• *Although the family loved wild parties and gatherings, it was also true that they where mostly hard-working, with the exception of some lazy family members which they didn’t mind as long as things got done, the family would be very business oriented and industrious. Helena was showing interns around the office on the first two floors where they would begin their first weeks at the job. Depending on how they did their they would be transferred over to higher floors on the building to more dedicated work.* Hello minna! My name is Helena! Please follow me! Those of you who have done office work before will help me with some projects in this office. *She would point to the office, there was already work for them inside and other staff ready to explain.* But first we’ll take a tour of the first two floors so you know where everything is. And then those who hasn’t worked in the office will be heading into another room for a bit of a course on office systems and procedures. But all this will take place after a brief orientation and meeting so that we can get to know your names and goals. Let’s first head into the main conference room on the first floor. *She would lead them there so that she could get to know them and so they could get to know each other, she would carefully split them into teams and then they would go for the office tour.*

      Lilith SultrySuccubusSugarfiend Ravendawn vonPhelesSakata, Rey (Brandon Reijiro) Sakatashi Heat +UndeadSugarDemon+ and 12 others
      • *Hundreko walk around along with the large group of interns in case someone falls behind or if anyone gets out of line, she will set them on the right path. She would help out with the interns part time and then head back to school to take her current courses. She knew some of the interns from school and welcomed them herself.* Hi minna! Welcome! You’re in good hands with my grandmommy Helena!

        • *Enny was in the room where those with some experience would be working. When the door opened he greeted them and waited until they finished their tour in order to start to do the project with them. Sometimes the PR department would ask for presentations to be sent to various organizations so this was the interns first task, putting it all together and helping to distribute the materials.*