*Yukiko brought the fruits she got at the market to the shrine. She put the basket down for a moment. Yukii brought Erin with her. This place had a good barrier. She had noticed someone following Erin and it made her uneasy.* Erin! You need to be more aware. There seemed to be someone following you back in the city. Listen, stay here with Kuzuha and the others. I’ll get Miyuki to come and remain with you. There’s a lot I have to do. I know you rely on my mother but she’s been traveling through dimensions and has taken on a great task. I have plenty to do and must head to the hospital. You should either go home or go to school but don’t go anywhere alone. Always have company.
*she called out to Kuzuha.* Niece Kuzuha! *she smiles* I got you those fruits you wanted. Please watch over Erin for me. I noticed someone following her. It could have been a dangerous individual and we don’t know what he wants with her. do you ladies mind keeping her here and keeping an eye on her. I’ll send Miyuki here to make sure she’s with Erin at all times. *She looks at her watch* Gomen Erin! I have go but be careful!
*Hearing a voice, Kaga looked around and she knew that Kuzuha was meditating in the shrine currently as she had said it was to help strengthen her mind as well as the barrier around the shrine gardens. It took a lot from her but Kaga knew that she could handle it and left her alone to herself but she had heard someone call out to Kuzuha and she went in her place. As she walked outside she saw some of Kuzuha’s family members and she nodded over to her while she accepted the fruits from her and placed them by the entrance to the shrine* “I am Kaga you are welcome to remain here as you need to, do not be afraid young one you will be safe here with me and my sister as well as those who are with you” *She looked over to Kuzuha inside then saw her sister Akari had joined her at her side as they had arrived*
// Arigato Kaga
// Of course, you are welcome Yukiko-san thanks for the tag here including me and akari into this with you and your family members tagged here. //
**Akari had walked over to her and saw that they had some arrivals and it seemed the young girl seemed scared of something, as she could sense it and walked to her and knelt down giving her a bag of marshmallows and pointed her to the small campfire that was going on to sort of ease the spirits of the children that would come and visit the shrine.** “She is right sweet girl, you are safe here come on, how about some s’mores eh?”
Erin arrived with Yukii and nodded as she listened. She felt as if someone had been watching and following her, but every time she turned around there was no-one there. She watched as she left back to the hospital. “Its Olay!” She waves as she left, before turning to Kaga and Akari and bowing. “Thanks for letting Erin stay.” She smiles softly towards them, even though she didn’t want to admit that she was scared of what was going on. She needed to be strong especially for her mommy.
Miyuki had gotten a message by a pink fox and sprinted down to where her cousin was. Upon seeing her she ran over and grabbed her cousin and pulled her into a tight hug. “Baka! You should have told me as soon as possible. You know I’ll kick butt of those who scare you.” Miyuki said holding on to her cousin. “Please let me be of more use than just running after you.” She said looking at her sternly but at the same time with a worried look.
Erin returned the hug and looked sad for worrying her younger cousin. “Sorry Miyu. I went looking for a book to learn new magic. I want to get stronger to protect others.”
“You should have asked me then, baka! You know I have access to mothers library and she has a lot of those because of grandmother Kaya.” Miyuki said holding on to her cousin
Erin looked down as she was sad she had worried her cousin so much. “I’ve found a really interesting book. The store keeper said it was one of a kind. Apparently it originally belonged to some powerful wizard called um… Lentaro.”
“Okay?” Miyuki said tilting her head to the side. “Do you have the book with you?” She asked looking at her cousin before sighing then patting her cousin on the head. “Be careful with those store keepers… Mother told me they can be tricky and evil, and even give out evil books that will make you turn bad and bad stuff will happen to you.” Miyuki explained looking up at her.
Erin passed the book to her cousin. “I know to be careful cousin. I knew the book was okay cause I could feel mommy’s aura on it. So if mommy has used it, then it’ll be okay for me to use too.”
Miyuki stared at the book before she closed her eyes, she had learned a trick from her mother about quickly reading magical books. A little sign of a cross showed on her hand, glowing bright blue for a moment before it disappeared and Miyuki opened her eyes. “Yes, Aunt Rose did use this book… But you should still be even more careful.” She said looking at her cousin “Did you talk to Aunt about this book? If she remembers anything from it?”
Erin watched and shook her head. “No I didn’t talk to mom about it. I just wanted to try find something on my own.” She looked at the book.
*She had been keeping a close eye on them both and cutting the fruits that Yukiko-san had brought with her for Kuzuha, she decided to make something for the children to eat. Placing the fruits onto a plate she put some chocolate and some marshmallows and offered to make them some lavender tea as she knew it held calming effects and may help them to feel a little ease as she could sense what the young Erin had endured to get to this point and come to be here* “Would you both like to eat something, please have some while i make some tea if you wish.” *She knelt down after setting down the tray beside them and looked to Erin( “I can sense you are seeking answers, gomen if it is not my place to do so but you have a loving family that worry for your safety please do be careful in your endeavors young one. I do hope you find the answers you seek” *With that said she turned and went inside to check on Kuzuha*
Erin looked at miss Kaga and smiled. “Erin… I mean… I haven’t tried tea before miss. I’d love to try some. And yes, I’ll be careful because I don’t want people worrying if something where to happen.” She flicked through pages of the book and stopped on a spell. “I think I recognize this one…” She carefully read the words. “It’s the spell the demon used… Cousin Miyu, should I let mom know we found the book?”
Miyuki watched the lady then slightly bowed in respect towards her. “Yes please. I would love to taste your tea.” She answered before she looked to her cousin, watching through the spells then freezing as she saw the spell the demon had once used. “Haii, Aunt Rose really should know of this. I know it has her presence marked on it, but this might as well be the demons work and not hers.”
*Kaga had come back out from preparing the tea and she had a soft smile as she saw the young girls were growing up so fast and how it must make their mothers so proud of them, but for a moment she began to wonder on her own mother but since she never knew her it was very difficult. Letting it go to the back of her mind she took the tea she made over to them and set down the tray but then nodded to her* “Is there anything else I can get for you both, I would like you to be as comfortable as you can be in your time here. Gomen, it has been a long time since I have had any visitors here that want to try something of mine and it makes me very happy you feel safe here as I will protect those of Kuzuha’s family here as I care for her safety as well.”
Miyuki smiled then slowly shook her head “You have provided us with a soothable drink, and your presence as well is calming to us both.” She slowly grabbed the cup with both her hands, putting it up to her lips just to smell the aroma of the tea. “Mmm” She hummed, enjoying the smell before she took a sip.
“I am glad that you feel calm and safe, it brings me joy to know that. I will be over there if you both need me for anything enjoy the tea and I am happy to hear you like it, lavender is said to calm the soul and it is my favorite kind of tea.” *She smiled to her but then went over to the shrine steps and took a seat as she watched over them from here and something inside her made her happy watching over them and feeling like she had a meaning right here in this moment, a use of sorts and just that she could be of some use to someone made her happy to be alive and she silently thanked Kuzuha for that when she saved her life.*
Erin blinked as her cousin stopped at a page, and she too recognised the spell. “Hai, best let mom know…” She then looked up to miss Kaga and took a cup herself and bowed her head. “Thank you! It smells lovely!” She giggles, as she takes a small sip from it. “Yum! Thank you for letting us be here.” She felt bad that she was being a bother, but was glad that she wasn’t alone.
“You are very welcome princess” *She had not realized that slipped out so naturally to her but she hoped the young girl would not misunderstand her and she smiled as she nodded* Hai you are welcome anytime here, just please do have someone come with you as it would make me sad to hear if anything would happen to any one of you. *She had come to care for some members of lady kuzuha’s family and for a moment it felt that this was her place where she belonged but she could not let that get the best of her so she shook off the idea of it and went back to sweeping the stairs and front of the entrance as the two girls talked among themselves*