Sagittaurius skylight
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Bethany was greatful when he began moving again.
Bethany shivered, her head snapping to a direction where she thought she heard something. She saw a boy wearing a makeshift eye patch. She sat up, thinking it was Lomion. When she saw that it wasn’t, she wiped her eyes and took a protein bar. She managed to choke out to the boy who had been carrying her, “well, what are we waiting for?”
Pop hopped down next to Adri, “What-” She stared.
Pollux bristled. He pulled away from Poprocks and stormed away angrily. She didn’t go after him and he was fine with that. He prepared a pack and climbed in a taxi after walking to a large town successfully without Pop pursuing him. He was glad to start a new life and happy but slightly heart ached to leave his old one behind. Castor once told him that you cannot run from yourself. Pollux wished he paid more attention to the knowledge Castor dropped when they were younger. But because no girl would ever adore Castor he relied on drugs, alcohol, and Loki for passion.
Bethany wiped her eyes, she hated crying in front of people, “I don’t want them,” She said stubbornly and looked away from him.
Bethany shook her head at rapid speed, “I don’t want them.” She said shakily. “I want m-my brother.” She started to sob again.
Race: Elvish
Name: Edrahil, male
Age: unknown
Appearance: Has very long hair that goes well past his waist and is pure white. Tall and pale, pointed ears. Various piercings and tattoos marking his rank: Chief of the elves of Nargothrond: The forests in the west. Until his people kicked him out and accused him of murder. He wears layers of loose clothing so he can move swiftly. He has various pockets in which he keeps lots of trinkets and “toys”. He carries several weapons, mostly concealed. His “main” weapons are his bow and his duel pair of knives…long knives. The edge of the hilt crooks off like a hook for ripping out people’s spines. Beads and feathers adorn his hair. He has various totems and scrolls that are precious to him.
Personality: He is generally cold and hostile, but offer him a place to stay and food and he is nice. He respects nature (being an elf and all).
Bio:<span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Chief of the elves of Nargothrond: The forests in the west. Until his people kicked him out and accused him of murder(his closest comrade killed the princess Teleri) </span>
Extra:His arrows aren’t just the normal headed shafts. They can be fire, water, air, etc. He knows little magic, but enough basics to keep him alive. Nargothrond was abandoned years ago, then burned by an unknown enemy of the east, whom Edrahil had sworn to kill.
Bethany winced as he picked her up, “I’m so hungry.” She said, trying not to whine like a baby, but she felt so scared and unwhole without her older brother.
Lomion was getting more and more frustrated. He ran into Irja, “Have you seen my sister?! She has naturally crimped hair thats brown. She’s kinda short.” He was frantic, to the point where he actually had to socialize.
Bethany cried the whole time he did this. When he finished she begged for him to find Lomion and bring him.
Lomion was getting more frustrated every second, why couldn’t he find Bethany? He scowled and growled-his favorite things to do and stormed to another part of the beach, “BETHANY”
Bethany whimpered, “just do it, quickly…please.” She squeezed her eyes shut.
Cakesniffer heard weird noises outside and turned to Nero, “What was that?”
Bethany whimpered, “w-where is my brother?…Where is L-Lomion.” She cringed and cradled her arm. She let out a cry, “…h-help me…”
Bethany crawls out from underneath a piece of metal and lets out a cry, her right leg has a deep gash in it and her head is bleeding badly, “LOMION?!” She flops down on the beach and starts to sob, a large chunk of metal is sticking out of her left arm, which is at an odd angle.
Lomion heard her scream out for him, he runs incredibly quick towards the beach, but cant find her, “BETHANY?!”
She tries to answer but she cant, she goes limp, crying, “…Lomion….” She whimpers to no one. “…help me…” she curls up into a ball, which was more than painful, She wails out in agony, “…somebody please…help me…” She goes limp.
Age: 12
Name: Bethany Brennan
Gender: Female
Looks: (I will post a pic)
Personality: Jokes around alot, Lomion’s little sister.
Backstory: Mostly same as Lomion
She takes them carefully, “It’s Cakesniffer, could you help?” She tries to wrap the bandage but winces and retracts her arm against her body, letting out a soft wail. “Oh, ow, ow, owww.” She leans aginst the wall, looking up at the ceiling. She flinches and closes her eyes.