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runs to where the screaming was coming * who’s that screaming and I wonder what happened
jack walks around campus * time to explore iv had a swim now to find out what else the school has to offer
jack gets out the pool grabbing his stuff and dry’s his hair while walking back to his room * at least the school has a decent pool to cool off in
swims a length under the water coming back up for air and starts to do another length
takes his jacket off and neatly folds it next to the towel and looks out and smiles seeing fallen running and dives in the water *
jack leaves his room with a towel and goes to the pool * this is refreshing nice cold water
jack stays in his room looking out the window and sighs *
I got it pixie I wont * jack shrugs heading to his room
No I can tell your being serious pixie dont worry * smiles at pixie* anyway I’m going to my room now
that’s awesome pixie * smiles and pets her gently
don’t think that xeno chan you have a fun like to
awwww fallen your blushing that’s so cute hehe * kisses her cheek and ruffles her hair smiling * so pixie what is it you do
yes she is like the one holding her as well * giggles slightly
no problem fallen * walks up next to her * who’s this in your hand there adorable * pets his bird more
shouts* fallen catch gently throws her snow globe and pets his bird and looks at her