The Basics

Display Name

Sgt. ‘ Jaz ‘ Voorhees



My Information





Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming


Jasmine Francesca Voorhees was born October 13th 2530 in New Mombasa. Always getting into fights growing up, at sixteen she joined the New Mombasa Police Department, having lied about her age, in hopes of more excitement and action. Having gotten quickly frustrated and bored with the paperwork and politics she signed up with the UNSC at eighteen and immediately volunteered to be a Hell Jumper.

‘ Jaz ‘ lives and breaths to be a soldier. Not out of loyalty, honour or sense of duty, but purely for the danger and thrills of combat. To her, war is just a fun way to pass the time. No one ever calls her out on her way of thinking because her results speak for themselves. In fact she was only given the rank of sergeant so that she wouldn’t be forced to follow others in the field.

Her personality can be described quite simply as stubborn in how carefree she is. Nothing matters to her in the slightest, including herself. She figures that she’ll either live or die, doesn’t bother with personal possessions, her family are a thing of the past and pain is just a nuisance. This liberated mindset makes her the ideal ODST. Point her at the target and shoot. Odds aren’t important, danger doesn’t matter and she’ll never complain about anything.

It’s rare to see her out of armour or even a battle. The closest you’ll get is between deployments where she has on the standard ODST t-shirt torn at the bottom with the material making an armband on her left bicep to help soften recoil. Everything below the waist is always covered in full gear so she can save time getting ready and drop before everyone else. Her hair is jet black and cut at jagged angles as whenever it gets long enough to be annoying she hacks it away with a knife. A birth defect gave her dark blue eyes with very narrow pupils resulting in a permanent death stare.

’ Jaz ‘ was considered for the Spartan program however her constant aggression put an end to that. Clearing a building? She’ll break through every door. Trying to avoid conflict? She’ll always sprint right into it. Ammo conservation? What’s that? The final nail in the coffin of the Spartan life was when she found out she would be safer with shields and armour. Her response was unequivocal. ‘ Fuck that! ‘ She went on to remark ‘ what’s the point of fighting with no risk? ‘

Sergeant Voorhees uses just the standard ODST gear because ‘ why bother with anything else? ‘ The only none standard piece of equipment she has and also her only personal possession is a machete like knife that is stored on her back. She takes this everywhere as it’s ‘ more fun up close ‘ but she will happily use the standard issue UNSC assault rifle since she can fire it while running and the noise tends to attract attention.

‘ Jaz ‘ arrived in Skyrie after falling through a slipspace rupture created by a Covenant carrier in atmosphere over New Mombasa. She was deployed along with many other ODST from the UNSC frigate Hand of God with the objective of taking over the vessel.