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  • sj3000

    February 27, 2014 at 9:42 pm in reply to: The Roleplay

    Glancing at his damaged work, Leon scratched the back of his head, and then spoke up, “Oh, right, here’s your pen back, by the way. Most of my works are like this-well, without the tear, of course. I’ve never really practiced with drawing people, and in art class, they never really had anything focusing toward things like that.” Just as he finished his sentence, a fairly large figure with black fur approached from the direction of the Alpha lounge; he had clothes and a jacket not too different from Leon’s, and a reasonably built frame. He seemed giant compared to Leon, but then again, most people did. Patting Leon on the shoulder, he commented, “Well, well, well. You’re finally hanging out with a lady of your own. I’m proud of you, big bro.”
    Leon responded, seeming to shrink even more due to embarrassment, “Uhh, yeah, Damian, but it’s not like that.”
    “Well hey, I didn’t say it was, you’re the one who brought it up,” Damian replied with a smirk on his face.
    This really hit Leon, and he seemed unable to respond, his calm exterior all but broken, simply by the presence of his brother.
    “Hey, scoot over so I can join in on the conversation,” Damian stated. His attitude seemed innocent enough, with just a bit of arrogance on his own part, but it was obvious that he seemed to even look up to his older brother.

  • sj3000

    February 20, 2014 at 8:35 pm in reply to: The Roleplay

    “Alright then, Rylie,” Leon confirmed, as he began to seemingly scribble on the napkin, slowly at first, but beginning to form various shapes as he went along, layered behind each other in no particular order. The entire drawing began to take an abstract appearance, as if he had been drawing like this all his life. Slowly, he turned some of the shapes into recognizable objects, like playing cards, a palm tree, and various other things, and filled in others with different types of lines, as if to simply fill the space. To him, it was just like finishing an art assignment, not drawing on some random napkin. Everything seemed to blur around him, noises and sights alike, all except for the drawing. Just as he was filling in the last shape, the wear on the napkin began to show, and the pen tore through it, bringing him out of his trance. “Oh, shoot. I was just about done, too.”

  • sj3000

    February 19, 2014 at 8:14 pm in reply to: The Roleplay

    “It wasn’t all bad, I have to admit,” Leon smirked, “and I do like to draw occasionally, it never stopped with art class, just died down a bit.” He took the pen and almost brought it down on the napkin to draw, but paused, tapping the blunt end of it on the table lightly as he asked, “Is there anything in particular I should draw on here?” a slight hint of a smirk still on his face.

  • sj3000

    February 18, 2014 at 8:21 pm in reply to: The Roleplay

    Breaking the momentary silence, Leon asked, “Well, are you happy with your job? I suppose there’s more to it than that, but really, if you’re happy with your job, then it should be fine.” Leon went on, “To be honest, art class wasn’t really that great; they had to keep up with all these regulations that were being put up to make it meet education standards, like writing sentences about the nature of your art, and including all these studies into the elements of art, and understanding how an art piece can feel realistic without being so.” Leon sat up in his seat once again, continuing, “Not to mention, it had the lowest budget out of everything, and so that limited the number of projects we got to work on, and the materials we got to use. The teacher was constantly complaining about how little we had.” Leon sighed.

  • sj3000

    February 18, 2014 at 5:01 pm in reply to: The Roleplay

    After taking a sip of his drink and commenting on the taste, Leon mentioned, “Well, I used to be really into art, and I had a few decent projects from my classes that I would just sort of keep around. I never really reached my potential with it, I think, and I just started drawing less and less. It was around that time that I got really into computers, and it seemed to my family that I would always be on my laptop after school.”
    Leon put his elbow down on the table, supporting his head with his hand under his chin, before continuing, “I was sort of an underachiever, but I knew enough to get decent grades without pushing myself. At the same time, I never really did anything extra with school; I didn’t play sports like my family wanted me to, I wasn’t in the band, or anything like that. I think I was nominated to be among the honor students once, but I didn’t take the position. I never felt the need to prove myself, and my family just sort of blamed that on my being an Omega. After a while, my family accepted that; they were okay with my choice in hobby, and all that gentle nudging just changed to my brother, Damian, the junior athlete.”

  • sj3000

    February 18, 2014 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Character Information

    (Sorry, thought I had put this information in here already.)

    Name: Leon
    Age: 28
    Caste: Omega (male)
    Occupation: Store Cashier

    Appearance: Dark brown hair with some mess to it, as if he never really bothered to straighten it, just flatten it on his head. His unusually piercing green eyes have the signs of dark bags under them, as if he didn’t really sleep as much as he usually seems to. Rarely seen without his thin grey jacket, with sleeves that can easily go over his arms completely if he lets them. Often looks bored and dissatisfied, but not to an extreme extent. Also often wears black pants and shoes, and some random shirt underneath his jacket. About 5”2, many people seem to tower over him, not that he gives any complaint about it.

    Personality: Often very passive and uncaring, but will show a kinder side to those who treat him well enough. Seems to sleep constantly, and it’s not uncommon to find him fallen asleep in a chair in a public place. Never really has any belongings on him other than his clothes, which has discouraged people from stealing from him when he’s asleep. He does have great passion and intelligence, but always seems to hide it under his neutral exterior. Seems to almost know everyone, to the extent where they will great him in the street, but when asked, he’ll say he doesn’t know those people. Not very ambitious, and will even sometimes put himself down when in an argument, just to lose and be done with it.

  • sj3000

    February 17, 2014 at 8:36 pm in reply to: The Roleplay

    “Well, let’s see…I come from a family of Alphas, for the most part, but I ended up being an Omega. Only one in my family, in fact,” Leon explained. “I don’t really see a problem with it, I never really had a problem with much, unless someone gave me one. I’m the oldest of two kids, the other being an Alpha himself. He sort of talked me into going here today, but once again, I’m waiting on him.” He yawned, covering his mouth with a hand before continuing, “I got bullied a bit as a kid, but others started to see that I was the one usually answering the questions in class, so they started leaving me alone, and even respecting me a bit. Even when I went though…those changes…it never really bothered me. I mean, yeah, I was getting harassed a bit, but it didn’t take too much effort to ignore. Especially since I even slept in class sometimes.” He scratched the back of his head and grinned, realizing that he was probably babbling on, “Sorry, I might’ve gotten ahead of myself with the explanation. I do that sometimes. Anyway, to make a long story short, I graduated school near the top percentage, and now have a minimum wage job to hold me over until nature deems I have someone to pay the bills for me.”

  • sj3000

    February 16, 2014 at 6:14 am in reply to: The Roleplay

    “Oh, I don’t mind at all. Name’s Leon. I don’t really drink that often, so I guess I’ll let you choose for me.” He slumped a bit in his seat now, seeing as how it wasn’t really required, now that he knew more about Rylie’s situation. “Seems appropriate, since you’re getting it for me. I mean, I don’t want to impose or anything,” he shrugged.

  • sj3000

    February 16, 2014 at 3:46 am in reply to: The Roleplay

    Looking up from the surface of the table in front of him, he smiled simply at the woman before him and replied, “Sure, that’d be great.” He stopped twiddling his thumbs and sat up in his seat as to not offend the woman in front of him. “So, what’s the name of the woman I should thank for this drink?” he asked, a slight slack in his voice. The woman in front of him looked kind, but stern. What could draw her over to him was unknown to him in the least. It is a pleasant change of pace though, he thought, now I’ll have someone to talk to and pass the time, in that case.

  • sj3000

    February 14, 2014 at 11:27 pm in reply to: The Roleplay

    Drumming his fingers on the table at his booth, Leon began to grow impatient from waiting on his brother’s less-than-decent activity in the back of the building to come to an end. Of course, it was today of all days that he convinced Leon to go with him to the Club. He’d been here several times, but it was more or less because his brother bought him a membership and he didn’t want it to go to complete waste. No one would see the sense in passing on that; it’s an excuse to leave the house, besides work, at the very least. The place is nice enough, with reasonable amounts of decoration, not too lavish, and not too simple. Of course, though, Damian is another story altogether. He always gets carried away on his visits here, you’d think it’s a brothel, not a country club. Why he insists on bringing him, his brother, completely escapes him. A notification sound, not too loud, sounds from the phone in his jacket pocket. He absentmindedly retrieves it, presses a few buttons, and it’s back in his pocket as quickly as he got it out. ”Maybe I could take a nap,” he thought aloud. Sleeping in situations like this wasn’t very uncommon for him, but as he looked around, the place started to get more and more rowdy. Okay, sleeping might be out of the option. Damn. If only Damian would hurry up with that woman, then we could get out of here. Oh, well, maybe I’ll have a few drinks and some guy will have his way with me. He snickered at the absurdity of the thought. He may be an Omega, but he’s sure he can avoid trouble.