Sapphire (サファイア)
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Turning her attention to the other male who previously spoke, she nodded her head silently. Her eyes narrowed at the wood that was crunched and damaged. “I don’t eat very much. You make me sound fat,” She giggled and put a hand over her mouth to contain her fit of giggles. She hadn’t laughed, let alone giggled for what seemed like ages. It was a very awkward sound, and it cracked every now and then. Her tattered up sapphire blue dress matched with her sapphire blue hair and cobalt blue eyes. Everything on her seemed to be the same shade of blue. It was her favorite color, although she was far from knowing why. Poking the ground under her, she made a ‘ewww’ noise when she felt something crawl under it; presumingly a insect or such. Connecting her other hand to rest on her lap along with the other once more, she heard footsteps beneath herself, probably feeding the children on the lower level. Tapping her hand on her thigh, she let out a very bored sigh that echoed into the dirty room. She began to look at the feet of the man who was holding his abdomen, confused by his sudden actions. Of course her own headache sent waves of pain through her body, but he looked miserable. And Sapphire found it suspicious that he was trying to hide it. (Sorry for such a short post, I’m multi-tasking. >.<)
She smiled at the two, although it could be told that it was false. “Well, there are some soft spots of wood and broken stones. The concrete is weak, but I’m way to frail to attempt to break it,” She thought aloud, her voice breaking every now and then because of her lack of food and water. She let out a weak cough at the effort of speaking and made a little cry once her throat began to hurt. It was no use, in her opinion. She knew they were playing with them, only giving them water when they were on the verge of death. The water was usually filthy, but somehow no one ever got sick on the disgusting liquid. “I guess if we were hungry enough, we could eat rats.” She hummed as if the idea didn’t sound disgusting to her, like she was actually willing to eat a rodent. A silver clasp of metal held onto the top edge of her ear. It looked painful and infected, blood dripping down the side of her air. It was covered by her sapphire blue hair, not wanting to disgust anyone with the infection that was never taken care of. She began to think of where the hatch was, the other male’s question ringing into her head. She shrugged nonchalantly once more and positioned her hands on her lap. Blinking once, she closed her cobalt blue eyes shut when she felt a familiar ache returning to her head. She frequently had these migraines from stress and from pure fear.
(That’s fine, Albion. C:) Although her singing ceased, she continued to hum along with the rhythm. A sigh escaped her slightly parted lips when she heard the two’s talking once more. She spelled her name on the concrete floor, encrusted with old dirt and mold. “Sapp…Hire.” She said to herself, trying to remember the letters she was taught in school, when she went, of course. She had stopped tapping and humming at that point, finding interest in writing her name down instead. “There’s no use for a plan. We can’t escape,” She finally looked up at the other people, a frown tracing onto her pink lips. As if on cue, she craned her head to the side in pure boredom. She was hungry and thirsty, and maybe a tad lonely; but she somehow always kept the same level of sanity she had before she got here. Dust stubbornly held onto her left cheek, which showed how unsanitary this place really was. To be honest, she was scared and sad, not only because she hadn’t seen the sun for over two months, but that these strangers she was with seemed inhuman. A strangled cry was heard distinctly down just from there room. And Sapphire knew they were torturing bad people that tried to escape.
Sapphire smiled at the other person like a madman. Being kept in this dreary, rodent infested place had that affect on most people. Being locked in this room was like being locked in a cell, although anybody who came here committed no crimes, or so she thought. Trailing her oceanic sapphire blue eyes across the figure, she shrugged with a nonchalant look on her child-like features. Tracing her fingers on the dusty floor she was seated on, she let her blue hair fall into her face. She was far from caring how she looked at the moment. A second passed and she was tapping her foot onto the floor, creating a rhythm she found comfort in humming along to. The other person peaked her interest, and she was sure her voice was hoarse with her little communication, she continued to sing a song she remembered only faintly, “And when the castle is feeling gloomy, I remember your voice, it was beautiful and perfect by choice, and when you suddenly stopped singing, my heart had stopped beating,” She sang along while tapping her feet, starting to rock her head into rhythm with her own movements. (Hope that’s good enough. xD)