Forum Replies Created

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  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    May 18, 2017 at 11:43 pm in reply to: Rants!

    // No worries, just re-introduce yourself and then rp some in a few of the groups. You’ll be fine 🙂

  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    May 17, 2017 at 4:11 pm in reply to: Rants!

    // Welcome Yukino! Facebook has become a disgustingly hostile territory for pathetic people who insist on reporting others for their own pitiful agendas. This place is safe when it comes to having a profile and no one can delete it. So it’s amazing and one can continue their rps at their leisure. So, we welcome you for coming here and we hope you will enjoy it. It takes a little getting used to but it’s worth while.

  • Hello minna! In case you don’t know me. *bows* I’m Leukocyte King of the GrandSugarClan. I am here to assist you getting past the guardians of the old world and into the promising new world. You can call me Leuko!

  • *Kyo-Ichigo had granted passage to Leuko for entry into the library to see if Rose had found anything useful in her search.* Rose grandniece! What have you found? *he leans over here and looks to see what material she was looking at.* So, Death The Kidd was your adoptive father. *he rubs his chin.* If we could communicate with him, perhaps we can learn more about the lady Damania. *He looked through more books in the shelves.* Maybe she assisted the shinigami world somehow but wasn’t directly linked to it like Death The Kidd. Let’s search in the area which lists those who helped out in Hades.

  • Original name: Leukozethiel
    Earthly Seraphim Leukocyte King
    Gender: Male
    Height: 177 cm (5′ 9½”)
    Weight: 65 kg (143 lb)
    Hair Color: Silver
    Eyes: Blue/turquoise/ light gray
    Race: EarthSeraphim/Anti-Virus/Half-Human
    Personality: Noble, strong, has learned to become playful. Easily tempted by treasures.

    A Seraphim soul of the Phoenixes class, a fiery six-winged celestial being from the heavens,but not of the same type of Apocalyptic Seraphim Helena. Brother of the Earth Seraphims before the war. Leuko had not sided with his brothers and remained in his angelic form. Brother Gintoki Lucifer asked him to be the bodyguard of the amanto apocalyptic seraphim Helena because of her rare breed she is sought after by unruly mercenaries who understand the extent of her powers. But Lucifer Gin was also worried that his infernal brothers would chose Helena as their target because of his love for her.
    Leuko later came to Earth to watch over his fallen brethren so that they would not stray from the better path they have chosen.

  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    April 25, 2017 at 5:54 am in reply to: SMILE EVEN WHEN YOU'RE CONSTIPATED

    *eye twitch* No! I’ll stick to pure water!

  • *He sees that Izumi brought the box back in.* Oh no! We don’t want that, it’s taking up space! Send it back. *starts to push the box back outside again.*

  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    April 20, 2017 at 7:07 pm in reply to: Bakery Butler Room

    *Leuko heads into the dressing room and puts on his butler uniform. He then comes out and bows at the customers entering the bakery.* Welcome to SugarSweet Bakery! What’s your pleasure this day? *Bows*

  • *Looks at Kiyoshi* Don’t worry about that box! There’s nothing we can use in there.

  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    April 18, 2017 at 10:58 pm in reply to: SMILE EVEN WHEN YOU'RE CONSTIPATED

    *He hears what Kondo san said* NANI? Did Gori even hear what he just said about himself?

  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    April 18, 2017 at 10:51 pm in reply to: Kabuki Town

    *Leuko had stopped in at a bar and had a bit too much to drink* hic! Great! Now I have a hangover! How shall I show myself as a noble king under these circum…hic.. circumstances! *he wobbles around the street heading home.*

  • Leukocyte King Sakata (RoyalSugarDemon)

    April 18, 2017 at 10:29 pm in reply to: Temporary Hide Out (RP Meet & Greet)

    *He looks at the box and looks at Kiyoshi and nods. Then Leuko heads over to the box that just landed and pushes Tatsuma’s head back in, pulls out the packing tape and tapes up the box and leaves it outside with a the note. “Return to sender”* Alright! I’ll take some of that pure water you have there nephew Kiyoshi! That strange eerie box was put back outside. Who are we going to sneak past the guardians of the old world today?

  • *Leuko returns home and finds Takeda and Myuu.* Does this mean the zombie threat at the academy has been taken are of? You look relaxed son. *hugs him* I was just out enjoying some time with the new fugitives we brought in. They seem to be hitting the sake bottle too much though.

  • // I remember too!
    *sees the gorilla* I might just ban bananas from this area!!! *puts up a NO BANANAS sign.*

  • *He met them halfway and hurries them along* Make haste! This noble king will hold back some of those guardians! *he took out his sword and once they passed him he stood in front of some of the guardians that were chasing after the fugitives.* These lives shall be free!! Then they can drink pure water all the time!

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