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Tama Esmeralda Hayashi-Sakata (AndroidMaidSugarDemon)



My Information






Skyrie Universe / Sugarland Empire

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FullName: Name: Tama Gura Esmeralda Hayashi-Sakata
Nicknames: Fuyou No. 0 / Tama
Member of the SugarDemon family and the Demantoid AndroidAngel Blood Unit of the GrandSugarClan
ClanName: AndroidMaidSugarDemon

Bday Feb 23  / Zodiac : Pisces
Height 166 cm (5′ 5½”) / Weight 121 kg (266 lbs)
Eye color: Dark Red / Hair color: Green

Created by Professor Hayashi
Married to Leukocyte King Sakata @seraphimleuko
Children (adopted): Takeda, Yumiko, Yamazaki, Sanae, Vali, Tamaki, and Minami
Sons-laws: Saitama and Sahad
My grandchildren: Peipain, Nico, Shigeo, Ritsu, Ricotta and Barbatos

Works at Otose’s Snack House and several other odd jobs with the family.

Quote: If I survive but couldn’t protect what was important to me, then I might as well be dead. -Tama

Backstory (from Gintama Series):  Tama is an android that was found by Gintoki. At the time she was only a disembodied head. She was given her name by Kagura, who was obsessed with eating egg on rice at the time. She is an android maid currently working at Otose’s Snack House. When she isn’t cleaning or serving Otose’s customers, she often visits the Yorozuya Gin-Chan to collect rent.

Tama was originally an android created by Professor Hayashi to provide his sickly daughter with a companion. But when the professor tried to implant the personality of his daughter into Tama, the experiment killed his daughter in the process. Tama however, possesses the element known as the “Seed”, allowing her to retain some of Fuyou’s personality and making her capable of human emotions.

Even though Tama is an android, she is capable of human emotions. Her interactions with living human beings, however, often seem to be severely limited by her lack of knowledge of the outside world.