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As Jason walked toward the steely doors he- Okay, stop. Reality check. I am walking into THE MOST HOSTILE PLACE FOR A POKEMON. Why? FOR KICKS. We good? Good. Let’s go into stealth mode….- As Jason STEALTHILY zipped through the doors, he quickly and quietly followed the people around as they talked, he listened. “People almost never look up unprovoked.” He thinks to himself.
Peering over in the direction of the 2 humans talking in front of the HQ, Jason has the sudden and ludicrous idea of talking to them. “Eh. Why not?” he mutters and shrugs.
Walking over behind the woman, he grins wildly and taps her on the shoulder.
I’ll let Narrator take over for now.
As Jason walked cautiously through what he knew would probably be hostile, yet thrilling, territory. Sneaking along as quietly as possible, he zips over to a good ol’ bush and listens for news.
“Have to get reliable news from one place and one place only, and it just so happens to be here.” Jason mutters to himself.Minutes later, after seeing one of the more complex conversations anyone can have, Jason decides to sneak into the building. “Might as well. I mean, it’s not like I have anything to lose.” Muttering again, Jason risks being heard….
Seeing the area swarmed with people and Pokémon alike, Jason decides to- OH not again- What do you- sigh. I hide and observe the scene , waiting.
Don’t even get me started. Don’t let that narrator guy start talking. EVER. He will make you analyze EVERYTHING you see.
Peace Keepers HQ —> Neutral Ground
Seeing no threat other than a strange Beedrill, Jason decides to sneak way from the building, planning to check it out later. Later, on the path to familiar fields, he sees a small batch of Pokémon, but ignores them after ruling them out as a- Whoa there, Narrator. Waaay too analytical for me- What are- Stop right there. Stop doing tha- Shut. UP. I went to the field already. Let me stand there in peace.
Sneaking eeever so quietly across the field behind Peace Keeper HQ, Jason, A human-ish Quilava chuckled inwardly at the idea of choosing an actual “side” in the big sha-bang. ‘I mean, why would I want to get involved in this at all?’ he thinks to himself. Carelessly, he steps directly on a brittle twig (‘Irony!!!!’) and darts to the wall of the building, scaling it enough to be hidden from most eyes below. ‘Great, now I’ve alerted ’em.’ Jason thinks.
Character time.
Name: Calls himself Jason.
Age: 13 years
Gender: Male
Original Species: Quilava
Affiliation: Wild Pokémon
Side on War: None. Neutral.
Alignment: Himself and any of his friends.
Jason has a very easygoing and bright personality, with a wit to be reckoned with. Slightly crazy.
Being on his now 2 legs with an almost human stature, Jason wears a bandana around his neck and that’s about it. He has to continually remind people he is a Pokémon, not a human.
History: He keeps this to himself. No peeking.
Updates: I’m adding updates for my character bio as we go along. Just saying.
-Infiltrated True Heirs HQ
-Captured at True Heirs HQ