• *Helena had taken Noelle and Yuno back to Satou Arcanum* I hope this place didn’t frighten you last time. *She bows to them* Gomen, I didn’t mean to put you in danger. And still, I’m impressed by your abilities. I don’t want to worry my family but as I left, the night of the incident with the strange clover doorway. I noted there were more similar gates. But before I can put you at risk here. I wish for you to do research at my son Yukio’s True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flames, there is a library with texts on some of the ancient gates I may have touched unknowingly. And I will gather information on my own before we tackle the other gates. They are dangerous to me because they have a very strong lure. Almost as if they wish to absorb me. And if they are from your dimension, perhaps we can tackle them together. Are you up to the task? *she smiles at them*. If you are not, I wouldn’t blame you a bit. And you’re friend Asta is welcomed on this expedition.

      • *He had gotten over to where she stood and gave a bow to her in return listening to her words his eyes went wide but then he knelt down and put his hand to his chest and lowered his head towards her as he saw Noelle do the same beside him* “Of course we are up for this, we will lend our strength to you Lady Helena you need only say the word!” *He saw Asta had come over to join them and he knew that he would be able to see how much stronger his rival had gotten*

        • **Noelle had went down also on one knee putting her hand to her chest and she too had said she would more than welcomely put herself in to protect her from these dimensions and even if they knew this one was from their clover kingdom and she began to wonder just what or who could be behind it.** “Yes I am up to it, as he said you need only inform us and we will be here to aid you. We are magic knights it is our duty and you gave us a place to stay here so we will aid you no matter what!”

          • “Oh yeah! You know it I am so up for this, i will aid you in this expedition Lady Helena, you welcomed me warmly and invited me as a friend. On my own honor as a magic knight I will aid you in whatever you need just say the word and I am there” -Asta had been pumped since he joined his two comrade knights and knelt towards her as he too felt the need to protect her but he did not understand why he felt as such but he did not question it as he knew he did not need to. His pendant faintly glowed as it resonated with Yuno’s and he nodded towards him-

            • *She was pleased with their response and had them stand as she gave them each a warm hug* Arigato! You don’t need to kneel before me! We’ll gather here soon enough. *She gives them a map to to Yukio’s True Crossover Academy and sends them on their way.
              //note: I know you’ve gone to library 🙂 //