Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
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Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberJune 21, 2020 at 5:35 pm in reply to: Father’s Day (Month) Annual Celebration!* The great great great grandsons of Inuyassha sit in the yard of the bakery after having gotten some cakes and pastries for their father Xerxes and a few of the other father’s in their clan/family.* Hey brother Arios, should we really get old geezer great great great grandpa Inu cake. I say we buy it and eat it for ourselves. Look at that, cake looks like a huge mug of birru. *chuckles*
Happy Father’s Day Xerxes dad!
@hellhoundinuyassha @holybeast @xerxes -
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberJune 21, 2020 at 4:42 pm in reply to: Father’s Day (Month) Annual Celebration!Happy Father’s Day!
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberMay 8, 2020 at 5:41 am in reply to: Silver Soul Airlines at Edo International Terminal*Time to fly one of the planes of Silver Soul Airlines.*
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberDecember 23, 2019 at 3:40 pm in reply to: Winter Party!! Happy Birthday to those born in December!Happy Birthday!
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberDecember 23, 2019 at 3:37 pm in reply to: Merry Christmas and Happy Winter Solstice (2019)Happy Holidays and Have a Happy New Year 😉
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberOctober 8, 2019 at 6:51 am in reply to: Fall of the House of Sugar…*He looks at Tanya and feels himself nudged to head to the fall out shelter with everyone else.*
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberSeptember 5, 2019 at 5:52 am in reply to: Fall of the House of Sugar…*He listened to Yomi and Arios talk and it depressed him a bit. As he helped out with preparations. He would pat them both on the back.* Come on now! Let’s not talk like that. It’s sad to think we’ll leave here and never come back. I think this is just a precaution. Let’s not jump to conclusions. Besides, our clan is strong!
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberJune 15, 2019 at 10:17 pm in reply to: Large Family Non-Formal Dining AreaWelcome home great great grandmommy Helena and great great granddaddy Gin! *he hugs them both lovingly and then takes out a gifts hands it to Gin.* Happy Daddy’s Day great great granddaddy!
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberJune 15, 2019 at 10:15 pm in reply to: Father’s Day!!…. annual celebration*comes out with a piece of cake and several pastries, he runs over towards his father.* Happy Father’s Day daddy Xerxes!! @xerxes
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberDecember 25, 2018 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Kitsune Shrine// new rp//
*Heading back to the shrine to give thanks for all that he has.*
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberOctober 24, 2018 at 12:57 am in reply to: Funlandia Haunted Mansion//using one of my IMVU photos. Please don’t copy it. Go get your own.//
*Enters Funlandia’s Haunted Mansion to experience all it has to offer.* Come on great great granddaddy Gin! It’s not as bad as you imagine! *he grins mischievously.*
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberOctober 3, 2018 at 10:31 pm in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway*Kogi went to the temple to honor the gods and goddesses. He would kneel and show them reverence as he also asked them to bless and watch over his beloved family and clan.*
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberJune 17, 2018 at 5:21 pm in reply to: Father’s Day Celebration 2018*Runs around hugging and greeting family and then heads back to his table with Xerxes.*
Kogi Sakata (KogitsunemaruSugarDemon)
MemberJune 17, 2018 at 5:11 pm in reply to: Father’s Day Celebration 2018HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!!! to all dads!
And Happy Father’s Day to daddy Xerxes!! *he gives him a hug and a giftbox.*
@xerxes -
*he stops at the temple for a moment and thinks of his ancestors, those women who were mothers and guardians of the grandsugarclan that had now passed away. he quietly thought of them for a while. meditating on how lucky he was to have been able to meet them and then once he was done, he helped clean up the temple and he was off to explore the world he loved.*