The Basics

Display Name

Sakura Fem!Japan Honda



My Information






Tokyo, Japan

Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming


K-Kon’nichiwa, everyone. My name is Honda Sakura, I am the female personification of Japan.
Name: Sakura Honda
Age: 17
Birthday: February 11
Height: 5’2″
Looks: Sakura has short, dark brown hair that looks almost black. Her eyes are brown, usually lighter than her male version. Her voice is soft and somewhat high-pitched, and her Japanese accent makes her pronounce l’s like r’s, and th’s like z’s. She is petite, meaning short and skinny, with a cute round face and pale skin. She wears a pink and purple kimono most of the time, with a flower or comb in her hair sometimes, but she also has a military uniform consisting of a navy blue jacket, knee length pleated white skirt, and tall black or brown boots. She can also be seen in a schoolgirl uniform (Gakuen included), or a female version of Kiku’s clothes. (Basically the same thing except a miniskirt instead of the pants.)
Personality: She is quiet, and a bit shy, but is also caring and it’s possible that Sakura will come up and start a conversation with someone. She’s usually a proper, polite person, but can be quite laid-back, almost tomboyish, usually when she’s at home. Also, she enjoys eating food, but is secretly embarrassed of her gluttony and will worry about her weight frequently.
Relationship Status: Single ((See the list of pairings below.))
History: ((I shall do this later, as I’m too lazy to do the research at the moment.))
Other: Sakura likes playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, and snacking on Pocky. She also has a secret weakness for cute things, and likes to have a camera with her at all times. With relationships, she’s pretty shy, and a definite uke. However, she’s usually more cheerful and bubbly around her significant other. Unlike her male self, she does not enjoy scary movies, but won’t say anything, as she doesn’t really like physical contact (ex. cuddling next to someone), or burdening others with her fears.
((Okay, so I’ll RP just about anything, except for the following:
~Yuri (Sorry ladies, Sakura is straight.)
~Gore (I’ll do some action RP, but don’t be disgusting about it.)
~Rape (In my opinion, that’s a serious matter that shouldn’t be roleplayed, so I don’t do it.)
And, that’s pretty much it. As for things I will do, everything else. I’m bad with the terms, and I’m still learning x3
Pairings: (I don’t know the names for them, sorry! x3)
~America x Fem!Japan
~England x Fem!Japan
~Canada x Fem!Japan
~Male!Taiwan x Fem!Japan
~China x Fem!Japan
~Greece x Fem!Japan
~Spain x Fem!Japan
~Russia x Fem!Japan
~Male!Hungary x Fem!Japan
~Male!Vietnam x Fem!Japan
~Everyone x Fem!Japan
Yeah, so, I’ll try out any pairing, really, even OCs. Just RP with me first, over PM or in a group or something.
About the Admin:
~I’m not giving out my name, ‘kay? I just don’t really do that. But you can call me whatever you want, I’ll even go by Sakura xD
~I’m 14, but I’m mature. Please keep in mind that age is really just a number, and it’s mostly about maturity, especially with RPs.
~I do RPs on Facebook, and this is the first time I’ve used Skyrie. My Facebook muses are Fem!Canada and an OC of Australia.
~I’m new to Fem!Japan, so I’m sorry if you think she’s kinda OOC. I’m trying my hardest, I promise!
Well, that’s pretty much it for now. I worked really hard on this bio, so I really appreciate you reading it~!))