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  • *Rei tried to break free from the grip of the others. He became more desperate when he saw the creatures. He closed his eyes as she tried not to look. He felt now with these to strangers on him that he would die. But he noted one guy kept calling him Rei.* Could that be my name? *he thought and then felt himself pulled up froom the ground and being told to run. He ran for his life and the two men ran besides him. He wondered if maybe they did know him. Could they shed light on who he really was. And why were they running when the creatures seemed to ahve stopped chasing them?.*

  • // Gotta click on the topic to see the edited version! Got it! Uuff the subbranches are alot!

  • *Rei stopped for a moment. Looked back and only saw the blonde guy. He didn’t see the long haired purple guy. But then all of a sudden the blonde began to chase him again. Rei felt he would have to protect himself against this attacker. He wondered if the other one had been killed by the creatures of the dimension. He was so in tune to them, he could hear them fighting each other, he assumed they were fighting over prey. He had no intention of becoming their victim. The passage forward seem cleared and he began to run when he felt someone jump upon him an tackle him. His eyes opened wide. Had a creature finally got a hold of him? He fumbled to get his dagger out of his pocked but this was no creature. This was a man. The one he thought had fallen victim to the creatures had a secure grip on him.* Let go of me!! Who are you?

  • *Rei had ventured into the labyrinth by chance. He had lost his memories as he stepped in. The idea of not knowing who he was, the movement of the labyrinth that attempted to end his life, having to find food, water and shelter in such a hostile place and defending himself against strange creature attacks drove him over the edge. Seeing others made him think he was in danger or being hunted down. He would panic and run as he wasn’t sure what these others wanted with him. He felt more frightened when these strangers chased him and so he would run through the maze to get away from them but noticed they were still following him.*

  • Hello and welcome to the SugarSweet Bakery’s Butler/Host Room ladies! I’m Rei and these are Leuko, Sebastian and some red haired lunatic. *he said playfully* Please come sit with us and enjoy the sweet delights of this bakery!

  • Happy Mother’s Day!! *Brings out ice cream and waffles for everyone.* Hey since you’re here minna! Enjoy! There are all on the house! Also, we have juice pitchers on the counter and we can always make milkshakes and smoothies! Oh and auntie Red! Happy Birthday to you as well! @winter-rose-24

  • *Welcoming those looking for the restaurant.* Hai! Just up the stairs or take the elevator!

  • Felicidades!! Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mothers (rl & rp)!

    Happy Mother’s Day lovely lady Helena 😉

  • *makes sure to put out the dishes he’s finished working on.*  Enjoy these Mother’s Day delights!

  • *Rei received orders from young Yukiko and he aimed to please everyone’s pallets with his master chef cooking.* Well then, let’s spice things up for all the  mama’s. hehe

  • Erin chan! You don’t need to worry we’ve got this but if you wish to help, you can help out with the set up. Make sure there are plates and cups on the tables. At least for now.  *he puts out another plate of deliciousness* Voila! Ravioli!

  • Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat +UndeadSugarDemon+

    May 11, 2018 at 7:20 am in reply to: Kitchen

    Never fear! Reijiro is here! I’ll do my part to help Rintoki. I’ll be between here and the nightclub. 😉 We’ll make great delights for our family as Helena has done for us over the years.

  • @ladydevaotose


    *As Rei reflected on his past a vision crossed his mind. He sensed Tatsugoro and remembered a time, perhaps a past life, in which he had hung out and been close with Lady Otose and Tatsugoro. He would smile and hold the memory fondly in his mind.* I guess it’s time. *he thought to himself.*

  • *Inspired by some of Noloty’s chocolate sweets, Rei thought up an interesting mix of his own which he then shared the ingredients with her. As soon as they were ready he brought them out to the counter. Plate after plate for those who had waited long for the chocolate curry buns.* The chocolate curry buns are ready! Come and get em!

  • *Rei was prepared to cook some simple grab and go foods for a huge crowd but had no idea the crowd would be so boisterous.* Hmm, the crowd waiting for New Years and into New Years will be filled with energy and they will be somewhat tipsy or perhaps even drunk. I’ll make something to keep them from falling on their faces. Something a little spicy, a little sweet and really filling in a small delightful package. *He decides to make inarizushi and gyoza. He could hear the loud and wild music coming from downstairs and used that same energy for his cooking.*

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