaine. He put a hundred dollar bill between the girls cleavage which made her blush but walk away happy all the same. He watched her fish it out and tell her boss she was done for the night. The boss turned to Malstaine and his eyes turned bright red before he told everyone that the next round was on the house which made everyone happy. This gave Malstaine time to lean forward to speak with the sinful male”I would like to make you an offer to double all of your current profits ten fold all I need from you is a signature and a drop of blood next to it my good man”. He laughed thinking nothing of it and not even taking the time to read the contract which was more common then most people knew. He watched the man prick his finger with a diabetes sugar checker before planting the finger on the paper and when he did the paper glowed gold and the man vanished from his seat and was now sitting in the ring of greed in hell. He walked over to the bartender and handed him the contract before raising his palm flat and the bartender did the same and unseen to the humans a ray of moon light shown between them which was there clan way of saying thank you. He wasn’t done hunting that man was greed not treachery. He was handed back a roll of twenties at the worth of fifty thousand dollars the estimated price of a human soul.

    He left the bar seeing the sunrise made his skin feel like it was burning but he knew better it was simply a sunburn but his body was so much more sensitive. He was ready now to hunt so he placed his palms together and forced his vibrations into one hand then bounced it back and forth over and over between his palms before letting it out like a radio wave. It hit one hundred sources in the city for his prey though he saw sins that did not interest him but he held up a diamond and threw it on the ground and he saw a circle of demons stand with him and fly off in different directions. He saw only one final signal and began to walk slowly with his head down. He hated them so much these souls that betrayed with such ease because it was this ease that damned him. He felt disdain for what he was but not for his fellow demons they were pure beings that followed nature and never betrayed another unless they were made to do so. He found the office building where his prey hide. He used the plain walker ability to walk into the other realm passing through the unlocked door which was locked on earth. He then passed back through to earth and began to climb the stairs finding the mans office. He opened the door finding the man porking his secretary, the woman screamed and ran out of the room while the man laughed”how much to keep you quiet boy”. Malstaine walked forward laying out the form for the man to sign”just your name and a drop of blood next to it”. The man signed but wouldn’t give a drop of blood so Malstaine reached out and slammed the mans face right into the contract”It wasn’t a request, it was a command, you gave your consent once you asked me that question, and after me seeing you doing it with a sixteen year old”. He watched the contract began to smoke and a dot formed on the mans forehead before becoming the number 50. Malstaine smiled as the number began to glow brighter and brighter before the man grabbing his head and began to role back and forth as his skull felt like it was on fire. His head cracked and his brains rolled out. He went to hell and sat next to the emperor while he called on pride to take the man to arena of hate so violence can give this one the true and never ending death.-

  • Cain

    December 2, 2014 at 6:47 pm in reply to: Bios

    Name:Malstaine also is known as the Master

    Race(s):Demon, Nightmare





    Rank:Nobleman-His noble tattoo is a is the moon with rays of light shining down on a hooded figure this tattoo is located on his back

    Huntsman-He is of Warden level

    Warrior-Knight level

    1.Human form-He can take a human form on either plane of existence and can change his face and other qualities at will.

    2.Chains of damnation-Lower demons or creatures weaker then himself can be made to obey him and fight for his cause.

    3.Hell fire whips- He can create hellfire whips that burn at the same temperature as dark sun that burns above them.

    4. Flight-He can sprout wing and fly

    5. Life’s touch-Can return those those have perished back to life if they have not lost there soul this also works on mortals in the plane of Earth.

    6.Blind Sight-the vibrations around him react to his skin allowing him to feel where someone or something is located even the moving of shadows that seem to have no real form. No matter how fast you are he can track you.

    7.voice of darkness-if his chains have ever touched you this includes the ring he wears in his human form, when he calls on you, he can summon you from anywhere or any plane and once summoned no matter what you were doing before you are ready to fight with an intense blood thirst.

    8.Seduction-In his human form everything about him lures in his prey which are sinful human of treachery. Those who have disobeyed another to further themselves normally CEO of major companies. It will also show him there other sins when he says it will show them they come to the surface and act them out.

    9.Arcane arts:Master of elemental and Necromancy magic

    10. Plain Walker-Is able to walk from one plain into another without the need of a mirror. This is an ability only shared with the nobles of the light clan.

    11.Soul seal-Used through his soul Bane

    12.Soul Tarnish-Used through his sword of Damnation, this makes death a more painful experience for demons, they still will not die but unlike a normal death for a demon there soul feels the blade sting.












    Clipped wings

    Are you Insane if so what is your drive:Sane though his goal is freedom, will kill anything and everything to stay that way.


    Sword of Damnation

    Sword of Soul Bane

    Sharp fangs and claws.

    Chains of Damnation

    Other beings that he has damned

    History: His name was once Michael, He was a top class solider in the united states government getting shot in his leg gave them the chance to get out and return home where he was fixed up. He returned to New York city and was celebrated for his valor while overseas and given the opened position of leader of the swat team. He was overjoyed and accepted with honor to uphold his duty for as long as he was found capable. His best friend growing up had been working for this position the entire time that Michael was overseas but was never good enough. His friend grew jealous and and angry one night this friend was at a bar and a sexy little vixen came up and sat in this mans lap telling him she could make his wish come true if he could get Micheal’s blood. His friend asked Michael to box the next day and after a few rounds and a cheap shot got Michael in the mouth making him bleed. His friend left abruptly to fix the little vixen from the night before, she took Micheal’s blood and placed it on a paper which was a special demonic contract. She then appeared in front of Michael breaking his neck meaning to take his soul for her own but it ended up in the hands of the emperor demon of the Earth plane instead. He turned to the council they decided to give Michael a chance to join there ranks as a new form of demon. He was sent to the plane of htrae though he was also given a curse that he needed to return to Earth once a week to take the soul of a Betrayer to hell to repay the High demon the took mercy on him. This curse will last the rest of the years Michael would have had as a human. Once this curse is lifted he will be given the choice to return to the human world as a child with arcane abilities and have a rather normal life. His first victim was his friend but instead of taking his soul and being done with it he flicked a piece of his damnation chain and went back to hell where he summoned a living human to hell. His friend was terrified of the demons and painful tortures that took place. Michael then vanished leaving a human being to be tortured for his wrong doings so he could be tortured first in his life then in the afterlife. He then went home to relax with his fellow demons.

  • Cain

    November 29, 2014 at 2:39 pm in reply to: Base of the Antagonist {[RP]}

    -Haruso watched him perform the chidori something Haruso knew well as a lightning user this assassination ability was something of a passage to being a full ninja. He would need to rest before he could even attempt to master this jutsu. He looked to his master”I think I need to let my body rest and my chakra restore itself”. He climbed into his bed and laid down relaxing but not before he did the clone symbol and a clone of himself would wander over to his desk and begin to read a passage from his scroll before vanishing and the knowledge would snap over to Haruso. He closed his eyes and began to think over the ways to master another element other then your own.-

  • Cain

    November 28, 2014 at 3:11 pm in reply to: Base of the Antagonist {[RP]}

    -Haruso flexed his arms making the sore feeling leave them before he turned to his master and bowed before he took a few steps back. He didnt know what was next but he wanted to be ready because if he wasn’t he might get taken by surprise. He still had most of his chakra so he was ready for the rest of the days events. He was slowly feeling his strength growing even through it had only been two days. To reach this point would have taken months at the school back in the leaf. This thought made him sorry for those still attending it wondering if one day he could return to bring them the knowledge he now had. He went back to his room and read over the different skill and he found the rasengan. He formed two half clones and they all nodded to each other and the two clones began to dart there hands out quickly just like the diagram showed while Haruso channeled half of his chakra into his hand trying to shape it into a ball if it worked he would have a ball of lightning. He saw a golf ball of lightning form in his hand and all three of them had huge smiles that it worked this far. He pumped even more chakra into his hand and the other two began to channel the chakra they had while moving faster. This was causing the chakra to grind against itself causing spark to launch from the ball burning the hands of the clones and there clothing was catching fire but they were smart enough the holding there hands to block it from hitting the original. He saw blue and white sparks and very once and a while a red spark but he got it to the size of baseball and it was floating a few inches from his hand but when he moved to try and throw it his hand went numb and all the power was gone making the swirling ball grind itself into nothing his arm turned numb and dropped. He was looking down at where the orb had just been, he was close to using the ultimate jutsu of Naruto and his father.-

  • Cain

    November 26, 2014 at 5:00 am in reply to: Base of the Antagonist {[RP]}

    -Haruso rubbed his shoulder before pulling off his jacket and seeing the bruise that was slowly forming”Id say it feels like taking my lightning release right to balls”. He stood up and hung up the rifle on top of the sword rack before he pulled out one of his saber claws and threw it and it embedded itself in the dummies skull. He then walked over to a bow hanging on the wall raising it up and this was when his right eye glowed and then the Heiko activated on its own after charging it with a bunch of chakra and when he released he was able to slow down the arrow and see it in three dimensions all at once. The arrow fit right through a tiny hole in the saber claw right before the Heiko cracked and he returned back to his normal eye. He turned and left the training room and began to head for the library.

    He began to search for something though it took him a couple hours of searching to find exactly what he was looking for. He opened the book and saw a dozen of seals each with an amount of chakra needed to activate each of them. He found the seal he wanted and pulled out five blank scrolls and copied down the seal onto all five, the first one wasn’t very good but the following four were exact so he rolled them up and headed back to the training room. He made the tiger seal with both hands forming a perfect clone of himself before throwing the seal he made at the being and once it was stuck to the clone. Haruso ran at the clone jabbing his four fingers and thumb into the seal and a bright light went off and the clone now had a hole through it not from pain but from its chakra being remove in that area. If it had been a human they would be shutting down not dead but not able shape chakra for a couple days. He planed this to be his weapon from now on not bullets. He and his clone both nodded to each other and shaked hands before the clone vanished he looked dazed for a second as he watched everything through the clones eyes then turned to his master”Now I can fight fairly with my rifle, stun not kill those who are innocent but are in the way”.

    He went to the gymnasium area and began to flex his body before he reached up grabbing onto the rings and began to rock back and forth before be began to rock until he spun himself so his feet were strait up in the air now and held himself there before holding out his arms at full length. He then began to swing back and forth. He swung himself so he was bent at the waist now upside down with a smile on his face be spun one more time landing on his feet. He rubbed his shoulders”god I need to do that more often because im about as flexible as a rock”.-

  • Cain

    November 25, 2014 at 7:03 am in reply to: Round 2


  • Cain

    November 25, 2014 at 2:55 am in reply to: Base of the Antagonist {[RP]}

    -Haruso nodded and decided to get some practice with his rifle so he went to the other end making it so he was about five hundred yards from the taget before laying down and setting up the tripod to make it a bit more stable. He put it firmly in his shoulder before looking down the sight seeing the head of a dummy he slowly raised his right hand placing it on the grip and his extending his right index finger out he placed it on the trigger guard then looked through the scope once again making sure he was still aligned before he now placed his finger on the trigger and with small amount of pressure a whistling noise would rain out through the training room and not even a second later the head of the dummy would explode and then they would hear crack as the round went through the wall. He made sure no round was in the chamber and put the safety on the rifle by running a piece of plastic thread through out the rifle to show the chamber was empty. He went and looked at the dummy and then at the hole in the wall behind it and smirked thinking this would defiantly do the job if he ever really needed.-

  • Cain

    November 24, 2014 at 4:45 am in reply to: Base of the Antagonist {[RP]}

    -Haruso felt the rush of energy and he got back up and made the symbol of tiger and growled and he watched a full clone form in front of himself. He reached out at the same second as his clone did and they shook hands before circling each other. The two both activated the lighting release in his right fist and swung at each other but right before they made contact the clone went up in smoke and haruso took in a deep breath”well now I have a clone but cant use my ace in the hole right now with it”. Haruso stayed on his feet this time but a jolt seemed to be within his arm and he was worried he had finally done some real damage to it”I think ive over done my arm”.-

  • Cain

    November 24, 2014 at 3:00 am in reply to: Base of the Antagonist {[RP]}

    -Haruso flexed his arms and slowly got back to his feet”alright lets get this out of the way”. He used both hands to make the tiger seal and channeled his remaining chakra into his seal and a clone would form that was standing but still looked deadly sick before bursting into smoke. He felt weak so he kneeled down”so i know how to start one but I dont think I have the chakra control to make a solid clone yet.-

  • Cain

    November 23, 2014 at 1:14 pm in reply to: Base of the Antagonist {[RP]}

    -Haruso raised his left arm and did the hand seal for tiger and tried to pump enough chakra into that point to give the same result as using two hands. He saw a poof and a sickly looking deadish clone was rolling back and forth on the ground before poofing and he blinked at it”well atleast I got a clone”. His left arm then fell and he realised he couldnt raise that one either”fuck now im screwed”. He began to twist his shoulders and ended up slapping himself in the face and he fell over.-

  • Cain

    November 23, 2014 at 1:30 am in reply to: Base of the Antagonist {[RP]}

    -Haruso saw the two clones an he began to head for the training room once again though when he saw him began to charge his arm he wasn’t sure he could defend himself from his master as he could only use one arm right now and once this lightning release wore down he would be left with no way to defend himself. He made sure he had his left side towards his master which was the side that he could still move. He was trying to move the lighting release through his right arm in short bursts trying to make it come to life but nothing seemed to work though he saw his fingers twitch meaning it may work if he tried at it a little longer.-

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