The Basics

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Setsuna SakatachiHijikata *GoldenPearlSugarFiend



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Fullname: Setsuna SakatachiHijikata
Proud Member of the SugarFiend branch within the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: GoldenPearlSugarFiend
Mother: Ginko Bellanieve Sakatachi NoTaisho
Father: Toshizo Hijikata Saotome
Half Older Brother: Roy Mustang Hijikata
Sisters: Towa (twin) and Moroha (younger sister)
Adoptive brother: Shu Kurenai
Race: Human/Demon/Vampire/Hybrid
Birthdate: July 15

Basics: Setsuna was born at Sugarview Medical Center, a few minutes after Towa. She is Towa’s younger twin sister. She has a very stoic personality and seems to acquire fighting and survival skills faster than Towa. She won’t hesitate to take down an enemy and feels entitled because of the family she was born in. She heard so much about her grand-uncle Sesshomaru that she strives to be just like him. She is sometimes annoyed by her sisters Moroha because she constantly interrupts her battles and teases her. Moroha’s silly antics and outgoing personality gets on her nerves. But for the most part she loves her family. Setsuna is close to her family but still slow at showing her emotions and she’s even less receptive to strangers. Setsuna slowly becomes more social and caring but she isn’t quick to admit or show it. She loves to hunt and help out her family in their various businesses. She’s very skilled in battle and takes her studies seriously. She gets to know her brothers slowly since Roy was often in the military and Shu Kurenai had been adopted, so it would take her some time to build a bond with him.

Enhanced senses
Accelerated healing factor
Wind generation & manipulation
Poison claws
Venom resistance
Cold immunity
Via the Yukari no Tachikiri: Demonic energy generation / Infinite cutting/severing

Kanemitsu no Tomoe /Yukari no Tachikiri
Blood Blade
Claws (demon form)

**Hobbies: Playing the violin, enjoying nature.

**AdminNote: Images used:

My IMVU avatar images will be my main ones but also…
Setsuna (Yashahime)
Ookami Mio and Furokami Fubuki (Hololive)
Columbina (Genshin Impact)