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Summa (Summäneus Ryomou-OkumuraSakata) : NyctophiliacGalactoseBestiariasz



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FullName: Summäneus Ryomou-OkumuraSakata
nickname: Summa
Birthdate: Dec. 22
Proud members of both SatoDemone and SugarBeast Branches of the GrandSugarClan
Clan names: Kurai Raien SugarBeast / NighttimeFlameTwinSugarBeast /

Mother: Shimei Ryomou (deceased)
Father: NightSyn OkumuraSakata
StepMother: Harumiya Xenovia Aoiyoru
TwinBrother: Nocturnus
Half-brothers: NoshtStaz, NaktisTeowulf, NachtLicht and NoctyxValt
Grandparents: Helena and Gintoki Lucifer (SugarDemon)
Race: Human/Demon/Seraph/Hybrid

2nd of the NighttimeFlameTwins.
Summa’s personality: Gentle, selfless, open-hearted and enthusiastic. Summa normally prefers his hair short but sometimes let’s it grow. His hair seems dark black but in more lighted conditions his hair looks as blue as his mother Shimei’s was. Summa’s eyes are similar to his great grandmother Helena, they will normally be a candy red but he seems to have inherited some of her seraphic eye qualities and essence. Summa also tends to look like a gentle delinquent but he is more of a genius-type that can do just about anything. His behavior is generally good but he does get fired up when he’s with his brothers and cousins.

Loves/ Hobbies: board games and card games, music, anime and manga, all types of movies, cars, spending time with family is his favorite thing. He loves pasta, pizza and sweet pastries.

Talent/Skills: Lightning Strike and can nullify an opponent’s attack.

Occupation: student at True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flame,
Part-time workers at oddjobs within their clan’s businesses.

**Images Used**
I mainly IMVU avatar images.
Also and not limited to: Yamada Saburo of BusterBros!!!, Ezekiel of King’s Raid, Cyd of the Swords of Light, etc.