Sagittaurius skylight
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Cakesniffer chuckled and winced again, “of course my ‘comrades’ didn’t do anything to help, they’re probably making out…have any bandages?”
Lomion lets out a growl, feeling unwanted, as usual.
Cake rubs her sore head, “I don’t think so.” She puts a hand on her bleeding shoulder and winces, “Uh, where are we?”
Lomion snorted and raised his head, looking like a lion sniffing out it’s prey, “yeah, I’m not good with socializing.” He continued to stomp away, mad at the German scum.
Cake wakes up, her breathing quick and heavy, “wha? How long was I out? Nero?!”
Cakesniffer, humming the LOTR soundtrack, exits the building, fingering her knife. She strolls calmly down a road thinking to herself, I need some guns…Kai and Nero cant have all the fun. She quickens her pace, hoping Nero would still be where she had seen him last-the gun store. She headed in that direction, keeping a brisk pace.Then she heard the growl. Instinctively she unsheathed her knife lightning quick and stabbed at the air on her left side. The blade found its target. Blood spurt up into Cake’s face, she didn’t seem fazed. Suddenly she felt her arm jerk against her own will, blood sprayed everywhere, she gagged on it. Intense pain seared through her arm. But she refused to show any sign of pain besides a small flinch. She put both hands on the hilt of her dagger and drove it in further. A large wolf like body went limp and fell on top of her. Cake’s knees buckled and the corpse knocked out her breath. She strained against the pain and pushed off the creature. She slowly stood, another jumped at her. She slashed upwards, blood painted a mural against the sidewalks. It howled, it’s eye sockets were hollow and a like mini black pits. it fell to the ground to her left. The final two had advanced, one came in from the right, the second, soundlessly in the back. Cakesniffer growled furiously as the first toyed with her. The second leapt up and crushed her shoulder between its powerful jaws. She cried out in pain, the other went for her leg. She screamed something about bad bananas and sliced upwards. The wolf shrieked and shrunk back, its paws went up to its face, clutching it in pain. She jerked around and brought the blade down with all her might on the second one’s skull. With a sickening crunch it fell limp to the ground. The remaining dog yelped and shrank into the shadows and scurried off.
Cakesniffer fell to her knees, among the corpses and cried out for Nero, between ragged breaths.
Lomion growled, “Believe me, I dont want your help, I dont want any of your help, I just want to get out of this pit.” He took his shirt kind of aggressively and stalked away, holding his gut, His Lymes was acting up. His head throbbed and his stomach hurt terribly.
Cakesniffer smirks, “I’m ditching you guys, this Nero dude looks like he could kick serious butt, chow.” And then she was gone.
Cakesniffer rolls her eyes, “oh great, here we go again.” She groans and swats Sky’s hand, “lets focus on our survival skills, peoples.”
Lomion watched silently, and then had second thoughts, maybe he should turn and run-one of his most natural instincts. But he stood and walked to the boy and knelt down next to the group of people, he felt his pulse, which was normal, then he brushed away the boys hair, examining his head, “He probably has a concussion,” He wiped the sweat from his brow and tore off his shirt and tucked it in his belt. He hoisted the boy over his back with a grunt and set him down partially in the water, he gently splashed it on the boy, cooling him and attempting to wake him up. He parted the boys eyelids, he had a pupil response, but it took a bit longer than normal. He scowled and splashed more water on him. Then he dunked his shirt in the water and pressed it against the boys head. Lomions shirtless body was sweaty and his muscles were tense, scars covered his back and other comforting signs of beatings.
Cakesniffer pushes the couple apart, “okay, that’s nice, what a lovely moment there, you two, but we really should be looking for more survivors.” She fingers a large knife strapped to her side that wasn’t there before, “Don’t make me saw you two apart.” She glares angrily at Kai, “WHAT WAS THAT BACK THERE! WHILE YOU TWO WERE FLIRTING ALL HONEY GOOCHINGS, I WAS BUSY ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING USEFULL!!” She whipped out an old track phone and started clicking away madly, pacing, she suddenly stopped, “there’s no service, I don’t think anyone lives here.” She looks at the horizon, “but there’s shops here and there, odd.” She turned to Kai and hoisted him against a tree, “YOU BETTER START MAKING YOURSELF USEFUL BUSTER BEFORE I, uh, SHANK THE GIRL.” Cakesniffer looked insanely wild, and determined. She scowled at Sky.
Cakesniffer notices a struggling girl, a bit older than herself. She walks over, “Oh my, do you need some ice?” She asks sarcastically, She laughs and adds, “I think we should call an ambulance, oh, heh, wait, we’re on an island IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!” Then she starts examining the girls wound despite her bad attitude.
<span style=”font-family: ‘Open Sans’, ‘Helvetica Neue’, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20.4px;”>-I’m a nightmare and I’m going crazy, You’re going nowhere so I’m taking you with me- Sagittaurius</span>
Cakesniffer wakes up feeling lightheaded and face first in dirt. “Agh!” Long gashes are on her forearms and leg. She stands, her legs wobble and she falls back on her butt, “well, this is just wonderful.”
-I’m a nightmare and I’m going crazy, You’re going nowhere so I’m taking you with me- Sagittaurius
Name: Cakesniffer(Cake)
Age: 15
Appearance: Has really bright red hair the color of koolaid, eyes are pale grey, almost white. Freckles, everywhere. skinny and funsize(shortish).
Wearing: Tshirt: the galaxy design thingy. Black skinny jeans, rolled up at the knees. White suspenders, sometimes up, sometimes hanging, white converse hightops.
Personalty: (her personality is mostly like Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus and like Jace from Mortal Instruments)She is quiet and determined, doesn’t talk much. Respectful to everything besides people and kind of insane. Humorous and sarcastic.
Power: Whatever she draws or writes becomes real or helps in different ways, but only to a certain extent. Ex: *writes hope on arm and has more hope* *draws llama, llama appears*
Backstory: Naughty, no one liked her, she didn’t have any friends, family doesnt like her either. She has been in and out of foster care, gone to many different orphanages and was sent to two different military schools, but didnt seem to learn any manners.
Extra: loves playing pranks and pulling bad jokes
Lomion looked around confused, he tore off his shirt and dipped it in the salty water and tied it around the wound on his leg, it stung badly but it would clean out his wound. He stayed by the plane.