Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata
The Basics
Display Name | Helena SweetSeraphimDeaSugarDemon Okumura-Sakata |
Username | sweetsugardemon |
My Information
Gender | Female |
Country | Japan |
Location | Skyrie Universe / Sugarland Empire |
Interested In | New Friends, Roleplaying |
Biography | Hello minna! My name is Helena. BirthDate: January 29th (Aquarius) Helena’s family tree: additional natural parent: Yusaku Kosaku Godai adoptive parents: Ranma Shukumaru Saotome and Akane Tendo-Saotome husband: Gintoki Lucifer Sakata natural children: Leonardo, Nightsyn, Rintoki,Yukio Ginpachi, Tetsuya Bezaliel, Kaname Rinatoki, Yukiko Ayame, Teletha “Tessa” Ginger, and Momo Ginatoki Helena has many adopted children: many beautiful and diverse children some are from the SugarDemon and SugarFang branch of the family Other Family: Almost everyone in the grand GrandSugarClan. (Either by blood or by strong bonds). Orientation: She is good. Pure at heart and certainly sweet. Even as destroyer of worlds she is good, only that when she in that mode, she believes she’s destroying as a form of extreme justice. Species: Original Alien Seraphim of the race before the time of the Elders and Ancient Ones. Appearance: She has fair to beige skin. Her hair color ranges from different tones of blue and purple to a very dark black. Sometimes streaks of white/silver will appear in her hair. Her eye colors constantly change. Sometimes she will have two completely different colors at once and sometimes they will stay a heavenly blue color for a while. Personality: Sweet soul, kind, caring, nurturing, loving. Other: When in Alien Seraphim mode, she is a dangerous to all and also to herself. Powers: Celestial Healing/Creator / Dimensional Teleportation/ Destructive Countenance / Wing Manifestation & Pyrokinetic Wing Manifestation ( two to nine wings in Seraphic mode) / Enochian Magick / Cosmic Awareness / Energy Manipulation (Absorption, Distribution and Barriers) / Manipulation of the Elements (Including Holy Fire, Sacred Light and Divine Energy) / Purification / Empathy & Musical Empathy (She’s still trying to find out if she’s immortal or semi-immortal and learning of new powers.) Short BackStory: Helena is a sweet hybrid alienseraphim/human learning more about herself as she goes through her daily life. Helena’s tragedy is that, although she’s normally a sweet soul, she needs to control her true nature. Born of an alien race created specifically as a weapon to destroy planets, she is capable of wiping out an entire races and planets, she was the only one of her kind to survive when her race was executed by mercenaries that sought to gain their powers. She was the only one with pure blood from the king of her long gone planet and the blood of her human mother which made her unique, extremely powerful and deadly in seraphim form. This make her the target of vicious mercenaries and other malevolent entities who wish to exploit her and her abilities..
// admin: Note to all my beloved rp friends. I prefer to rp in groups. Please refrain from sending me messages (unless you ask me). No chats please.
+++Helena’s main character images+++ |