The Basics

Display Name

Feliciano ItalianSweetheart Vargas



My Information





Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying


” Ciao! My name’s Feliciano~ Or you can call me Italia! I don’t mind either.”

Feliciano Vargas, personification of Northern Italy.

✵ Personality ✵

Feliciano is a fun loving Italian man, always finding the best in everyone he meets. Feliciano is very easily startled and is afraid of most bigger Nations, he will avoid talking to them for the most part. If he realizes that they pose no threat, he will easily warm up to them. He prefers to have no enemies, he’s a complete lover. Fighting is defiantly not for him.
He loves both women and men. He is a lot more flirtatious around women than men, while being slightly shy around men. Feliciano also has poor sense of personal space, and others may need to tell him to back off if he’s invading their space too much.
When it comes to smut, he can pay both a submissive and a dominant role. I’m not going to jump right into any sexual RPs unless we’ve actually RPed a bit before, and there’s an actual legitimate plot to it. I will not do plotless, random, smut. Please don’t even ask for it. As for pairings, I’m most likely only going to pair him with a Germany, mainly because most other pairings don’t interest me much. That being said, I will still AU most pairings if you ask me for them. Or if our characters develop an actual bond. Feliciano is hard to get, romantically. He’s more prone to just develop strong friendships with others.

✵ Appearance ✵

Feliciano is a shorter nation. His hair is a shade of light brown, with a curl on the side of his head, his eyes are brown as well. He is usually found wearing his blue uniform, and sometimes a sailor-type outfit.

✵ Relationships ✵
[ Will add more once I RP with more characters. ]

Germany: Feliciano really loves the German. He tries his best not to upset Ludwig, even though most times he ends up making him angry anyway. He often seeks out Ludwig for protection and comfort.

Romano (South Italy): His older brother, he loves him very much (but only as a brother). He used to get really upset when he picked on him, but after time he’s accepted it because that’s just how his brother is. But due to this treatment, he won’t usually seek out his brother’s company.

Russia: Feliciano is pretty uneasy about the bigger nation. Russia is another person he will not normally seek out for company. Although he knows Ivan isn’t all bad, he’s still scared of him.

✵ Headcanons ✵

Feliciano loves it when others cook for him. Even though he is passionate about making food, it’s a nice change of pace to be cooked for.

Feliciano loves to paint and create art. Often times his hands and arms are stained with dried paint. He is extremely talented, and loves to paint things for his friends.

Feliciano can’t handle beer very well, and gets drunk extremely easily. His preferred drink would be red wine. He hardly ever drinks beer at all, because he dislikes the taste. He will not touch vodka.

He has a deep love for music. His favourite is Dean Martin~. He loves Swing music and ragtime a lot. He cannot play any instruments, unfortunately.

✵ RP Info ✵

I enjoy lit and script both. I’m not good at multi-paragraph lit, and probably won’t be doing any.


Historical/ Nazi
Itacest [ I like them loving each other as brothers only, sorry. ]
Gore [ as much as I like it ask me /first./ ]

My OTP is GerIta!

Anything else, ask.