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Seeing Nagisa in more of a positive mood, Koharu decided to act the same so he would stay that way for the train ride, at least. “That’s too bad you can’t take the train alone! Hey, if you ever want to go on it just call me or something, I would love to ride it with you!”
Koharu turns to Nagisa as he puts Fang’s phone back in his pocket. “Uh, Fang put his phone in my pocket and his Aunt called, I told her that he was at the hospital.” Koharu’s face reads in a concerned expression. “I never knew this day would be this crazy,” he laughs under his breath.
Koharu quickly looks behind him and then at Nagisa. “It’s the North-East Hospital, the one really close to the train station.” He rubs his forehead, “I assure you, he’ll be okay. He was asleep when we left.” Koharu smiles, even though Fang’s aunt wasn’t able to see it. -
As Koharu was about to respond to Nagisa, he hears his phone ring. He takes his phone out of his pocket and takes a look at the number, it being unfamiliar to him. He answers the phone. “Um…Hello? This is Koharu…” he says with immense confusion.
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
This reply was modified 8 years ago by
Koharu pats Nagisa on the shoulder, “Dude, you should complain about that teacher? Why is she forcing you to do things anyway? If I was in that situation I would go and tell, if you want change so much, do it yourself or you won’t be able to get anywhere. You feel me?” he gives Nagisa a genuine smile that shows his teeth.
Koharu raises his eyebrows. “Not such a great conductor if you ask me. Are you at least good at playing cello and flute?” he asks gingerly, tilting his head to the side a bit. “I heard cello is quite a hard instrument to play, same as flute. I don’t think I could ever play them. I tend to take the easier instruments.” Koharu lets out a chuckle.
Koharu laughs again. “I’m glad that I was able to understand. It’s an interesting way of showing directions, but if you really think about it, it’s exactly like a map. I like that a lot, Nagisa!” Koharu slows down his pace a bit. They get to the first floor of the hospital. Koharu walks up to the front desk and quickly gives the secretary his information. The secretary seemed a little too excited after getting his information, which had included his number.
Koharu walks back to Nagisa, smiling. “Alright, let’s get to the train station.”
Koharu snickers at Nagisa’s way of directions. “Good thing I know how to read music or else I wouldn’t know what the hell you were talking about. We’re going to take the train to get to the shop, okay?” Koharu walks to the door, still chuckling.
Koharu stands, looking at Fang and smiling softly. “We should get going. I’ll give the secretary my information so the hospital can call me back for news on Fang.” he turns his attention back to Nagisa. “Do you by any chance know any relatives of his so I can contact them and tell them what happened?” Koharu cocks his head to the side.