The Basics

Display Name

Selen (Arcareafact)



My Information


Name: Selen
Nickname: Sel
Proud Member of the SugarSpirit branch of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: SmileySpriteSugarSpirit
Birthdate: April 23rd
Race: Myumon Lamb
Occupation Vocalist and pianist of the band Arcareafact
Bass name: Smiley Sprite
Bandmates: Orion, Arugon and Titan

Basics: “He’s the son of an out-of-space super major label’s chairman. Because he spent all his time in his parent’s library during his childhood, he gained a deep knowledge of music and loves rumors of minor bands that no one has heard of. Contrary to his boyish appearance, he utters both malicious and mature remarks.”

Enjoys gossip, excitement and sweets.

Alliance: GrandSugarClan